200 lines
7.8 KiB
200 lines
7.8 KiB
![]() |
import re
from common.models import SourceSiteEnum
from movies.models import Movie, MovieGenreEnum
from movies.forms import MovieForm
from books.models import Book
from books.forms import BookForm
from music.models import Album, Song
from music.forms import AlbumForm, SongForm
from games.models import Game
from games.forms import GameForm
from common.scraper import *
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
def find_entity(source_url):
for bangumi
# to be added when new scrape method is implemented
result = Game.objects.filter(source_url=source_url)
if result:
return result[0]
raise ObjectDoesNotExist
class BangumiScraper(AbstractScraper):
site_name = SourceSiteEnum.BANGUMI.value
host = 'bgm.tv'
# for interface coherence
data_class = type("FakeDataClass", (object,), {})()
data_class.objects = type("FakeObjectsClass", (object,), {})()
data_class.objects.get = find_entity
# should be set at scrape_* method
form_class = ''
regex = re.compile(r"https{0,1}://bgm\.tv/subject/\d+")
def scrape(self, url):
This is the scraping portal
headers['Host'] = self.host
content = self.download_page(url, headers)
# download image
img_url = 'http:' + content.xpath("//div[@class='infobox']//img[1]/@src")[0]
raw_img, ext = self.download_image(img_url, url)
# Test category
category_code = content.xpath("//div[@id='headerSearch']//option[@selected]/@value")[0]
handler_map = {
'1': self.scrape_book,
'2': self.scrape_movie,
'3': self.scrape_album,
'4': self.scrape_game
data = handler_map[category_code](self, content)
data['source_url'] = self.get_effective_url(url)
self.raw_data, self.raw_img, self.img_ext = data, raw_img, ext
return data, raw_img
def scrape_game(self, content):
self.data_class = Game
self.form_class = GameForm
title_elem = content.xpath("//a[@property='v:itemreviewed']/text()")
if not title_elem:
raise ValueError("no game info found on this page")
title = None
title = title_elem[0].strip()
other_title_elem = content.xpath(
if not other_title_elem:
other_title_elem = content.xpath(
other_title = other_title_elem if other_title_elem else []
chinese_name_elem = content.xpath(
if not chinese_name_elem:
chinese_name_elem = content.xpath(
if chinese_name_elem:
chinese_name = chinese_name_elem[0]
# switch chinese name with original name
title, chinese_name = chinese_name, title
# actually the name appended is original
developer_elem = content.xpath(
if not developer_elem:
developer_elem = content.xpath(
developer = developer_elem if developer_elem else None
publisher_elem = content.xpath(
if not publisher_elem:
publisher_elem = content.xpath(
publisher = publisher_elem if publisher_elem else None
platform_elem = content.xpath(
if not platform_elem:
platform_elem = content.xpath(
platform = platform_elem if platform_elem else None
genre_elem = content.xpath(
if not genre_elem:
genre_elem = content.xpath(
genre = genre_elem if genre_elem else None
date_elem = content.xpath(
if not date_elem:
date_elem = content.xpath(
release_date = parse_date(date_elem[0]) if date_elem else None
brief = ''.join(content.xpath("//div[@property='v:summary']/text()"))
other_info = {}
other_elem = content.xpath(
if other_elem:
other_info['游玩人数'] = other_elem[0]
other_elem = content.xpath(
if other_elem:
other_info['引擎'] = ' '.join(other_elem)
other_elem = content.xpath(
if other_elem:
other_info['售价'] = ' '.join(other_elem)
other_elem = content.xpath(
if other_elem:
other_info['网站'] = other_elem[0]
other_elem = content.xpath(
"//ul[@id='infobox']/li[child::span[contains(text(),'剧本')]]/a/text()") or content.xpath(
if other_elem:
other_info['剧本'] = ' '.join(other_elem)
other_elem = content.xpath(
"//ul[@id='infobox']/li[child::span[contains(text(),'编剧')]]/a/text()") or content.xpath(
if other_elem:
other_info['编剧'] = ' '.join(other_elem)
other_elem = content.xpath(
"//ul[@id='infobox']/li[child::span[contains(text(),'音乐')]]/a/text()") or content.xpath(
if other_elem:
other_info['音乐'] = ' '.join(other_elem)
other_elem = content.xpath(
"//ul[@id='infobox']/li[child::span[contains(text(),'美术')]]/a/text()") or content.xpath(
if other_elem:
other_info['美术'] = ' '.join(other_elem)
data = {
'title': title,
'other_title': None,
'developer': developer,
'publisher': publisher,
'release_date': release_date,
'genre': genre,
'platform': platform,
'brief': brief,
'other_info': other_info,
'source_site': self.site_name,
return data
def scrape_movie(self, content):
self.data_class = Movie
self.form_class = MovieForm
raise NotImplementedError
def scrape_book(self, content):
self.data_class = Book
self.form_class = BookForm
raise NotImplementedError
def scrape_album(self, content):
self.data_class = Album
self.form_class = AlbumForm
raise NotImplementedError