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Models for Book
Series -> Work -> Edition
Series is not fully implemented at the moment
Famous works have many editions
Google Books:
only has Edition level ("volume") data
old editions has only CUBN(Chinese Unified Book Number)
2022-12-08 16:08:59 +00:00
work data seems asymmetric (a book links to a work, but may not listed in that work as one of its editions)
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from catalog.common import *
from .utils import *
class Edition(Item):
2022-12-11 23:20:28 +00:00
category = ItemCategory.Book
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url_path = 'book'
isbn = PrimaryLookupIdDescriptor(IdType.ISBN)
asin = PrimaryLookupIdDescriptor(IdType.ASIN)
cubn = PrimaryLookupIdDescriptor(IdType.CUBN)
# douban_book = LookupIdDescriptor(IdType.DoubanBook)
# goodreads = LookupIdDescriptor(IdType.Goodreads)
languages = jsondata.ArrayField(_("语言"), null=True, blank=True, default=list)
publish_year = jsondata.IntegerField(_("发表年份"), null=True, blank=True)
publish_month = jsondata.IntegerField(_("发表月份"), null=True, blank=True)
pages = jsondata.IntegerField(blank=True, default=None)
authors = jsondata.ArrayField(_('作者'), null=False, blank=False, default=list)
translaters = jsondata.ArrayField(_('译者'), null=True, blank=True, default=list)
publishers = jsondata.ArrayField(_('出版方'), null=True, blank=True, default=list)
def isbn10(self):
return isbn_13_to_10(self.isbn)
def isbn10(self, value):
self.isbn = isbn_10_to_13(value)
2022-12-08 16:08:59 +00:00
def update_linked_items_from_external_resource(self, resource):
"""add Work from resource.metadata['work'] if not yet"""
links = resource.required_resources + resource.related_resources
for w in links:
if w['model'] == 'Work':
work = Work.objects.filter(primary_lookup_id_type=w['id_type'], primary_lookup_id_value=w['id_value']).first()
if work and work not in
# if not work:
2022-12-08 16:59:03 +00:00
#'Unable to find link for {w["url"]}')
class Work(Item):
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category = ItemCategory.Book
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url_path = 'book/work'
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douban_work = PrimaryLookupIdDescriptor(IdType.DoubanBook_Work)
goodreads_work = PrimaryLookupIdDescriptor(IdType.Goodreads_Work)
editions = models.ManyToManyField(Edition, related_name='works')
class Series(Item):
2022-12-11 23:20:28 +00:00
category = ItemCategory.Book
2022-12-12 16:46:37 +00:00
url_path = 'book/series'
# douban_serie = LookupIdDescriptor(IdType.DoubanBook_Serie)
# goodreads_serie = LookupIdDescriptor(IdType.Goodreads_Serie)
class Meta:
proxy = True