2023-07-19 11:12:58 -04:00
import logging
import re
from django.core.cache import cache
from lxml import html
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
from catalog.common import *
2022-12-08 16:59:03 +00:00
from catalog.models import *
2024-07-13 00:16:47 -04:00
from common.models.lang import detect_language
2023-07-19 11:12:58 -04:00
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
from .douban import DoubanDownloader
2022-12-08 16:59:03 +00:00
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
2023-06-05 02:04:52 -04:00
def _cache_key(url):
return f"$:{url}"
class DoubanDramaVersion(AbstractSite):
Parse Douban Drama Version section in Douban Drama page
It's the same page as the drama page, each version resides in a <div id="1234" />
since they all get parsed about the same time, page content will be cached to avoid duplicate fetch
SITE_NAME = SiteName.Douban
ID_TYPE = IdType.DoubanDramaVersion
2023-06-05 03:39:37 -04:00
URL_PATTERNS = [r"\w+://www.douban.com/location/drama/(\d+)/#(\d+)$"]
2023-06-05 02:04:52 -04:00
DEFAULT_MODEL = PerformanceProduction
2023-06-05 03:39:37 -04:00
def url_to_id(cls, url: str):
m = re.match(cls.URL_PATTERNS[0], url)
if not m:
return None
return m.group(1) + "-" + m.group(2)
2023-06-05 02:04:52 -04:00
def id_to_url(cls, id_value):
ids = id_value.split("-")
return f"https://www.douban.com/location/drama/{ids[0]}/#{ids[1]}"
def scrape(self):
show_url = self.url.split("#")[0]
show_id = self.id_value.split("-")[0]
version_id = self.id_value.split("-")[1]
key = _cache_key(show_url)
r = cache.get(key, None)
if r is None:
r = DoubanDownloader(show_url).download().content.decode("utf-8")
cache.set(key, r, 3600)
h = html.fromstring(r)
p = "//div[@id='" + version_id + "']"
q = p + "//dt[text()='{}:']/following-sibling::dd[1]/a/span/text()"
q2 = p + "//dt[text()='{}:']/following-sibling::dd[1]/text()"
2023-06-05 03:39:37 -04:00
title = " ".join(h.xpath(p + "//h3/text()")).strip()
if not title:
raise ParseError(self, "title")
2023-06-05 02:04:52 -04:00
data = {
2023-06-05 03:39:37 -04:00
"title": title,
2024-07-13 00:16:47 -04:00
"localized_title": [{"lang": "zh-cn", "text": title}],
2023-06-05 02:04:52 -04:00
"director": [x.strip() for x in h.xpath(q.format("导演"))],
"playwright": [x.strip() for x in h.xpath(q.format("编剧"))],
2023-06-05 17:22:34 -04:00
# "actor": [x.strip() for x in h.xpath(q.format("主演"))],
2023-06-05 02:04:52 -04:00
"composer": [x.strip() for x in h.xpath(q.format("作曲"))],
"language": [x.strip() for x in h.xpath(q2.format("语言"))],
"opening_date": " ".join(h.xpath(q2.format("演出日期"))).strip(),
"troupe": [x.strip() for x in h.xpath(q.format("演出团体"))],
"location": [x.strip() for x in h.xpath(q.format("演出剧院"))],
2023-06-05 11:45:57 -04:00
if data["opening_date"]:
d = data["opening_date"].split("-")
l = len(d) if len(d) < 6 else 6
if l > 3:
data["opening_date"] = "-".join(d[:3])
data["closing_date"] = "-".join(d[0 : 6 - l] + d[3:l])
2023-06-05 17:22:34 -04:00
actor_elem = h.xpath(p + "//dt[text()='主演:']/following-sibling::dd[1]/a")
data["actor"] = []
for e in actor_elem:
n = "".join(e.xpath("span/text()")).strip()
t = "".join(e.xpath("following-sibling::text()[1]")).strip()
t = re.sub(r"^[\s\(饰]*(.+)\)[\s\/]*$", r"\1", t).strip()
t = t if t != "/" else ""
data["actor"].append({"name": n, "role": t})
2023-06-05 03:39:37 -04:00
img_url_elem = h.xpath("//img[@itemprop='image']/@src")
data["cover_image_url"] = img_url_elem[0].strip() if img_url_elem else None
2023-06-05 02:04:52 -04:00
pd = ResourceContent(metadata=data)
pd.metadata["required_resources"] = [
"model": "Performance",
"id_type": IdType.DoubanDrama,
"id_value": show_id,
"title": f"Douban Drama {show_id}",
"url": show_url,
2023-06-05 03:39:37 -04:00
if pd.metadata["cover_image_url"]:
imgdl = BasicImageDownloader(pd.metadata["cover_image_url"], self.url)
pd.cover_image = imgdl.download().content
pd.cover_image_extention = imgdl.extention
except Exception:
f'failed to download cover for {self.url} from {pd.metadata["cover_image_url"]}'
2023-06-05 02:04:52 -04:00
return pd
2022-12-15 17:29:35 -05:00
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
class DoubanDrama(AbstractSite):
2022-12-16 01:08:10 -05:00
SITE_NAME = SiteName.Douban
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
ID_TYPE = IdType.DoubanDrama
2023-07-19 11:12:58 -04:00
2022-12-29 23:57:02 -05:00
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
DEFAULT_MODEL = Performance
2023-02-15 23:45:12 -05:00
def id_to_url(cls, id_value):
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
return "https://www.douban.com/location/drama/" + id_value + "/"
def scrape(self):
2023-06-05 02:04:52 -04:00
key = _cache_key(self.url)
r = cache.get(key, None)
if r is None:
r = DoubanDownloader(self.url).download().content.decode("utf-8")
cache.set(key, r, 3600)
h = html.fromstring(r)
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
data = {}
title_elem = h.xpath("/html/body//h1/span/text()")
if title_elem:
data["title"] = title_elem[0].strip()
2023-06-05 02:04:52 -04:00
data["orig_title"] = title_elem[1] if len(title_elem) > 1 else None
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
raise ParseError(self, "title")
2022-12-29 23:57:02 -05:00
other_title_elem = h.xpath(
2023-06-05 02:04:52 -04:00
data["other_title"] = other_title_elem
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
2023-06-05 13:30:40 -04:00
plot_elem = h.xpath("//div[@class='pure-text']/div[@class='full']/text()")
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
if len(plot_elem) == 0:
2023-06-05 13:30:40 -04:00
plot_elem = h.xpath(
if len(plot_elem) == 0:
plot_elem = h.xpath("//div[@class='pure-text']/text()")
data["brief"] = "\n".join(plot_elem)
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
2023-02-15 23:45:12 -05:00
data["genre"] = [
2022-12-29 23:57:02 -05:00
for s in h.xpath(
2023-06-05 11:45:57 -04:00
2022-12-29 23:57:02 -05:00
2023-06-05 02:04:52 -04:00
# data["version"] = [
# s.strip()
# for s in h.xpath(
# "//dl//dt[text()='版本:']/following-sibling::dd[@class='titles']/a//text()"
# )
# ]
2023-02-15 23:45:12 -05:00
data["director"] = [
2022-12-29 23:57:02 -05:00
for s in h.xpath(
2023-02-15 23:45:12 -05:00
data["composer"] = [
for s in h.xpath(
data["choreographer"] = [
for s in h.xpath(
data["troupe"] = [
for s in h.xpath(
data["playwright"] = [
2022-12-29 23:57:02 -05:00
for s in h.xpath(
2023-06-05 17:22:34 -04:00
data["actor"] = [
{"name": s.strip(), "role": ""}
2022-12-29 23:57:02 -05:00
for s in h.xpath(
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
2023-06-05 11:45:57 -04:00
date_elem = h.xpath(
2023-02-15 23:45:12 -05:00
data["opening_date"] = date_elem[0] if date_elem else None
2023-06-05 11:45:57 -04:00
if data["opening_date"]:
d = data["opening_date"].split("-")
l = len(d) if len(d) < 6 else 6
if l > 3:
data["opening_date"] = "-".join(d[:3])
data["closing_date"] = "-".join(d[0 : 6 - l] + d[3:l])
2023-02-15 23:45:12 -05:00
2023-06-05 02:04:52 -04:00
data["location"] = [
2023-02-15 23:45:12 -05:00
for s in h.xpath(
2023-06-05 02:04:52 -04:00
versions = h.xpath("//div[@id='versions']/div[@class='fluid-mods']/div/@id")
data["related_resources"] = list(
lambda v: {
"model": "PerformanceProduction",
"id_type": IdType.DoubanDramaVersion,
"id_value": f"{self.id_value}-{v}",
"title": f"{data['title']} - {v}",
"url": f"{self.url}#{v}",
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
img_url_elem = h.xpath("//img[@itemprop='image']/@src")
2022-12-29 23:57:02 -05:00
data["cover_image_url"] = img_url_elem[0].strip() if img_url_elem else None
2024-07-13 00:16:47 -04:00
data["localized_title"] = (
[{"lang": "zh-cn", "text": data["title"]}]
+ (
"lang": detect_language(data["orig_title"]),
"text": data["orig_title"],
if data["orig_title"]
else []
+ [{"lang": detect_language(t), "text": t} for t in data["other_title"]]
data["localized_description"] = [{"lang": "zh-cn", "text": data["brief"]}]
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
2022-12-08 16:08:59 +00:00
pd = ResourceContent(metadata=data)
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
if pd.metadata["cover_image_url"]:
imgdl = BasicImageDownloader(pd.metadata["cover_image_url"], self.url)
pd.cover_image = imgdl.download().content
pd.cover_image_extention = imgdl.extention
except Exception:
2022-12-29 23:57:02 -05:00
f'failed to download cover for {self.url} from {pd.metadata["cover_image_url"]}'
2022-12-07 19:09:05 -05:00
return pd