diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index da0d2ef1..3f331f2b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ migrations/
 # deployed media and static files
 # log file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/boofilsic/settings.py b/boofilsic/settings.py
index cd0c4f15..85ea6bb6 100644
--- a/boofilsic/settings.py
+++ b/boofilsic/settings.py
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ if DEBUG:
             'NAME': 'test',
             'USER': 'donotban',
             'PASSWORD': 'donotbansilvousplait',
-            'HOST': '',
+            'HOST': '',
             'OPTIONS': {
                 'client_encoding': 'UTF8',
                 # 'isolation_level': psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_DEFAULT,
@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'users.User'
 MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
 MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media/')
-CLIENT_ID = 'kEbwT9Je5HsadfNs5Mw6Asht456YlQl54t4sj2_4'
-CLIENT_SECRET = 'xwmEvlmudLCkBmvdzGf8msdfgsdfggs5di9xnDqeVLrcKSg'
+CLIENT_ID = 'kEbwT9Je5HHg4FoLx4nb0tNaIrPNs5Mw6AYlQlsj2_4'
+CLIENT_SECRET = 'xwmEvlmudLCkBmvdzGf8m41Ug5o5di9xnDqeVLrcKSg'
 # Path to save report related images, ends without slash
@@ -190,7 +190,6 @@ MASTODON_DOMAIN_NAME = 'donotban.com'
 # Emoji code in mastodon
-# note the white spaces
 STAR_SOLID = ':star_solid:'
 STAR_HALF = ':star_half:'
 STAR_EMPTY = ':star_empty:'
@@ -205,5 +204,9 @@ LOGIN_URL = '/users/login/'
 # Admin site root url
 ADMIN_URL = 'lpLuTqX72Bt2hLfxxRYKeTZdE59Y2hLfpLuTqX72Btx9sXuljYK4tYEmjrHd'
+# Luminati proxy settings
 # https://django-debug-toolbar.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
 # maybe benchmarking before deployment
diff --git a/books/forms.py b/books/forms.py
index 9ae560d3..274c8e41 100644
--- a/books/forms.py
+++ b/books/forms.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
 from .models import Book, BookMark, BookReview
 from common.models import MarkStatusEnum
 from common.forms import RadioBooleanField, RatingValidator
+from common.forms import PreviewImageInput
 def BookMarkStatusTranslator(status):
@@ -59,13 +60,13 @@ class BookForm(forms.ModelForm):
             'brief': _("简介"),
             'other_info': _("其他信息"),
-        from common.forms import ImageInput
         widgets = {
             'author': forms.TextInput(attrs={'placeholder': _("多个作者使用英文逗号分隔")}),
             'translator': forms.TextInput(attrs={'placeholder': _("多个译者使用英文逗号分隔")}),
             'other_info': KeyValueInput(),
             # 'cover': forms.FileInput(),
-            'cover': ImageInput(),
+            'cover': PreviewImageInput(),
     def clean_isbn(self):
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ class BookMarkForm(forms.ModelForm):
             'text': _("短评"),
         widgets = {
-            'book': forms.Select(attrs={"hidden": ""}),
+            'book': forms.TextInput(attrs={"hidden": ""}),
             'text': forms.Textarea(attrs={"placeholder": _("最多只能写500字哦~")}),
@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ class BookReviewForm(forms.ModelForm):
             'share_to_mastodon': _("分享到长毛象")
         widgets = {
-            'book': forms.Select(attrs={"hidden": ""}),
+            'book': forms.TextInput(attrs={"hidden": ""}),
diff --git a/books/templates/books/create_update.html b/books/templates/books/create_update.html
index f86923ae..f8769451 100644
--- a/books/templates/books/create_update.html
+++ b/books/templates/books/create_update.html
@@ -9,38 +9,23 @@
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
-    <!-- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> -->
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
     <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - ' %}{{ title }}</title>
     <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
-    <script src="{% static 'js/create_update.js' %}"></script>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}">
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_edit.css' %}">
+    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}"> -->
+    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_edit.css' %}"> -->
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic.css' %}">
     <div id="page-wrapper">
         <div id="content-wrapper">
-            <section id="navbar" class="navbar">
-                <div class="container">
-                    <nav class="clearfix">
-                        <a href="{% url 'common:home' %}">
-                            <img src="{% static 'img/logo.svg' %}" alt="" class="logo">
-                        </a>
-                        <h4 class="nav-title">{{ title }}</h4>
-                        <a class="nav-link" id="logoutLink" href="{% url 'users:logout' %}">{% trans '登出' %}</a>
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'common:home' %}">{% trans '主页' %}</a>
-                        {% if user.is_staff %}   
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% admin_url %}">{% trans '后台' %}</a>
-                        {% endif %}
-                    </nav>
-                </div>
-            </section>
+            {% include "partial/_navbar.html" %}
             <section id="content" class="container">
-                <div class="row">
-                    <div id="main">
-                        <form action="{{ submit_url }}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+                <div class="grid">
+                    <div class="single-section-wrapper" id="main">
+                        <form class="entity-form" action="{{ submit_url }}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                             {% csrf_token %}
                             {{ form }}
                             <input class="button" type="submit" value="{% trans '提交' %}">
@@ -49,11 +34,7 @@
-        <footer class="container">
-            <a href="https://donotban.com/@whitiewhite">去长毛象向作者提意见</a>
-            <a href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic/issues">报告错误</a>
-            <a href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic" id="githubLink">Github</a>
-        </footer>
+        {% include "partial/_footer.html" %}
@@ -72,6 +53,10 @@
                     location.href = "{% url 'common:search' %}" + "?q=" + q;
+        // mark required
+        $("#content input[required]").each(function () {
+                $(this).prev().prepend("*");
+        })
diff --git a/books/templates/books/create_update_review.html b/books/templates/books/create_update_review.html
index 38117079..f2cd4aa6 100644
--- a/books/templates/books/create_update_review.html
+++ b/books/templates/books/create_update_review.html
@@ -9,44 +9,34 @@
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
-    <!-- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> -->
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
     <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - ' %}{{ title }}</title>
     <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
     <script src="{% static 'js/create_update_review.js' %}"></script>
     <script src="{% static 'lib/js/rating-star.js' %}"></script>
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/rating-star.css' %}">
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}">
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_edit.css' %}">
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic.css' %}">
+    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_edit.css' %}"> -->
+    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}"> -->
     <div id="page-wrapper">
         <div id="content-wrapper">
-            <section id="navbar" class="navbar">
-                <div class="container">
-                    <nav class="clearfix">
-                        <a href="{% url 'common:home' %}">
-                            <img src="{% static 'img/logo.svg' %}" alt="" class="logo">
-                        </a>
-                        <h4 class="nav-title">{{ title }}</h4>
-                        <a class="nav-link" id="logoutLink" href="{% url 'users:logout' %}">{% trans '登出' %}</a>
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'common:home' %}">{% trans '主页' %}</a>
-                        {% if user.is_staff %}   
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% admin_url %}">{% trans '后台' %}</a>
-                        {% endif %}
-                    </nav>
-                </div>
-            </section>
+            {% include "partial/_navbar.html" %}
-            <section id="content" class="container">
-                <div class="row">
-                    <div id="main">
-                        <div class="item-card clearfix">
-                            <img src="{{ book.cover.url }}" alt="" class="item-image float-left">
-                            <div class="item-info float-left">
+            <section id="content">
+                <div class="grid">
+                    <div class="single-section-wrapper">
+                        <div class="entity-card entity-card--horizontal">
+                            <div class="entity-card__img-wrapper">
+                                <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">
+                                    <img src="{{ book.cover.url }}" alt="" class="item-image float-left">
+                                </a>
+                            </div>
+                            <div class="entity-card__info-wrapper entity-card__info-wrapper--horizontal">
-                                <div class="item-title"><a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">{{ book.title }}</a></div>
+                                <h5 class="entity-card__title"><a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">{{ book.title }}</a></h5>
                                 <div>{% if book.isbn %}{% trans 'ISBN:' %}{{ book.isbn }}{% endif %}</div>
                                 <div>{% if book.author %}{% trans '作者:' %}
                                 {% for author in book.author %}
@@ -57,35 +47,38 @@
                                 <div>{%if book.pub_year %}{% trans '出版时间:' %}{{ book.pub_year }}{% trans '年' %}{% if book.pub_month %}{{ book.pub_month }}{% trans '月' %}{% endif %}{% endif %}</div>
                                 {% if book.rating %}
-                                <span class="rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"> </span>
-                                <span class="rating-score"> {{ book.rating }} </span>
+                                {% trans '评分:' %}<span class="entity-card__rating-star rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"> </span>
+                                <span class="entity-card__rating-score rating-score"> {{ book.rating }} </span>
                                 {% endif %}              
-                        <div class="review">
-                            <form action="{{ submit_url }}" method="post">
+                        <div class="dividing-line"></div>
+                            <form action="{{ submit_url }}" method="post" class="review-form">
                                 {% csrf_token %}
                                 {{ form.book }}
-                                {{ form.title.label }}{{ form.title }}
+                                <div>
+                                {{ form.title.label }}
+                                </div>
+                                {{ form.title }}
                                 <div class="clearfix">
                                     <span class="float-left">
                                         {{ form.content.label }}
                                     <span class="float-right">
-                                        <span class="preview-button">{% trans '预览' %}</span>
+                                        <span class="review-form__preview-button">{% trans '预览' %}</span>
                                 <div id="rawContent">
                                     {{ form.content }}
-                                <div class="fyi">{% trans '不知道什么是Markdown?可以参考' %}<a target="_blank" href="https://www.markdownguide.org/">{% trans '这里' %}</a></div>
-                                <div class="option clearfix">
-                                    <div class="selection float-left">
+                                <div class="review-form__fyi">{% trans '不知道什么是Markdown?可以参考' %}<a target="_blank" href="https://www.markdownguide.org/">{% trans '这里' %}</a></div>
+                                <div class="review-form__option">
+                                    <div class="review-form__visibility-radio">
                                         {{ form.is_private.label }}{{ form.is_private }}
-                                    <div class="float-right">
+                                    <div class="review-form__share-checkbox">
                                         {{ form.share_to_mastodon }}{{ form.share_to_mastodon.label }}
@@ -94,16 +87,13 @@
                                 {{ form.media }}
-                        </div>
+                </div>
-        <footer class="container">
-            <a href="https://donotban.com/@whitiewhite">去长毛象向作者提意见</a>
-            <a href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic/issues">报告错误</a>
-            <a href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic" id="githubLink">Github</a>
-        </footer>
+        {% include "partial/_footer.html" %}
     {% comment %}        
diff --git a/books/templates/books/delete.html b/books/templates/books/delete.html
index 50f91ff2..836b43e1 100644
--- a/books/templates/books/delete.html
+++ b/books/templates/books/delete.html
@@ -9,64 +9,57 @@
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
-    <!-- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> -->
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
     <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 删除图书' %}</title>
     <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
     <script src="{% static 'lib/js/rating-star.js' %}"></script>
     <script src="{% static 'js/rating-star-readonly.js' %}"></script>
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/rating-star.css' %}">
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}">
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_edit.css' %}">
+    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}"> -->
+    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_edit.css' %}"> -->
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic.css' %}">
     <div id="page-wrapper">
         <div id="content-wrapper">
-            <section id="navbar" class="navbar">
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-                        <a href="{% url 'common:home' %}">
-                            <img src="{% static 'img/logo.svg' %}" alt="" class="logo">
-                        </a>
-                        <h4 class="nav-title">{% trans '删除图书' %}</h4>
-                        <a class="nav-link" id="logoutLink" href="{% url 'users:logout' %}">{% trans '登出' %}</a>
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'common:home' %}">{% trans '主页' %}</a>
-                        {% if user.is_staff %}   
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% admin_url %}">{% trans '后台' %}</a>
-                        {% endif %}
-                    </nav>
-                </div>
-            </section>
+            {% include "partial/_navbar.html" %}
-            <section id="content" class="container">
-                <div class="row">
-                    <div id="main">
-                        <h4 class="prompt">{% trans '确认删除这本书吗?相关评论和标记将一并删除。' %}</h4>
+            <section id="content">
+                <div class="grid">
+                    <div class="single-section-wrapper" id="main">
+                        <h5>{% trans '确认删除这本书吗?相关评论和标记将一并删除。' %}</h5>
-                        <div class="item-card">
-                            <div class="clearfix">
-                                <img src="{{ book.cover.url }}" alt="" class="item-image float-left">
-                                <div class="item-info float-left">
-                                    <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">
-                                        <h5 class="item-title">
-                                        {{ book.title }}
-                                        </h5>
-                                    </a>
-                                    {% if book.rating %}
-                                    {% trans '评分:' %}
-                                    <span class="rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}">
-                                    </span>
-                                    <span class="rating-score">{{ book.rating }} </span>
-                                    {% else %}
-                                    <span>{% trans '评分:暂无评分' %}</span>
-                                    {% endif %}             
-                                    <div>{% trans '最近编辑者:' %}{{ book.last_editor | default:"" }}</div>
-                                    <div>{% trans '上次编辑时间:' %}{{ book.edited_time }}</div>
-                                </div>
+                        <div class="entity-card entity-card--horizontal">
+                            <div class="entity-card__img-wrapper">
+                                <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">
+                                    <img src="{{ book.cover.url }}" alt="" class="item-image float-left">
+                                </a>
+                            </div>
+                            <div class="entity-card__info-wrapper entity-card__info-wrapper--horizontal">
+                                <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">
+                                    <h5 class="entity-card__title">
+                                    {{ book.title }}
+                                    </h5>
+                                </a>
+                                {% if book.rating %}
+                                {% trans '评分:' %}<span class="entity-card__rating-star rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}">
+                                </span>
+                                <span class="entity-card__rating-score">{{ book.rating }}</span>
+                                {% else %}
+                                <span>{% trans '评分:暂无评分' %}</span>
+                                {% endif %}
+                                {% if book.last_editor %}
+                                <a href="{% url 'users:home' book.last_editor.id %}">
+                                    <div>{% trans '最近编辑者:' %}{{ book.last_editor | default:"" }}</div>
+                                </a>
+                                {% endif %}
+                                <div>{% trans '上次编辑时间:' %}{{ book.edited_time }}</div>
-                            <div class="dividing-line"></div>
+                        <div class="dividing-line"></div>
                         <div class="clearfix">
                             <form action="{% url 'books:delete' book.id %}" method="post" class="float-right">
                                 {% csrf_token %}
@@ -75,14 +68,11 @@
                             <button onclick="history.back()" class="button button-clear float-right">{% trans '返回' %}</button>
+                </div>
-        <footer class="container">
-            <a href="https://donotban.com/@whitiewhite">去长毛象向作者提意见</a>
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-            <a href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic" id="githubLink">Github</a>
-        </footer>
+        {% include "partial/_footer.html" %}
diff --git a/books/templates/books/delete_review.html b/books/templates/books/delete_review.html
index cd0f00b6..05898719 100644
--- a/books/templates/books/delete_review.html
+++ b/books/templates/books/delete_review.html
@@ -9,90 +9,96 @@
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
-    <!-- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> -->
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
     <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 删除评论' %}</title>
     <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/rating-star.css' %}">
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}">
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_edit.css' %}">
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic.css' %}">
+    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}"> -->
+    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_edit.css' %}"> -->
     <div id="page-wrapper">
         <div id="content-wrapper">
-            <section id="navbar" class="navbar">
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-                        <a href="{% url 'common:home' %}">
-                            <img src="{% static 'img/logo.svg' %}" alt="" class="logo">
-                        </a>
-                        <h4 class="nav-title">{% trans '删除评论' %}</h4>
+            {% include "partial/_navbar.html" %}
+            <section id="content">
+                <div class="grid">
+                    <div class="single-section-wrapper" id="main">
+                        <h5>{% trans '确认删除这篇评论吗?' %}</h5>
-                        <a class="nav-link" id="logoutLink" href="{% url 'users:logout' %}">{% trans '登出' %}</a>
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'common:home' %}">{% trans '主页' %}</a>
-                        {% if user.is_staff %}   
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% admin_url %}">{% trans '后台' %}</a>
-                        {% endif %}
-                    </nav>
-                </div>
-            </section>
-            <section id="content" class="container">
-                <div class="row">
-                    <div id="main">
-                        <h4 class="prompt">{% trans '确认删除这篇评论吗?' %}</h4>
-                        <div class="item-card">
-                            <div class="review">
-                                <div class="review-head clearfix">
-                                    <div class="mark-label float-left">
-                                        <h4>
-                                            {{ review.title }}
-                                            {% if review.is_private %}
-                                            <span class="icon-lock"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M17,8.48h-.73V6.27a6.27,6.27,0,1,0-12.53,0V8.48H3a.67.67,0,0,0-.67.67V19.33A.67.67,0,0,0,3,20H17a.67.67,0,0,0,.67-.67V9.15A.67.67,0,0,0,17,8.48ZM6.42,6.27h0a3.57,3.57,0,0,1,7.14,0h0V8.48H6.42Z"/></svg></span>
-                                            {% endif %}
-                                        </h4>                                        
-                                        <a href="" class="mark-owner-name">{{ review.owner.username }}</a>
-                                        <span class="mark-time">{{ review.edited_time }}</span>
+                        <div class="dividing-line"></div>
+                        <div class="review-head">
+                                <h5 class="review-head__title">
+                                    {{ review.title }}
+                                </h5>
+                                {% if review.is_private %}
+                                <span class="icon-lock"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+                                        viewBox="0 0 20 20"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+                                            viewBox="0 0 20 20">
+                                            <path
+                                                d="M17,8.48h-.73V6.27a6.27,6.27,0,1,0-12.53,0V8.48H3a.67.67,0,0,0-.67.67V19.33A.67.67,0,0,0,3,20H17a.67.67,0,0,0,.67-.67V9.15A.67.67,0,0,0,17,8.48ZM6.42,6.27h0a3.57,3.57,0,0,1,7.14,0h0V8.48H6.42Z" />
+                                            </svg></span>
+                                {% endif %}
+                                <div class="review-head__body">
+                                    <div class="review-head__info">
+                                        <a href="{% url 'users:home' review.owner.id %}"
+                                            class="review-head__owner-link">{{ review.owner.username }}</a>
+                                        {% if mark %}
+                                        {% if mark.rating %}
+                                        <span class="review-head__rating-star rating-star"
+                                            data-rating-score="{{ mark.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
+                                        {% endif %}
+                                        {% endif %}
+                                        <span class="review-head__time">{{ review.edited_time }}</span>
-                                <!-- <div class="dividing-line"></div> -->
-                                <div id="rawContent" class="delete-preview">
-                                    {{ form.content }}
-                                </div>
-                                {{ form.media }}
-                            </div>
-                            <!-- <div class="dividing-line"></div> -->
+                        <div id="rawContent" class="delete-preview">
+                            {{ form.content }}
+                        </div>
+                        {{ form.media }}
+                            <div class="dividing-line"></div>
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-    <!--current user mastodon id--> 
+    <!--current user mastodon id-->
     <div id="userMastodonID" hidden="true">{{ user.mastodon_id }}</div>
     {% endcomment %}
         $("#searchInput").on('keyup', function (e) {
             if (e.keyCode === 13) {
@@ -107,4 +113,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/books/templates/books/detail.html b/books/templates/books/detail.html
index d0d38a38..848315fa 100644
--- a/books/templates/books/detail.html
+++ b/books/templates/books/detail.html
@@ -9,314 +9,325 @@
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
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+    <meta property="og:title" content="NiceDB书 - {{ book.title }}">
+    <meta property="og:type" content="book">
+    {% if book.author %}
+    <meta property="og:book:author" content="{% for author in book.author %}{{ author }}{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}">
+    {% endif %}
+    {% if book.isbn %}
+    <meta property="og:book:isbn" content="{{ book.isbn }}">
+    {% endif %}
+    <meta property="og:url" content="{{ request.build_absolute_uri }}">
+    <meta property="og:image" content="{{ request.scheme }}://{{ request.get_host }}{{ book.cover.url }}">
     <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 书籍详情' %} | {{ book.title }}</title>
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         <div id="content-wrapper">
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+            {% include "partial/_navbar.html" %}
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-                            <div class="float-left">
-                                <img src="{{ book.cover.url }}" class="display-image" alt="">
-                            </div>
-                            <div class="display-info">
-                                <h5 class="display-title">
-                                    {{ book.title }}
-                                </h5>
-                                <div class="display-info-detail">
-                                    <div>{% if book.isbn %}{% trans 'ISBN:' %}{{ book.isbn }}{% endif %}</div>
-                                    <div>{% if book.author %}{% trans '作者:' %}
-                                    {% for author in book.author %}
-                                        <span>{{ author }}</span>
-                                    {% endfor %}
-                                    {% endif %}</div>
-                                    <div>{% if book.pub_house %}{% trans '出版社:' %}{{ book.pub_house }}{% endif %}</div>
-                                    <div>{% if book.subtitle %}{% trans '副标题:' %}{{ book.subtitle }}{% endif %}</div>
-                                    <div>{% if book.translator %}{% trans '译者:' %}
-                                    {% for translator in book.translator %}
-                                        <span>{{ translator }}</span>
-                                    {% endfor %} 
-                                    {% endif %}</div>                                
-                                    <div>{% if book.orig_title %}{% trans '原作名:' %}{{ book.orig_title }}{% endif %}</div>
-                                    <div>{% if book.language %}{% trans '语言:' %}{{ book.language }}{% endif %}</div>
-                                    <div>{%if book.pub_year %}{% trans '出版时间:' %}{{ book.pub_year }}{% trans '年' %}{% if book.pub_month %}{{ book.pub_month }}{% trans '月' %}{% endif %}{% endif %}</div>
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="display-info-detail">
-                                    {% if book.rating %}
-                                    <span class="rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}">
+            <section id="content">
+                <div class="grid">
+                    <div class="grid__main" id="main">
+                        <div class="main-section-wrapper">
+                            <div class="entity-detail">
-                                    </span>
-                                    <span class="rating-score"> {{ book.rating }} </span>
-                                    {% else %}
-                                    <span> {% trans '评分:暂无评分' %}</span>
-                                    {% endif %}                                    
-                                    <div>{% if book.binding %}{% trans '装帧:' %}{{ book.binding }}{% endif %}</div>
-                                    <div>{% if book.price %}{% trans '定价:' %}{{ book.price }}{% endif %}</div>
-                                    <div>{% if book.pages %}{% trans '页数:' %}{{ book.pages }}{% endif %}</div>
-                                    {% if book.other_info %}                                  
-                                    {% for k, v in book.other_info.items %}
-                                    <div>
-                                        {{k}}:{{v}}
-                                    </div>
-                                    {% endfor %}
-                                    {% endif %}
+                                <img src="{{ book.cover.url }}" class="entity-detail__img" alt="{{ book.title }}">
+                                <div class="entity-detail__info">
+                                    <h5 class="entity-detail__title">
+                                        {{ book.title }}
+                                    </h5>
-                                    {% comment %}
-                                    {% url 'users:home' book.last_editor %}
-                                    {% endcomment %}
+                                    <div class="entity-detail__fields">
+                                        <div class="entity-detail__rating">
+                                            {% if book.rating %}
+                                            <span class="entity-detail__rating-star rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
+                                            <span class="entity-detail__rating-score"> {{ book.rating }} </span>
+                                            {% else %}
+                                            <span> {% trans '评分:暂无评分' %}</span>
+                                            {% endif %}
+                                        </div>
+                                        <div>{% if book.isbn %}{% trans 'ISBN:' %}{{ book.isbn }}{% endif %}</div>
+                                        <div>{% if book.author %}{% trans '作者:' %}
+                                        {% for author in book.author %}
+                                            <span>{{ author }}</span>
+                                        {% endfor %}
+                                        {% endif %}</div>
+                                        <div>{% if book.pub_house %}{% trans '出版社:' %}{{ book.pub_house }}{% endif %}</div>
+                                        <div>{% if book.subtitle %}{% trans '副标题:' %}{{ book.subtitle }}{% endif %}</div>
+                                        <div>{% if book.translator %}{% trans '译者:' %}
+                                        {% for translator in book.translator %}
+                                            <span>{{ translator }}</span>
+                                        {% endfor %} 
+                                        {% endif %}</div>                                
+                                        <div>{% if book.orig_title %}{% trans '原作名:' %}{{ book.orig_title }}{% endif %}</div>
+                                        <div>{% if book.language %}{% trans '语言:' %}{{ book.language }}{% endif %}</div>
+                                        <div>{%if book.pub_year %}{% trans '出版时间:' %}{{ book.pub_year }}{% trans '年' %}{% if book.pub_month %}{{ book.pub_month }}{% trans '月' %}{% endif %}{% endif %}</div>
+                                    </div>
+                                    <div class="entity-detail__fields">
+                                        <div>{% if book.binding %}{% trans '装帧:' %}{{ book.binding }}{% endif %}</div>
+                                        <div>{% if book.price %}{% trans '定价:' %}{{ book.price }}{% endif %}</div>
+                                        <div>{% if book.pages %}{% trans '页数:' %}{{ book.pages }}{% endif %}</div>
+                                        {% if book.other_info %}                                  
+                                        {% for k, v in book.other_info.items %}
+                                        <div>
+                                            {{k}}:{{v}}
+                                        </div>
+                                        {% endfor %}
+                                        {% endif %}
-                                    <div>{% trans '最近编辑者:' %}<a href="{% url 'users:home' book.last_editor.id %}">{{ book.last_editor | default:"" }}</a></div>
-                                    <div>
-                                    <a href="{% url 'books:update' book.id %}">{% trans '编辑这本书' %}</a>
-                                    {% if user.is_staff %}
-                                    <a href="{% url 'books:delete' book.id %}" class="delete"> / {% trans '删除' %}</a>
-                                    {% endif %}
-                                    </div>
-                                </div>
+                                        {% if book.last_editor %}
+                                        <div>{% trans '最近编辑者:' %}<a href="{% url 'users:home' book.last_editor.id %}">{{ book.last_editor | default:"" }}</a></div>
+                                        {% endif %}
+                                        <div>
+                                        <a href="{% url 'books:update' book.id %}">{% trans '编辑这本书' %}</a>
+                                        {% if user.is_staff %}
+                                        <a href="{% url 'books:delete' book.id %}"> / {% trans '删除' %}</a>
+                                        {% endif %}
+                                        </div>
+                                    </div>
+                                </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="dividing-line"></div>
-                        <div class="set">
-                            <h5 class="set-title">{% trans '简介' %}</h5>
-                            {% if book.brief %}
-                            <p class="set-content">{{ book.brief | linebreaksbr }}</p>
-                            {% else %}
-                            <p class="set-empty">{% trans '暂无简介' %}</p>    
-                            {% endif %}
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="set">
-                            <h5 class="set-title">{% trans '这本书的标记' %}</h5>
-                            {% if mark_list_more %}
-                            <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve_mark_list' book.id %}" class="more-link">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
-                            {% endif %}
-                            {% if mark_list %}
-                            {% for others_mark in mark_list %}
-                            <div class="mark">
-                                <div class="mark-label">
-                                    <a href="{% url 'users:home' others_mark.owner.id %}" class="mark-owner-name">{{ others_mark.owner.username }}</a>
+                            <div class="dividing-line"></div>
+                            <div class="entity-desc">
+                                <h5 class="entity-desc__title">{% trans '简介' %}</h5>
+                                {% if book.brief %}
+                                <p class="entity-desc__content">{{ book.brief | linebreaksbr }}</p>
+                                {% else %}
+                                <div>{% trans '暂无简介' %}</div>
+                                {% endif %}
+                            </div>
+                            <div class="entity-marks">
+                                <h5 class="entity-marks__title">{% trans '这本书的标记' %}</h5>
+                                {% if mark_list_more %}
+                                <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve_mark_list' book.id %}" class="entity-marks__more-link">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
+                                {% endif %}
+                                {% if mark_list %}
+                                <ul class="entity-marks__mark-list">                                    
+                                {% for others_mark in mark_list %}
+                                <li class="entity-marks__mark">
+                                    <a href="{% url 'users:home' others_mark.owner.id %}" class="entity-marks__owner-link">{{ others_mark.owner.username }}</a>
                                     <span>{{ others_mark.get_status_display }}</span>
                                     {% if others_mark.rating %}
-                                    <span class="rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ others_mark.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
+                                    <span class="entity-marks__rating-star rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ others_mark.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
                                     {% endif %}
                                     {% if others_mark.is_private %}
                                     <span class="icon-lock"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M17,8.48h-.73V6.27a6.27,6.27,0,1,0-12.53,0V8.48H3a.67.67,0,0,0-.67.67V19.33A.67.67,0,0,0,3,20H17a.67.67,0,0,0,.67-.67V9.15A.67.67,0,0,0,17,8.48ZM6.42,6.27h0a3.57,3.57,0,0,1,7.14,0h0V8.48H6.42Z"/></svg></span>
                                     {% endif %}
-                                    <span class="mark-time">{{ others_mark.edited_time }}</span>
-                                </div>
-                                {% if others_mark.text %}
-                                <p class="mark-text">{{ others_mark.text }}</p>
+                                    <span class="entity-marks__mark-time">{{ others_mark.edited_time }}</span>
+                                    {% if others_mark.text %}
+                                    <p class="entity-marks__mark-content">{{ others_mark.text }}</p>
+                                    {% endif %}
+                                </li>
+                                {% endfor %}
+                                </ul>
+                                {% else %}
+                                <div>{% trans '暂无标记' %}</div>    
                                 {% endif %}
-                            {% endfor %}
-                            {% else %}
-                            <p class="set-empty">{% trans '暂无标记' %}</p>    
-                            {% endif %}
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="set">
-                            <h5 class="set-title">{% trans '这本书的评论' %}</h5>
-                            {% if review_list_more %}
-                            <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve_review_list' book.id %}" class="more-link">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
-                            {% endif %}
-                            {% if review_list %}
-                            {% for others_review in review_list %}
-                            <div class="mark">
-                                <div class="mark-label">
-                                    <a href="{% url 'users:home' others_review.owner.id %}" class="mark-owner-name">{{ others_review.owner.username }}</a>
+                            <div class="entity-reviews">
+                                <h5 class="entity-reviews__title">{% trans '这本书的评论' %}</h5>
+                                {% if review_list_more %}
+                                <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve_review_list' book.id %}" class="entity-reviews__more-link">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
+                                {% endif %}
+                                {% if review_list %}
+                                <ul class="entity-reviews__review-list">
+                                {% for others_review in review_list %}
+                                <li class="entity-reviews__review">
+                                    <a href="{% url 'users:home' others_review.owner.id %}" class="entity-reviews__owner-link">{{ others_review.owner.username }}</a>
                                     {% if others_review.is_private %}
                                     <span class="icon-lock"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M17,8.48h-.73V6.27a6.27,6.27,0,1,0-12.53,0V8.48H3a.67.67,0,0,0-.67.67V19.33A.67.67,0,0,0,3,20H17a.67.67,0,0,0,.67-.67V9.15A.67.67,0,0,0,17,8.48ZM6.42,6.27h0a3.57,3.57,0,0,1,7.14,0h0V8.48H6.42Z"/></svg></span>
                                     {% endif %}
-                                    <span class="mark-time">{{ others_review.edited_time }}</span>
-                                    <span class="review-title"> <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve_review' others_review.id %}">{{ others_review.title }}</a></span>
-                                </div>
+                                    <span class="entity-reviews__review-time">{{ others_review.edited_time }}</span>
+                                    <span class="entity-reviews__review-title"> <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve_review' others_review.id %}">{{ others_review.title }}</a></span>
+                                </li>
+                                {% endfor %}
+                                </ul>
+                                {% else %}
+                                <div>{% trans '暂无评论' %}</div>    
+                                {% endif %}
-                            {% endfor %}
-                            {% else %}
-                            <p class="set-empty">{% trans '暂无评论' %}</p>    
-                            {% endif %}
-                    <div id="aside">
-                        <div class="aside-card" id="asideMark">
+                    <div class="grid__aside" id="aside">
+                        <div class="aside-section-wrapper">
                             {% if mark %}
-                            <div class="mark">
-                                <div class="clearfix">
-                                    <span class="mark-status-label float-left">{% trans '我' %}{{ mark.get_status_display }}</span>
-                                    {% if mark.status == status_enum.DO.value or mark.status == status_enum.COLLECT.value%}
-                                        {% if mark.rating %}
-                                        <span class="rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ mark.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
-                                        {% endif %}
+                            <div class="mark-panel">
+                                <span class="mark-panel__status">{% trans '我' %}{{ mark.get_status_display }}</span>
+                                {% if mark.status == status_enum.DO.value or mark.status == status_enum.COLLECT.value%}
+                                    {% if mark.rating %}
+                                    <span class="mark-panel__rating-star rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ mark.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
                                     {% endif %}
-                                    {% if mark.is_private %}
-                                        <span class="icon-lock"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M17,8.48h-.73V6.27a6.27,6.27,0,1,0-12.53,0V8.48H3a.67.67,0,0,0-.67.67V19.33A.67.67,0,0,0,3,20H17a.67.67,0,0,0,.67-.67V9.15A.67.67,0,0,0,17,8.48ZM6.42,6.27h0a3.57,3.57,0,0,1,7.14,0h0V8.48H6.42Z"/></svg></span>
-                                    {% endif %}                                        
-                                    <span class="float-right">
-                                        <a href="" class="edit">{% trans '修改' %}</a>
-                                        <form action="{% url 'books:delete_mark' mark.id %}" method="post">
-                                            {% csrf_token %}
-                                            <a href="">{% trans '删除' %}</a>
-                                        </form>
-                                    </span>
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="clearfix">
-                                    <span class="mark-time float-left">{{ mark.edited_time }}</span>
-                                </div>
+                                {% endif %}
+                                {% if mark.is_private %}
+                                    <span class="icon-lock"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M17,8.48h-.73V6.27a6.27,6.27,0,1,0-12.53,0V8.48H3a.67.67,0,0,0-.67.67V19.33A.67.67,0,0,0,3,20H17a.67.67,0,0,0,.67-.67V9.15A.67.67,0,0,0,17,8.48ZM6.42,6.27h0a3.57,3.57,0,0,1,7.14,0h0V8.48H6.42Z"/></svg></span>
+                                {% endif %}                                        
+                                <span class="mark-panel__actions">
+                                    <a href="" class="edit">{% trans '修改' %}</a>
+                                    <form action="{% url 'books:delete_mark' mark.id %}" method="post">
+                                        {% csrf_token %}
+                                        <a href="" class="delete">{% trans '删除' %}</a>
+                                    </form>
+                                </span>
+                                <div class="mark-panel__clear"></div>
+                                <div class="mark-panel__time">{{ mark.edited_time }}</div>
                                 {% if mark.text %}
-                                <p class="mark-text">{{ mark.text }}</p>
+                                <p class="mark-panel__text">{{ mark.text }}</p>
                                 {% endif %}
                             {% else %}
-                            <div class="mark">
-                                <div class="clearfix">
-                                    <span class="mark-status-label float-left">{% trans '标记这本书' %}</span>
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="button-group">
-                                    <a href="" class="button" id="wishButton" data-status="{{ status_enum.WISH.value }}">{% trans '想读' %}</a>
-                                    <a href="" class="button" data-status="{{ status_enum.DO.value }}">{% trans '在读' %}</a>
-                                    <a href="" class="button" data-status="{{ status_enum.COLLECT.value }}">{% trans '读过' %}</a>
+                            <div class="action-panel" id="addMarkPanel">
+                                <div class="action-panel__label">{% trans '标记这本书' %}</div>
+                                <div class="action-panel__button-group">
+                                    <button class="action-panel__button" data-status="{{ status_enum.WISH.value }}">{% trans '想读' %}</button>
+                                    <button class="action-panel__button" data-status="{{ status_enum.DO.value }}">{% trans '在读' %}</button>
+                                    <button class="action-panel__button" data-status="{{ status_enum.COLLECT.value }}">{% trans '读过' %}</button>
                             {% endif %}
-                        <div class="aside-card" id="asideReview">
-                        {% if review %}
-                            <div class="review">
-                                <div class="clearfix">
-                                    <span class="review-label float-left">{% trans '我的评论' %}</span>
-                                    {% if review.is_private %}
-                                        <span class="icon-lock"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M17,8.48h-.73V6.27a6.27,6.27,0,1,0-12.53,0V8.48H3a.67.67,0,0,0-.67.67V19.33A.67.67,0,0,0,3,20H17a.67.67,0,0,0,.67-.67V9.15A.67.67,0,0,0,17,8.48ZM6.42,6.27h0a3.57,3.57,0,0,1,7.14,0h0V8.48H6.42Z"/></svg></span>                                      
-                                    {% endif %}
+                        <div class="aside-section-wrapper">
+                            {% if review %}
+                            <div class="review-panel">
+                                <span class="review-panel__label">{% trans '我的评论' %}</span>
+                                {% if review.is_private %}
+                                    <span class="icon-lock"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M17,8.48h-.73V6.27a6.27,6.27,0,1,0-12.53,0V8.48H3a.67.67,0,0,0-.67.67V19.33A.67.67,0,0,0,3,20H17a.67.67,0,0,0,.67-.67V9.15A.67.67,0,0,0,17,8.48ZM6.42,6.27h0a3.57,3.57,0,0,1,7.14,0h0V8.48H6.42Z"/></svg></span>                                      
+                                {% endif %}
-                                    <span class="float-right">
-                                        <a href="{% url 'books:update_review' review.id %}">{% trans '编辑' %}</a>
-                                        <a href="{% url 'books:delete_review' review.id %}">{% trans '删除' %}</a>
-                                    </span>
+                                <span class="review-panel__actions">
+                                    <a href="{% url 'books:update_review' review.id %}">{% trans '编辑' %}</a>
+                                    <a href="{% url 'books:delete_review' review.id %}">{% trans '删除' %}</a>
+                                </span>
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="clearfix">
-                                    <span class="review-time float-left">{{ review.edited_time }}</span>
-                                </div>
-                                <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve_review' review.id %}" class="review-title">
+                                <div class="review-panel__time">{{ review.edited_time }}</div>
+                                <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve_review' review.id %}" class="review-panel__review-title">
                                     {{ review.title }}
                             {% else %}
-                            <div class="clearfix">
-                                <span class="review-label float-left">{% trans '我的评论' %}</span>
-                            </div>                            
-                            <a href="{% url 'books:create_review' book.id %}" class="button">{% trans '去写评论' %}</a>
+                            <div class="action-panel">
+                                <div class="action-panel__label">{% trans '我的评论' %}</div>
+                                <div class="action-panel__button-group action-panel__button-group--center">
+                                    <a href="{% url 'books:create_review' book.id %}">
+                                        <button class="action-panel__button">{% trans '去写评论' %}</button>
+                                    </a>
+                                </div>
+                            </div>     
                             {% endif %}
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                 {% if not mark %}
-                    .modal-title::after {
+                    .mark-modal__title::after {
                         content: "{% trans '这本书' %}";
-                <span class="modal-title float-left"></span>
+                <span class="mark-modal__title"></span>
                 {% else %}
-                <span class="modal-title float-left">{% trans '我的标记' %}</span>
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                 <form action="{% url 'books:create_update_mark' %}" method="post">
                     {% csrf_token %}
                     {{ mark_form.id }}
                     {{ mark_form.book }}
                     {% if mark.rating %}
                     {% endif %}
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-                        <div id="statusSelection" class="modal-selection float-right" {% if not mark %}hidden{% endif %}>
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+                    <div class="mark-modal__rating-star rating-star-edit"></div>
                     {{ mark_form.rating }}
+                    <div id="statusSelection" class="mark-modal__status-radio" {% if not mark %}hidden{% endif %}>
+                        {{ mark_form.status }}
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+                    <div class="mark-modal__clear"></div>
                     {{ mark_form.text }}
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                             {{ mark_form.is_private }}
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                             {{ mark_form.share_to_mastodon }}{{ mark_form.share_to_mastodon.label }}
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                     <input type="submit" class="button float-right" value="{% trans '确认' %}">
diff --git a/books/templates/books/list.html b/books/templates/books/list.html
index 6dfa4881..564ca685 100644
--- a/books/templates/books/list.html
+++ b/books/templates/books/list.html
@@ -10,197 +10,227 @@
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
-    <!-- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> -->
-    <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 书' %}</title>
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
+    <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - ' %}{{ user.username }}{{ list_title }}</title>
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+            {% include "partial/_navbar.html" %}
             <section id="content" class="container">
-                <div class="row">
-                    <div id="main">
-                        <div class="set">
-                            <h5 class="set-title">
-                                {{ user.username }}{{ list_title }}
-                            </h5>
-                        </div>
-                        <ul class="result-items">
-                            {% for mark in marks %}
-                            <li class="result-item clearfix">
-                                <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' mark.book.id %}">
-                                    <img src="{{ mark.book.cover.url }}" alt="" class="result-book-cover">
-                                </a>
-                                <div class="result-info">
+                <div class="grid grid--reverse-order">
+                    <div class="grid__main grid__main--reverse-order">
+                        <div class="main-section-wrapper">
+                            <div class="entity-list">
-                                    <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' mark.book.id %}" class="result-item-title">
-                                        {{ mark.book.title }}
-                                    </a>
-                                    {% if mark.book.rating %}
-                                    <div class="rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ mark.book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></div>
-                                    <span class="rating-score">
-                                        {{ mark.book.rating }}
-                                    </span>
-                                    {% else %}
-                                    <span class="rating-empty"> {% trans '暂无评分' %}</span>
-                                    {% endif %}
-                                    <span class="result-book-info">
-                                    {% if mark.book.pub_year %}
-                                    {{ mark.book.pub_year }}{% trans '年' %} /
-                                        {% if mark.book.pub_month %}
-                                            {{ mark.book.pub_month }}{% trans '月' %} /
-                                        {% endif %} 
-                                    {% endif %}
-                                    {% if mark.book.author %}
-                                    {% trans '作者' %}
-                                    {% for author in mark.book.author %}                  
-                                    {{ author }}{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}
-                                    {% endfor %}/
-                                    {% endif %}
-                                    {% if mark.book.translator %}
-                                    {% trans '译者' %}
-                                    {% for translator in mark.book.translator %}                  
-                                    {{ translator }}{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}
-                                    {% endfor %}/
-                                    {% endif %}                                    
-                                    {% if mark.book.orig_title %}
-                                    &nbsp;{% trans '原名' %}
-                                        {{ mark.book.orig_title }}
-                                    {% endif %}
-                                    </span>                    
-                                    <p class="result-item-brief">
-                                        {{ mark.book.brief | truncate:170 }}
-                                    </p>
+                                <div class="set">
+                                    <h5 class="entity-list__title">
+                                        {{ user.username }}{{ list_title }}
+                                    </h5>
-                            </li>
-                            {% empty %}
-                            {% trans '无结果' %}
-                            {% endfor %}
-                        </ul>
-                        <div class="pagination" >
+                                <ul class="entity-list__entities">
+                                    {% for mark in marks %}
+                                    <li class="entity-list__entity">
+                                        <div class="entity-list__entity-img-wrapper">
+                                            <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' mark.book.id %}">
+                                                <img src="{{ mark.book.cover.url }}" alt="" class="entity-list__entity-img">
+                                            </a>
+                                        </div>
+                                        <div class="entity-list__entity-text">
+                                            <div class="entity-list__entity-title">
+                                                <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' mark.book.id %}" class="entity-list__entity-link">
+                                                    {{ mark.book.title }}
+                                                </a>
+                                            </div>
+                                            {% comment %}                                                
+                                                <!-- {% if mark.book.rating %}
+                                                <div class="rating-star entity-list__rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ mark.book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></div>
+                                                <span class="entity-list__rating-score rating-score">
+                                                    {{ mark.book.rating }}
+                                                </span>
+                                                {% else %}
+                                                <div class="entity-list__rating entity-list__rating--empty"> {% trans '暂无评分' %}</div>
+                                                {% endif %} -->
+                                            {% endcomment %}
+                                            <span class="entity-list__entity-info entity-list__entity-info--full-length">
+                                            {% if mark.book.pub_year %}
+                                            {{ mark.book.pub_year }}{% trans '年' %} /
+                                                {% if mark.book.pub_month %}
+                                                    {{ mark.book.pub_month }}{% trans '月' %} /
+                                                {% endif %} 
+                                            {% endif %}
+                                            {% if mark.book.author %}
+                                            {% trans '作者' %}
+                                            {% for author in mark.book.author %}                  
+                                            {{ author }}{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}
+                                            {% endfor %}/
+                                            {% endif %}
+                                            {% if mark.book.translator %}
+                                            {% trans '译者' %}
+                                            {% for translator in mark.book.translator %}                  
+                                            {{ translator }}{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}
+                                            {% endfor %}/
+                                            {% endif %}                                    
+                                            {% if mark.book.orig_title %}
+                                            &nbsp;{% trans '原名' %}
+                                                {{ mark.book.orig_title }}
+                                            {% endif %}
+                                            </span>                    
+                                            <p class="entity-list__entity-brief">
+                                                {{ mark.book.brief | truncate:170 }}
+                                            </p>
+                                        <div class="entity-marks" style="margin-bottom: 0;">
+                                            <ul class="entity-marks__mark-list">
+                                                <li class="entity-marks__mark">
+                                                    {% if mark.rating %}
+                                                    <span class="entity-marks__rating-star rating-star"
+                                                        data-rating-score="{{ mark.rating | floatformat:"0" }}" style="left: -4px;"></span>
+                                                    {% endif %}
+                                                    {% if mark.is_private %}
+                                                    <span class="icon-lock"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><svg
+                                                                xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
+                                                                <path
+                                                                    d="M17,8.48h-.73V6.27a6.27,6.27,0,1,0-12.53,0V8.48H3a.67.67,0,0,0-.67.67V19.33A.67.67,0,0,0,3,20H17a.67.67,0,0,0,.67-.67V9.15A.67.67,0,0,0,17,8.48ZM6.42,6.27h0a3.57,3.57,0,0,1,7.14,0h0V8.48H6.42Z" />
+                                                            </svg></span>
+                                                    {% endif %}
+                                                    <span class="entity-marks__mark-time">{{ mark.edited_time }}</span>
+                                                    {% if mark.text %}
+                                                    <p class="entity-marks__mark-content">{{ mark.text }}</p>
+                                                    {% endif %}
+                                                </li>
+                                            </ul>
+                                        </div>                                            
+                                        </div>
+                                    </li>
+                                    {% empty %}
+                                    <div>{% trans '无结果' %}</div>
+                                    {% endfor %}
+                                    <!-- user mark -->
+                                </ul>
+                            </div>
+                            <div class="pagination">
-                            <a 
-                            {% if marks.has_previous %}
-                            href="?page=1"
-                            {% else %}
-                            disabled
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-                              <button {% if not marks.has_previous %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "首页" %}</button>
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-                            <a 
-                            {% if marks.has_previous %}
-                            href="?page={{ marks.previous_page_number }}"
-                            {% else %}
-                            disabled
-                            {% endif %}>
-                              <button {% if not marks.has_previous %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "上一页" %}</button>
-                            </a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-                          <span class="page-index">
-                              {% trans "第" %}{% if request.GET.page %}{{ request.GET.page }}{% else %}1{% endif %}{% trans "页" %}
-                          </span>
-                            &nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
-                            {% if marks.has_next %}
-                            href="?page={{ marks.next_page_number }}"
-                            {% else %}
-                            disabled
-                            {% endif %}
-                            >
-                              <button {% if not marks.has_next %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "下一页" %}</button>
-                            </a>
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-                            {% if marks.has_next %}
-                            href="?page={{ marks.paginator.num_pages }}"
-                            {% else %}
-                            disabled
-                            {% endif %}>
-                              <button {% if not marks.has_next %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "末页" %}</button>
-                            </a>
-                        </div>             
+                                {% if marks.pagination.has_prev %}
+                                <a href="?page=1" class="pagination__nav-link pagination__nav-link">&laquo;</a>
+                                <a href="?page={{ marks.previous_page_number }}"
+                                    class="pagination__nav-link pagination__nav-link--right-margin pagination__nav-link">&lsaquo;</a>
+                                {% endif %}
+                                {% for page in marks.pagination.page_range %}
+                                {% if page == marks.pagination.current_page %}
+                                <a href="?page={{ page }}" class="pagination__page-link pagination__page-link--current">{{ page }}</a>
+                                {% else %}
+                                <a href="?page={{ page }}" class="pagination__page-link">{{ page }}</a>
+                                {% endif %}
+                                {% endfor %}
+                                {% if marks.pagination.has_next %}
+                                <a href="?page={{ marks.next_page_number }}"
+                                    class="pagination__nav-link pagination__nav-link--left-margin">&rsaquo;</a>
+                                <a href="?page={{ marks.pagination.last_page }}" class="pagination__nav-link">&raquo;</a>
+                                {% endif %}
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-                    <div id="aside">
-                        <div class="aside-card mast-user" id="userInfoCard">
-                            <div class="clearfix">
-                                <img src="" class="info-avatar mast-avatar" alt="{{ user.username }}">
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+                                <p class="user-profile__bio mast-brief"></p>
+                                <!-- <a href="#" class="follow">{% trans '关注TA' %}</a> -->
+                                {% if request.user != user %}
+                                <a href="{% url 'users:report' %}?user_id={{ user.id }}"
+                                    class="user-profile__report-link">{% trans '举报用户' %}</a>
+                                {% endif %}
-                            <p class="info-brief mast-brief"></p>
-                            <!-- <a href="#" class="follow">{% trans '关注TA' %}</a> -->
-                            {% if request.user != user %}
-                            <a href="{% url 'users:report' %}?user_id={{ user.id }}" class="report">{% trans '举报用户' %}</a>
-                            {% endif %}
-                        <div class="relation-card" id="userRelationCard">
-                            <h5 class="relation-label">
-                                {% trans '关注的人' %}
-                            </h5>
-                            <a href="{% url 'users:following' user.id %}" class="more-link mast-following-more">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
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-                                <li class="column column-25 relation-user">
-                                    <img src="" alt="" class="relation-avatar">
-                                    <a class="relation-name"></a>
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-                            <h5 class="relation-label">
-                                {% trans '被他们关注' %}
-                            </h5>
-                            <a href="{% url 'users:followers' user.id %}" class="more-link mast-followers-more">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
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+                                        <h5 class="user-relation__label">
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+                                        <a href="{% url 'users:following' user.id %}"
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+                                        <h5 class="user-relation__label">
+                                            {% trans '被他们关注' %}
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+                                        <a href="{% url 'users:followers' user.id %}"
+                                            class="user-relation__more-link mast-followers-more">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
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@@ -209,22 +239,22 @@
     <!--current user mastodon id--> 
     <div id="userMastodonID" hidden="true">{{ user.mastodon_id }}</div>
     <div id="userPageURL" hidden="true">{% url 'users:home' 0 %}?is_mastodon_id=true</div>
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         $("#searchInput").on('keyup', function (e) {
             if (e.keyCode === 13) {
diff --git a/books/templates/books/mark_list.html b/books/templates/books/mark_list.html
index c5a08260..3c1a4864 100644
--- a/books/templates/books/mark_list.html
+++ b/books/templates/books/mark_list.html
@@ -10,140 +10,122 @@
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
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+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
+    <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - ' %}{{ book.title }}{% trans '的标记' %}</title>
     <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
     <script src="{% static 'lib/js/rating-star.js' %}"></script>
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     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/rating-star.css' %}">
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-                        value="{% if request.GET.q %}{{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}" id="searchInput" required="true" placeholder="{% trans '搜索书影音,多个关键字以空格分割' %}">
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+            {% include "partial/_navbar.html" %}
-            <section id="content" class="container">
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-                        <h5 class="list-head">
-                            <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">{{ book.title }}</a>{% trans ' 的标记' %}
-                        </h5>
-                        <ul class="result-items set">
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+                                <h5 class="entity-marks__title entity-marks__title--stand-alone">
+                                    <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">{{ book.title }}</a>{% trans ' 的标记' %}
+                                </h5>
+                                <ul class="entity-marks__mark-list">
+                                    {% for mark in marks %}
+                                    <li class="entity-marks__mark entity-marks__mark--wider">
+                                        <a href="{% url 'users:home' mark.owner.id %}"
+                                            class="entity-marks__owner-link">{{ mark.owner.username }}</a>
+                                        <span>{{ mark.get_status_display }}</span>
+                                        {% if mark.rating %}
+                                        <span class="entity-marks__rating-star rating-star"
+                                            data-rating-score="{{ mark.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
+                                        {% endif %}
+                                        {% if mark.is_private %}
+                                        <span class="icon-lock"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><svg
+                                                    xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
+                                                    <path
+                                                        d="M17,8.48h-.73V6.27a6.27,6.27,0,1,0-12.53,0V8.48H3a.67.67,0,0,0-.67.67V19.33A.67.67,0,0,0,3,20H17a.67.67,0,0,0,.67-.67V9.15A.67.67,0,0,0,17,8.48ZM6.42,6.27h0a3.57,3.57,0,0,1,7.14,0h0V8.48H6.42Z" />
+                                                    </svg></span>
+                                        {% endif %}
+                                        <span class="entity-marks__mark-time">{{ mark.edited_time }}</span>
+                                        {% if mark.text %}
+                                        <p class="entity-marks__mark-content">{{ mark.text }}</p>
+                                        {% endif %}
+                                    </li>
-                            {% for mark in marks %}
-                            <div class="list-item">
-                                <div class="list-label">
-                                    <a href="{% url 'users:home' mark.owner.id %}" class="list-owner-name">{{ mark.owner.username }}</a>
-                                    <span>{{ mark.get_status_display }}</span>
-                                    {% if mark.rating %}
-                                    <span class="rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ mark.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
-                                    {% endif %}
-                                    {% if mark.is_private %}
-                                    <span class="icon-lock"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M17,8.48h-.73V6.27a6.27,6.27,0,1,0-12.53,0V8.48H3a.67.67,0,0,0-.67.67V19.33A.67.67,0,0,0,3,20H17a.67.67,0,0,0,.67-.67V9.15A.67.67,0,0,0,17,8.48ZM6.42,6.27h0a3.57,3.57,0,0,1,7.14,0h0V8.48H6.42Z"/></svg></span>
-                                    {% endif %}
-                                    <span class="item-time">{{ mark.edited_time }}</span>
-                                </div>
-                                {% if mark.text %}
-                                <p class="mark-text">{{ mark.text }}</p>
-                                {% endif %}
+                                    {% empty %}
+                                    <div>
+                                        {% trans '无结果' %}
+                                    </div>
+                                    {% endfor %}
+                                </ul>
-                            {% empty %}
-                            {% trans '无结果' %}
-                            {% endfor %}
-                        </ul>
-                        <div class="pagination" >
+                            <div class="pagination">
-                            <a 
-                            {% if marks.has_previous %}
-                            href="?page=1"
-                            {% else %}
-                            disabled
-                            {% endif %}>
-                              <button {% if not marks.has_previous %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "首页" %}</button>
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-                            {% if marks.has_previous %}
-                            href="?page={{ marks.previous_page_number }}"
-                            {% else %}
-                            disabled
-                            {% endif %}>
-                              <button {% if not marks.has_previous %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "上一页" %}</button>
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-                              {% trans "第" %}{% if request.GET.page %}{{ request.GET.page }}{% else %}1{% endif %}{% trans "页" %}
-                          </span>
-                            &nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
-                            {% if marks.has_next %}
-                            href="?page={{ marks.next_page_number }}"
-                            {% else %}
-                            disabled
-                            {% endif %}
-                            >
-                              <button {% if not marks.has_next %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "下一页" %}</button>
-                            </a>
-                            &nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
-                            {% if marks.has_next %}
-                            href="?page={{ marks.paginator.num_pages }}"
-                            {% else %}
-                            disabled
-                            {% endif %}>
-                              <button {% if not marks.has_next %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "末页" %}</button>
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-                    <div id="aside">
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-                            <div class="aside-item">
-                                <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}"><img src="{{ book.cover.url }}" alt="" class="item-image"></a>
-                                <h5 class="item-title"><a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">{{ book.title }}</a></h5>
-                                {% if book.isbn %}
-                                <div>ISBN: {{ book.isbn }}</div>
+                                {% if marks.pagination.has_prev %}
+                                <a href="?page=1"
+                                    class="pagination__nav-link pagination__nav-link">&laquo;</a>
+                                <a href="?page={{ marks.previous_page_number }}"
+                                    class="pagination__nav-link pagination__nav-link--right-margin pagination__nav-link">&lsaquo;</a>
                                 {% endif %}
-                                <div>{% if book.pub_house %}{% trans '出版社:' %}{{ book.pub_house }}{% endif %}</div>
-                                {% if book.rating %}
-                                {% trans '评分: ' %}<span class="rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
+                                {% for page in marks.pagination.page_range %}
+                                {% if page == marks.pagination.current_page %}
+                                <a href="?page={{ page }}"
+                                    class="pagination__page-link pagination__page-link--current">{{ page }}</a>
+                                {% else %}
+                                <a href="?page={{ page }}"
+                                    class="pagination__page-link">{{ page }}</a>
                                 {% endif %}
+                                {% endfor %}
+                                {% if marks.pagination.has_next %}
+                                <a href="?page={{ marks.next_page_number }}"
+                                    class="pagination__nav-link pagination__nav-link--left-margin">&rsaquo;</a>
+                                <a href="?page={{ marks.pagination.last_page }}"
+                                    class="pagination__nav-link">&raquo;</a>
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+                                <div class="entity-card__info-wrapper">                                    
+                                    <h5 class="entity-card__title"><a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">{{ book.title }}</a></h5>
+                                    {% if book.isbn %}
+                                    <div>ISBN: {{ book.isbn }}</div>
+                                    {% endif %}
+                                    <div>{% if book.pub_house %}{% trans '出版社:' %}{{ book.pub_house }}{% endif %}</div>
+                                    {% if book.rating %}
+                                    {% trans '评分: ' %}<span class="entity-card__rating-star rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
+                                    <span class="entity-card__rating-score rating-score">{{ book.rating }}</span>
+                                    {% endif %}
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+        {% include "partial/_footer.html" %}
@@ -161,16 +143,7 @@
                 if (q)
                     location.href = "{% url 'common:search' %}" + "?q=" + q;
-        });
-        ratingLabels = $("#aside .rating-star");
-        $(ratingLabels).each( function(index, value) {
-            let ratingScore = $(this).data("rating-score") / 2;
-            $(this).starRating({
-                initialRating: ratingScore,
-                readOnly: true,
-                starSize: 15,
-            });
-        });        
+        });  
diff --git a/books/templates/books/review_detail.html b/books/templates/books/review_detail.html
index afca679c..83f8cb72 100644
--- a/books/templates/books/review_detail.html
+++ b/books/templates/books/review_detail.html
@@ -9,105 +9,103 @@
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
-    <!-- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> -->
-    <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 查看评论' %}</title>
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
+    <meta property="og:title" content="NiceDB书评 - {{ review.title }}">
+    <meta property="og:type" content="article">
+    <meta property="og:article:author" content="{{ review.owner.username }}">
+    <meta property="og:url" content="{{ request.build_absolute_uri }}">
+    <meta property="og:image" content="{{ request.scheme }}://{{ request.get_host }}{% static 'img/logo_square.svg' %}">
+    <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 评论详情' %}</title>
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+            {% include "partial/_navbar.html" %}
-            <section id="content" class="container">
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-                    <div id="main">
-                        <div class="review">
-                            <div class="review-head clearfix">
-                                <div class="mark-label float-left">
-                                    <h4>
-                                        {{ review.title }}
-                                        {% if review.is_private %}
-                                        <span class="icon-lock"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M17,8.48h-.73V6.27a6.27,6.27,0,1,0-12.53,0V8.48H3a.67.67,0,0,0-.67.67V19.33A.67.67,0,0,0,3,20H17a.67.67,0,0,0,.67-.67V9.15A.67.67,0,0,0,17,8.48ZM6.42,6.27h0a3.57,3.57,0,0,1,7.14,0h0V8.48H6.42Z"/></svg></span>
-                                        {% endif %}
-                                    </h4>                                        
-                                    <a href="{% url 'users:home' review.owner.id %}" class="mark-owner-name">{{ review.owner.username }}</a>
-                                    {% if mark %}    
-                                        {% if mark.rating %}
-                                        <span class="rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ mark.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
-                                        {% endif %}
-                                    {% endif %}
-                                    <span class="mark-time">{{ review.edited_time }}</span>
-                                </div>
-                                {% if request.user == review.owner %}
-                                <div class="edit float-right"><a href="{% url 'books:update_review' review.id %}">{% trans '编辑' %}</a></div>
-                                <div class="edit float-right"><a href="{% url 'books:delete_review' review.id %}">{% trans '删除' %}</a></div>
+            <section id="content">
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+                    <div class="grid__main" id="main">
+                        <div class="main-section-wrapper">
+                            <div class="review-head">
+                                <h5 class="review-head__title">
+                                    {{ review.title }}
+                                </h5>
+                                {% if review.is_private %}
+                                <span class="icon-lock"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><svg
+                                            xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
+                                            <path
+                                                d="M17,8.48h-.73V6.27a6.27,6.27,0,1,0-12.53,0V8.48H3a.67.67,0,0,0-.67.67V19.33A.67.67,0,0,0,3,20H17a.67.67,0,0,0,.67-.67V9.15A.67.67,0,0,0,17,8.48ZM6.42,6.27h0a3.57,3.57,0,0,1,7.14,0h0V8.48H6.42Z" />
+                                            </svg></span>
                                 {% endif %}
+                                <div class="review-head__body">
+                                    <div class="review-head__info">
+                                            <a href="{% url 'users:home' review.owner.id %}" class="review-head__owner-link">{{ review.owner.username }}</a>
+                                            {% if mark %}    
+                                                {% if mark.rating %}
+                                                <span class="review-head__rating-star rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ mark.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
+                                                {% endif %}
+                                            {% endif %}
+                                            <span class="review-head__time">{{ review.edited_time }}</span>
+                                    </div>
+                                    <div class="review-head__actions">
+                                            {% if request.user == review.owner %}
+                                            <a class="review-head__action-link" href="{% url 'books:update_review' review.id %}">{% trans '编辑' %}</a>
+                                            <a class="review-head__action-link" href="{% url 'books:delete_review' review.id %}">{% trans '删除' %}</a>
+                                            {% endif %}
+                                    </div>
+                                </div>
+                                <!-- <div class="dividing-line"></div> -->
+                                <div id="rawContent">
+                                    {{ form.content }}
+                                </div>
+                                {{ form.media }}
-                            <div class="dividing-line"></div>
-                            <div id="rawContent">
-                                {{ form.content }}
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="grid__aside" id="aside">
+                        <div class="aside-section-wrapper">
+                            <div class="entity-card">
+                                <div class="entity-card__img-wrapper">
+                                    <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}"><img src="{{ book.cover.url }}" alt=""
+                                            class="entity-card__img"></a>
+                                </div>
+                                <div class="entity-card__info-wrapper">
+                                    <h5 class="entity-card__title"><a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">{{ book.title }}</a></h5>
+                                    {% if book.isbn %}
+                                    <div>ISBN: {{ book.isbn }}</div>
+                                    {% endif %}
+                                    <div>{% if book.pub_house %}{% trans '出版社:' %}{{ book.pub_house }}{% endif %}</div>
+                                    {% if book.rating %}
+                                    {% trans '评分: ' %}<span class="entity-card__rating-star rating-star"
+                                        data-rating-score="{{ book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
+                                    <span class="entity-card__rating-score rating-score">{{ book.rating }}</span>
+                                    {% endif %}
+                                </div>
-                            {{ form.media }}
-                    <div id="aside">
-                        <div class="aside-card">
-                            <div class="aside-item">
-                                <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}"><img src="{{ book.cover.url }}" alt="" class="item-image"></a>
-                                <h5 class="item-title"><a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">{{ book.title }}</a></h5>
-                                {% if book.isbn %}
-                                <div>ISBN: {{ book.isbn }}</div>
-                                {% endif %}
-                                <div>{% if book.author %}{% trans '作者:' %}
-                                    {% for author in book.author %}
-                                        <span>{{ author }}</span>
-                                    {% endfor %}
-                                    {% endif %}</div>
-                                <div>{% if book.pub_house %}{% trans '出版社:' %}{{ book.pub_house }}{% endif %}</div>
-                                <div>{%if book.pub_year %}{% trans '出版时间:' %}{{ book.pub_year }}{% trans '年' %}{% if book.pub_month %}{{ book.pub_month }}{% trans '月' %}{% endif %}{% endif %}</div>
-                                {% if book.rating %}
-                                {% trans '评分: ' %}<span class="rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
-                                {% endif %}
-                            </div>
-                        </div>                        
-                    </div>
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+        {% include "partial/_footer.html" %}
@@ -126,15 +124,7 @@
                     location.href = "{% url 'common:search' %}" + "?q=" + q;
-        ratingLabels = $("#aside .rating-star");
-        $(ratingLabels).each( function(index, value) {
-            let ratingScore = $(this).data("rating-score") / 2;
-            $(this).starRating({
-                initialRating: ratingScore,
-                readOnly: true,
-                starSize: 15,
-            });
-        });                
         $(".markdownx textarea").hide();
diff --git a/books/templates/books/review_list.html b/books/templates/books/review_list.html
index 1630ac57..9ee12197 100644
--- a/books/templates/books/review_list.html
+++ b/books/templates/books/review_list.html
@@ -10,135 +10,109 @@
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
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-    <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 搜索结果' %}</title>
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+    <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - ' %}{{ book.title }}{% trans '的评论' %}</title>
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     <script src="{% static 'lib/js/rating-star.js' %}"></script>
     <script src="{% static 'js/rating-star-readonly.js' %}"></script>
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     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/rating-star.css' %}">
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-                        value="{% if request.GET.q %}{{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}" id="searchInput" required="true" placeholder="{% trans '搜索书影音,多个关键字以空格分割' %}">
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-            <section id="content" class="container">
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-                        <h5 class="list-head">
-                            <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">{{ book.title }}</a>{% trans ' 的评论' %}
-                        </h5>
-                        <ul class="result-items set">
-                            {% for review in reviews %}
-                            <div class="list-item">
-                                <div class="item-label">
-                                    <a href="{% url 'users:home' review.owner.id %}" class="item-owner-name">{{ review.owner.username }}</a>
-                                    {% if review.is_private %}
-                                    <span class="icon-lock"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M17,8.48h-.73V6.27a6.27,6.27,0,1,0-12.53,0V8.48H3a.67.67,0,0,0-.67.67V19.33A.67.67,0,0,0,3,20H17a.67.67,0,0,0,.67-.67V9.15A.67.67,0,0,0,17,8.48ZM6.42,6.27h0a3.57,3.57,0,0,1,7.14,0h0V8.48H6.42Z"/></svg></span>
-                                    {% endif %}
-                                    <span class="item-time">{{ review.edited_time }}</span>
-                                </div>
-                                <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve_review' review.id %}" class="review-title">{{ review.title }}</a>
+            <section id="content">
+                <div class="grid">
+                    <div class="grid__main" id="main">
+                        <div class="main-section-wrapper">
+                            <div class="entity-reviews">
+                                <h5 class="entity-reviews__title entity-reviews__title--stand-alone">
+                                    <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">{{ book.title }}</a>{% trans ' 的评论' %}
+                                </h5>
+                                <ul class="entity-reviews__review-list">
+                                    {% for review in reviews %}
+                                    <li class="entity-reviews__review entity-reviews__review--wider">
+                                            <a href="{% url 'users:home' review.owner.id %}" class="entity-reviews__owner-link">{{ review.owner.username }}</a>
+                                            {% if review.is_private %}
+                                            <span class="icon-lock"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M17,8.48h-.73V6.27a6.27,6.27,0,1,0-12.53,0V8.48H3a.67.67,0,0,0-.67.67V19.33A.67.67,0,0,0,3,20H17a.67.67,0,0,0,.67-.67V9.15A.67.67,0,0,0,17,8.48ZM6.42,6.27h0a3.57,3.57,0,0,1,7.14,0h0V8.48H6.42Z"/></svg></span>
+                                            {% endif %}
+                                            <span class="entity-reviews__review-time">{{ review.edited_time }}</span>
+                                        <span href="{% url 'books:retrieve_review' review.id %}" class="entity-reviews__review-title"><a href="{% url 'books:retrieve_review' review.id %}">{{ review.title }}</a></span>
+                                    </li>
+                                    {% empty %}
+                                    <div>{% trans '无结果' %}</div>
+                                    {% endfor %}
+                                </ul>
-                            {% empty %}
-                            {% trans '无结果' %}
-                            {% endfor %}
-                        </ul>
-                        <div class="pagination" >
+                            <div class="pagination">
-                            <a 
-                            {% if reviews.has_previous %}
-                            href="?page=1"
-                            {% else %}
-                            disabled
-                            {% endif %}>
-                              <button {% if not reviews.has_previous %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "首页" %}</button>
-                            </a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-                            <a 
-                            {% if reviews.has_previous %}
-                            href="?page={{ reviews.previous_page_number }}"
-                            {% else %}
-                            disabled
-                            {% endif %}>
-                              <button {% if not reviews.has_previous %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "上一页" %}</button>
-                            </a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-                          <span class="page-index">
-                              {% trans "第" %}{% if request.GET.page %}{{ request.GET.page }}{% else %}1{% endif %}{% trans "页" %}
-                          </span>
-                            &nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
-                            {% if reviews.has_next %}
-                            href="?page={{ reviews.next_page_number }}"
-                            {% else %}
-                            disabled
-                            {% endif %}
-                            >
-                              <button {% if not reviews.has_next %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "下一页" %}</button>
-                            </a>
-                            &nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
-                            {% if reviews.has_next %}
-                            href="?page={{ reviews.paginator.num_pages }}"
-                            {% else %}
-                            disabled
-                            {% endif %}>
-                              <button {% if not reviews.has_next %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "末页" %}</button>
-                            </a>
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-                    <div id="aside">
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-                            <div class="aside-item">
-                                <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}"><img src="{{ book.cover.url }}" alt="" class="item-image"></a>
-                                <h5 class="item-title"><a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">{{ book.title }}</a></h5>
-                                {% if book.isbn %}
-                                <div>ISBN: {{ book.isbn }}</div>
+                                {% if reviews.pagination.has_prev %}
+                                <a href="?page=1" class="pagination__nav-link pagination__nav-link">&laquo;</a>
+                                <a href="?page={{ reviews.previous_page_number }}"
+                                    class="pagination__nav-link pagination__nav-link--right-margin pagination__nav-link">&lsaquo;</a>
                                 {% endif %}
-                                <div>{% if book.pub_house %}{% trans '出版社:' %}{{ book.pub_house }}{% endif %}</div>
-                                {% if book.rating %}
-                                {% trans '评分: ' %}<span class="rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
+                                {% for page in reviews.pagination.page_range %}
+                                {% if page == reviews.pagination.current_page %}
+                                <a href="?page={{ page }}" class="pagination__page-link pagination__page-link--current">{{ page }}</a>
+                                {% else %}
+                                <a href="?page={{ page }}" class="pagination__page-link">{{ page }}</a>
                                 {% endif %}
+                                {% endfor %}
+                                {% if reviews.pagination.has_next %}
+                                <a href="?page={{ reviews.next_page_number }}"
+                                    class="pagination__nav-link pagination__nav-link--left-margin">&rsaquo;</a>
+                                <a href="?page={{ reviews.pagination.last_page }}" class="pagination__nav-link">&raquo;</a>
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+                                    <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}"><img src="{{ book.cover.url }}" alt=""
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+                                <div class="entity-card__info-wrapper">
+                                    <h5 class="entity-card__title"><a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">{{ book.title }}</a></h5>
+                                    {% if book.isbn %}
+                                    <div>ISBN: {{ book.isbn }}</div>
+                                    {% endif %}
+                                    <div>{% if book.pub_house %}{% trans '出版社:' %}{{ book.pub_house }}{% endif %}</div>
+                                    {% if book.rating %}
+                                    {% trans '评分: ' %}<span class="entity-card__rating-star rating-star"
+                                        data-rating-score="{{ book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
+                                    <span class="entity-card__rating-score rating-score">{{ book.rating }}</span>
+                                    {% endif %}
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+        {% include "partial/_footer.html" %}
@@ -157,15 +131,6 @@
                     location.href = "{% url 'common:search' %}" + "?q=" + q;
-        ratingLabels = $("#aside .rating-star");
-        $(ratingLabels).each( function(index, value) {
-            let ratingScore = $(this).data("rating-score") / 2;
-            $(this).starRating({
-                initialRating: ratingScore,
-                readOnly: true,
-                starSize: 15,
-            });
-        });        
diff --git a/books/templates/books/scrape.html b/books/templates/books/scrape.html
index 2f5af257..d3e0cea2 100644
--- a/books/templates/books/scrape.html
+++ b/books/templates/books/scrape.html
@@ -9,54 +9,49 @@
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
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     <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 主页' %}</title>
     <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
     <script src="{% static 'js/scrape.js' %}"></script>
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-        #scrapeForm label{
-            font-size: small !important;
+        #scrape {
+            overflow: auto;
-        textarea {
+        #scrape iframe {
+            width: 100%;
+        }
+        #scrape textarea {
             height: 200px;
+            resize: vertical;
+        }
+        #scrape iframe {
+            height: 500px;
     <div id="page-wrapper">
         <div id="content-wrapper">
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-                        value="{% if request.GET.q %}{{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}" id="searchInput" required="true" placeholder="{% trans '搜索书影音,多个关键字以空格分割' %}">
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+                                <h5>        
+                                    {% trans '根据豆瓣内容填写下方表单' %}
+                                </h5>
+                                <iframe id='test' sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms" src="https://search.douban.com/book/subject_search{% if q %}?search_text={{ q }}{% endif %}" frameborder="0"></iframe>
+                                <div class="dividing-line"></div>
+                                <div id="parser">
+                                    <label style="font-size: small;">{% trans '解析器:' %}</label>
+                                    <textarea name="parser" id="" cols="30" rows="40" placeholder="复制信息粘贴至此自动解析,例:
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-                            {% trans '根据豆瓣内容填写下方表单' %}
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-                        <div class="dividing-line"></div>
-                        <div id="parser">
-                            <label style="font-size: small;">{% trans '解析器:' %}</label>
-                            <textarea name="parser" id="" cols="30" rows="40" placeholder="复制信息粘贴至此自动解析,例:
 作者: [法] 雨果
 出版社: 人民文学出版社
 原作名: Les Misérables
@@ -67,42 +62,38 @@
 装帧: 精装
 丛书: 名著名译丛书
 ISBN: 9787020104345
-                            "></textarea>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="dividing-line"></div>
-                        <div id="scrapeForm">
-                            <form action="{% url 'books:create' %}" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
-                                {% csrf_token %}
-                                {{ form }}
-                            </form>
-                            <a href="{% url 'books:scrape' %}" class="button add-button submit">{% trans '剽取!' %}</a>
+                                    "></textarea>
+                                </div>
+                                <div class="dividing-line"></div>
+                                <div id="scrapeForm">
+                                    <form action="{% url 'books:create' %}" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+                                        {% csrf_token %}
+                                        {{ form }}
+                                    </form>
+                                    <a href="{% url 'books:scrape' %}" class="button add-button submit">{% trans '剽取!' %}</a>
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-                                    {% trans '或者复制详情页链接' %}
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-                                <form action="{% url 'books:click_to_scrape' %}" method="post">
-                                    {% csrf_token %}
-                                    <input type="text" name="url" required placeholder="https://book.douban.com/subject/1000000/">
-                                    <input type="submit" class="button add-button" value="{% trans '一键取剽取!' %}">
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+                        <div class="aside-section-wrapper aside-section-wrapper--singular">
+                            <h5>
+                                {% trans '复制详情页链接' %}
+                            </h5>
+                            <form action="{% url 'books:click_to_scrape' %}" method="post">
+                                {% csrf_token %}
+                                <input type="text" name="url" required placeholder="https://book.douban.com/subject/1000000/">
+                                <input type="submit" class="button add-button" value="{% trans '一键取剽取!' %}">
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+        {% include "partial/_footer.html" %}
diff --git a/books/views.py b/books/views.py
index 012c25da..743f66ec 100644
--- a/books/views.py
+++ b/books/views.py
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile
 from common.mastodon import mastodon_request_included
 from common.mastodon.api import check_visibility, post_toot, TootVisibilityEnum
 from common.mastodon.utils import rating_to_emoji
+from common.utils import PageLinksGenerator
+from common.views import PAGE_LINK_NUMBER
 from .models import *
 from .forms import *
 from .forms import BookMarkStatusTranslator
@@ -247,6 +249,7 @@ def retrieve_mark_list(request, book_id):
         paginator = Paginator(queryset, MARK_PER_PAGE)
         page_number = request.GET.get('page', default=1)
         marks = paginator.get_page(page_number)
+        marks.pagination = PageLinksGenerator(PAGE_LINK_NUMBER, page_number, paginator.num_pages)
         for m in marks:
             m.get_status_display = BookMarkStatusTranslator(m.status)
         return render(
@@ -430,6 +433,7 @@ def retrieve_review_list(request, book_id):
         paginator = Paginator(queryset, REVIEW_PER_PAGE)
         page_number = request.GET.get('page', default=1)
         reviews = paginator.get_page(page_number)
+        reviews.pagination = PageLinksGenerator(PAGE_LINK_NUMBER, page_number, paginator.num_pages)
         return render(
diff --git a/common/forms.py b/common/forms.py
index 1403257a..4d6133e6 100644
--- a/common/forms.py
+++ b/common/forms.py
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class RatingValidator:
-class ImageInput(forms.FileInput):
+class PreviewImageInput(forms.FileInput):
     template_name = 'widgets/image.html'
     def format_value(self, value):
diff --git a/common/static/css/boofilsic.css b/common/static/css/boofilsic.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d19c48c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/css/boofilsic.css
@@ -0,0 +1,1995 @@
+input[type='submit'] {
+  background-color: #00a1cc;
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+  background-color: transparent;
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+  background-color: transparent;
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+  border-color: inherit;
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+  background-color: transparent;
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+  color: #00a1cc;
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+input[type='submit'].button-clear:hover {
+  background-color: transparent;
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+  display: block;
+  margin-bottom: 15px;
+  font-weight: bold;
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+  color: #ccc;
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+  color: #606c76;
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+  width: 48px;
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+  color: inherit;
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+  margin-bottom: 10px;
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+  margin: 2px 0;
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+  margin: 0 2px;
+.report-panel .report-panel__all-link {
+  margin-left: 5px;
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+  display: none;
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+  display: flex;
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+  height: 150px;
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+  top: 4px;
+  left: -3px;
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+  position: relative;
+  top: 1px;
+  margin-left: 2px;
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+  margin-top: 5px;
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+  margin-left: 20px;
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+  -ms-flex-preferred-size: 100px;
+      flex-basis: 100px;
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+    display: block !important;
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+    width: 100%;
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+    margin-left: 0 !important;
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+    padding-bottom: 10px;
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+    width: 100%;
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+    transition: -webkit-transform 0.3s;
+    transition: transform 0.3s;
+    transition: transform 0.3s, -webkit-transform 0.3s;
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+    -webkit-transform: rotate(-180deg);
+            transform: rotate(-180deg);
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+    max-height: 0;
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+    transition: max-height 0.6s ease-out;
+    overflow: hidden;
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+        -ms-flex-direction: row;
+            flex-direction: row;
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+    margin-left: 30px;
+  }
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+  padding: 32px 36px;
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+  width: 100%;
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+  color: #00a1cc;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  cursor: pointer;
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+  color: #ccc;
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+  margin-bottom: 5px;
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+  height: 400px;
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+  margin-bottom: 10px;
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+  content: ' ';
+  clear: both;
+  display: table;
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+  float: left;
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+  position: relative;
+  top: 2px;
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+  float: right;
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+  position: relative;
+  top: 2px;
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+  .review-form .review-form__visibility-radio {
+    float: unset;
+  }
+  .review-form .review-form__share-checkbox {
+    float: unset;
+    position: relative;
+    left: -3px;
+  }
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+  min-height: 100px;
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+  cursor: unset !important;
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index e83a624a..00000000
--- a/common/static/js/create_update.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-$(document).ready( function() {
-    // assume there  is only one input[file] on page
-    // $("input[type='file']").each(function() {
-    //     $(this).after('<img src="#" alt="" id="previewImage" style="margin:10px 0; max-width:500px;"/>');
-    // })
-    // mark required
-    $("input[required]").each(function() {
-        $(this).prev().prepend("*");
-    })
-    // preview uploaded pic
-    $("input[type='file']").change(function() {
-        if (this.files && this.files[0]) {
-            var reader = new FileReader();
-            reader.onload = function (e) {
-                $('#previewImage').attr('src', e.target.result);
-            }
-            reader.readAsDataURL(this.files[0]);
-        }
-    });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/create_update_review.js b/common/static/js/create_update_review.js
index 574f0f23..715c1ed4 100644
--- a/common/static/js/create_update_review.js
+++ b/common/static/js/create_update_review.js
@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
 $(document).ready( function() {
+    $(".markdownx-preview").hide();
     $(".markdownx textarea").attr("placeholder", "拖拽图片至编辑框即可插入哦~");
-    $(".preview-button").click(function() {
+    $(".review-form__preview-button").click(function() {
         if ($(".markdownx-preview").is(":visible")) {
-            $(".preview-button").text("预览");
+            $(".review-form__preview-button").text("预览");
             $(".markdownx textarea").show();
         } else {
-            $(".preview-button").text("编辑");
+            $(".review-form__preview-button").text("编辑");
             $(".markdownx textarea").hide();
-    let ratingLabels = $("#main .rating-star");
+    let ratingLabels = $(".rating-star");
     $(ratingLabels).each( function(index, value) {
         let ratingScore = $(this).data("rating-score") / 2;
diff --git a/common/static/js/detail.js b/common/static/js/detail.js
index c2659593..1458e532 100644
--- a/common/static/js/detail.js
+++ b/common/static/js/detail.js
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
     // pop up new rating modal
-    $("#aside .mark .button-group .button").each(function() {
+    $("#addMarkPanel button").each(function() {
         $(this).click(function(e) {
             let title = $(this).text().trim();
-            $(".mark-modal .modal-title").text(title);
-            $(".mark-modal .modal-body textarea").val("");
+            $(".mark-modal__title").text(title);
+            $(".mark-modal__body textarea").val("");
             let status = $(this).data('status')
             $("input[name='status'][value='"+status+"']").prop("checked", true)
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
     // pop up modify mark modal
-    $(".mark a.edit").click(function(e) {
+    $(".mark-panel a.edit").click(function(e) {
-        let title = $(".mark-status-label").text().trim();
-        $(".mark-modal .modal-title").text(title);
+        let title = $(".mark-panel__status").text().trim();
+        $(".mark-modal__title").text(title);
@@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
     // hide rating star when select wish
     const WISH_CODE = 1;
-    if ($(".modal-selection input[type='radio']:checked").val() == WISH_CODE) {
+    if ($("#statusSelection input[type='radio']:checked").val() == WISH_CODE) {
         $(".mark-modal .rating-star-edit").hide();
-    $(".modal-selection#statusSelection input[type='radio']").click(function() {
+    $("#statusSelection input[type='radio']").click(function() {
         if ($(this).val() == WISH_CODE) {
             $(".mark-modal .rating-star-edit").hide();
         } else {
@@ -90,16 +90,16 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
     // show confirm modal
-    $(".mark form a").click(function(e) {
+    $(".mark-panel a.delete").click(function(e) {
-        $(".modal.confirm-modal").show();
+        $(".confirm-modal").show();
     // confirm modal
     $(".confirm-modal input[type='submit']").click(function(e) {
-        $(".mark form").submit();
+        $(".mark-panel form").submit();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/js/home.js b/common/static/js/home.js
index 42a9b808..3b7ae39a 100644
--- a/common/static/js/home.js
+++ b/common/static/js/home.js
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
     let followersSpinner = $("#spinner").clone().removeAttr("hidden");
     let followingSpinner = $("#spinner").clone().removeAttr("hidden");
-    $("#userRelationCard h5:first").append(followingSpinner);
-    $("#userRelationCard h5:last").append(followersSpinner);
+    $("#followings h5").after(followingSpinner);
+    $("#followers h5").after(followersSpinner);
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
         function(userData) {
             let userName;
             if (userData.display_name) {
-                userName = translateEmojis(userData.display_name, userData.emojis);
+                userName = translateEmojis(userData.display_name, userData.emojis, true);
             } else {
                 userName = userData.username;
-            $(".mast-user .mast-avatar").attr("src", userData.avatar);
-            $(".mast-user .mast-displayname").html(userName);
-            $(".mast-user .mast-brief").text($(userData.note).text());
+            $("#userInfoCard .mast-avatar").attr("src", userData.avatar);
+            $("#userInfoCard .mast-displayname").html(userName);
+            $("#userInfoCard .mast-brief").text($(userData.note).text());
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
         function(userList, request) {
             if (userList.length == 0) {
+                $(".mast-followers").before("<div>暂无</div>");
             } else {
                 if (userList.length > 4){
                     userList = userList.slice(0, 4);
@@ -49,9 +51,9 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
                     temp = $(template).clone();
                     temp.find("img").attr("src", data.avatar);
                     if (data.display_name) {
-                        temp.find("a").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
+                        temp.find(".mast-displayname").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
                     } else {
-                        temp.find("a").text(data.username);
+                        temp.find(".mast-displayname").text(data.username);
                     let url = $("#userPageURL").text().replace('0', data.id);
                     temp.find("a").attr('href', url);
@@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
         function(userList, request) {
             if (userList.length == 0) {
+                $(".mast-following").before("<div>暂无</div>");
             } else {
                 if (userList.length > 4){
                     userList = userList.slice(0, 4);
@@ -80,9 +83,9 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
                     temp = $(template).clone()
                     temp.find("img").attr("src", data.avatar);
                     if (data.display_name) {
-                        temp.find("a").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
+                        temp.find(".mast-displayname").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
                     } else {
-                        temp.find("a").text(data.username);
+                        temp.find(".mast-displayname").text(data.username);
                     let url = $("#userPageURL").text().replace('0', data.id);
                     temp.find("a").attr('href', url);
diff --git a/common/static/js/mastodon.js b/common/static/js/mastodon.js
index 115d5a38..91defcbe 100644
--- a/common/static/js/mastodon.js
+++ b/common/static/js/mastodon.js
@@ -142,11 +142,18 @@ function getEmojiDict(emoji_list) {
     return dict;
-function translateEmojis(text, emoji_list) {
+function translateEmojis(text, emoji_list, large) {
     let dict = getEmojiDict(emoji_list);
     let regex = /:(.*?):/g;
-    let translation = text.replace(regex, function (match) {
-        return "<img src=" + dict[match] + " class=emoji alt=" + match + ">"; 
-    });
+    let translation = null
+    if (large) {
+        translation = text.replace(regex, function (match) {
+            return "<img src=" + dict[match] + " class=emoji--large alt=" + match + ">";
+        });
+    } else {        
+        translation = text.replace(regex, function (match) {
+            return "<img src=" + dict[match] + " class=emoji alt=" + match + ">"; 
+        });
+    }
     return translation;
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_AsideSection.sass b/common/static/sass/_AsideSection.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f381718b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_AsideSection.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+$aside-section-padding: 28px 25px 12px 25px
+$aside-section-padding-mobile: 24px 25px 10px 25px
+    display: flex
+    flex: 1
+    flex-direction: column
+    // align-items: center
+    width: 100%
+    padding: $aside-section-padding
+    background-color: $color-bright
+    margin-bottom: 30px
+    &--transparent
+        background-color: unset
+    &--collapse
+        padding: unset
+    & &__entry
+        margin-bottom: 10px
+    & &__label
+        font-size: 1.2em
+        margin-bottom: 8px
+    & &__button
+    margin-bottom: 20px
+    & &__label
+        // font-size: 1.2em
+        font-weight: bold
+        margin-bottom: 12px
+    & &__button-group
+        display: flex
+        justify-content: space-between
+        &--center
+            justify-content: center
+    & &__button
+        line-height: unset
+        height: unset
+        padding: 4px 15px
+        margin: 0 5px
+        // width: 100%
+    margin-bottom: 20px 
+    & &__status
+        font-weight: bold
+    & &__rating-star
+        position: relative
+        top: 2px
+    & &__actions
+        float: right
+        & form
+            display: inline
+    & &__time
+        color: $color-light 
+        margin-bottom: 10px
+    & &__content
+    & &__clear
+        @include clear
+    & &__label
+        font-weight: bold
+    & &__actions
+        float: right
+    & &__time
+        color: $color-light
+        margin-bottom: 10px
+    & &__review-title
+        display: block
+        margin-bottom: 15px
+        font-weight: bold
+    & &__clear
+        @include clear
+    & &__header
+        display: flex
+        align-items: flex-start
+        margin-bottom: 15px
+    & &__avatar
+        width: 72px
+    & &__username
+        font-size: large
+        margin-left: 10px
+        margin-bottom: 0
+    & &__bio
+    & &__report-link
+        color: $color-light
+    & &__label
+        display: inline-block
+        font-size: large
+        margin-bottom: 10px
+    & &__more-link
+        margin-left: 5px
+    & &__related-user-list
+        display: flex
+        justify-content: flex-start
+    & &__related-user
+        flex-basis: 25%
+        padding: 0px 3px
+        text-align: center
+        display: inline-block
+        & > a
+            &:hover
+                color: $color-secondary
+    & &__related-user-avatar
+        width: 48px
+    & &__related-user-name
+        color: inherit
+        overflow: hidden
+        text-overflow: ellipsis
+        display: -webkit-box;
+        -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
+        -webkit-line-clamp: 2;        
+    & &__label
+        display: inline-block
+        margin-bottom: 10px
+    & &__report-list
+    & &__report
+        margin: 2px 0
+    & &__user-link
+        margin: 0 2px
+    & &__all-link
+        margin-left: 5px
+    & &__button
+        display: none
+    display: flex
+    margin-bottom: 10px
+    flex-direction: column
+    &--horizontal
+        flex-direction: row
+    & &__img
+        height: 150px
+    & &__rating-star
+        position: relative
+        top: 4px
+        left: -3px
+    & &__rating-score
+        position: relative
+        top: 1px
+        margin-left: 2px
+    & &__title
+        margin-bottom: 10px
+        margin-top: 5px
+    & &__info-wrapper
+        &--horizontal
+            margin-left: 20px
+    & &__img-wrapper
+        flex-basis: 100px
+// Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up)
+@media (max-width: $small-devices)
+    .add-entity-entries
+        display: block !important
+        & &__button
+            width: 100%
+    .aside-section-wrapper
+        &:first-child
+            margin-right: 0 !important
+            margin-bottom: 0 !important
+        &--singular:first-child
+            margin-bottom: 20px !important
+        // &--no-padding
+        //     padding: $aside-section-padding-mobile !important
+        //     margin-top: 0 !important
+    .action-panel
+        flex-direction: column !important
+    .entity-card
+        &--horizontal
+            flex-direction: column !important
+        // flex-direction: column !important
+        & &__info-wrapper
+            margin-left: 10px !important
+            &--horizontal
+                margin-left: 0 !important
+// Medium devices (tablets, 768px and up)
+@media (max-width: $medium-devices)
+	pass
+// Large devices (desktops, 992px and up)
+@media (max-width: $large-devices)
+    .add-entity-entries
+        display: flex
+        justify-content: space-around
+    .aside-section-wrapper
+        padding: $aside-section-padding-mobile
+        margin-top: 20px
+        // &:not(:first-child)
+        &:not(:last-child)
+            margin-right: 20px         
+        &--collapse
+            padding: $aside-section-padding-mobile !important
+            margin-top: 0
+            margin-bottom: 0
+            &:first-child
+                margin-right: 0
+        &--no-margin
+            margin: 0          
+    .action-panel
+        flex-direction: row
+        & &__button-group
+            justify-content: space-evenly
+    .relation-dropdown
+        margin-bottom: 20px
+        & &__button
+            padding-bottom: 10px
+            background-color: $color-bright
+            width: 100%
+            display: flex
+            justify-content: center
+            align-items: center
+        & &__button > .icon-arrow
+            transition: transform 0.3s
+        & &__button:hover > .icon-arrow
+            transform: rotate(-180deg)
+        & &__button:hover + &__body
+            max-height: 500px
+            transition: max-height 0.6s ease-in
+        & &__body
+            background-color: $color-bright
+            max-height: 0
+            transition: max-height 0.6s ease-out
+            overflow: hidden               
+    .entity-card
+        flex-direction: row
+        & &__info-wrapper
+            margin-left: 30px
+// Extra large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)
+@media (max-width: $x-large-devices)
+    pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Blockquote.sass b/common/static/sass/_Blockquote.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dff5ecad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Blockquote.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Blockquote
+// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
+	border-left: .3rem solid $color-quaternary
+	margin-left: 0
+	margin-right: 0
+	padding: 1rem 1.5rem
+	*:last-child
+		margin-bottom: 0
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Button.sass b/common/static/sass/_Button.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db238d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Button.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// Button
+// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
+	background-color: $color-primary
+	border: .1rem solid $color-primary
+	border-radius: .4rem
+	color: $color-initial
+	cursor: pointer
+	display: inline-block
+	font-size: 1.1rem
+	font-weight: 700
+	height: 3.4rem
+	letter-spacing: .1rem
+	line-height: 3.4rem
+	padding: 0 2.8rem
+	// width: 100%
+	text-align: center
+	text-decoration: none
+	text-transform: uppercase
+	white-space: nowrap
+	&:focus,
+	&:hover
+		background-color: $color-secondary
+		border-color: $color-secondary
+		color: $color-initial
+		outline: 0
+	&[disabled]
+		cursor: default
+		opacity: .5
+		&:focus,
+		&:hover
+			background-color: $color-primary
+			border-color: $color-primary
+	&.button-outline
+		background-color: transparent
+		color: $color-primary
+		&:focus,
+		&:hover
+			background-color: transparent
+			border-color: $color-secondary
+			color: $color-secondary
+		&[disabled]
+			&:focus,
+			&:hover
+				border-color: inherit
+				color: $color-primary
+	&.button-clear
+		background-color: transparent
+		border-color: transparent
+		color: $color-primary
+		&:focus,
+		&:hover
+			background-color: transparent
+			border-color: transparent
+			color: $color-secondary
+		&[disabled]
+			&:focus,
+			&:hover
+				color: $color-primary
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Code.sass b/common/static/sass/_Code.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd0d8df3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Code.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Code
+// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
+	background: $color-tertiary
+	border-radius: .4rem
+	font-size: 86%
+	margin: 0 .2rem
+	padding: .2rem .5rem
+	white-space: nowrap
+	background: $color-tertiary
+	border-left: .3rem solid $color-primary
+	overflow-y: hidden
+	& > code
+		border-radius: 0
+		display: block
+		padding: 1rem 1.5rem
+		white-space: pre
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Color.sass b/common/static/sass/_Color.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74cfb583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Color.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// Color
+// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
+$color-initial: #fff !default
+$color-primary: #00a1cc !default
+$color-secondary: #606c76 !default
+$color-tertiary: #fff !default
+$color-quaternary: #d5d5d5 !default
+$color-quinary: #e5e5e5 !default
+$color-light: #ccc
+$color-bright: rgb(247, 247, 247)
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Divider.sass b/common/static/sass/_Divider.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1583766f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Divider.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// Divider
+// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
+	border: 0
+	border-top: .1rem solid $color-tertiary
+	margin: 3.0rem 0
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Footer.sass b/common/static/sass/_Footer.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b57ead6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Footer.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// these 2 id selectors are to make footer stay at the bottom
+    position: relative
+    min-height: 100vh
+    z-index: 0
+    padding-bottom: 160px
+    // min-height: 100vh;
+    padding-top: 0.4em !important
+    text-align: center
+    margin-bottom: 4px !important
+    position: absolute !important
+    left: 50%
+    transform: translateX(-50%)
+    bottom: 0
+    width: 100%
+    &__border
+        // width: 100%
+        padding-top: 4px;
+        border-top: $color-bright solid 2px
+    &__link
+        margin: 0 12px
+// Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up)
+@media (max-width: $small-devices)
+    #content-wrapper 
+        padding-bottom: 120px
+// Medium devices (tablets, 768px and up)
+@media (max-width: $medium-devices)
+    pass
+// Large devices (desktops, 992px and up)
+@media (max-width: $large-devices)
+	pass
+// Extra large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)
+@media (max-width: $x-large-devices)
+	pass
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Form.sass b/common/static/sass/_Form.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7f56916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Form.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Form
+// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
+	background: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="14" viewBox="0 0 29 14" width="29"><path fill="#d1d1d1" d="M9.37727 3.625l5.08154 6.93523L19.54036 3.625"/></svg>') center right no-repeat
+	padding-right: 3.0rem
+	&:focus
+		background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="14" viewBox="0 0 29 14" width="29"><path fill="#9b4dca" d="M9.37727 3.625l5.08154 6.93523L19.54036 3.625"/></svg>')
+	min-height: 6.5rem
+	width: 100%
+input, select
+	width: 100%
+	display: block
+	// font-size: 1.6rem
+	// font-weight: 700
+	margin-bottom: .5rem
+	border-width: 0
+	padding: 0
+	display: inline
+	display: inline-block
+	font-weight: normal
+	margin-left: .5rem
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Global.sass b/common/static/sass/_Global.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be8a7597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Global.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// Base
+// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
+// Set box-sizing globally to handle padding and border widths
+	font-size: 10px
+	box-sizing: inherit
+// The base font-size is set at 62.5% for having the convenience
+// of sizing rems in a way that is similar to using px: 1.6rem = 16px
+	box-sizing: border-box
+	// font-size: 62.5%
+	height: 100%
+// Default body styles
+	color: $color-secondary
+	font-family: 'Roboto', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', 'Microsoft YaHei Light', sans-serif
+	font-size: 1.3rem
+	font-weight: 300
+	letter-spacing: .05rem
+	line-height: 1.6
+	margin: 0
+	height: 100%
+	font-family: 'Roboto', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', 'Microsoft YaHei Light', sans-serif
+// default link styles
+	color: $color-primary
+	text-decoration: none
+	&:active,
+	&:hover,
+	&:hover:visited
+		color: $color-secondary
+	&:visited
+		// color: $color-primary
+	list-style: none
+// clear the "x" button inside the search input box
+	display: none
+	width : 0
+	height: 0
+	display: none;
+	appearance: none // Removes awkward default styles on some inputs for iOS
+	background-color: transparent
+	border: .1rem solid $color-light
+	border-radius: .4rem
+	box-shadow: none
+	box-sizing: inherit // Forced to replace inherit values of the normalize.css
+	padding: .6rem 1.0rem // The .6rem vertically centers text on FF, ignored by Webkit
+	&:focus
+		border-color: $color-primary
+		outline: 0
+	&::placeholder
+		color: $color-light
+	color: white
+	background-color: $color-primary
+// Mixins
+@mixin clear
+	content: ' '
+	clear: both
+	display: table	
+// Breakpoints
+// Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up)
+$small-devices: 575.98px
+// Medium devices (tablets, 768px and up)
+$medium-devices: 767.98px
+// Large devices (desktops, 992px and up)
+$large-devices: 991.98px
+// Extra large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)
+$x-large-devices: 1199.98px
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Grid.sass b/common/static/sass/_Grid.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fcac292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Grid.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// Grid
+// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
+@mixin container
+	margin: 0 auto
+	position: relative
+	max-width: 110rem
+	padding: 0 2.0rem;
+	width: 100%
+	@include container
+	$main-width: 70%
+	$aside-width: 96% - $main-width
+	& &__main
+		width: $main-width
+		float: left
+		position: relative
+	& &__aside
+		width: $aside-width
+		// background-color: $color-bright
+		float: right
+		position: relative
+		display: flex
+		flex-direction: column
+		justify-content: space-around
+	&::after
+		@include clear		
+// Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up)
+@media (max-width: $small-devices)
+	.grid
+		& &__aside
+			flex-direction: column !important
+// Medium devices (tablets, 768px and up)
+@media (max-width: $medium-devices)
+	pass
+// Large devices (desktops, 992px and up)
+@media (max-width: $large-devices)
+	.grid
+		& &__main
+			width: 100%
+			float: none
+		& &__aside
+			width: 100%
+			float: none
+			flex-direction: row
+			&--tablet-column
+				flex-direction: column
+		&--reverse-order
+			transform: scaleY(-1)
+		& &__main--reverse-order
+				transform: scaleY(-1)
+		& &__aside--reverse-order
+				transform: scaleY(-1)				
+// Extra large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)
+@media (max-width: $x-large-devices)
+	pass
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Icon.sass b/common/static/sass/_Icon.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa541c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Icon.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+.icon-lock svg
+    fill: $color-light
+    height: 12px
+    position: relative
+    top: 1px
+    margin-left: 3px
+.icon-cross svg
+    fill: $color-light
+    height: 10px
+    position: relative
+.icon-arrow svg
+    fill: $color-secondary
+    height: 15px
+    position: relative
+    top: 3px
+    display: inline-block
+    position: relative
+    left: 50%
+    transform: translateX(-50%) scale(0.4)
+    width: 80px
+    height: 80px
+    & div
+        transform-origin: 40px 40px
+        animation: spinner 1.2s linear infinite
+        &::after
+            content: " ";
+            display: block;
+            position: absolute;
+            top: 3px;
+            left: 37px;
+            width: 6px;
+            height: 18px;
+            border-radius: 20%;
+            background: $color-secondary
+        @for $i from 1 through 12
+            &:nth-child(#{$i})
+                transform: rotate(($i - 1) * 30deg)
+                animation-delay: (12 - $i) * -0.1s
+@keyframes spinner
+    0% 
+        opacity: 1
+    100% 
+        opacity: 0
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Image.sass b/common/static/sass/_Image.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ca35ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Image.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Image
+// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
+	max-width: 100%
+	object-fit: contain
+	&.emoji
+		height: 14px
+		box-sizing: border-box
+		object-fit: contain
+		position: relative
+		top: 3px
+		&--large
+			height: 20px
+			position: relative
+			top: 2px
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_List.sass b/common/static/sass/_List.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c515d2f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_List.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// List
+// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
+	list-style: none
+	margin-top: 0
+	padding-left: 0
+	dl,
+	ol,
+	ul
+		// font-size: 90%
+		// margin: 1.5rem 0 1.5rem 3.0rem
+	list-style: decimal inside
+	list-style: circle inside
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_MainSection.sass b/common/static/sass/_MainSection.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bca2b5ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_MainSection.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+$main-section-padding: 32px 48px 32px 36px
+$main-section-padding-mobile: 32px 28px 28px 28px
+$section-title-margin: 20px
+$sub-sections-between-margin: 28px
+$sub-section-title-margin: 8px
+	padding: $main-section-padding
+	background-color: $color-bright
+// for search result etc
+	& &__title
+		// font-size: large
+		margin-bottom: $section-title-margin
+	& &__entities
+	& &__entity
+		display: flex
+		margin-bottom: 36px
+		&::after
+			@include clear
+	& &__entity-img
+		// float: left
+		object-fit: contain
+		// height: 150px
+		$width: 100px
+		min-width: $width
+		max-width: $width
+	& &__entity-text
+		margin-left: 20px
+		overflow: hidden
+    	// float: left
+	& &__entity-link
+		font-size: 1.2em
+	& &__entity-title
+		display: block	
+	& &__entity-info
+		max-width: 76%
+		white-space: nowrap
+		overflow: hidden
+		display: inline-block
+		text-overflow: ellipsis
+		position: relative
+		top: 0.52em
+		&--full-length
+			max-width: 100%
+	& &__entity-brief
+		margin-top: 8px
+		display: -webkit-box
+		-webkit-box-orient: vertical
+		-webkit-line-clamp: 4
+		overflow: hidden
+	$rating-info-gap-width: 5px
+	& &__rating
+		display: inline-block
+		margin: 0
+	& &__rating--empty
+		// width: $empty-rating-width
+		margin-right: $rating-info-gap-width
+	& &__rating-score
+		margin-right: $rating-info-gap-width
+		position: relative
+		top: 1px
+	& &__rating-star
+		display: inline
+		position: relative
+		top: 0.3em
+		left: -0.3em
+// detail page
+	& &__img
+		height: 210px;
+		object-fit: contain;
+		float: left;
+		max-width: 150px;
+	& &__info
+		float: left
+		margin-left: 20px
+		overflow: hidden
+		text-overflow: ellipsis
+		width: 70%
+	& &__title
+		font-weight: bold
+	& &__fields
+		display: inline-block
+		vertical-align: top
+		width: 48%
+		& div, & span
+			margin: 1px 0
+	& &__rating
+		position: relative
+		top: -5px
+	& &__rating-star
+		position: relative
+		left: -4px
+		top: 3px
+	& &__rating-score
+		font-weight: bold
+	&::after
+		@include clear
+$mark-review-padding: 3px 0
+$mark-review-padding-wider: 6px 0
+// includes title and description of an entity
+// sub section
+	margin-bottom: $sub-sections-between-margin
+	& &__title
+		margin-bottom: $sub-section-title-margin
+	& &__content
+	& &__empty
+// includes marks of an entity
+// sub section
+	margin-bottom: $sub-sections-between-margin
+	& &__title
+		margin-bottom: $sub-section-title-margin
+		& > a
+			margin-right: 5px
+		&--stand-alone
+			margin-bottom: $section-title-margin
+	& &__more-link
+		margin-left: 5px
+	& &__mark-list
+	& &__mark
+		margin: 0
+		padding: $mark-review-padding
+		border-bottom: 1px dashed $color-quinary
+		&:last-child
+			border: none
+		&--wider
+			padding: $mark-review-padding-wider
+	& &__mark-content
+		margin-bottom: 0
+	& &__mark-time
+		color: $color-light
+		margin-left: 2px
+	& &__owner-link
+	& &__rating-star
+		position: relative
+		top: 4px
+	& &__empty
+// includes reviews of an entity
+// sub section	
+	// when used alone
+	&:first-child
+		margin-bottom: $sub-sections-between-margin
+	& &__title
+		margin-bottom: $sub-section-title-margin
+		& > a
+			margin-right: 5px
+		&--stand-alone
+			margin-bottom: $section-title-margin		
+	& &__more-link
+		margin-left: 5px
+	& &__review-list
+	& &__review
+		margin: 0
+		padding: $mark-review-padding
+		border-bottom: 1px dashed $color-quinary
+		&:last-child
+			border: none
+		&--wider
+			padding: $mark-review-padding-wider			
+	& &__review-time
+		color: $color-light
+		margin-left: 2px
+	& &__review-title
+	& &__owner-link
+	& &__empty		
+	height: 0
+	width: 100%
+	margin: 40px 0 24px 0
+	border-top: solid 1px $color-light
+// on home page
+	margin-bottom: 30px
+	& &__label
+		font-size: large
+		display: inline-block
+		margin-bottom: $section-title-margin
+	& &__more-link
+		margin-left: 5px
+	& &__entity-list
+		display: flex
+		justify-content: flex-start
+		// padding-left: 24px
+		flex-wrap: wrap
+	& &__entity
+		padding: 0 10px
+		flex-basis: 20%
+		text-align: center
+		display: inline-block
+		color: $color-secondary
+		&:hover
+			color: $color-primary
+		& > a
+			color: inherit
+	& &__entity-img
+		height: 110px
+	& &__entity-name
+		text-overflow: ellipsis
+		overflow: hidden
+		display: -webkit-box
+		-webkit-box-orient: vertical
+		-webkit-line-clamp: 2
+	& &__empty
+// follower/following list page
+	& &__title
+		margin-bottom: $section-title-margin
+	& &__user
+		display: flex
+		justify-content: flex-start
+		margin-bottom: 20px
+	& &__user-info
+		margin-left: 15px
+		overflow: auto
+	& &__user-name
+	& &__user-bio
+	& &__user-avatar
+		max-height: 72px
+// review detail page
+	& &__title
+		display: inline-block
+		font-weight: bold
+	& &__body
+		margin-bottom: 10px
+		&::after
+			@include clear
+	& &__info
+		float: left
+	& &__owner-link
+		color: $color-light
+		&:hover
+			color: $color-primary
+	& &__time
+		color: $color-light
+	& &__rating-star
+		position: relative
+		top: 3px
+		left: -1px
+	& &__actions
+		float: right
+	& &__action-link
+		&:not(:first-child)
+			margin-left: 5px
+// Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up)
+@media (max-width: $small-devices)
+	.entity-list
+		& &__entity
+			flex-direction: column
+			margin-bottom: 30px
+		& &__entity-text
+			margin-left: 0
+		& &__entity-img-wrapper
+			margin-bottom: 8px
+		& &__entity-info
+			max-width: unset
+		& &__rating--empty + &__entity-info
+			max-width: 70%
+	.entity-detail
+		flex-direction: column
+		& &__title
+			margin-bottom: 5px
+		& &__info
+			margin-left: 0
+			float: none
+			display: flex
+			flex-direction: column
+			width: 100%
+		& &__img
+			margin-bottom: 24px
+			float: none
+			height: unset
+			max-width: 170px;
+		& &__fields
+			width: unset
+	.entity-marks
+		& &__mark-list
+		& &__mark
+		& &__rating-star
+		& &__rating-star + &__mark-time
+			// display: block
+	.dividing-line
+		margin-top: 24px
+	.entity-sort
+		& &__entity
+			flex-basis: 50%
+			// margin-left: 10px
+			// margin-right: 10px
+		& &__entity-img
+			height: 130px
+	.review-head
+		& &__info
+			float: unset
+		& &__actions
+			float: unset
+// Medium devices (tablets, 768px and up)
+@media (max-width: $medium-devices)
+	pass
+// Large devices (desktops, 992px and up)
+@media (max-width: $large-devices)
+	.main-section-wrapper
+		padding: $main-section-padding-mobile
+	.entity-detail
+		display: flex
+		& &__info
+			// display: flex
+// Extra large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)
+@media (max-width: $x-large-devices)
+	pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Modal.sass b/common/static/sass/_Modal.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e28a1ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Modal.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+    background-color: black
+    z-index: 1
+    filter: opacity(20%)
+    position: fixed
+    width: 100%
+    height: 100%
+    left: 0
+    top: 0
+    display: none
+@mixin modal
+    z-index: 2
+    display: none
+    position: fixed
+    width: 500px
+    top: 50%
+    left: 50%
+    transform: translate(-50%, -50%)
+    background-color: $color-bright
+    padding: 20px 20px 10px 20px
+    color: $color-secondary
+    & &__head
+        margin-bottom: 30px
+        &::after
+           @include clear 
+    & &__title
+        font-weight: bold
+        font-size: 1.2em
+        float: left
+    & &__close-button
+        float: right
+    & &__body
+    & &__confirm-button
+        float: right
+    @include modal
+    & input[type="radio"]
+        margin-right: 0
+    & &__rating-star
+        display: inline
+        float: left
+        position: relative
+        left: -3px
+    & &__status-radio
+        float: right
+        & ul
+            margin-bottom: 0
+        & li, & label
+            display: inline
+        & input[type="radio"]
+            position: relative
+            top: 1px
+    & &__clear
+        @include clear
+    & &__content-input, & form textarea
+        height: 200px
+        width: 100%
+        margin-top: 5px
+        margin-bottom: 5px
+        resize: vertical
+    & &__option
+        margin-bottom: 24px
+        &::after
+            @include clear
+    & &__visibility-radio
+        float: left
+        & ul, & li, & label
+            display: inline
+        & label
+            font-size: normal
+        & input[type="radio"]
+            position: relative
+            top: 2px
+    & &__share-checkbox
+        float: right
+        & input[type="checkbox"]
+            position: relative
+            top: 2px
+    @include modal
+// Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up)
+@media (max-width: $small-devices)
+    .mark-modal, .confirm-modal
+        width: 100%
+// Medium devices (tablets, 768px and up)
+@media (max-width: $medium-devices)
+	pass
+// Large devices (desktops, 992px and up)
+@media (max-width: $large-devices)
+    pass
+// Extra large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)
+@media (max-width: $x-large-devices)
+    pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Navbar.sass b/common/static/sass/_Navbar.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b68c70fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Navbar.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+    background-color: $color-bright
+    box-sizing: border-box
+    padding: 10px 0
+    margin-bottom: 50px
+    border-bottom: $color-light 0.5px solid
+    & &__wrapper
+        display: flex
+        justify-content: space-between
+        align-items: center
+        position: relative
+    & &__logo
+        flex-basis: 100px
+    & &__logo-link
+        display: inline-block
+    & &__link-list
+        margin: 0
+        display: flex
+        justify-content: space-around
+    & &__link
+        margin: 9px
+        color: $color-secondary
+        &:active,
+        &:hover,
+        &:hover:visited
+            color: $color-primary
+        &:visited            
+            color: $color-secondary
+    & &__search-box
+        margin: 0 12% 0 15px
+        height: 32px
+        flex: 1
+        background-color: white !important
+    & &__dropdown-btn
+        display: none
+        padding: 0
+        margin: 0
+        border: none
+        background-color: transparent
+        color: $color-primary
+        &:focus,
+        &:hover
+            background-color: transparent
+            color: $color-secondary        
+// Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up)
+@media (max-width: $small-devices)
+	.navbar
+        padding: 2px 0
+        & &__wrapper
+            display: block
+        & &__logo-img
+            width: 72px
+            margin-right: 10px
+            position: relative
+            top: 7px
+        // dropdown
+        & &__link-list
+            // display: block
+            margin-top: 7px
+            max-height: 0
+            transition: max-height 0.6s ease-out
+            overflow: hidden;
+        & &__dropdown-btn
+            display: block
+            position: absolute
+            right: 5px
+            top: 3px
+            transform: scale(0.7)
+            &:hover + .navbar__link-list
+                max-height: 500px
+                transition: max-height 0.6s ease-in
+        & &__search-box
+            margin: 0
+            width: 46vw
+            height: 26px
+            padding: 4px 6px
+// Medium devices (tablets, 768px and up)
+@media (max-width: $medium-devices)
+	pass
+// Large devices (desktops, 992px and up)
+@media (max-width: $large-devices)
+    .navbar
+        margin-bottom: 20px
+// Extra large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)
+@media (max-width: $x-large-devices)
+	pass
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Pagination.sass b/common/static/sass/_Pagination.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e44f8ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Pagination.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+    // position: absolute
+    // bottom: 30px
+    // left: 50%
+    // transform: translateX(-50%)
+    text-align: center
+    width: 100%
+    & &__page-link
+        font-weight: normal
+        margin: 0 5px
+        &--current
+            font-weight: bold
+            font-size: 1.2em
+            // text-decoration: underline
+            color: $color-secondary
+    & &__nav-link
+        font-size: 1.4em
+        margin: 0 2px
+        $nav-link-edge-margin-width: 18px
+        &--right-margin
+            margin-right: $nav-link-edge-margin-width
+        &--left-margin
+            margin-left: $nav-link-edge-margin-width
+        &--hidden
+            display: none
+// Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up)
+@media (max-width: $small-devices)
+    .pagination
+        & &__page-link
+            margin: 0 3px
+        & &__nav-link
+            font-size: 1.4em
+            margin: 0 2px
+            $nav-link-edge-margin-width: 10px
+            &--right-margin
+                margin-right: $nav-link-edge-margin-width
+            &--left-margin
+                margin-left: $nav-link-edge-margin-width            
+// Medium devices (tablets, 768px and up)
+@media (max-width: $medium-devices)
+	pass
+// Large devices (desktops, 992px and up)
+@media (max-width: $large-devices)
+    pass
+// Extra large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)
+@media (max-width: $x-large-devices)
+	pass            
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_SingleSection.sass b/common/static/sass/_SingleSection.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7880893a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_SingleSection.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+$single-section-padding: 32px 36px
+$single-section-padding-mobile: 32px 28px
+    padding: $single-section-padding
+    background-color: $color-bright
+    overflow: auto
+.entity-form, .review-form
+    overflow: auto
+    & > input[type='email'],
+    & > input[type='number'],
+    & > input[type='password'],
+    & > input[type='search'],
+    & > input[type='tel'],
+    & > input[type='text'],
+    & > input[type='url'],
+    & textarea
+        width: 100%
+    & img
+        display: block
+    & &__preview-button
+        color: $color-primary
+        font-weight: bold
+        cursor: pointer
+    & &__fyi
+        color: $color-light
+    & &__main-content, & textarea
+        margin-bottom: 5px
+        resize: vertical
+        height: 400px
+    & &__option
+        margin-top: 24px
+        margin-bottom: 10px
+        &::after
+            @include clear
+    & &__visibility-radio
+        float: left
+        & ul, & li, & label
+            display: inline
+        & label
+            font-size: normal
+        & input[type="radio"]
+            position: relative
+            top: 2px
+    & &__share-checkbox
+        float: right
+        & input[type="checkbox"]
+            position: relative
+            top: 2px
+// Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up)
+@media (max-width: $small-devices)
+    .review-form
+        & &__visibility-radio
+            float: unset
+        & &__share-checkbox
+            float: unset
+            position: relative       
+            left: -3px
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Spacing.sass b/common/static/sass/_Spacing.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a36a669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Spacing.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// Spacing
+// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
+	margin-bottom: 1.0rem
+	margin-bottom: 1.5rem
+	margin-bottom: 1rem
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Table.sass b/common/static/sass/_Table.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c27ec399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Table.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Table
+// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
+	border-spacing: 0
+	width: 100%
+	border-bottom: .1rem solid $color-quinary
+	padding: 1.2rem 1.5rem
+	text-align: left
+	&:first-child
+		padding-left: 0
+	&:last-child
+		padding-right: 0
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Typography.sass b/common/static/sass/_Typography.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4b9a5bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Typography.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// Typography
+// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
+	font-weight: bold
+	margin-top: 0
+	font-weight: 300
+	letter-spacing: -.1rem
+	margin-bottom: 2.0rem
+	margin-top: 0
+	font-size: 4.6rem
+	line-height: 1.2
+	font-size: 3.6rem
+	line-height: 1.25
+	font-size: 2.8rem
+	line-height: 1.3
+	font-size: 2.2rem
+	letter-spacing: -.08rem
+	line-height: 1.35
+	font-size: 1.8rem
+	letter-spacing: -.05rem
+	line-height: 1.5
+	font-size: 1.6rem
+	letter-spacing: 0
+	line-height: 1.4
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Utility.sass b/common/static/sass/_Utility.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62474a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Utility.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Utility
+// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
+// Clear a float with .clearfix
+	&:after
+		clear: both
+		content: ' ' // The space content is one way to avoid an Opera bug.
+		display: table
+// Float either direction
+	float: left
+	float: right
+	font-weight: bold
diff --git a/common/static/sass/_Vendor.sass b/common/static/sass/_Vendor.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77b0b05e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/_Vendor.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+.markdownx-preview > p
+    min-height: 100px
+.rating-star .jq-star
+	cursor: unset !important    
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/static/sass/boofilsic.sass b/common/static/sass/boofilsic.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7726d68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/static/sass/boofilsic.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Sass Modules
+// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
+// milligram
+@import Color
+// @import Blockquote
+@import Button
+// @import Code
+// @import Divider
+@import Form
+@import List
+@import Spacing
+// @import Table
+@import Typography
+@import Image
+@import Utility
+// boofilsic components
+@import Global
+@import Navbar
+@import Grid
+@import Pagination
+@import Footer
+@import Icon
+@import Modal
+// boofilsic modules    
+@import MainSection
+@import AsideSection
+@import SingleSection
+@import Vendor
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/templates/common/error.html b/common/templates/common/error.html
index 9025eb5f..0e42ef31 100644
--- a/common/templates/common/error.html
+++ b/common/templates/common/error.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 <html lang="en">
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
-    <!-- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> -->
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
     <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url={% url 'common:home' %}"> 
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}">
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_edit.css' %}">
@@ -13,17 +13,19 @@
     <div class="box">
-        <a href="{% url 'common:home' %}">
-            <img src="{% static 'img/logo.svg' %}" alt="logo" class="logo">
-        </a>
-        <div class="main-msg">
-            {{ msg }}
-        </div>
-        <div class="sec-msg">
-            {% if secondary_msg %}
-            {{ secondary_msg }}
-            {% endif %}
-        </div>
+            <a href="{% url 'common:home' %}">
+                <img src="{% static 'img/logo.svg' %}" alt="logo" class="logo">
+            </a>
+            <div class="main-msg">
+                {{ msg }}
+            </div>
+            <div class="sec-msg">
+                {% if secondary_msg %}
+                {{ secondary_msg }}
+                {% endif %}
+            </div>
diff --git a/common/templates/common/home.html b/common/templates/common/home.html
index c6b714ed..0b356969 100644
--- a/common/templates/common/home.html
+++ b/common/templates/common/home.html
@@ -9,192 +9,235 @@
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
-    <!-- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> -->
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
     <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 主页' %}</title>
     <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
     <script src="{% static 'js/mastodon.js' %}"></script>
     <script src="{% static 'js/home.js' %}"></script>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_browse.css' %}">
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}">
+    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_browse.css' %}"> -->
+    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}"> -->
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic.css' %}">
     <div id="page-wrapper">
         <div id="content-wrapper">
-            <section id="navbar" class="navbar">
-                <div class="container">
-                    <nav class="clearfix">
-                        <a href="{% url 'common:home' %}">
-                            <img src="{% static 'img/logo.svg' %}" alt="" class="logo">
-                        </a>
-                        <input type="search" class="search-box" name="q" id="searchInput" required="true" placeholder="{% trans '搜索书影音,多个关键字以空格分割' %}">
-                        <a class="nav-link" id="logoutLink" href="{% url 'users:logout' %}">{% trans '登出' %}</a>
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'common:home' %}">{% trans '主页' %}</a>
-                        {% if request.user.is_staff %}   
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% admin_url %}">{% trans '后台' %}</a>
-                        {% endif %}
-                    </nav>
-                </div>
-            </section>
-            <section id="content" class="container">
-                <div class="row">
-                    <div id="main">
-                        <div class="set" id="bookWish">
-                            <h5 class="set-title">
-                                {% trans '想读的书' %}
-                            </h5>
-                            {% if wish_books_more %}
-                            <a href="{% url 'users:book_list' user.id 'wish' %}" class="more-link">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
-                            {% endif %}
-                            <ul class="row set-item-list">
-                                {% for wish_book_mark in wish_book_marks %}    
-                                <li class="column column-20 set-item">
-                                    <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' wish_book_mark.book.id %}" >
-                                        <img src="{{ wish_book_mark.book.cover.url }}" alt="" class="set-item-image">
-                                        <span class="set-item-title">{{ wish_book_mark.book.title | truncate:15 }}</span>
-                                    </a>
-                                </li>
-                                {% empty %}
-                                <p class="set-empty">暂无记录</p> 
-                                {% endfor %}
-                            </ul>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="set" id="bookDo">
-                            <h5 class="set-title">
-                                {% trans '在读的书' %}
-                            </h5>
-                            {% if do_books_more %}
-                            <a href="{% url 'users:book_list' user.id 'do' %}" class="more-link">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
-                            {% endif %}
-                            <ul class="row set-item-list">
-                                {% for do_book_mark in do_book_marks %}    
-                                <li class="column column-20 set-item">
-                                    <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' do_book_mark.book.id %}" >
-                                        <img src="{{ do_book_mark.book.cover.url }}" alt="" class="set-item-image">
-                                        <span class="set-item-title">{{ do_book_mark.book.title | truncate:15 }}</span>
-                                    </a>
-                                </li>
-                                {% empty %}
-                                <p class="set-empty">暂无记录</p> 
-                                {% endfor %}
-                            </ul>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="set" id="bookCollect">
-                            <h5 class="set-title">
-                                {% trans '读过的书' %}
-                            </h5>
-                            {% if collect_books_more %}
-                            <a href="{% url 'users:book_list' user.id 'collect' %}" class="more-link">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
-                            {% endif %}
-                            <ul class="row set-item-list">
-                                {% for collect_book_mark in collect_book_marks %}    
-                                <li class="column column-20 set-item">
-                                    <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' collect_book_mark.book.id %}" >
-                                        <img src="{{ collect_book_mark.book.cover.url }}" alt="" class="set-item-image">
-                                        <span class="set-item-title">{{ collect_book_mark.book.title | truncate:15 }}</span>
-                                    </a>
-                                </li>
-                                {% empty %}
-                                <p class="set-empty">暂无记录</p> 
-                                {% endfor %}
-                            </ul>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-                    <div id="aside">
-                        <div class="aside-card mast-user" id="userInfoCard">
-                            <div class="clearfix">
-                                <img src="" class="info-avatar mast-avatar" alt="{{ user.username }}">
-                                <a href="{% url 'users:home' user.id %}">
-                                    <h5 class="info-name mast-displayname"></h5>
-                                </a>
+            {% include "partial/_navbar.html" %}
+            <section id="content">
+                <div class="grid grid--reverse-order">
+                    <div class="grid__main grid__main--reverse-order">
+                        <div class="main-section-wrapper">
+                            <div class="entity-sort" id="bookWish">
+                                <h5 class="entity-sort__label">
+                                    {% trans '想读的书' %}
+                                </h5>
+                                {% if wish_books_more %}
+                                <a href="{% url 'users:book_list' user.id 'wish' %}"
+                                    class="entity-sort__more-link">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
+                                {% endif %}
+                                <ul class="entity-sort__entity-list">
+                                    {% for wish_book_mark in wish_book_marks %}
+                                    <li class="entity-sort__entity">
+                                        <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' wish_book_mark.book.id %}">
+                                            <img src="{{ wish_book_mark.book.cover.url }}"
+                                                alt="{{wish_book_mark.book.title}}" class="entity-sort__entity-img">
+                                            <div class="entity-sort__entity-name" title="wish_book_mark.book.title">
+                                                {{ wish_book_mark.book.title }}</div>
+                                        </a>
+                                    </li>
+                                    {% empty %}
+                                    <div>暂无记录</div>
+                                    {% endfor %}
+                                </ul>
-                            <p class="info-brief mast-brief"></p>
-                            <!-- <a href="#" class="follow">{% trans '关注TA' %}</a> -->
-                            {% if request.user != user %}
-                            <a href="{% url 'users:report' %}?user_id={{ user.id }}" class="report">{% trans '举报用户' %}</a>
-                            {% endif %}
+                            <div class="entity-sort" id="bookWish">
+                                <h5 class="entity-sort__label">
+                                    {% trans '在读的书' %}
+                                </h5>
+                                {% if do_books_more %}
+                                <a href="{% url 'users:book_list' user.id 'do' %}"
+                                    class="entity-sort__more-link">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
+                                {% endif %}
+                                <ul class="entity-sort__entity-list">
+                                    {% for do_book_mark in do_book_marks %}
+                                    <li class="entity-sort__entity">
+                                        <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' do_book_mark.book.id %}">
+                                            <img src="{{ do_book_mark.book.cover.url }}"
+                                                alt="{{do_book_mark.book.title}}" class="entity-sort__entity-img">
+                                            <div class="entity-sort__entity-name" title="{{do_book_mark.book.title}}">
+                                                {{ do_book_mark.book.title }}</div>
+                                        </a>
+                                    </li>
+                                    {% empty %}
+                                    <div>暂无记录</div>
+                                    {% endfor %}
+                                </ul>
+                            </div>
+                            <div class="entity-sort" id="bookCollect">
+                                <h5 class="entity-sort__label">
+                                    {% trans '读过的书' %}
+                                </h5>
+                                {% if collect_books_more %}
+                                <a href="{% url 'users:book_list' user.id 'collect' %}"
+                                    class="entity-sort__more-link">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
+                                {% endif %}
+                                <ul class="entity-sort__entity-list">
+                                    {% for collect_book_mark in collect_book_marks %}
+                                    <li class="entity-sort__entity">
+                                        <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' collect_book_mark.book.id %}">
+                                            <img src="{{ collect_book_mark.book.cover.url }}"
+                                                alt="{{collect_book_mark.book.title}}" class="entity-sort__entity-img">
+                                            <span class="entity-sort__entity-name"
+                                                title="{{collect_book_mark.book.title}}">{{ collect_book_mark.book.title }}</span>
+                                        </a>
+                                    </li>
+                                    {% empty %}
+                                    <div>暂无记录</div>
+                                    {% endfor %}
+                                </ul>
+                            </div>
-                        <div class="relation-card" id="userRelationCard">
-                            <h5 class="relation-label">
-                                {% trans '关注的人' %}
-                            </h5>
-                            <a href="{% url 'users:following' user.id %}" class="more-link mast-following-more">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
-                            <ul class="row mast-following relation-user-list">
-                                <li class="column column-25 relation-user">
-                                    <img src="" alt="" class="relation-avatar">
-                                    <a class="relation-name"></a>
-                                </li>
-                            </ul>         
-                            <h5 class="relation-label">
-                                {% trans '被他们关注' %}
-                            </h5>
-                            <a href="{% url 'users:followers' user.id %}" class="more-link mast-followers-more">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
-                            <ul class="row mast-followers relation-user-list">
-                                <li class="column column-25 relation-user">
-                                    <img src="" alt="" class="relation-avatar">
-                                    <a class="relation-name"></a>
-                                </li>
-                            </ul>                    
-                        </div>
-                        {% if request.user.is_staff %}                    
-                        <div class="report-card" id="reportMessageCard">
-                            <h5 class="report-label">{% trans '举报信息' %}</h5>
-                            <ul class="report-list">
-                                {% for report in reports %}                            
-                                <li class="report-message">
-                                    <a href="" class="report-user-link">{{ report.submit_user }}</a>{% trans '举报了' %}<a href="">{{ report.reported_user }}</a>
-                                </li>
-                                {% endfor %}
-                            </ul>
-                            <a href="{% url 'users:manage_report' %}">全部举报</a>
-                        </div>
-                        {% endif %}
+                    <div class="grid__aside grid__aside--reverse-order grid__aside--tablet-column">
+                        <div class="aside-section-wrapper aside-section-wrapper--no-margin">
+                            <div class="user-profile" id="userInfoCard">
+                                <div class="user-profile__header">
+                                    <!-- <img src="" class="user-profile__avatar mast-avatar" alt="{{ user.username }}"> -->
+                                    <img src="" class="user-profile__avatar mast-avatar">
+                                    <a href="{% url 'users:home' user.id %}">
+                                        <h5 class="user-profile__username mast-displayname"></h5>
+                                    </a>
+                                </div>
+                                <p class="user-profile__bio mast-brief"></p>
+                                <!-- <a href="#" class="follow">{% trans '关注TA' %}</a> -->
+                                {% if request.user != user %}
+                                <a href="{% url 'users:report' %}?user_id={{ user.id }}"
+                                    class="user-profile__report-link">{% trans '举报用户' %}</a>
+                                {% endif %}
+                            </div>
+                        </div>
+                        <div class="relation-dropdown">
+                            <div class="relation-dropdown__button">
+                                <span class="icon-arrow">
+                                    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 10 10">
+                                        <path d="M8.12,3.29,5,6.42,1.86,3.29H.45L5,7.84,9.55,3.29Z" />
+                                    </svg>
+                                </span>
+                            </div>
+                            <div class="relation-dropdown__body">
+                                <div
+                                    class="aside-section-wrapper aside-section-wrapper--transparent aside-section-wrapper--collapse">
+                                    <div class="user-relation" id="followings">
+                                        <h5 class="user-relation__label">
+                                            {% trans '关注的人' %}
+                                        </h5>
+                                        <a href="{% url 'users:following' user.id %}"
+                                            class="user-relation__more-link mast-following-more">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
+                                        <ul class="user-relation__related-user-list mast-following">
+                                            <li class="user-relation__related-user">
+                                                <a>
+                                                    <img src="" alt="" class="user-relation__related-user-avatar">
+                                                    <div class="user-relation__related-user-name mast-displayname">
+                                                    </div>
+                                                </a>
+                                            </li>
+                                        </ul>
+                                    </div>
+                                    <div class="user-relation" id="followers">
+                                        <h5 class="user-relation__label">
+                                            {% trans '被他们关注' %}
+                                        </h5>
+                                        <a href="{% url 'users:followers' user.id %}"
+                                            class="user-relation__more-link mast-followers-more">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
+                                        <ul class="user-relation__related-user-list mast-followers">
+                                            <li class="user-relation__related-user">
+                                                <a>
+                                                    <img src="" alt="" class="user-relation__related-user-avatar">
+                                                    <div class="user-relation__related-user-name mast-displayname">
+                                                    </div>
+                                                </a>
+                                            </li>
+                                        </ul>
+                                    </div>
+                                </div>
+                                <div
+                                    class="aside-section-wrapper aside-section-wrapper--transparent aside-section-wrapper--collapse">
+                                    {% if request.user.is_staff and request.user == user%}
+                                    <div class="report-panel">
+                                        <h5 class="report-panel__label">{% trans '举报信息' %}</h5>
+                                        <a class="report-panel__all-link"
+                                            href="{% url 'users:manage_report' %}">全部举报</a>
+                                        <ul class="report-panel__report-list">
+                                            {% for report in reports %}
+                                            <li class="report-panel__report">
+                                                <a href="{% url 'users:home' report.submit_user.id %}"
+                                                    class="report-panel__user-link">{{ report.submit_user }}</a>{% trans '举报了' %}<a
+                                                    href="{% url 'users:home' report.reported_user.id %}"
+                                                    class="report-panel__user-link">{{ report.reported_user }}</a>
+                                            </li>
+                                            {% empty %}
+                                            <div>{% trans '暂无新举报' %}</div>
+                                            {% endfor %}
+                                        </ul>
+                                    </div>
+                                    {% endif %}
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+                </div>
-        <footer class="container">
-            <a href="https://donotban.com/@whitiewhite">去长毛象向作者提意见</a>
-            <a href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic/issues">报告错误</a>
-            <a href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic" id="githubLink">Github</a>
-        </footer>
+        {% include "partial/_footer.html" %}
     <div id="oauth2Token" hidden="true">{% oauth_token %}</div>
     <div id="mastodonURI" hidden="true">{% mastodon %}</div>
-    <!--current user mastodon id--> 
+    <!--current user mastodon id-->
     <div id="userMastodonID" hidden="true">{{ user.mastodon_id }}</div>
     <div id="userPageURL" hidden="true">{% url 'users:home' 0 %}?is_mastodon_id=true</div>
-    <div class="spinner" id="spinner" hidden>
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-      </div>    
+    </div>
         $("#searchInput").on('keyup', function (e) {
             if (e.keyCode === 13) {
@@ -207,4 +250,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/templates/common/search_result.html b/common/templates/common/search_result.html
index 21377df5..f1ec9667 100644
--- a/common/templates/common/search_result.html
+++ b/common/templates/common/search_result.html
@@ -10,172 +10,155 @@
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
-    <!-- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> -->
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
     <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 搜索结果' %}</title>
     <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
     <script src="{% static 'lib/js/rating-star.js' %}"></script>
     <script src="{% static 'js/rating-star-readonly.js' %}"></script>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_browse.css' %}">
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic.css' %}">
+    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_browse.css' %}"> -->
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/rating-star.css' %}">
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}">
+    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}"> -->
     <div id="page-wrapper">
         <div id="content-wrapper">
-            <section id="navbar" class="navbar">
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-                            <img src="{% static 'img/logo.svg' %}" alt="" class="logo">
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-                        <input type="search" class="search-box" name="q" 
-                        value="{% if request.GET.q %}{{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}" id="searchInput" required="true" placeholder="{% trans '搜索书影音,多个关键字以空格分割' %}">
-                        <a class="nav-link" id="logoutLink" href="{% url 'users:logout' %}">{% trans '登出' %}</a>
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'common:home' %}">{% trans '主页' %}</a>
-                        {% if user.is_staff %}   
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% admin_url %}">{% trans '后台' %}</a>
-                        {% endif %}
-                    </nav>
+            {% include 'partial/_navbar.html' %}
+            <section id="content">
+                <div class="grid">
+                    <div class="grid__main">
+                        <div class="main-section-wrapper">
+                            <div class="entity-list">
+                                {% if request.GET.q %}
+                                <h5 class="entity-list__title">“{{ request.GET.q }}”{% trans '的搜索结果' %}</h5>
+                                {% endif %}
+                                <ul class="entity-list__entities">
+                                    {% for book in items %}
+                                    <li class="entity-list__entity">
+                                        <div class="entity-list__entity-img-wrapper">
+                                            <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">
+                                                <img src="{{ book.cover.url }}" alt="" class="entity-list__entity-img">
+                                            </a>
+                                        </div>
+                                        <div class="entity-list__entity-text">
+                                            <div class="entity-list__entity-title">
+                                                <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}" class="entity-list__entity-link">
+                                                    {% if request.GET.q %}
+                                                    {{ book.title | highlight:request.GET.q }}
+                                                    {% else %}
+                                                    {{ book.title }}
+                                                    {% endif %}
+                                                </a>
+                                            </div>
+                                            {% if book.rating %}                                             
+                                            <div class="rating-star entity-list__rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></div>
+                                            <span class="entity-list__rating-score rating-score">{{ book.rating }}</span>
+                                            {% else %}
+                                            <div class="entity-list__rating entity-list__rating--empty"> {% trans '暂无评分' %}</div>
+                                            {% endif %} 
+                                            <span class="entity-list__entity-info">
+                                            {% if book.pub_year %}
+                                            {{ book.pub_year }}{% trans '年' %} 
+                                                {% if book.pub_month %}
+                                                    {{book.pub_month }}{% trans '月' %} /
+                                                {% endif %} 
+                                            {% endif %}
+                                            {% if book.author %}
+                                            {% trans '作者' %}
+                                            {% for author in book.author %}                  
+                                            {{ author }}{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}
+                                            {% endfor %}/
+                                            {% endif %}
+                                            {% if book.translator %}
+                                            {% trans '译者' %}
+                                            {% for translator in book.translator %}                  
+                                            {{ translator }}{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}
+                                            {% endfor %}/
+                                            {% endif %}                                    
+                                            {% if book.orig_title %}
+                                            &nbsp;{% trans '原名' %}
+                                                {{ book.orig_title }}
+                                            {% endif %}
+                                            </span>                    
+                                            <p class="entity-list__entity-brief">
+                                                {{ book.brief }}
+                                            </p>
+                                        </div>
+                                    </li>
+                                    {% empty %}
+                                    {% trans '无结果' %}
+                                    {% endfor %}
+                                </ul>
+                            </div>
+                            <div class="pagination" >
+                                {% if items.pagination.has_prev %}
+                                    <a href="?page=1&q={% if request.GET.q %}{{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}" class="pagination__nav-link pagination__nav-link">&laquo;</a>
+                                    <a href="?page={{ items.previous_page_number }}&q={% if request.GET.q %}{{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}" class="pagination__nav-link pagination__nav-link--right-margin pagination__nav-link">&lsaquo;</a>
+                                {% endif %}
+                                {% for page in items.pagination.page_range %}
+                                    {% if page == items.pagination.current_page %}
+                                    <a href="?page={{ page }}&q={% if request.GET.q %}{{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}" class="pagination__page-link pagination__page-link--current">{{ page }}</a>
+                                    {% else %}
+                                    <a href="?page={{ page }}&q={% if request.GET.q %}{{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}" class="pagination__page-link">{{ page }}</a>
+                                    {% endif %}
+                                {% endfor %}
+                                {% if items.pagination.has_next %}
+                                    <a href="?page={{ items.next_page_number }}&q={% if request.GET.q %}{{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}" class="pagination__nav-link pagination__nav-link--left-margin">&rsaquo;</a>
+                                    <a href="?page={{ items.pagination.last_page }}&q={% if request.GET.q %}{{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}" class="pagination__nav-link">&raquo;</a>
+                                {% endif %}           
+                            </div>            
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="grid__aside">
+                        <div class="aside-section-wrapper">
+                            <div class="add-entity-entries">
+                                <div class="add-entity-entries__entry">
+                                    <div class="add-entity-entries__label">
+                                        没有想要的结果?
+                                    </div>
+                                    <a href="{% url 'books:create' %}">
+                                        <button class="add-entity-entries__button">添加一个条目</button>
+                                    </a>
+                                </div>
+                                <div class="add-entity-entries__entry">
+                                    <div class="add-entity-entries__label">
+                                        或者(≖ ◡ ≖)✧
+                                    </div>
+                                    <a href="{% url 'books:scrape' %}{% if request.GET.q %}?q={{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}">
+                                        <button class="add-entity-entries__button">从表瓣剽取数据</button>
+                                    </a>
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
-            <section id="content" class="container">
-                <div class="row">
-                    <div id="main">
-                        {% if request.GET.q %}
-                        <div class="set">
-                            <h5 class="set-title">
-                                “{{ request.GET.q }}” {% trans '的搜索结果' %}
-                            </h5>
-                        </div>
-                        {% endif %}
-                        <ul class="result-items">
-                            {% for book in items %}
-                            <li class="result-item clearfix">
-                                <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}">
-                                    <img src="{{ book.cover.url }}" alt="" class="result-book-cover">
-                                </a>
-                                <div class="result-info">
-                                    <a href="{% url 'books:retrieve' book.id %}" class="result-item-title">
-                                        {% if request.GET.q %}
-                                        {{ book.title | highlight:request.GET.q }}
-                                        {% else %}
-                                        {{ book.title }}
-                                        {% endif %}
-                                    </a>
-                                    {% if book.rating %}
-                                    <div class="rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ book.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></div>
-                                    <span class="rating-score">
-                                        {{ book.rating }}
-                                    </span>
-                                    {% else %}
-                                    <span class="rating-empty"> {% trans '暂无评分' %}</span>
-                                    {% endif %}
-                                    <span class="result-book-info">
-                                    {% if book.pub_year %}
-                                    {{ book.pub_year }}{% trans '年' %} /
-                                        {% if book.pub_month %}
-                                            {{book.pub_month }}{% trans '月' %} /
-                                        {% endif %} 
-                                    {% endif %}
-                                    {% if book.author %}
-                                    {% trans '作者' %}
-                                    {% for author in book.author %}                  
-                                    {{ author }}{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}
-                                    {% endfor %}/
-                                    {% endif %}
-                                    {% if book.translator %}
-                                    {% trans '译者' %}
-                                    {% for translator in book.translator %}                  
-                                    {{ translator }}{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}
-                                    {% endfor %}/
-                                    {% endif %}                                    
-                                    {% if book.orig_title %}
-                                    &nbsp;{% trans '原名' %}
-                                        {{ book.orig_title }}
-                                    {% endif %}
-                                    </span>                    
-                                    <p class="result-item-brief">
-                                        {{ book.brief | truncate:170 }}
-                                    </p>
-                                </div>
-                            </li>
-                            {% empty %}
-                            {% trans '无结果' %}
-                            {% endfor %}
-                        </ul>
-                        <div class="pagination" >
-                            <a 
-                            {% if items.has_previous %}
-                            href="?page=1&q={% if request.GET.q %}{{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}"
-                            {%else %}
-                            disabled
-                            {% endif %}>
-                              <button {% if not items.has_previous %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "首页" %}</button>
-                            </a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-                            <a 
-                            {% if items.has_previous %}
-                            href="?page={{ items.previous_page_number }}&q={% if request.GET.q %}{{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}"
-                            {%else %}
-                            disabled
-                            {% endif %}>
-                              <button {% if not items.has_previous %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "上一页" %}</button>
-                            </a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-                          <span class="page-index">
-                              {% trans "第" %}{% if request.GET.page %}{{ request.GET.page }}{% else %}1{% endif %}{% trans "页" %}
-                          </span>
-                            &nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
-                            {% if items.has_next %}
-                            href="?page={{ items.next_page_number }}&q={% if request.GET.q %}{{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}"
-                            {% else %}
-                            disabled
-                            {% endif %}
-                            >
-                              <button {% if not items.has_next %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "下一页" %}</button>
-                            </a>
-                            &nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
-                            {% if items.has_next %}
-                            href="?page={{ items.paginator.num_pages }}&q={% if request.GET.q %}{{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}"
-                            {%else %}
-                            disabled
-                            {% endif %}>
-                              <button {% if not items.has_next %}disabled{% endif %} class="button button-clear">{% trans "末页" %}</button>
-                            </a>
-                        </div>                        
-                    </div>
-                    <div id="aside">
-                        <div class="aside-card">
-                            <div class="add-nav">
-                                <div>{% trans '没有想要的结果?' %}</div>
-                                <a href="{% url 'books:create' %}" class="button add-button">{% trans '添加一个条目' %}</a>
-                                <div>{% trans '或者' %}</div>
-                                <a href="{% url 'books:scrape' %}{% if request.GET.q %}?q={{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}" class="button add-button">{% trans '从表瓣剽取数据d(≖ ◡ ≖)✧' %}</a>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-            </section>
-        <footer class="container">
-            <a href="https://donotban.com/@whitiewhite">去长毛象向作者提意见</a>
-            <a href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic/issues">报告错误</a>
-            <a href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic" id="githubLink">Github</a>
-        </footer>
+        {% include 'partial/_footer.html' %}
diff --git a/common/templates/partial/_footer.html b/common/templates/partial/_footer.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca67fb66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/templates/partial/_footer.html
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<footer class="footer">
+    <div class="grid">
+        <div class="footer__border">
+            <a class="footer__link" target="_blank" href="https://donotban.com/@whitiewhite">作者长毛象</a>
+            <a class="footer__link" target="_blank" href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic/issues">报告错误</a>
+            <a class="footer__link" target="_blank" href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic" id="githubLink">Github</a>
+        </div>
+    </div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/templates/partial/_navbar.html b/common/templates/partial/_navbar.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f586f69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/templates/partial/_navbar.html
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+{% load static %}
+{% load i18n %}
+{% load admin_url %}
+<section id="navbar">
+    <nav class="navbar">
+        <div class="grid">
+            <div class="navbar__wrapper">
+                <a href="{% url 'common:home' %}" class="navbar__logo">
+                    <img src="{% static 'img/logo.svg' %}" alt="" class="navbar__logo-img">
+                </a>
+                <input type="search" class="navbar__search-box" name="q" id="searchInput" required="true"
+                    placeholder="搜索书影音,多个关键字以空格分割">
+                <button class="navbar__dropdown-btn">• • •</button>
+                <ul class="navbar__link-list">
+                    <a class="navbar__link" id="logoutLink" href="{% url 'users:logout' %}">{% trans '登出' %}</a>
+                    <a class="navbar__link" href="{% url 'common:home' %}">{% trans '主页' %}</a>
+                    {% if user.is_staff %}
+                    <a class="navbar__link" href="{% admin_url %}">{% trans '后台' %}</a>
+                    {% endif %}
+                </ul>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    </nav>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/templates/widgets/image.html b/common/templates/widgets/image.html
index f469416d..114541bb 100644
--- a/common/templates/widgets/image.html
+++ b/common/templates/widgets/image.html
@@ -1,2 +1,15 @@
 <input type="{{ widget.type }}" name="{{ widget.name }}"{% include "django/forms/widgets/attrs.html" %}>
-<img src="{{ widget.value|default_if_none:''|stringformat:'s' }}" alt="" id="previewImage" style="margin:10px 0; max-width:500px;">
\ No newline at end of file
+<img src="{{ widget.value|default_if_none:''|stringformat:'s' }}" alt="" id="previewImage" style="margin:10px 0; max-width:500px;">
+    $("input[type='file'][name='{{ widget.name }}']").change(function () {
+        if (this.files && this.files[0]) {
+            var reader = new FileReader();
+            reader.onload = function (e) {
+                $('#previewImage').attr('src', e.target.result);
+            }
+            reader.readAsDataURL(this.files[0]);
+        }
+    });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/utils.py b/common/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3f1ed98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+class PageLinksGenerator:
+    # TODO inherit django paginator
+    """
+    Calculate the pages for multiple links pagination.
+    length -- the number of page links in pagination
+    """
+    def __init__(self, length, current_page, total_pages):
+        current_page = int(current_page)
+        self.current_page = current_page
+        self.start_page = None
+        self.end_page = None
+        self.page_range = None
+        self.has_prev = None
+        self.has_next = None
+        start_page = current_page - length // 2
+        end_page = current_page + length // 2
+        # decision is based on the start page and the end page
+        # both sides overflow
+        if (start_page < 1 and end_page > total_pages)\
+            or length >= total_pages:
+            self.start_page = 1
+            self.end_page = total_pages
+            self.has_prev = False
+            self.has_next = False
+        elif start_page < 1 and not end_page > total_pages:
+            self.start_page = 1
+            # this won't overflow because the total pages are more than the length
+            self.end_page = end_page - (start_page - 1)
+            self.has_prev = False
+            if end_page == total_pages:
+                self.has_next = False
+            else:
+                self.has_next = True
+        elif not start_page < 1 and end_page > total_pages:
+            self.end_page = total_pages
+            self.start_page = start_page - (end_page - total_pages)
+            self.has_next = False
+            if start_page == 1:
+                self.has_prev = False
+            else:
+                self.has_prev = True
+        # both sides do not overflow
+        elif not start_page < 1 and not end_page > total_pages:
+            self.start_page = start_page
+            self.end_page = end_page
+            self.has_prev = True
+            self.has_next = True
+        self.first_page = 1
+        self.last_page = total_pages
+        self.page_range = range(self.start_page, self.end_page + 1)
+        # assert self.has_prev is not None and self.has_next is not None
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/views.py b/common/views.py
index 38114751..80bdcb4c 100644
--- a/common/views.py
+++ b/common/views.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from django.shortcuts import render
 from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
 from books.models import Book
 from common.models import MarkStatusEnum
+from common.utils import PageLinksGenerator
 from users.models import Report, User
 from django.core.paginator import Paginator
 from django.db.models import Q
@@ -14,6 +15,9 @@ BOOKS_PER_SET = 5
 # how many items are showed in one search result page
+# how many pages links in the pagination
 def home(request):
@@ -66,6 +70,7 @@ def search(request):
         paginator = Paginator(queryset, ITEMS_PER_PAGE)
         page_number = request.GET.get('page', default=1)
         items = paginator.get_page(page_number)
+        items.pagination = PageLinksGenerator(PAGE_LINK_NUMBER, page_number, paginator.num_pages)
         return render(
diff --git a/users/auth.py b/users/auth.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/users/forms.py b/users/forms.py
index cf04969a..6de4bd53 100644
--- a/users/forms.py
+++ b/users/forms.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 from django import forms
 from .models import Report
 from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
+from common.forms import PreviewImageInput
 class ReportForm(forms.ModelForm):
     class Meta:
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ class ReportForm(forms.ModelForm):
         widgets = {
             'message': forms.Textarea(attrs={'placeholder': _("详情")}),
+            'image': PreviewImageInput()
+            # 'reported_user': forms.TextInput(),
         labels = {
             'reported_user': _("举报的用户"),
diff --git a/users/static/js/followers_list.js b/users/static/js/followers_list.js
index 75b04ece..7c5f31ce 100644
--- a/users/static/js/followers_list.js
+++ b/users/static/js/followers_list.js
@@ -11,29 +11,29 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
     let followingSpinner = $("#spinner").clone().removeAttr("hidden");
     let mainSpinner = $("#spinner").clone().removeAttr("hidden");
-    $("#main .user:first").hide();
+    $(".mast-user:first").hide();
-    $("#main").append(mainSpinner);
+    $(".mast-user-list").append(mainSpinner);
-    $("#userRelationCard h5:first").append(followingSpinner);
-    $("#userRelationCard h5:last").append(followersSpinner);
+    $("#followings h5").after(followingSpinner);
+    $("#followers h5").after(followersSpinner);
-        id, 
-        mast_uri, 
-        token, 
-        function(userData) {
+        id,
+        mast_uri,
+        token,
+        function (userData) {
             let userName;
             if (userData.display_name) {
-                userName = translateEmojis(userData.display_name, userData.emojis);
+                userName = translateEmojis(userData.display_name, userData.emojis, true);
             } else {
                 userName = userData.username;
-            $(".mast-user .mast-avatar").attr("src", userData.avatar);
-            $(".mast-user .mast-displayname").html(userName);
-            $(".mast-user .mast-brief").text($(userData.note).text());
+            $("#userInfoCard .mast-avatar").attr("src", userData.avatar);
+            $("#userInfoCard .mast-displayname").html(userName);
+            $("#userInfoCard .mast-brief").text($(userData.note).text());
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
             let subUserList = null;
             if (userList.length == 0) {
+                $(".mast-followers").before("<div>暂无</div>");
             } else {
                 if (userList.length > 4){
                     subUserList = userList.slice(0, 4);
@@ -57,9 +58,9 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
                     temp = $(template).clone();
                     temp.find("img").attr("src", data.avatar);
                     if (data.display_name) {
-                        temp.find("a").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
+                        temp.find(".mast-displayname").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
                     } else {
-                        temp.find("a").text(data.username);
+                        temp.find(".mast-displayname").text(data.username);
                     let url = $("#userPageURL").text().replace('0', data.id);
                     temp.find("a").attr('href', url);
@@ -68,20 +69,20 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
             // main
-            let template = $("#main .user").clone().show();
+            let template = $(".mast-user").clone().show();
             userList.forEach(data => {
                 temp = $(template).clone();
-                temp.find(".avatar").attr("src", data.avatar);
+                temp.find("img").attr("src", data.avatar);
                 if (data.display_name) {
-                    temp.find(".user-name").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
+                    temp.find(".mast-displayname").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
                 } else {
-                    temp.find(".user-name").text(data.username);
+                    temp.find(".mast-displayname").text(data.username);
                 let url = $("#userPageURL").text().replace('0', data.id);
                 temp.find("a").attr('href', url);
-                temp.find(".user-brief").text(data.note.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""));
-                $("#main .user:last").after(temp);                
+                temp.find(".mast-brief").text(data.note.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""));
+                $(".mast-user:last").after(temp);             
@@ -99,30 +100,31 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
         function(userList, request) {
-            // aside
             if (userList.length == 0) {
-                $("#aside .mast-following").hide();
+                $(".mast-following").hide();
+                $(".mast-following").before("<div>暂无</div>");
             } else {
                 if (userList.length > 4){
                     userList = userList.slice(0, 4);
-                    $("#aside .mast-following-more").show();
+                    $(".mast-following-more").show();
-                let template = $("#aside .mast-following li").clone();
-                $("#aside .mast-following").html("");
+                let template = $(".mast-following li").clone();
+                $(".mast-following").html("");
                 userList.forEach(data => {
                     temp = $(template).clone()
                     temp.find("img").attr("src", data.avatar);
                     if (data.display_name) {
-                        temp.find("a").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
+                        temp.find(".mast-displayname").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
                     } else {
-                        temp.find("a").text(data.username);
+                        temp.find(".mast-displayname").text(data.username);
                     let url = $("#userPageURL").text().replace('0', data.id);
                     temp.find("a").attr('href', url);
-                    $("#aside .mast-following").append(temp);
+                    $(".mast-following").append(temp);
@@ -149,7 +151,7 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
-                        let template = $("#main .user:first").clone().show();
+                        let template = $(".mast-user:first").clone().show();
                         let newUrlFlag = false;
                         request.getResponseHeader('link').split(',').forEach(link => {
                             if (link.includes('next')) {
@@ -163,16 +165,17 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
                         userList.forEach(data => {
                             temp = $(template).clone()
-                            temp.find(".avatar").attr("src", data.avatar);
+                            temp.find("img").attr("src", data.avatar);
                             if (data.display_name) {
-                                temp.find(".user-name").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
+                                temp.find(".mast-displayname").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
                             } else {
-                                temp.find(".user-name").text(data.username);
+                                temp.find(".mast-displayname").text(data.username);
                             let url = $("#userPageURL").text().replace('0', data.id);
                             temp.find("a").attr('href', url);
-                            temp.find(".user-brief").text($(data.note).text());
-                            $("#main .user:last").after(temp);                
+                            temp.find(".mast-brief").text($(data.note).text());
+                            // console.log($(temp).html())
+                            $(".mast-user:last").after(temp);               
                         // release lock   
diff --git a/users/static/js/following_list.js b/users/static/js/following_list.js
index 1bb15910..c27dfc3f 100644
--- a/users/static/js/following_list.js
+++ b/users/static/js/following_list.js
@@ -11,29 +11,29 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
     let followingSpinner = $("#spinner").clone().removeAttr("hidden");
     let mainSpinner = $("#spinner").clone().removeAttr("hidden");
-    $("#main .user:first").hide();
+    $(".mast-user:first").hide();
-    $("#main").append(mainSpinner);
+    $(".mast-user-list").append(mainSpinner);
-    $("#userRelationCard h5:first").append(followingSpinner);
-    $("#userRelationCard h5:last").append(followersSpinner);
+    $("#followings h5").after(followingSpinner);
+    $("#followers h5").after(followersSpinner);
-        id, 
-        mast_uri, 
-        token, 
-        function(userData) {
+        id,
+        mast_uri,
+        token,
+        function (userData) {
             let userName;
             if (userData.display_name) {
-                userName = translateEmojis(userData.display_name, userData.emojis);
+                userName = translateEmojis(userData.display_name, userData.emojis, true);
             } else {
                 userName = userData.username;
-            $(".mast-user .mast-avatar").attr("src", userData.avatar);
-            $(".mast-user .mast-displayname").html(userName);
-            $(".mast-user .mast-brief").text($(userData.note).text());
+            $("#userInfoCard .mast-avatar").attr("src", userData.avatar);
+            $("#userInfoCard .mast-displayname").html(userName);
+            $("#userInfoCard .mast-brief").text($(userData.note).text());
@@ -42,11 +42,12 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
-        function(userList, request) {
+        function (userList, request) {
             if (userList.length == 0) {
+                $(".mast-followers").before("<div>暂无</div>");
             } else {
-                if (userList.length > 4){
+                if (userList.length > 4) {
                     userList = userList.slice(0, 4);
@@ -56,9 +57,9 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
                     temp = $(template).clone();
                     temp.find("img").attr("src", data.avatar);
                     if (data.display_name) {
-                        temp.find("a").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
+                        temp.find(".mast-displayname").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
                     } else {
-                        temp.find("a").text(data.username);
+                        temp.find(".mast-displayname").text(data.username);
                     let url = $("#userPageURL").text().replace('0', data.id);
                     temp.find("a").attr('href', url);
@@ -77,43 +78,44 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
             // aside
             let subUserList = null;
             if (userList.length == 0) {
-                $("#aside .mast-following").hide();
+                $(".mast-following").hide();
+                $(".mast-following").before("<div>暂无</div>");
             } else {
                 if (userList.length > 4){
                     subUserList = userList.slice(0, 4);
-                    $("#aside .mast-following-more").show();
+                    $(".mast-following-more").show();
-                let template = $("#aside .mast-following li").clone();
-                $("#aside .mast-following").html("");
+                let template = $(".mast-following li").clone();
+                $(".mast-following").html("");
                 subUserList.forEach(data => {
                     temp = $(template).clone()
                     temp.find("img").attr("src", data.avatar);
                     if (data.display_name) {
-                        temp.find("a").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
+                        temp.find(".mast-displayname").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
                     } else {
-                        temp.find("a").text(data.username);
+                        temp.find(".mast-displayname").text(data.username);
                     let url = $("#userPageURL").text().replace('0', data.id);
                     temp.find("a").attr('href', url);
-                    $("#aside .mast-following").append(temp);
+                    $(".mast-following").append(temp);
             // main
-            let template = $("#main .user").clone().show();
+            let template = $(".mast-user").clone().show();
             userList.forEach(data => {
                 temp = $(template).clone()
-                temp.find(".avatar").attr("src", data.avatar);
+                temp.find("img").attr("src", data.avatar);
                 if (data.display_name) {
-                    temp.find(".user-name").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
+                    temp.find(".mast-displayname").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
                 } else {
-                    temp.find(".user-name").text(data.username);
+                    temp.find(".mast-displayname").text(data.username);
                 let url = $("#userPageURL").text().replace('0', data.id);
                 temp.find("a").attr('href', url);
-                temp.find(".user-brief").text(data.note.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""));
-                $("#main .user:last").after(temp);                
+                temp.find(".mast-brief").text(data.note.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""));
+                $(".mast-user:last").after(temp);                
@@ -149,7 +151,7 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
-                        let template = $("#main .user:first").clone().show();
+                        let template = $(".mast-user:first").clone().show();
                         let newUrlFlag = false;
                         request.getResponseHeader('link').split(',').forEach(link => {
                             if (link.includes('next')) {
@@ -161,23 +163,25 @@ $(document).ready( function() {
                         if (!newUrlFlag) {
                             nextUrl = null;
+                        // console.log(userList.length)
                         userList.forEach(data => {
                             temp = $(template).clone()
-                            temp.find(".avatar").attr("src", data.avatar);
+                            temp.find("img").attr("src", data.avatar);
                             if (data.display_name) {
-                                temp.find(".user-name").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
+                                temp.find(".mast-displayname").html(translateEmojis(data.display_name, data.emojis));
                             } else {
-                                temp.find(".user-name").text(data.username);
+                                temp.find(".mast-displayname").text(data.username);
                             let url = $("#userPageURL").text().replace('0', data.id);
                             temp.find("a").attr('href', url);
-                            temp.find(".user-brief").text($(data.note).text());
-                            $("#main .user:last").after(temp);                
+                            temp.find(".mast-brief").text($(data.note).text());
+                            // console.log($(temp).html())
+                            $(".mast-user:last").after(temp);                
-                        // release lock   
                         // console.log(userList[userList.length-1].username)
                         // console.log(nextUrl)    
+                        // release lock   
                         requesting = false;
diff --git a/users/templates/users/list.html b/users/templates/users/list.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6563b50a..00000000
--- a/users/templates/users/list.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-{% load static %}
-{% load i18n %}
-{% load admin_url %}
-{% load mastodon %}
-{% load oauth_token %}
-{% load truncate %}
-{% load highlight %}
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en">
-    <meta charset="UTF-8">
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-    {% if is_followers_page %}
-    <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 被他们关注' %}</title>
-    {% else %}
-    <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 关注的人' %}</title>
-    {% endif %}
-    <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
-    <script src="{% static 'js/mastodon.js' %}"></script>
-    {% if is_followers_page %}
-    <script src="{% static 'js/followers_list.js' %}"></script>
-    {% else %}
-    <script src="{% static 'js/following_list.js' %}"></script>
-    {% endif %}
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-                        value="{% if request.GET.q %}{{ request.GET.q }}{% endif %}" id="searchInput" required="true" placeholder="{% trans '搜索书影音,多个关键字以空格分割' %}">
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-                        {% if request.user.is_staff %}   
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% admin_url %}">{% trans '后台' %}</a>
-                        {% endif %}
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-            <section id="content" class="container">
-                <div class="row">
-                    <div id="main">
-                        <div class="set">
-                            <h5 class="set-title">
-                                {% if is_followers_page %}
-                                {% trans ' 被他们关注' %}
-                                {% else %}
-                                {% trans '关注的人' %}
-                                {% endif %}                                
-                            </h5>
-                                    <div class="user clearfix">
-                                        <img src="" alt="" class="avatar float-left">
-                                        <div class="user-info float-left">
-                                            <a href="">
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-                                            </a>
-                                            <p class="user-brief"></p>
-                                        </div>
-                                    </div>
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-                    <div id="aside">
-                        <div class="aside-card mast-user" id="userInfoCard">
-                            <div class="clearfix">
-                                <img src="" class="info-avatar mast-avatar" alt="{{ user.username }}">
-                                <a href="{% url 'users:home' user.id %}">
-                                    <h5 class="info-name mast-displayname"></h5>
-                                </a>
-                            </div>
-                            <p class="info-brief mast-brief"></p>
-                            <!-- <a href="#" class="follow">{% trans '关注TA' %}</a> -->
-                            {% if request.user != user %}
-                            <a href="{% url 'users:report' %}?user_id={{ user.id }}" class="report">{% trans '举报用户' %}</a>
-                            {% endif %}
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="relation-card" id="userRelationCard">
-                            <h5 class="relation-label">
-                                {% trans '关注的人' %}
-                            </h5>
-                            <a href="{% url 'users:following' user.id %}" class="more-link mast-following-more">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
-                            <ul class="row mast-following relation-user-list">
-                                <li class="column column-25 relation-user">
-                                    <img src="" alt="" class="relation-avatar">
-                                    <a class="relation-name"></a>
-                                </li>
-                            </ul>         
-                            <h5 class="relation-label">
-                                {% trans '被他们关注' %}
-                            </h5>
-                            <a href="{% url 'users:followers' user.id %}" class="more-link mast-followers-more">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
-                            <ul class="row mast-followers relation-user-list">
-                                <li class="column column-25 relation-user">
-                                    <img src="" alt="" class="relation-avatar">
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-            </section>
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-        <footer class="container">
-            <a href="https://donotban.com/@whitiewhite">去长毛象向作者提意见</a>
-            <a href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic/issues">报告错误</a>
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-    <div id="oauth2Token" hidden="true">{% oauth_token %}</div>
-    <div id="mastodonURI" hidden="true">{% mastodon %}</div>
-    <!--current user mastodon id--> 
-    <div id="userMastodonID" hidden="true">{{ user.mastodon_id }}</div>
-    <div id="userPageURL" hidden="true">{% url 'users:home' 0 %}?is_mastodon_id=true</div>
-    <div class="spinner" id="spinner" hidden>
-        <div class="lds-spinner">
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-    <script>
-        $("#searchInput").on('keyup', function (e) {
-            if (e.keyCode === 13) {
-                let q = $(this).val();
-                if (q)
-                    location.href = "{% url 'common:search' %}" + "?q=" + q;
-            }
-        });
-    </script>
diff --git a/users/templates/users/login.html b/users/templates/users/login.html
index 13a2d431..3891917d 100644
--- a/users/templates/users/login.html
+++ b/users/templates/users/login.html
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 <html lang="en">
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
-    <!-- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> -->
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}">
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_edit.css' %}">
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_box.css' %}">
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
     <div id="loginBox" class="box">
             <img src="{% static 'img/logo.svg' %}" class="logo" alt="boofilsic logo">
         <div id="loginButton">
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@
             {% endif %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/users/templates/users/manage_report.html b/users/templates/users/manage_report.html
index a9f4f208..a4332c5f 100644
--- a/users/templates/users/manage_report.html
+++ b/users/templates/users/manage_report.html
@@ -9,37 +9,23 @@
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
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+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
     <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 管理举报' %}</title>
     <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
     <script src="{% static 'js/create_update.js' %}"></script>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}">
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_edit.css' %}">
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic.css' %}">
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     <div id="page-wrapper">
         <div id="content-wrapper">
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-                            <img src="{% static 'img/logo.svg' %}" alt="" class="logo">
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-                        <h4 class="nav-title">{% trans '举报信息' %}</h4>
-                        <a class="nav-link" id="logoutLink" href="{% url 'users:logout' %}">{% trans '登出' %}</a>
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'common:home' %}">{% trans '主页' %}</a>
-                        {% if user.is_staff %}   
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% admin_url %}">{% trans '后台' %}</a>
-                        {% endif %}
-                    </nav>
-                </div>
-            </section>
+            {% include "partial/_navbar.html" %}
-            <section id="content" class="container">
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+            <section id="content">
+                <div class="grid">
+                    <div class="single-section-wrapper" id="main">
                         {% for report in reports %}
                             <div class="report">
@@ -57,14 +43,11 @@
                         {% endfor %}
+                </div>
-        <footer class="container">
-            <a href="https://donotban.com/@whitiewhite">去长毛象向作者提意见</a>
-            <a href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic/issues">报告错误</a>
-            <a href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic" id="githubLink">Github</a>
-        </footer>
+        {% include "partial/_footer.html" %}
diff --git a/users/templates/users/register.html b/users/templates/users/register.html
index ccadbadc..38c9333a 100644
--- a/users/templates/users/register.html
+++ b/users/templates/users/register.html
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
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     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_edit.css' %}">
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_box.css' %}">
@@ -23,11 +23,10 @@
-                本站使用了Cookie,请理解!
+                BTW欧盟惯例本站使用了Cookie,请理解!
-                此外里瓣书影音现处于“公开阿尔法测试”阶段,您的数据存在丢失的可能,现阶段将不对用户数据负责,请您理解风险后再决定继续使用!
-            </p>
+                此外里瓣书影音现处于“公开阿尔法测试”阶段,您的数据存在丢失的可能
             <form action="{% url 'users:register' %}" method="post">
                 {% csrf_token %}
diff --git a/users/templates/users/relation_list.html b/users/templates/users/relation_list.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5da544ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/templates/users/relation_list.html
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+{% load static %}
+{% load i18n %}
+{% load admin_url %}
+{% load mastodon %}
+{% load oauth_token %}
+{% load highlight %}
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+    <meta charset="UTF-8">
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
+    {% if is_followers_page %}
+    <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 被他们关注' %}</title>
+    {% else %}
+    <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 关注的人' %}</title>
+    {% endif %}
+    <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
+    <script src="{% static 'js/mastodon.js' %}"></script>
+    {% if is_followers_page %}
+    <script src="{% static 'js/followers_list.js' %}"></script>
+    {% else %}
+    <script src="{% static 'js/following_list.js' %}"></script>
+    {% endif %}
+    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_browse.css' %}"> -->
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+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic.css' %}">
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+            {% include 'partial/_navbar.html' %}
+            <section id="content">
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+                            <div class="related-user-list mast-user-list">
+                                <h5 class="related-user-list__title">
+                                    {% if is_followers_page %}
+                                    {% trans ' 被他们关注' %}
+                                    {% else %}
+                                    {% trans '关注的人' %}
+                                    {% endif %}
+                                </h5>
+                                <div class="related-user-list__user mast-user">
+                                    <img src="" alt="" class="related-user-list__user-avatar">
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+                                            <div class="related-user-list__user-name mast-displayname"></div>
+                                        </a>
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+                            <div class="user-profile" id="userInfoCard">
+                                <div class="user-profile__header">
+                                    <!-- <img src="" class="user-profile__avatar mast-avatar" alt="{{ user.username }}"> -->
+                                    <img src="" class="user-profile__avatar mast-avatar">
+                                    <a href="{% url 'users:home' user.id %}">
+                                        <h5 class="user-profile__username mast-displayname"></h5>
+                                    </a>
+                                </div>
+                                <p class="user-profile__bio mast-brief"></p>
+                                <!-- <a href="#" class="follow">{% trans '关注TA' %}</a> -->
+                                {% if request.user != user %}
+                                <a href="{% url 'users:report' %}?user_id={{ user.id }}"
+                                    class="user-profile__report-link">{% trans '举报用户' %}</a>
+                                {% endif %}
+                            </div>
+                        </div>
+                        <div class="relation-dropdown">
+                            <div class="relation-dropdown__button">
+                                <span class="icon-arrow">
+                                    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 10 10">
+                                        <path d="M8.12,3.29,5,6.42,1.86,3.29H.45L5,7.84,9.55,3.29Z" />
+                                    </svg>
+                                </span>
+                            </div>
+                            <div class="relation-dropdown__body">
+                                <div class="aside-section-wrapper aside-section-wrapper--transparent aside-section-wrapper--collapse">
+                                    <div class="user-relation" id="followings">
+                                        <h5 class="user-relation__label">
+                                            {% trans '关注的人' %}
+                                        </h5>
+                                        <a href="{% url 'users:following' user.id %}"
+                                            class="user-relation__more-link mast-following-more">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
+                                        <ul class="user-relation__related-user-list mast-following">
+                                            <li class="user-relation__related-user">
+                                                <a>
+                                                    <img src="" alt="" class="user-relation__related-user-avatar">
+                                                    <div class="user-relation__related-user-name mast-displayname"></div>
+                                                </a>
+                                            </li>
+                                        </ul>
+                                    </div>
+                                    <div class="user-relation" id="followers">
+                                        <h5 class="user-relation__label">
+                                            {% trans '被他们关注' %}
+                                        </h5>
+                                        <a href="{% url 'users:followers' user.id %}"
+                                            class="user-relation__more-link mast-followers-more">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
+                                        <ul class="user-relation__related-user-list mast-followers">
+                                            <li class="user-relation__related-user">
+                                                <a>
+                                                    <img src="" alt="" class="user-relation__related-user-avatar">
+                                                    <div class="user-relation__related-user-name mast-displayname"></div>
+                                                </a>
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+                                    </div>
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+            </section>
+        </div>
+        {% include 'partial/_footer.html' %}
+    </div>
+    <div id="oauth2Token" hidden="true">{% oauth_token %}</div>
+    <div id="mastodonURI" hidden="true">{% mastodon %}</div>
+    <!--current user mastodon id-->
+    <div id="userMastodonID" hidden="true">{{ user.mastodon_id }}</div>
+    <div id="userPageURL" hidden="true">{% url 'users:home' 0 %}?is_mastodon_id=true</div>
+    <div id="spinner" hidden>
+        <div class="spinner">
+            <div></div>
+            <div></div>
+            <div></div>
+            <div></div>
+            <div></div>
+            <div></div>
+            <div></div>
+            <div></div>
+            <div></div>
+            <div></div>
+            <div></div>
+            <div></div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <script>
+        $("#searchInput").on('keyup', function (e) {
+            if (e.keyCode === 13) {
+                let q = $(this).val();
+                if (q)
+                    location.href = "{% url 'common:search' %}" + "?q=" + q;
+            }
+        });
+    </script>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/users/templates/users/report.html b/users/templates/users/report.html
index 6f16db30..e9b07667 100644
--- a/users/templates/users/report.html
+++ b/users/templates/users/report.html
@@ -9,51 +9,34 @@
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
-    <!-- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> -->
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
     <title>{% trans 'Nicedb - 举报用户' %}</title>
     <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
     <script src="{% static 'js/create_update.js' %}"></script>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}">
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_edit.css' %}">
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic.css' %}">
+    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/boofilsic_edit.css' %}">
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'lib/css/milligram.css' %}"> -->
     <div id="page-wrapper">
         <div id="content-wrapper">
-            <section id="navbar" class="navbar">
-                <div class="container">
-                    <nav class="clearfix">
-                        <a href="{% url 'common:home' %}">
-                            <img src="{% static 'img/logo.svg' %}" alt="" class="logo">
-                        </a>
-                        <h4 class="nav-title">{% trans '举报用户' %}</h4>
-                        <a class="nav-link" id="logoutLink" href="{% url 'users:logout' %}">{% trans '登出' %}</a>
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'common:home' %}">{% trans '主页' %}</a>
-                        {% if user.is_staff %}   
-                        <a class="nav-link" href="{% admin_url %}">{% trans '后台' %}</a>
-                        {% endif %}
-                    </nav>
-                </div>
-            </section>
+            {% include "partial/_navbar.html" %}
-            <section id="content" class="container">
-                <div class="row">
-                    <div id="main">
+            <section id="content">
+                <div class="grid">
+                    <div class="single-section-wrapper" id="main">
                         <form action="{% url 'users:report' %}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                             {% csrf_token %}
                             {{ form }}
                             <input class="button" type="submit" value="{% trans '提交' %}">
+                </div>
-        <footer class="container">
-            <a href="https://donotban.com/@whitiewhite">去长毛象向作者提意见</a>
-            <a href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic/issues">报告错误</a>
-            <a href="https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic" id="githubLink">Github</a>
-        </footer>
+        {% include "partial/_footer.html" %}
@@ -72,6 +55,18 @@
                     location.href = "{% url 'common:search' %}" + "?q=" + q;
+        // preview uploaded pic
+        $("input[type='file']").change(function () {
+            if (this.files && this.files[0]) {
+                var reader = new FileReader();
+                reader.onload = function (e) {
+                    $('#previewImage').attr('src', e.target.result);
+                }
+                reader.readAsDataURL(this.files[0]);
+            }
+        });        
diff --git a/users/views.py b/users/views.py
index db4aa14d..7cd77c3d 100644
--- a/users/views.py
+++ b/users/views.py
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ from .forms import ReportForm
 from common.mastodon.auth import *
 from common.mastodon.api import *
 from common.mastodon import mastodon_request_included
-from common.views import BOOKS_PER_SET, ITEMS_PER_PAGE
 from common.models import MarkStatusEnum
+from common.utils import PageLinksGenerator
 from books.models import *
 from boofilsic.settings import MASTODON_DOMAIN_NAME, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET
 from books.forms import BookMarkStatusTranslator
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ def home(request, id):
-def followers(request, id):
+def followers(request, id):  
     if request.method == 'GET':
             user = User.objects.get(pk=id)
@@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ def followers(request, id):
         return render(
-            'users/list.html',
+            'users/relation_list.html',
                 'user': user,
                 'is_followers_page': True,
@@ -252,7 +253,7 @@ def following(request, id):
         return render(
-            'users/list.html',
+            'users/relation_list.html',
                 'user': user,
                 'page_type': 'followers',
@@ -299,6 +300,7 @@ def book_list(request, id, status):
         paginator = Paginator(queryset, ITEMS_PER_PAGE)
         page_number = request.GET.get('page', default=1)
         marks = paginator.get_page(page_number)
+        marks.pagination = PageLinksGenerator(PAGE_LINK_NUMBER, page_number, paginator.num_pages)
         list_title = str(BookMarkStatusTranslator(MarkStatusEnum[status.upper()])) + str(_("的书"))
         return render(
@@ -353,6 +355,7 @@ def manage_report(request):
     if request.method == 'GET':
         reports = Report.objects.all()
         for r in reports.filter(is_read=False):
+            r.is_read = True
         return render(