- {% if role %}{{ role }}:{% endif %}
- {% for p in people %}
+{% for role, list in people.items %}
+ {{ role }}:
+ {% for p in list %}
{% if forloop.counter <= max %}
{% if not forloop.first %}、{% endif %}
- {{ p.name }}
- {% if p.role.strip %}({{ p.role }}){% endif %}
+ {{ p }}
{% elif forloop.last %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/catalog/templates/performance.html b/catalog/templates/performance.html
index e2e183ae..1841fc4b 100644
--- a/catalog/templates/performance.html
+++ b/catalog/templates/performance.html
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.orig_creator role='原作' max=5 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.director role='导演' max=5 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.playwright role='编剧' max=5 %}
- {% include '_crew.html' with people=item.actor role='演员' max=10 %}
+ {% include '_actor.html' with people=item.actor role='演员' max=10 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.performer role='表演者' max=10 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.composer role='作曲' max=5 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.choreographer role='编舞' max=5 %}
- {% include '_crew.html' with people=item.crew role='演职人员' max=10 %}
+ {% include '_crew.html' with people=item.crew_by_role role='演职人员' max=10 %}
{% if item.official_site %}
{% trans '官方网站' %}: {{ item.official_site|urlizetrunc:24 }}
@@ -59,11 +59,10 @@
{% include '_people.html' with people=prod.orig_creator role='原作' max=2 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=prod.director role='导演' max=2 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=prod.playwright role='编剧' max=2 %}
- {% include '_crew.html' with people=prod.actor role='演员' max=5 %}
+ {% include '_actor.html' with people=prod.actor role='演员' max=5 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=prod.performer role='表演者' max=5 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=prod.composer role='作曲' max=2 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=prod.choreographer role='编舞' max=2 %}
- {% include '_crew.html' with people=prod.crew role='演职人员' max=5 %}
{% endfor %}
diff --git a/catalog/templates/performanceproduction.html b/catalog/templates/performanceproduction.html
index 6abcdea6..5258de5e 100644
--- a/catalog/templates/performanceproduction.html
+++ b/catalog/templates/performanceproduction.html
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.orig_creator role='原作' max=5 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.director role='导演' max=5 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.playwright role='编剧' max=5 %}
- {% include '_crew.html' with people=item.actor role='演员' max=50 %}
+ {% include '_actor.html' with people=item.actor role='演员' max=50 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.performer role='表演者' max=50 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.composer role='作曲' max=5 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.choreographer role='编舞' max=5 %}