from import * from import * from catalog.common import * from common.models.lang import detect_language from .douban import RE_NUMBERS, RE_WHITESPACES, DoubanDownloader, DoubanSearcher @SiteManager.register class DoubanBook(AbstractSite): SITE_NAME = SiteName.Douban ID_TYPE = IdType.DoubanBook URL_PATTERNS = [ r"\w+://book\.douban\.com/subject/(\d+)/{0,1}", r"\w+://\d+)/{0,1}", r"\w+://\?uri=/book/(\d+)/", r"\w+://\d+)", ] WIKI_PROPERTY_ID = "?" DEFAULT_MODEL = Edition @classmethod def id_to_url(cls, id_value): return "" + id_value + "/" @classmethod def search(cls, q: str, p: int = 1): return, "book", q, p) def scrape(self): content = DoubanDownloader(self.url).download().html() isbn_elem = self.query_list( content, "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='ISBN:']/following::text()" ) isbn = isbn_elem[0].strip() if isbn_elem else None title_elem = self.query_list(content, "/html/body//h1/span/text()") title = ( title_elem[0].strip() if title_elem else f"Unknown Title {self.id_value}" ) subtitle_elem = self.query_list( content, "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='副标题:']/following::text()" ) subtitle = subtitle_elem[0].strip()[:500] if subtitle_elem else None orig_title_elem = self.query_list( content, "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='原作名:']/following::text()" ) orig_title = orig_title_elem[0].strip()[:500] if orig_title_elem else None language_elem = self.query_list( content, "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='语言:']/following::text()" ) language = [language_elem[0].strip()] if language_elem else [] pub_house_elem = self.query_list( content, "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='出版社:']/following::text()" ) pub_house = pub_house_elem[0].strip() if pub_house_elem else None if not pub_house: pub_house_elem = self.query_list( content, "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='出版社:']/following-sibling::a/text()", ) pub_house = pub_house_elem[0].strip() if pub_house_elem else None pub_date_elem = self.query_list( content, "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='出版年:']/following::text()" ) pub_date = pub_date_elem[0].strip() if pub_date_elem else "" year_month_day = RE_NUMBERS.findall(pub_date) if len(year_month_day) in (2, 3): pub_year = int(year_month_day[0]) pub_month = int(year_month_day[1]) elif len(year_month_day) == 1: pub_year = int(year_month_day[0]) pub_month = None else: pub_year = None pub_month = None if pub_year and pub_month and pub_year < pub_month: pub_year, pub_month = pub_month, pub_year pub_year = ( None if pub_year is not None and pub_year not in range(0, 3000) else pub_year ) pub_month = ( None if pub_month is not None and pub_month not in range(1, 12) else pub_month ) binding_elem = self.query_list( content, "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='装帧:']/following::text()" ) binding = binding_elem[0].strip() if binding_elem else None price_elem = self.query_list( content, "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='定价:']/following::text()" ) price = price_elem[0].strip() if price_elem else None pages_elem = self.query_list( content, "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='页数:']/following::text()" ) pages = pages_elem[0].strip() if pages_elem else None if pages is not None: pages = ( int(RE_NUMBERS.findall(pages)[0]) if RE_NUMBERS.findall(pages) else None ) if pages and (pages > 999999 or pages < 1): pages = None brief_elem = self.query_list( content, "//h2/span[text()='内容简介']/../following-sibling::div[1]//div[@class='intro'][not(ancestor::span[@class='short'])]/p/text()", ) brief = "\n".join(p.strip() for p in brief_elem) if brief_elem else None contents = None try: contents_elem = self.query_list( content, "//h2/span[text()='目录']/../following-sibling::div[1]" )[0] # if next the id of next sibling contains `dir`, that would be the full contents if "dir" in contents_elem.getnext().xpath("@id")[0]: contents_elem = contents_elem.getnext() contents = ( "\n".join(p.strip() for p in contents_elem.xpath("text()")[:-2]) if contents_elem is not None else None ) else: contents = ( "\n".join( p.strip() for p in self.query_list(contents_elem, "text()") ) if contents_elem is not None else None ) except Exception: pass img_url_elem = self.query_list(content, "//*[@id='mainpic']/a/img/@src") img_url = img_url_elem[0].strip() if img_url_elem else None # there are two html formats for authors and translators authors_elem = self.query_list( content, """//div[@id='info']//span[text()='作者:']/following-sibling::br[1]/ preceding-sibling::a[preceding-sibling::span[text()='作者:']]/text()""", ) if not authors_elem: authors_elem = self.query_list( content, """//div[@id='info']//span[text()=' 作者']/following-sibling::a/text()""", ) if authors_elem: authors = [] for author in authors_elem: authors.append(RE_WHITESPACES.sub(" ", author.strip())[:200]) else: authors = None translators_elem = self.query_list( content, """//div[@id='info']//span[text()='译者:']/following-sibling::br[1]/ preceding-sibling::a[preceding-sibling::span[text()='译者:']]/text()""", ) if not translators_elem: translators_elem = self.query_list( content, """//div[@id='info']//span[text()=' 译者']/following-sibling::a/text()""", ) if translators_elem: translators = [] for translator in translators_elem: translators.append(RE_WHITESPACES.sub(" ", translator.strip())) else: translators = None cncode_elem = self.query_list( content, "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='统一书号:']/following::text()" ) cubn = cncode_elem[0].strip() if cncode_elem else None series_elem = self.query_list( content, "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='丛书:']/following-sibling::a[1]/text()", ) series = series_elem[0].strip() if series_elem else None imprint_elem = self.query_list( content, "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='出品方:']/following-sibling::a[1]/text()", ) imprint = imprint_elem[0].strip() if imprint_elem else None lang = detect_language(title + " " + (brief or "")) data = { "title": title, "subtitle": subtitle, "localized_title": [{"lang": lang, "text": title}], "localized_subtitle": [{"lang": lang, "text": subtitle}], "localized_description": [{"lang": lang, "text": brief}] if brief else [], "orig_title": orig_title, "author": authors, "translator": translators, "language": language, "pub_house": pub_house, "pub_year": pub_year, "pub_month": pub_month, "binding": binding, "format": binding_to_format(binding), "price": price, "pages": pages, "isbn": isbn, "cubn": cubn, "brief": brief, "contents": contents, "series": series, "imprint": imprint, "cover_image_url": img_url, } works_element = self.query_list( content, '//h2/span[text()="这本书的其他版本"]/following-sibling::span[@class="pl"]/a/@href', ) if works_element: r = re.match(r"\w+://\d+)", works_element[0]) data["required_resources"] = [ { "model": "Work", "id_type": IdType.DoubanBook_Work, "id_value": r[1] if r else None, "title": data["title"], "url": works_element[0], "content": { "metadata": { "title": data["title"], "localized_title": data["localized_title"], } }, } ] pd = ResourceContent(metadata=data) t, n = detect_isbn_asin(isbn or "") if t: pd.lookup_ids[t] = n pd.lookup_ids[IdType.CUBN] = cubn return pd @SiteManager.register class DoubanBook_Work(AbstractSite): SITE_NAME = SiteName.Douban ID_TYPE = IdType.DoubanBook_Work URL_PATTERNS = [r"\w+://book\.douban\.com/works/(\d+)"] WIKI_PROPERTY_ID = "?" DEFAULT_MODEL = Work @classmethod def id_to_url(cls, id_value): return "" + id_value + "/" def scrape(self): content = DoubanDownloader(self.url).download().html() title_elem = self.query_list(content, "//h1/text()") title = title_elem[0].split("全部版本(")[0].strip() if title_elem else None if not title: raise ParseError(self, "title") book_urls = self.query_list(content, '//a[@class="pl2"]/@href') related_resources = [] for url in book_urls: site = SiteManager.get_site_by_url(url) if site: related_resources.append({"url": url}) d = { "title": title, "localized_title": [{"lang": "zh-cn", "text": title}], "related_resources": related_resources, } pd = ResourceContent(metadata=d) return pd