{% extends "_item_card_metadata_base.html" %} {% load humanize %} {% load i18n %} {% block brief %}
{% if item.rating %} {{ item.rating | floatformat:1 }} ({{ item.rating_count }} {% trans "ratings" %}) {% endif %} {% include '_people.html' with people=item.additional_title role='other title' max=2 %} {% if item.release_date %}{{ item.release_date }}{% endif %}
{% endblock brief %} {% block full %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.genre role='genre' max=2 %} {% include '_people.html' with people=item.platform role='platform' max=5 %} {% include '_people.html' with people=item.developer role='developer' max=2 %} {% include '_people.html' with people=item.publisher role='publisher' max=2 %}
{% if not hide_brief %}{{ item.display_description | linebreaksbr }}{% endif %}
{% endblock full %}