{% load static %} {% load i18n %} {% load mastodon %} {% if item %}
{% trans "Edit Options" %}
{% if item.is_deleted %}

{% trans "Item has been deleted." %}

{% endif %} {% if item.child_items %}

{% trans "Item contains sub-items." %}

{% endif %} {% if item.merged_to_item %}

{% trans "Item has been merged to another item." %}

{% endif %} {% if item.journal_exists %}

{% trans "Item has been marked by users." %}

{% endif %} {% for i in item.merged_from_items.all %} {% if forloop.first %} {% trans "The following items are merged into this item" %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if item.editable or request.user.is_staff %} {% for res in item.external_resources.all %}
{% trans 'External website' %}: {{ res.site_label }}
{% csrf_token %}
{% if request.user.is_staff %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% if item.child_class %}
{% trans 'Edit sub-items' %} ({{ item.child_items.count }})

{% for ep in item.child_items %} {{ ep.episode_number|default:ep.display_title|default:"#" }} {% endfor %}

{% endif %} {% if item.class_name == "tvseason" %}
{% trans 'Fetch all episodes' %} {% if item.imdb and item.season_number is not None %}
{% csrf_token %} {% trans "Due to differences in how Douban, IMDB, and TMDB handle season data, a small number of TV shows and animations may not return correct results. Please manually verify and clean up after updating." %}
{% else %} {% trans "To fetch all episodes, season numbers and IMDB information are required. If filling this out is inconvenient, you can also manually create sub-entries." %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if item.class_name == "movie" %}
{% trans 'switch category' %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% elif item.class_name == "tvshow" %} {% if not item.all_seasons or request.user.is_staff %}
{% trans 'switch category' %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %} {% elif item.class_name == "album" %}
{% trans 'switch category' %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% else %} {% endif %} {% if item.class_name == "tvseason" or item.class_name == "performanceproduction" %}
{% trans "Link to parent item" %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %} {% if item.class_name == "tvshow" %}
{% trans "Cleanup seasons" %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %} {% if not item.journal_exists or request.user.is_staff %}
{% trans 'Merge' %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% if item.can_soft_delete %}
{% trans 'Delete' %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if item.class_name == 'edition' %} {% if item.has_works %}
{% trans 'Work' %} {% trans "This edition belongs to the following work" %} {% for i in item.works.all %}
  • {{ i.display_title }}
  • {% endfor %}
    {% csrf_token %}
    {% endif %} {% if not item.has_works %}
    {% trans 'Link' %}
    {% csrf_token %}
    {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
    {% trans 'Suggest Edits' %}
    {% csrf_token %} {% trans "As a user of this community, you may edit some metadata of items on this site. If you are unsure whether your edits are appropriate or are unable to make a certain change, you can make suggestions here. Moderators will consider each suggestion, although there is no guarantee that they will always be fully adopted; suggestions may also be viewed or discussed by other community users. If you have suggestions that are not related to a specific item, please contact us. Thank you for your support and contribution." %}
    {% endif %}