{% extends "item_base.html" %} {% load static %} {% load i18n %} {% load l10n %} {% load humanize %} {% load mastodon %} {% load strip_scheme %} {% load thumb %} {% block details %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.additional_title _role='' max=99 %}
{% if item.release_type %} {% trans 'release type' %}: {{ item.get_release_type_display }} {% endif %}
{% if item.release_date %} {% trans 'release date' %}: {{ item.release_date }} {% elif item.release_year %} {% trans 'release year' %}: {{ item.release_year }} {% endif %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.platform role='platform' max=8 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.genre role='genre' max=5 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.designer role='designer' max=3 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.artist role='artist' max=3 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.developer role='developer' max=2 %}
{% include '_people.html' with people=item.publisher role='publisher' max=2 %}
{% if item.official_site %} {% trans 'website' %}: {{ item.official_site|urlizetrunc:24 }} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}