from datetime import datetime from typing import List from django.http import HttpResponse from django.utils import timezone from ninja import Field, Schema from ninja.pagination import paginate from catalog.common.models import AvailableItemCategory, Item, ItemCategory, ItemSchema from common.api import PageNumberPagination, Result, api from journal.models.common import q_owned_piece_visible_to_user from journal.models.shelf import ShelfMember from users.models.apidentity import APIdentity from ..models import ( Mark, ShelfType, ) # Mark class MarkSchema(Schema): shelf_type: ShelfType visibility: int = Field(ge=0, le=2) post_id: int | None = Field(alias="latest_post_id") item: ItemSchema created_time: datetime comment_text: str | None rating_grade: int | None = Field(ge=1, le=10) tags: list[str] class MarkInSchema(Schema): shelf_type: ShelfType visibility: int = Field(ge=0, le=2) comment_text: str = "" rating_grade: int = Field(0, ge=0, le=10) tags: list[str] = [] created_time: datetime | None = None post_to_fediverse: bool = False @api.get( "/user/{handle}/shelf/{type}", response={200: List[MarkSchema], 401: Result, 403: Result, 404: Result}, tags=["shelf"], ) @paginate(PageNumberPagination) def list_marks_on_user_shelf( request, handle: str, type: ShelfType, category: AvailableItemCategory | None = None, ): """ Get holding marks on a specific user's shelf Shelf's `type` should be one of `wishlist` / `progress` / `complete` / `dropped`; `category` is optional, marks for all categories will be returned if not specified. """ try: target = APIdentity.get_by_handle(handle) except APIdentity.DoesNotExist: return ShelfMember.objects.none() viewer = request.user.identity if target.is_blocking(viewer) or target.is_blocked_by(viewer): return ShelfMember.objects.none() qv = q_owned_piece_visible_to_user(request.user, target) queryset = ( target.shelf_manager.get_latest_members( type, ItemCategory(category) if category else None ) .filter(qv) .prefetch_related("item") ) return queryset @api.get( "/me/shelf/{type}", response={200: List[MarkSchema], 401: Result, 403: Result}, tags=["shelf"], ) @paginate(PageNumberPagination) def list_marks_on_shelf( request, type: ShelfType, category: AvailableItemCategory | None = None ): """ Get holding marks on current user's shelf Shelf's `type` should be one of `wishlist` / `progress` / `complete` / `dropped`; `category` is optional, marks for all categories will be returned if not specified. """ queryset = request.user.shelf_manager.get_latest_members( type, category ).prefetch_related("item") return queryset @api.get( "/me/shelf/item/{item_uuid}", response={200: MarkSchema, 302: Result, 401: Result, 403: Result, 404: Result}, tags=["shelf"], ) def get_mark_by_item(request, item_uuid: str, response: HttpResponse): """ Get holding mark on current user's shelf by item uuid """ item = Item.get_by_url(item_uuid) if not item or item.is_deleted: return 404, {"message": "Item not found"} if item.merged_to_item: response["Location"] = f"/api/me/shelf/item/{item.merged_to_item.uuid}" return 302, {"message": "Item merged", "url": item.merged_to_item.api_url} shelfmember = request.user.shelf_manager.locate_item(item) if not shelfmember: return 404, {"message": "Mark not found"} return shelfmember "/me/shelf/item/{item_uuid}", response={200: Result, 401: Result, 403: Result, 404: Result}, tags=["shelf"], ) def mark_item(request, item_uuid: str, mark: MarkInSchema): """ Create or update a holding mark about an item for current user. `shelf_type` and `visibility` are required; `created_time` is optional, default to now. if the item is already marked, this will update the mark. updating mark without `rating_grade`, `comment_text` or `tags` field will clear them. """ item = Item.get_by_url(item_uuid) if not item or item.is_deleted or item.merged_to_item: return 404, {"message": "Item not found"} if mark.created_time and mark.created_time >= mark.created_time = None m = Mark(request.user.identity, item) m.update( mark.shelf_type, mark.comment_text, mark.rating_grade, mark.tags, mark.visibility, created_time=mark.created_time, share_to_mastodon=mark.post_to_fediverse, ) return 200, {"message": "OK"} @api.delete( "/me/shelf/item/{item_uuid}", response={200: Result, 401: Result, 403: Result, 404: Result}, tags=["shelf"], ) def delete_mark(request, item_uuid: str): """ Remove a holding mark about an item for current user, unlike the web behavior, this does not clean up tags. """ item = Item.get_by_url(item_uuid) if not item: return 404, {"message": "Item not found"} m = Mark(request.user.identity, item) m.delete(keep_tags=True) return 200, {"message": "OK"}