import re from datetime import datetime from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.timezone import make_aware from catalog.common import * from catalog.common.downloaders import * from catalog.models import * from journal.models import * from users.models import Task re_list = r"^https://www\.goodreads\.com/list/show/\d+" re_shelf = r"^https://www\.goodreads\.com/review/list/\d+[^\?]*\?shelf=[^&]+" re_profile = r"^https://www\.goodreads\.com/user/show/(\d+)" gr_rating = { "did not like it": 2, "it was ok": 4, "liked it": 6, "really liked it": 8, "it was amazing": 10, } class GoodreadsImporter(Task): class Meta: app_label = "journal" # workaround bug in TypedModel TaskQueue = "import" DefaultMetadata = { "total": 0, "processed": 0, "skipped": 0, "imported": 0, "failed": 0, "visibility": 0, "failed_urls": [], "url": None, } @classmethod def validate_url(cls, raw_url): match_list = re.match(re_list, raw_url) match_shelf = re.match(re_shelf, raw_url) match_profile = re.match(re_profile, raw_url) if match_profile or match_shelf or match_list: return True else: return False def run(self): url = self.metadata["url"] user = self.user match_list = re.match(re_list, url) match_shelf = re.match(re_shelf, url) match_profile = re.match(re_profile, url) total = 0 visibility = user.preference.default_visibility shelf = None if match_shelf: shelf = self.parse_shelf(match_shelf[0]) elif match_list: shelf = self.parse_list(match_list[0]) if shelf: if shelf["title"] and shelf["books"]: collection = Collection.objects.create( title=shelf["title"], brief=shelf["description"] + "\n\nImported from [Goodreads](" + url + ")", owner=user.identity, ) for book in shelf["books"]: collection.append_item(book["book"], note=book["review"]) total += 1 self.message = f"Imported {total} books from Goodreads as a Collection {shelf['title']}." elif match_profile: uid = match_profile[1] shelves = { ShelfType.WISHLIST: f"{uid}?shelf=to-read", ShelfType.PROGRESS: f"{uid}?shelf=currently-reading", ShelfType.COMPLETE: f"{uid}?shelf=read", } for shelf_type in shelves: shelf_url = shelves.get(shelf_type) shelf = self.parse_shelf(shelf_url) for book in shelf["books"]: mark = Mark(user.identity, book["book"]) if ( ( mark.shelf_type == shelf_type and mark.comment_text == book["review"] ) or ( mark.shelf_type == ShelfType.COMPLETE and shelf_type != ShelfType.COMPLETE ) or ( mark.shelf_type == ShelfType.PROGRESS and shelf_type == ShelfType.WISHLIST ) ): print( f"Skip {shelf_type}/{book['book']} bc it was marked {mark.shelf_type}" ) else: mark.update( shelf_type, book["review"], book["rating"], visibility=visibility, created_time=book["last_updated"] or, ) total += 1 self.message = f"Imported {total} records from Goodreads profile." self.metadata["total"] = total @classmethod def get_book(cls, url): site = SiteManager.get_site_by_url(url) if site: book = site.get_item() if not book: resource = site.get_resource_ready() if resource and resource.item: book = resource.item return book @classmethod def parse_shelf(cls, url): # return {'title': 'abc', books: [{'book': obj, 'rating': 10, 'review': 'txt'}, ...]} title = "" books = [] url_shelf = url + "&view=table" while url_shelf: print(f"Shelf loading {url_shelf}") try: content = BasicDownloader(url_shelf).download().html() title_elem = content.xpath("//span[@class='h1Shelf']/text()") if not title_elem: print(f"Shelf parsing error {url_shelf}") break title = title_elem[0].strip() # type:ignore print(f"Shelf title: {title}") except Exception: print(f"Shelf loading/parsing error {url_shelf}") break cells = content.xpath("//tbody[@id='booksBody']/tr") for cell in cells: # type:ignore url_book = ( "" + cell.xpath(".//td[@class='field title']//a/@href")[0].strip() ) # has_review = cell.xpath( # ".//td[@class='field actions']//a/text()")[0].strip() == 'view (with text)' rating_elem = cell.xpath(".//td[@class='field rating']//span/@title") rating = gr_rating.get(rating_elem[0].strip()) if rating_elem else None url_review = ( "" + cell.xpath(".//td[@class='field actions']//a/@href")[0].strip() ) review = None last_updated = None date_elem = cell.xpath(".//td[@class='field date_added']//span/text()") for d in date_elem: date_matched ="(\w+)\s+(\d+),\s+(\d+)", d) if date_matched: last_updated = make_aware( datetime.strptime( date_matched[1] + " " + date_matched[2] + " " + date_matched[3], "%b %d %Y", ) ) try: c2 = BasicDownloader(url_review).download().html() review_elem = c2.xpath("//div[@itemprop='reviewBody']/text()") review = ( "\n".join(p.strip() for p in review_elem) # type:ignore if review_elem else "" ) date_elem = c2.xpath("//div[@class='readingTimeline__text']/text()") for d in date_elem: # type:ignore date_matched ="(\w+)\s+(\d+),\s+(\d+)", d) if date_matched: last_updated = make_aware( datetime.strptime( date_matched[1] + " " + date_matched[2] + " " + date_matched[3], "%B %d %Y", ) ) except Exception: print(f"Error loading/parsing review{url_review}, ignored") try: book = cls.get_book(url_book) books.append( { "url": url_book, "book": book, "rating": rating, "review": review, "last_updated": last_updated, } ) except Exception as e: print(f"Error adding {url_book} {e}") pass # likely just download error next_elem = content.xpath("//a[@class='next_page']/@href") url_shelf = ( f"{next_elem[0].strip()}" # type:ignore if next_elem else None ) return {"title": title, "description": "", "books": books} @classmethod def parse_list(cls, url): # return {'title': 'abc', books: [{'book': obj, 'rating': 10, 'review': 'txt'}, ...]} title = "" description = "" books = [] url_shelf = url while url_shelf: print(f"List loading {url_shelf}") content = BasicDownloader(url_shelf).download().html() title_elem = content.xpath('//h1[@class="gr-h1 gr-h1--serif"]/text()') if not title_elem: print(f"List parsing error {url_shelf}") break title: str = title_elem[0].strip() # type:ignore desc_elem = content.xpath('//div[@class="mediumText"]/text()') description: str = desc_elem[0].strip() # type:ignore print("List title: " + title) links = content.xpath('//a[@class="bookTitle"]/@href') for link in links: # type:ignore url_book = "" + link try: book = cls.get_book(url_book) books.append( { "url": url_book, "book": book, "review": "", } ) except Exception: print("Error adding " + url_book) pass # likely just download error next_elem = content.xpath("//a[@class='next_page']/@href") url_shelf = ( f"{next_elem[0].strip()}" # type:ignore if next_elem else None ) return {"title": title, "description": description, "books": books}