from auditlog.context import set_actor from import BaseCommand from django.db.models import Count from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as t from catalog.models import * from journal.models import * from users.middlewares import activate_language_for_user from users.models import * from users.models import APIdentity class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Calculate Top 10" def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument("year", type=int, help="year to calculate") parser.add_argument("--save", default="", help="save as collection for user") parser.add_argument( "--top", default=10, type=int, help="save as collection for user" ) def handle(self, year: int, top: int, save: str, **options): # type: ignore collector = APIdentity.objects.get(username=save, local=True) if save else None if collector: activate_language_for_user(collector.user) types = [ [Edition], [Movie], [TVShow, TVSeason], [Game], [Podcast], [Album], [Performance], ] mapping = item_content_types() for typ in types: cids = [mapping[t] for t in typ] title = f"{year}年标记最多的{t(typ[0].category.label)}" print(title) top10 = list( ShelfMember.objects.filter( created_time__year=year, item__polymorphic_ctype__in=cids ) .values("item") .annotate(c=Count("item")) .order_by("-c")[:top] ) items = [(Item.objects.get(pk=i["item"]), i["c"]) for i in top10] _ = [print(c, i.display_title, i.absolute_url) for i, c in items] if collector: with set_actor(collector.user): print(f"Saving to {collector}") c, _ = Collection.objects.get_or_create( owner=collector, title=title, brief="*根据用户标记数统计*", defaults={"visibility": 2}, ) for i, cat in items: c.append_item(i) # top10 = list( # Comment.objects.filter( # created_time__year=2023, item__polymorphic_ctype=mapping[PodcastEpisode] # ) # .values(i=F("item__podcastepisode__program_id")) # .annotate(c=Count("i")) # .order_by("-c")[:15] # ) # items = [Item.objects.get(pk=i["i"]) for i in top10] # _ = [print(i.title, i.absolute_url) for i in items]