import base64 import calendar import datetime from typing import Any from django.contrib import messages from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin from django.db.models import Count, F from django.db.models.functions import ExtractMonth from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponseRedirect from django.http.response import HttpResponse from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ from django.views.generic.base import TemplateView from catalog.models import ( AvailableItemCategory, ItemCategory, PodcastEpisode, item_content_types, ) from common.utils import int_ from journal.models import Comment, ShelfType from journal.models.common import VisibilityType from mastodon.models.bluesky import EmbedObj from takahe.utils import Takahe from users.models import User _type_emoji = { "movie": "🎬", "music": "💿", "album": "💿", "game": "🎮", "tv": "📺", "tvshow": "📺", "tvseason": "📺", "book": "📚", "edition": "📚", "podcast": "🎙️", "performance": "🎭", "performanceproduction": "🎭", } def _type_to_emoji(): cts = item_content_types() return {v: _type_emoji.get(k.__name__.lower(), k.__name__) for k, v in cts.items()} class WrappedView(LoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView): template_name = "wrapped.html" def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): user: User = self.request.user # type: ignore target = user.identity year = int(kwargs.get("year", 0)) if year < 1970 or year > 2100: year = context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context["identity"] = target context["year"] = year cnt = {} cats = [] _item_types = _type_to_emoji() for cat in AvailableItemCategory: queryset = target.shelf_manager.get_latest_members( ShelfType.COMPLETE, ItemCategory(cat) ).filter(created_time__year=year) cnt[cat] = queryset.count() if cat.value == "podcast": pc = ( Comment.objects.filter( owner=target, item__polymorphic_ctype_id=item_content_types()[PodcastEpisode], ) .values("item__podcastepisode__program_id") .distinct() .count() ) cnt[cat] += pc if cnt[cat] > 0: cats.append(f"{_type_emoji[cat.value]}x{cnt[cat]}") context["by_cat"] = " ".join(cats) all = list( target.shelf_manager.get_latest_members(ShelfType.COMPLETE) .filter(created_time__year=year) .annotate(month=ExtractMonth("created_time")) .annotate(cat=F("item__polymorphic_ctype_id")) .values("month", "cat") .annotate(total=Count("month")) .order_by("month") .values_list("month", "cat", "total") ) data = [{"Month": calendar.month_abbr[m]} for m in range(1, 13)] for m, ct, cnt in all: data[m - 1][_item_types[ct]] = data[m - 1].get(_item_types[ct], 0) + cnt podcast_by_month = list( Comment.objects.filter( owner=target, item__polymorphic_ctype_id=item_content_types()[PodcastEpisode], ) .filter(created_time__year=year) .annotate(month=ExtractMonth("created_time")) .values("item__podcastepisode__program_id", "month") .distinct() .annotate(total=Count("month", distinct=True)) .values_list("month", "total") ) for m, cnt in podcast_by_month: data[m - 1]["🎙️"] = data[m - 1].get("🎙️", 0) + cnt context["data"] = data return context class WrappedShareView(LoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView): template_name = "wrapped_share.html" def post(self, request: HttpRequest, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: img = base64.b64decode(request.POST.get("img", "")) comment = request.POST.get("comment", "") visibility = VisibilityType(int_(request.POST.get("visibility"))) user: User = request.user # type: ignore identity = user.identity media = Takahe.upload_image(, "year.png", img, "image/png", "NeoDB Yearly Summary" ) post =, comment, Takahe.visibility_n2t(visibility, user.preference.post_public_mode), attachments=[media], ) classic_crosspost = user.preference.mastodon_repost_mode == 1 if classic_crosspost and user.mastodon: try: comment, visibility, attachments=[("year.png", img, "image/png")] ) except Exception: pass elif post and user.mastodon: user.mastodon.boost_later(post.url) if visibility == VisibilityType.Public and user.bluesky: o = EmbedObj("🧩", "", user.absolute_url) txt = comment.rstrip() + "\n\n##obj##", obj=o, images=[img]) messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, _("Summary posted to timeline.")) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META.get("HTTP_REFERER", "/"))