{% load bleach_tags %} {% load static %} {% load i18n %} {% load l10n %} {% load humanize %} {% load mastodon %} {% load thumb %} {% load user_actions %} {% load duration %} {% for event in events %} {% with post=event.subject_post piece=event.subject_post.piece item=event.subject_post.item %} {% if not post %} {% else %}
{% if event.type == "boost" %}
{{ event.subject_identity.name }} {% trans 'boosted' %}
{% endif %}
{{ post.published|naturaldelta }} {% if item and item.class_name != 'tvepisode' %} {% if item.class_name == 'podcastepisode' %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% include "action_reply_post.html" %} {% include "action_like_post.html" %} {% include "action_boost_post.html" %} {% include "action_open_post.html" %} {{ post.author.name|default:post.author.username }} {% if piece and piece.classname == 'note' %} {% trans "wrote a note" %} {% endif %} {% if item and piece.classname != 'note' %}
{% include "_item_card.html" with item=item allow_embed=1 %}
{% endif %}
{{ post.summary|default:'' }}
{% for attachment in post.attachments.all %} {% if attachment.is_image %} image attachment {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% if piece and piece.classname == 'note' %}
{{ post.content|bleach:"a,p,span,br,div,img"|default:"" }}
{% else %} {{ post.content|bleach:"a,p,span,br,div,img"|default:"" }} {% endif %}
{% if piece and piece.classname == 'note' %} {% if item %} cover {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endwith %} {% if forloop.last %}
{% endif %} {% empty %}
{% if request.GET.last or page > 1 %} {% trans 'nothing more.' %} {% elif request.GET.q %} {% trans 'no matching activities.' %} {% else %} {% url 'users:data' as import_url %} {% blocktrans %}Find and mark some books/movies/podcasts/games, import your data from Goodreads/Letterboxd/Douban, follow some fellow {{ site_name }} users on the fediverse, so their recent activities and yours will show up here.{% endblocktrans %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}