from django.contrib import admin from .models import * from .api import create_app from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from requests.exceptions import Timeout from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist # Register your models here. @admin.register(MastodonApplication) class MastodonApplicationModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): def add_view(self, request, form_url="", extra_context=None): """ Dirty code here, use POST['domain_name'] to pass error message to user. """ if request.method == "POST": if not request.POST.get("client_id") and not request.POST.get( "client_secret" ): # make the post data mutable request.POST = request.POST.copy() # (is_proxy xor proxy_to) or (proxy_to!=null and is_proxy=false) if ( ( bool(request.POST.get("is_proxy")) or bool(request.POST.get("proxy_to")) ) and not ( bool(request.POST.get("is_proxy")) and bool(request.POST.get("proxy_to")) ) or ( not bool(request.POST.get("is_proxy")) and bool(request.POST.get("proxy_to")) ) ): request.POST["domain_name"] = _("请同时填写is_proxy和proxy_to。") else: if request.POST.get("is_proxy"): try: origin = MastodonApplication.objects.get( domain_name=request.POST["proxy_to"] ) # set proxy credentials to those of its original site request.POST["app_id"] = origin.app_id request.POST["client_id"] = origin.client_id request.POST["client_secret"] = origin.client_secret request.POST["vapid_key"] = origin.vapid_key except ObjectDoesNotExist: request.POST["domain_name"] = _("proxy_to所指域名不存在,请先添加原站点。") else: # create mastodon app try: response = create_app(request.POST.get("domain_name")) except (Timeout, ConnectionError): request.POST["domain_name"] = _("联邦网络请求超时。") except Exception as e: request.POST["domain_name"] = str(e) else: # fill the form with returned data data = response.json() if response.status_code != 200: request.POST["domain_name"] = str(data) else: request.POST["app_id"] = data["id"] request.POST["client_id"] = data["client_id"] request.POST["client_secret"] = data["client_secret"] request.POST["vapid_key"] = data["vapid_key"] return super().add_view(request, form_url=form_url, extra_context=extra_context)