import os # import django_stubs_ext # django_stubs_ext.monkeypatch() NEODB_VERSION = "0.8" DATABASE_ROUTERS = ["takahe.db_routes.TakaheRouter"] PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__name__)) # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = "django.db.models.BigAutoField" # for legacy deployment: # DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = "django.db.models.AutoField" # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See # SECURITY WARNING: use your own secret key and keep it! SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get("NEODB_SECRET_KEY", "insecure") # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = os.environ.get("NEODB_DEBUG", "") != "" ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*"] # To allow debug in template context # INTERNAL_IPS = [""] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = [ # "maintenance_mode", # this has to be first if enabled "django.contrib.admin", "hijack", "hijack.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", "django.contrib.humanize", "django.contrib.postgres", "django_rq", "django_bleach", "django_jsonform", "tz_detect", "sass_processor", "auditlog", "markdownx", "polymorphic", "easy_thumbnails", "user_messages", "fontawesomefree", # "anymail", # "silk", ] INSTALLED_APPS += [ "management.apps.ManagementConfig", "mastodon.apps.MastodonConfig", "common.apps.CommonConfig", "users.apps.UsersConfig", "catalog.apps.CatalogConfig", "journal.apps.JournalConfig", "social.apps.SocialConfig", "developer.apps.DeveloperConfig", "takahe.apps.TakaheConfig", "legacy.apps.LegacyConfig", ] INSTALLED_APPS += [ # we may override templates in these 3rd party apps "oauth2_provider", ] MIDDLEWARE = [ "", # "silk.middleware.SilkyMiddleware", "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware", "django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware", "django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware", "django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware", "oauth2_provider.middleware.OAuth2TokenMiddleware", "django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware", "django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware", "hijack.middleware.HijackUserMiddleware", "tz_detect.middleware.TimezoneMiddleware", "auditlog.middleware.AuditlogMiddleware", # "maintenance_mode.middleware.MaintenanceModeMiddleware", # this should be last if enabled ] ROOT_URLCONF = "boofilsic.urls" TEMPLATES = [ { "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates", "DIRS": [], "APP_DIRS": True, "OPTIONS": { "context_processors": [ # "django.template.context_processors.debug", "django.template.context_processors.request", "django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth", # 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', "user_messages.context_processors.messages", "boofilsic.context_processors.site_info", ], }, }, ] WSGI_APPLICATION = "boofilsic.wsgi.application" SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = "neodbsid" CACHES = { "default": { "BACKEND": "django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache", } } # Database # DATABASES = { "default": { "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql", "NAME": os.environ.get("NEODB_DB_NAME", "test"), "USER": os.environ.get("NEODB_DB_USER", "postgres"), "PASSWORD": os.environ.get("NEODB_DB_PASSWORD", "admin123"), "HOST": os.environ.get("NEODB_DB_HOST", ""), "PORT": int(os.environ.get("NEODB_DB_PORT", 5432)), "OPTIONS": { "client_encoding": "UTF8", # 'isolation_level': psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_DEFAULT, }, "TEST": { "DEPENDENCIES": ["takahe"], }, }, "takahe": { "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql", "NAME": os.environ.get("TAKAHE_DB_NAME", "test_neodb_takahe"), "USER": os.environ.get("TAKAHE_DB_USER", "testuser"), "PASSWORD": os.environ.get("TAKAHE_DB_PASSWORD", "testpass"), "HOST": os.environ.get("TAKAHE_DB_HOST", ""), "PORT": os.environ.get("TAKAHE_DB_PORT", 15432), "OPTIONS": { "client_encoding": "UTF8", # 'isolation_level': psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_DEFAULT, }, "TEST": { "DEPENDENCIES": [], }, }, } # Customized auth backend, glue OAuth2 and Django User model together # AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = [ "mastodon.auth.OAuth2Backend", "oauth2_provider.backends.OAuth2Backend", ] MARKDOWNX_MARKDOWNIFY_FUNCTION = "journal.models.render_md" # Internationalization # LANGUAGE_CODE = "zh-hans" TIME_ZONE = "Asia/Shanghai" USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST = True SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = ("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO", "https") DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE = 100 * 1024 * 1024 CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = True SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True if os.getenv("NEODB_SSL", "") != "": SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT = True SECURE_HSTS_PRELOAD = True SECURE_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS = True SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS = 31536000 # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # STATIC_URL = "/static/" STATIC_ROOT = os.environ.get("NEODB_STATIC_ROOT", os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static/")) STATICFILES_STORAGE = "" STATICFILES_FINDERS = [ "django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder", "django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder", "sass_processor.finders.CssFinder", ] AUTH_USER_MODEL = "users.User" SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS = [ "admin.E404", # Required by django-user-messages "models.W035", # Required by takahe: identical table name in different database "fields.W344", # Required by takahe: identical table name in different database ] MEDIA_URL = "/media/" MEDIA_ROOT = os.environ.get("NEODB_MEDIA_ROOT", os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "media/")) SITE_DOMAIN = os.environ.get("NEODB_SITE_DOMAIN", "") SITE_INFO = { "site_name": os.environ.get("NEODB_SITE_NAME", "NiceDB"), "site_domain": SITE_DOMAIN, "site_url": os.environ.get("NEODB_SITE_URL", "https://" + SITE_DOMAIN), "support_link": "", "social_link": "", "donation_link": "", "settings_module": os.getenv("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"), } REDIRECT_URIS = SITE_INFO["site_url"] + "/account/login/oauth" # for sites migrated from previous version, either wipe mastodon client ids or use: # REDIRECT_URIS = f'{SITE_INFO["site_url"]}/users/OAuth2_login/' # Path to save report related images, ends with slash REPORT_MEDIA_PATH_ROOT = "report/" MARKDOWNX_MEDIA_PATH = "review/" BOOK_MEDIA_PATH_ROOT = "book/" DEFAULT_BOOK_IMAGE = os.path.join(BOOK_MEDIA_PATH_ROOT, "default.svg") MOVIE_MEDIA_PATH_ROOT = "movie/" DEFAULT_MOVIE_IMAGE = os.path.join(MOVIE_MEDIA_PATH_ROOT, "default.svg") SONG_MEDIA_PATH_ROOT = "song/" DEFAULT_SONG_IMAGE = os.path.join(SONG_MEDIA_PATH_ROOT, "default.svg") ALBUM_MEDIA_PATH_ROOT = "album/" DEFAULT_ALBUM_IMAGE = os.path.join(ALBUM_MEDIA_PATH_ROOT, "default.svg") GAME_MEDIA_PATH_ROOT = "game/" DEFAULT_GAME_IMAGE = os.path.join(GAME_MEDIA_PATH_ROOT, "default.svg") COLLECTION_MEDIA_PATH_ROOT = "collection/" DEFAULT_COLLECTION_IMAGE = os.path.join(COLLECTION_MEDIA_PATH_ROOT, "default.svg") SYNC_FILE_PATH_ROOT = "sync/" EXPORT_FILE_PATH_ROOT = "export/" # Allow user to login via any Mastodon/Pleroma sites MASTODON_ALLOW_ANY_SITE = True # Allow user to create account with email (and link to Mastodon account later) ALLOW_EMAIL_ONLY_ACCOUNT = False # Timeout of requests to Mastodon, in seconds MASTODON_TIMEOUT = 30 MASTODON_CLIENT_SCOPE = "read write follow" # use the following if it's a new site # MASTODON_CLIENT_SCOPE = 'read:accounts read:follows read:search read:blocks read:mutes write:statuses write:media' MASTODON_LEGACY_CLIENT_SCOPE = "read write follow" # Emoji code in mastodon STAR_SOLID = ":star_solid:" STAR_HALF = ":star_half:" STAR_EMPTY = ":star_empty:" # Default redirect loaction when access login required view LOGIN_URL = "/account/login" # Admin site root url ADMIN_URL = "tertqX7256n7ej8nbv5cwvsegdse6w7ne5rHd" SCRAPING_TIMEOUT = 90 # ScraperAPI api key SCRAPERAPI_KEY = "***REMOVED***" PROXYCRAWL_KEY = None SCRAPESTACK_KEY = None # Spotify credentials SPOTIFY_CREDENTIAL = "***REMOVED***" # IMDb API service IMDB_API_KEY = "***REMOVED***" # The Movie Database (TMDB) API Keys TMDB_API3_KEY = "***REMOVED***" # TMDB_API4_KEY = "deadbeef.deadbeef.deadbeef" # Google Books API Key GOOGLE_API_KEY = "***REMOVED***" # Discogs API Key # How to get: a personal access token from DISCOGS_API_KEY = "***REMOVED***" # IGDB IGDB_CLIENT_ID = "deadbeef" IGDB_CLIENT_SECRET = "" BLEACH_STRIP_COMMENTS = True BLEACH_STRIP_TAGS = True # Thumbnail setting # It is possible to optimize the image size even more: THUMBNAIL_ALIASES = { "": { "normal": { "size": (200, 200), "crop": "scale", "autocrop": True, }, }, } # THUMBNAIL_PRESERVE_EXTENSIONS = ('svg',) if DEBUG: THUMBNAIL_DEBUG = True # # maybe benchmarking before deployment REDIS_HOST = os.environ.get("NEODB_REDIS_HOST", "") REDIS_PORT = int(os.environ.get("NEODB_REDIS_PORT", 6379)) REDIS_DB = int(os.environ.get("NEODB_REDIS_DB", 0)) RQ_QUEUES = { "mastodon": { "HOST": REDIS_HOST, "PORT": REDIS_PORT, "DB": REDIS_DB, "DEFAULT_TIMEOUT": -1, }, "export": { "HOST": REDIS_HOST, "PORT": REDIS_PORT, "DB": REDIS_DB, "DEFAULT_TIMEOUT": -1, }, "import": { "HOST": REDIS_HOST, "PORT": REDIS_PORT, "DB": REDIS_DB, "DEFAULT_TIMEOUT": -1, }, "fetch": { "HOST": REDIS_HOST, "PORT": REDIS_PORT, "DB": REDIS_DB, "DEFAULT_TIMEOUT": -1, }, "crawl": { "HOST": REDIS_HOST, "PORT": REDIS_PORT, "DB": REDIS_DB, "DEFAULT_TIMEOUT": -1, }, "doufen": { "HOST": REDIS_HOST, "PORT": REDIS_PORT, "DB": REDIS_DB, "DEFAULT_TIMEOUT": -1, }, } RQ_SHOW_ADMIN_LINK = True SEARCH_INDEX_NEW_ONLY = False SEARCH_BACKEND = None # SEARCH_BACKEND = 'MEILISEARCH' # MEILISEARCH_SERVER = '' # MEILISEARCH_KEY = 'deadbeef' if os.environ.get("NEODB_TYPESENSE_ENABLE", ""): SEARCH_BACKEND = "TYPESENSE" TYPESENSE_INDEX_NAME = "catalog" TYPESENSE_CONNECTION = { "api_key": os.environ.get("NEODB_TYPESENSE_KEY", "insecure"), "nodes": [ { "host": os.environ.get("NEODB_TYPESENSE_HOST", ""), "port": os.environ.get("NEODB_TYPESENSE_PORT", "8108"), "protocol": "http", } ], "connection_timeout_seconds": 2, } DOWNLOADER_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 300 DOWNLOADER_RETRIES = 3 DOWNLOADER_SAVEDIR = None DISABLE_MODEL_SIGNAL = False # disable index and social feeds during importing/etc # MAINTENANCE_MODE = False # MAINTENANCE_MODE_IGNORE_ADMIN_SITE = True # MAINTENANCE_MODE_IGNORE_SUPERUSER = True # MAINTENANCE_MODE_IGNORE_ANONYMOUS_USER = True # MAINTENANCE_MODE_IGNORE_URLS = (r"^/users/connect/", r"^/users/OAuth2_login/") # SILKY_AUTHENTICATION = True # User must login # SILKY_AUTHORISATION = True # User must have permissions # SILKY_PERMISSIONS = lambda user: user.is_superuser # SILKY_MAX_RESPONSE_BODY_SIZE = 1024 # If response body>1024 bytes, ignore # SILKY_INTERCEPT_PERCENT = 10 DISCORD_WEBHOOKS = {"user-report": None} NINJA_PAGINATION_PER_PAGE = 20 OAUTH2_PROVIDER = { "ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_SECONDS": 3600 * 24 * 365, "PKCE_REQUIRED": False, } OAUTH2_PROVIDER_APPLICATION_MODEL = "developer.Application" DEVELOPER_CONSOLE_APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID = "NEODB_DEVELOPER_CONSOLE"