import functools import html import random import re import string from urllib.parse import quote import requests from django.conf import settings from loguru import logger from mastodon.utils import rating_to_emoji from .models import MastodonApplication # See # returns user info # retruns the same info as verify account credentials # GET API_GET_ACCOUNT = "/api/v1/accounts/:id" # returns user info if valid, 401 if invalid # GET API_VERIFY_ACCOUNT = "/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials" # obtain token # GET API_OBTAIN_TOKEN = "/oauth/token" # obatin auth code # GET API_OAUTH_AUTHORIZE = "/oauth/authorize" # revoke token # POST API_REVOKE_TOKEN = "/oauth/revoke" # relationships # GET API_GET_RELATIONSHIPS = "/api/v1/accounts/relationships" # toot # POST API_PUBLISH_TOOT = "/api/v1/statuses" # create new app # POST API_CREATE_APP = "/api/v1/apps" # search # GET API_SEARCH = "/api/v2/search" USER_AGENT = f"NeoDB/{settings.NEODB_VERSION} (+{settings.SITE_INFO.get('site_url', 'undefined')})" get = functools.partial(requests.get, timeout=settings.MASTODON_TIMEOUT) put = functools.partial(requests.put, timeout=settings.MASTODON_TIMEOUT) post = functools.partial(, timeout=settings.MASTODON_TIMEOUT) def get_api_domain(domain): app = MastodonApplication.objects.filter(domain_name=domain).first() return app.api_domain if app and app.api_domain else domain # low level api below def post_toot( site, content, visibility, token, local_only=False, update_id=None, spoiler_text=None, ): headers = { "User-Agent": USER_AGENT, "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}", "Idempotency-Key": random_string_generator(16), } response = None url = "https://" + get_api_domain(site) + API_PUBLISH_TOOT payload = { "status": content, "visibility": visibility, } if spoiler_text: payload["spoiler_text"] = spoiler_text if local_only: payload["local_only"] = True try: if update_id: response = put(url + "/" + update_id, headers=headers, data=payload) if not update_id or (response is not None and response.status_code != 200): headers["Idempotency-Key"] = random_string_generator(16) response = post(url, headers=headers, data=payload) if response is not None and response.status_code == 201: response.status_code = 200 if response is not None and response.status_code != 200: logger.error(f"Error {url} {response.status_code}") except Exception: response = None return response def create_app(domain_name): # naive protocal strip is_http = False if domain_name.startswith("https://"): domain_name = domain_name.replace("https://", "") elif domain_name.startswith("http://"): is_http = True domain_name = domain_name.replace("http://", "") if domain_name.endswith("/"): domain_name = domain_name[0:-1] if not is_http: url = "https://" + domain_name + API_CREATE_APP else: url = "http://" + domain_name + API_CREATE_APP payload = { "client_name": settings.SITE_INFO["site_name"], "scopes": settings.MASTODON_CLIENT_SCOPE, "redirect_uris": settings.REDIRECT_URIS, "website": settings.SITE_INFO["site_url"], } response = post(url, data=payload, headers={"User-Agent": USER_AGENT}) return response # utils below def random_string_generator(n): s = string.ascii_letters + string.punctuation + string.digits return "".join(random.choice(s) for i in range(n)) def verify_account(site, token): url = "https://" + get_api_domain(site) + API_VERIFY_ACCOUNT try: response = get( url, headers={"User-Agent": USER_AGENT, "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"} ) return response.status_code, ( response.json() if response.status_code == 200 else None ) except Exception: return -1, None def get_related_acct_list(site, token, api): url = "https://" + get_api_domain(site) + api results = [] while url: response = get( url, headers={"User-Agent": USER_AGENT, "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"} ) url = None if response.status_code == 200: results.extend( map( lambda u: ( u["acct"] if u["acct"].find("@") != -1 else u["acct"] + "@" + site ) if "acct" in u else u, response.json(), ) ) if "Link" in response.headers: for ls in response.headers["Link"].split(","): li = ls.strip().split(";") if li[1].strip() == 'rel="next"': url = li[0].strip().replace(">", "").replace("<", "") return results class TootVisibilityEnum: PUBLIC = "public" PRIVATE = "private" DIRECT = "direct" UNLISTED = "unlisted" def detect_server_info(login_domain): url = f"https://{login_domain}/api/v1/instance" try: response = get(url, headers={"User-Agent": USER_AGENT}) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error connecting {login_domain}: {e}") raise Exception(f"无法连接 {login_domain}") if response.status_code != 200: logger.error(f"Error connecting {login_domain}: {response.status_code}") raise Exception(f"实例 {login_domain} 返回错误,代码: {response.status_code}") try: j = response.json() domain = j["uri"].lower().split("//")[-1].split("/")[0] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error connecting {login_domain}: {e}") raise Exception(f"实例 {login_domain} 返回信息无法识别") server_version = j["version"] api_domain = domain if domain != login_domain: url = f"https://{domain}/api/v1/instance" try: response = get(url, headers={"User-Agent": USER_AGENT}) j = response.json() except: api_domain = login_domain f"detect_server_info: {login_domain} {domain} {api_domain} {server_version}" ) return domain, api_domain, server_version def get_mastodon_application(login_domain): domain = login_domain app = MastodonApplication.objects.filter(domain_name__iexact=domain).first() if not app: app = MastodonApplication.objects.filter(api_domain__iexact=domain).first() if app: return app if not settings.MASTODON_ALLOW_ANY_SITE: logger.error(f"Disallowed to create app for {domain}") raise Exception("不支持其它实例登录") domain, api_domain, server_version = detect_server_info(login_domain) if login_domain != domain: app = MastodonApplication.objects.filter(domain_name__iexact=domain).first() if app: return app response = create_app(api_domain) if response.status_code != 200: logger.error( f"Error creating app for {domain} on {api_domain}: {response.status_code}" ) raise Exception("实例注册应用失败,代码: " + str(response.status_code)) try: data = response.json() except Exception: logger.error(f"Error creating app for {domain}: unable to parse response") raise Exception("实例注册应用失败,返回内容无法识别") app = MastodonApplication.objects.create( domain_name=domain.lower(), api_domain=api_domain.lower(), server_version=server_version, app_id=data["id"], client_id=data["client_id"], client_secret=data["client_secret"], vapid_key=data["vapid_key"] if "vapid_key" in data else "", ) return app def get_mastodon_login_url(app, login_domain, request): url = settings.REDIRECT_URIS version = app.server_version or "" scope = ( settings.MASTODON_LEGACY_CLIENT_SCOPE if "Pixelfed" in version else settings.MASTODON_CLIENT_SCOPE ) return ( "https://" + login_domain + "/oauth/authorize?client_id=" + app.client_id + "&scope=" + quote(scope) + "&redirect_uri=" + url + "&response_type=code" ) def obtain_token(site, request, code): """Returns token if success else None.""" mast_app = MastodonApplication.objects.get(domain_name=site) redirect_uri = settings.REDIRECT_URIS payload = { "client_id": mast_app.client_id, "client_secret": mast_app.client_secret, "redirect_uri": redirect_uri, "grant_type": "authorization_code", "code": code, } headers = {"User-Agent": USER_AGENT} auth = None if mast_app.is_proxy: url = "https://" + mast_app.proxy_to + API_OBTAIN_TOKEN else: url = ( "https://" + (mast_app.api_domain or mast_app.domain_name) + API_OBTAIN_TOKEN ) try: response = post(url, data=payload, headers=headers, auth=auth) # {"token_type":"bearer","expires_in":7200,"access_token":"VGpkOEZGR3FQRDJ5NkZ0dmYyYWIwS0dqeHpvTnk4eXp0NV9nWDJ2TEpmM1ZTOjE2NDg3ODMxNTU4Mzc6MToxOmF0OjE","scope":" offline.access tweet.write","refresh_token":"b1pXbGEzeUF1WE5yZHJOWmxTeWpvMTBrQmZPd0czLU0tQndZQTUyU3FwRDVIOjE2NDg3ODMxNTU4Mzg6MToxOnJ0OjE"} if response.status_code != 200: logger.error(f"Error {url} {response.status_code}") return None, None except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error {url} {e}") return None, None data = response.json() return data.get("access_token"), data.get("refresh_token", "") def refresh_access_token(site, refresh_token): pass def revoke_token(site, token): mast_app = MastodonApplication.objects.get(domain_name=site) payload = { "client_id": mast_app.client_id, "client_secret": mast_app.client_secret, "token": token, } if mast_app.is_proxy: url = "https://" + mast_app.proxy_to + API_REVOKE_TOKEN else: url = "https://" + get_api_domain(site) + API_REVOKE_TOKEN post(url, data=payload, headers={"User-Agent": USER_AGENT}) def get_status_id_by_url(url): if not url: return None r = re.match( r".+/(\w+)$", url ) # might be re.match(r'.+/([^/]+)$', u) if Pleroma supports edit return r[1] if r else None def get_spoiler_text(text, item): if text.find(">!") != -1: spoiler_text = f"关于《{item.display_title}》 可能有关键情节等敏感内容" return spoiler_text, text.replace(">!", "").replace("!<", "") else: return None, text def get_visibility(visibility, user): if visibility == 2: return TootVisibilityEnum.DIRECT elif visibility == 1: return TootVisibilityEnum.PRIVATE elif user.preference.mastodon_publish_public: return TootVisibilityEnum.PUBLIC else: return TootVisibilityEnum.UNLISTED def share_mark(mark): from catalog.common import ItemCategory user = mark.owner.user if mark.visibility == 2: visibility = TootVisibilityEnum.DIRECT elif mark.visibility == 1: visibility = TootVisibilityEnum.PRIVATE elif user.preference.mastodon_publish_public: visibility = TootVisibilityEnum.PUBLIC else: visibility = TootVisibilityEnum.UNLISTED tags = ( "\n" + user.preference.mastodon_append_tag.replace( "[category]", str(ItemCategory(mark.item.category).label) ) if user.preference.mastodon_append_tag else "" ) stars = rating_to_emoji( mark.rating_grade, MastodonApplication.objects.get(domain_name=user.mastodon_site).star_mode, ) content = f"{mark.action_label}《{mark.item.display_title}》{stars}\n{mark.item.absolute_url}\n{mark.comment_text or ''}{tags}" update_id = get_status_id_by_url(mark.shared_link) spoiler_text, content = get_spoiler_text(content, mark.item) response = post_toot( user.mastodon_site, content, visibility, user.mastodon_token, False, update_id, spoiler_text, ) if response is not None and response.status_code in [200, 201]: j = response.json() if "url" in j: mark.shared_link = j["url"] if mark.shared_link:["shared_link"]) return True, 200 else: logger.error(response) return False, response.status_code if response is not None else -1 def share_review(review): from catalog.common import ItemCategory user = review.owner if review.visibility == 2: visibility = TootVisibilityEnum.DIRECT elif review.visibility == 1: visibility = TootVisibilityEnum.PRIVATE elif user.preference.mastodon_publish_public: visibility = TootVisibilityEnum.PUBLIC else: visibility = TootVisibilityEnum.UNLISTED tags = ( "\n" + user.preference.mastodon_append_tag.replace( "[category]", str(ItemCategory(review.item.category).label) ) if user.preference.mastodon_append_tag else "" ) content = f"发布了关于《{review.item.display_title}》的评论\n{review.title}\n{review.absolute_url}{tags}" update_id = None if review.metadata.get( "shared_link" ): # "" r = re.match( r".+/(\w+)$", review.metadata.get("shared_link") ) # might be re.match(r'.+/([^/]+)$', u) if Pleroma supports edit update_id = r[1] if r else None response = post_toot( user.mastodon_site, content, visibility, user.mastodon_token, False, update_id ) if response is not None and response.status_code in [200, 201]: j = response.json() if "url" in j: review.metadata["shared_link"] = j["url"] return True else: return False def share_collection(collection, comment, user, visibility_no): if visibility_no == 2: visibility = TootVisibilityEnum.DIRECT elif visibility_no == 1: visibility = TootVisibilityEnum.PRIVATE elif user.preference.mastodon_publish_public: visibility = TootVisibilityEnum.PUBLIC else: visibility = TootVisibilityEnum.UNLISTED tags = ( "\n" + user.preference.mastodon_append_tag.replace("[category]", "收藏单") if user.preference.mastodon_append_tag else "" ) user_str = ( "我" if user == collection.owner.user else ( " @" + collection.owner.user.mastodon_acct + " " if collection.owner.user.mastodon_acct else " " + collection.owner.username + " " ) ) content = f"分享{user_str}的收藏单《{collection.title}》\n{collection.absolute_url}\n{comment}{tags}" response = post_toot(user.mastodon_site, content, visibility, user.mastodon_token) if response is not None and response.status_code in [200, 201]: return True else: return False