from datetime import datetime from functools import cached_property from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any from django.conf import settings from django.db import connection, models from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from loguru import logger from catalog.models import Item, ItemCategory from takahe.utils import Takahe from users.models import APIdentity from .common import q_item_in_category from .itemlist import List, ListMember from .renderers import render_post_with_macro, render_rating, render_spoiler_text if TYPE_CHECKING: from .comment import Comment from .mark import Mark from .rating import Rating class ShelfType(models.TextChoices): WISHLIST = "wishlist", _("WISHLIST") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue] PROGRESS = "progress", _("PROGRESS") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue] COMPLETE = "complete", _("COMPLETE") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue] DROPPED = "dropped", _("DROPPED") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue] _REVIEWED = "reviewed" _SHELF_LABELS = [ [ ItemCategory.Book, ShelfType.WISHLIST, _("books to read"), # shelf label _("want to read"), # action label _("wants to read {item}"), # feed _("to read"), # status label ], [ ItemCategory.Book, ShelfType.PROGRESS, _("books reading"), _("start reading"), _("started reading {item}"), _("reading"), ], [ ItemCategory.Book, ShelfType.COMPLETE, _("books completed"), _("finish reading"), _("finished reading {item}"), _("read"), ], [ ItemCategory.Book, ShelfType.DROPPED, _("books dropped"), _("stop reading"), _("stopped reading {item}"), _("stopped reading"), ], [ ItemCategory.Book, _REVIEWED, _("books reviewed"), _("review"), _("wrote a review of {item}"), "", ], [ ItemCategory.Movie, ShelfType.WISHLIST, _("movies to watch"), _("want to watch"), _("wants to watch {item}"), _("to watch"), ], [ ItemCategory.Movie, ShelfType.PROGRESS, _("movies watching"), _("start watching"), _("started watching {item}"), _("watching"), ], [ ItemCategory.Movie, ShelfType.COMPLETE, _("movies watched"), _("finish watching"), _("finished watching {item}"), _("watched"), ], [ ItemCategory.Movie, ShelfType.DROPPED, _("movies dropped"), _("stop watching"), _("stopped watching {item}"), _("stopped watching"), ], [ ItemCategory.Movie, _REVIEWED, _("movies reviewed"), _("review"), _("wrote a review of {item}"), "", ], [ ItemCategory.TV, ShelfType.WISHLIST, _("TV shows to watch"), _("want to watch"), _("wants to watch {item}"), _("to watch"), ], [ ItemCategory.TV, ShelfType.PROGRESS, _("TV shows watching"), _("start watching"), _("started watching {item}"), _("watching"), ], [ ItemCategory.TV, ShelfType.COMPLETE, _("TV shows watched"), _("finish watching"), _("finished watching {item}"), _("watched"), ], [ ItemCategory.TV, ShelfType.DROPPED, _("TV shows dropped"), _("stop watching"), _("stopped watching {item}"), _("stopped watching"), ], [ ItemCategory.TV, _REVIEWED, _("TV shows reviewed"), _("review"), _("wrote a review of {item}"), "", ], [ ItemCategory.Music, ShelfType.WISHLIST, _("albums to listen"), _("want to listen"), _("wants to listen {item}"), _("to listen"), ], [ ItemCategory.Music, ShelfType.PROGRESS, _("albums listening"), _("start listening"), _("started listening {item}"), _("listening"), ], [ ItemCategory.Music, ShelfType.COMPLETE, _("albums listened"), _("finish listening"), _("finished listening {item}"), _("listened"), ], [ ItemCategory.Music, ShelfType.DROPPED, _("albums dropped"), _("stop listening"), _("stopped listening {item}"), _("stopped listening"), ], [ ItemCategory.Music, _REVIEWED, _("albums reviewed"), _("review"), _("wrote a review of {item}"), "", ], [ ItemCategory.Game, ShelfType.WISHLIST, _("games to play"), _("want to play"), _("wants to play {item}"), _("to play"), ], [ ItemCategory.Game, ShelfType.PROGRESS, _("games playing"), _("start playing"), _("started playing {item}"), _("playing"), ], [ ItemCategory.Game, ShelfType.COMPLETE, _("games played"), _("finish playing"), _("finished playing {item}"), _("played"), ], [ ItemCategory.Game, ShelfType.DROPPED, _("games dropped"), _("stop playing"), _("stopped playing {item}"), _("stopped playing"), ], [ ItemCategory.Game, _REVIEWED, _("games reviewed"), _("review"), _("wrote a review of {item}"), "", ], [ ItemCategory.Podcast, ShelfType.WISHLIST, _("podcasts to listen"), _("want to listen"), _("wants to listen {item}"), _("to listen"), ], [ ItemCategory.Podcast, ShelfType.PROGRESS, _("podcasts listening"), _("start listening"), _("started listening {item}"), _("listening"), ], [ ItemCategory.Podcast, ShelfType.COMPLETE, _("podcasts listened"), _("finish listening"), _("finished listening {item}"), _("listened"), ], [ ItemCategory.Podcast, ShelfType.DROPPED, _("podcasts dropped"), _("stop listening"), _("stopped listening {item}"), _("stopped listening"), ], [ ItemCategory.Podcast, _REVIEWED, _("podcasts reviewed"), _("review"), _("wrote a review of {item}"), "", ], [ ItemCategory.Performance, ShelfType.WISHLIST, _("performances to see"), _("want to see"), _("wants to see {item}"), _("to see"), ], # disable progress shelf for Performance [ItemCategory.Performance, ShelfType.PROGRESS, "", "", "", ""], [ ItemCategory.Performance, ShelfType.COMPLETE, _("performances saw"), _("finish seeing"), _("finished seeing {item}"), _("seen"), ], [ ItemCategory.Performance, ShelfType.DROPPED, _("performances dropped"), _("stop seeing"), _("stopped seeing {item}"), _("stopped seeing"), ], [ ItemCategory.Performance, _REVIEWED, _("performances reviewed"), _("review"), _("wrote a review of {item}"), "", ], ] # grammatically problematic, for translation only class ShelfMember(ListMember): if TYPE_CHECKING: parent: models.ForeignKey["ShelfMember", "Shelf"] parent = models.ForeignKey( "Shelf", related_name="members", on_delete=models.CASCADE ) class Meta: unique_together = [["owner", "item"]] indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["parent_id", "visibility", "created_time"]), ] @property def ap_object(self): return { "id": self.absolute_url, "type": "Status", "status": self.parent.shelf_type, "published": self.created_time.isoformat(), "updated": self.edited_time.isoformat(), "attributedTo": self.owner.actor_uri, "withRegardTo": self.item.absolute_url, "href": self.absolute_url, } @classmethod def update_by_ap_object(cls, owner: APIdentity, item: Item, obj: dict, post): p = cls.objects.filter(owner=owner, item=item).first() if p and p.edited_time >= datetime.fromisoformat(obj["updated"]): return p # incoming ap object is older than what we have, no update needed shelf = owner.shelf_manager.get_shelf(obj["status"]) if not shelf: logger.warning(f"unable to locate shelf for {owner}, {obj}") return d = { "parent": shelf, "position": 0, "local": False, "visibility": Takahe.visibility_t2n(post.visibility), "created_time": datetime.fromisoformat(obj["published"]), "edited_time": datetime.fromisoformat(obj["updated"]), } p, _ = cls.objects.update_or_create(owner=owner, item=item, defaults=d) p.link_post_id( return p def get_crosspost_postfix(self): tags = render_post_with_macro( self.owner.user.preference.mastodon_append_tag, self.item ) return "\n" + tags if tags else "" def get_crosspost_template(self): return _(ShelfManager.get_action_template(self.shelf_type, self.item.category)) def to_crosspost_params(self): action = self.get_crosspost_template().format(item="##obj##") if self.sibling_comment: spoiler, txt = render_spoiler_text(self.sibling_comment.text, self.item) else: spoiler, txt = None, "" rating = self.sibling_rating.grade if self.sibling_rating else "" txt = "\n" + txt if txt else "" content = f"{action} ##rating## \n##obj_link_if_plain##{txt}{self.get_crosspost_postfix()}" params = { "content": content, "spoiler_text": spoiler, "obj": self.item, "rating": rating, } return params def to_post_params(self): item_link = f"{settings.SITE_INFO['site_url']}/~neodb~{self.item.url}" action = self.get_crosspost_template().format( item=f'{self.item.display_title}' ) if self.sibling_comment: spoiler, txt = render_spoiler_text(self.sibling_comment.text, self.item) else: spoiler, txt = None, "" postfix = self.get_crosspost_postfix() # add @user.mastodon.handle so that user can see it on Mastodon ? # if self.visibility and self.owner.user.mastodon: # postfix += f" @{self.owner.user.mastodon.handle}" content = f"{render_rating(self.sibling_rating.grade) if self.sibling_rating else ''} \n{txt}\n{postfix}" return { "prepend_content": action, "content": content, "summary": spoiler, "sensitive": spoiler is not None, } def get_ap_data(self): data = super().get_ap_data() if self.sibling_comment: data["object"]["relatedWith"].append(self.sibling_comment.ap_object) if self.sibling_rating: data["object"]["relatedWith"].append(self.sibling_rating.ap_object) return data def sync_to_timeline(self, update_mode: int = 0): post = super().sync_to_timeline(update_mode) if post and self.sibling_comment: self.sibling_comment.link_post_id( return post def to_indexable_doc(self) -> dict[str, Any]: ids = [] classes = [self.__class__.__name__] content = [] rating = 0 if self.sibling_rating: # ids.append( classes.append("Rating") rating = self.sibling_rating.grade if self.sibling_comment: # ids.append( classes.append("Comment") content = [self.sibling_comment.text] return { "piece_id": ids, "piece_class": classes, "item_id": [], "item_class": [self.item.__class__.__name__], "item_title": self.item.to_indexable_titles(), "shelf_type": self.shelf_type, "rating": rating, "tag": self.tags, "content": content, } @cached_property def sibling_comment(self) -> "Comment | None": from .comment import Comment return Comment.objects.filter(owner=self.owner, item=self.item).first() @cached_property def sibling_rating(self) -> "Rating | None": from .rating import Rating return Rating.objects.filter(owner=self.owner, item=self.item).first() @cached_property def mark(self) -> "Mark": from .mark import Mark m = Mark(self.owner, self.item) m.shelfmember = self return m @property def shelf_label(self) -> str | None: return ShelfManager.get_label(self.parent.shelf_type, self.item.category) @property def shelf_type(self): return self.parent.shelf_type @property def rating_grade(self): return self.mark.rating_grade @property def comment_text(self): return self.mark.comment_text @property def tags(self): return self.mark.tags def ensure_log_entry(self): log, _ = ShelfLogEntry.objects.get_or_create( owner=self.owner, shelf_type=self.shelf_type, item=self.item, timestamp=self.created_time, ) return log def log_and_delete(self): ShelfLogEntry.objects.get_or_create( owner=self.owner, shelf_type=None, item=self.item,, ) self.delete() def link_post_id(self, post_id: int): if self.local: self.ensure_log_entry().link_post_id(post_id) return super().link_post_id(post_id) class Shelf(List): """ Shelf """ if TYPE_CHECKING: members: models.QuerySet[ShelfMember] class Meta: unique_together = [["owner", "shelf_type"]] MEMBER_CLASS = ShelfMember items = models.ManyToManyField(Item, through="ShelfMember", related_name="+") shelf_type = models.CharField( choices=ShelfType.choices, max_length=100, null=False, blank=False ) def __str__(self): return f"Shelf:{self.owner.username}:{self.shelf_type}" def to_indexable_doc(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return {} class ShelfLogEntry(models.Model): owner = models.ForeignKey(APIdentity, on_delete=models.PROTECT) shelf_type = models.CharField(choices=ShelfType.choices, max_length=100, null=True) item = models.ForeignKey(Item, on_delete=models.PROTECT) timestamp = models.DateTimeField() # this may later be changed by user created_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) edited_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) posts = models.ManyToManyField( "takahe.Post", related_name="log_entries", through="ShelfLogEntryPost" ) class Meta: constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint( fields=["owner", "item", "timestamp", "shelf_type"], name="unique_shelf_log_entry", ), ] def __str__(self): return f"LOG:{self.owner}:{self.shelf_type}:{self.item.uuid}:{self.timestamp}" @property def action_label(self): if self.shelf_type: return ShelfManager.get_action_label(self.shelf_type, self.item.category) else: return _("removed mark") def link_post_id(self, post_id: int): ShelfLogEntryPost.objects.get_or_create(log_entry=self, post_id=post_id) def all_post_ids(self): return ShelfLogEntryPost.objects.filter(log_entry=self).values_list( "post_id", flat=True ) class ShelfLogEntryPost(models.Model): log_entry = models.ForeignKey(ShelfLogEntry, on_delete=models.CASCADE) post = models.ForeignKey( "takahe.Post", db_constraint=False, db_index=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE ) class Meta: constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint( fields=["log_entry", "post"], name="unique_log_entry_post" ), ] class ShelfManager: """ ShelfManager all shelf operations should go thru this class so that ShelfLogEntry can be properly populated ShelfLogEntry can later be modified if user wish to change history """ def __init__(self, owner): self.owner = owner qs = Shelf.objects.filter(owner=self.owner) self.shelf_list = {v.shelf_type: v for v in qs} if len(self.shelf_list) < len(ShelfType): self.initialize() def initialize(self): for qt in ShelfType: self.shelf_list[qt] = Shelf.objects.get_or_create( owner=self.owner, shelf_type=qt )[0] def locate_item(self, item: Item) -> ShelfMember | None: return ShelfMember.objects.filter(item=item, owner=self.owner).first() def get_log_for_item(self, item: Item): return ShelfLogEntry.objects.filter(owner=self.owner, item=item).order_by( "timestamp" ) def get_shelf(self, shelf_type: ShelfType): return self.shelf_list[shelf_type] def get_latest_members( self, shelf_type: ShelfType, item_category: ItemCategory | None = None ): qs = self.shelf_list[shelf_type].members.all().order_by("-created_time") if item_category: return qs.filter(q_item_in_category(item_category)) else: return qs def get_members( self, shelf_type: ShelfType, item_category: ItemCategory | None = None ): qs = self.shelf_list[shelf_type].members.all() if item_category: return qs.filter(q_item_in_category(item_category)) else: return qs # def get_items_on_shelf(self, item_category, shelf_type): # shelf = ( # self.owner.shelf_set.all() # .filter(item_category=item_category, shelf_type=shelf_type) # .first() # ) # return shelf.members.all().order_by @classmethod def get_labels_for_category(cls, item_category: ItemCategory): return [(n[1], n[2]) for n in _SHELF_LABELS if n[0] == item_category] @classmethod def get_actions_for_category(cls, item_category: ItemCategory): return [ (n[1], n[3]) for n in _SHELF_LABELS if n[0] == item_category and n[1] != _REVIEWED ] @classmethod def get_statuses_for_category(cls, item_category: ItemCategory): return [ (n[1], n[5]) for n in _SHELF_LABELS if n[0] == item_category and n[1] != _REVIEWED ] @classmethod def get_label(cls, shelf_type: ShelfType | str, item_category: ItemCategory) -> str: st = str(shelf_type) sts = [n[2] for n in _SHELF_LABELS if n[0] == item_category and n[1] == st] return sts[0] if sts else st @classmethod def get_action_label( cls, shelf_type: ShelfType | str, item_category: ItemCategory ) -> str: st = str(shelf_type) sts = [n[3] for n in _SHELF_LABELS if n[0] == item_category and n[1] == st] return sts[0] if sts else st @classmethod def get_status_label( cls, shelf_type: ShelfType | str, item_category: ItemCategory ) -> str: st = str(shelf_type) sts = [n[5] for n in _SHELF_LABELS if n[0] == item_category and n[1] == st] return sts[0] if sts else st @classmethod def get_action_template( cls, shelf_type: ShelfType | str, item_category: ItemCategory ) -> str: st = str(shelf_type) sts = [n[4] for n in _SHELF_LABELS if n[0] == item_category and n[1] == st] return sts[0] if sts else st @staticmethod def get_manager_for_user(owner: APIdentity): return ShelfManager(owner) def get_calendar_data(self, max_visiblity: int): shelf_id = self.get_shelf(ShelfType.COMPLETE).pk timezone_offset = timezone.localtime("%z") timezone_offset = timezone_offset[: len(timezone_offset) - 2] calendar_data = {} queries = [ ( "SELECT to_char(DATE(journal_shelfmember.created_time::timestamp AT TIME ZONE %s), 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS dat, django_content_type.model typ, COUNT(1) count FROM journal_shelfmember, catalog_item, django_content_type WHERE journal_shelfmember.item_id = AND = catalog_item.polymorphic_ctype_id AND parent_id = %s AND journal_shelfmember.created_time >= NOW() - INTERVAL '366 days' AND journal_shelfmember.visibility <= %s GROUP BY item_id, dat, typ;", [timezone_offset, shelf_id, int(max_visiblity)], ), ( "SELECT to_char(DATE(journal_comment.created_time::timestamp AT TIME ZONE %s), 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS dat, django_content_type.model typ, COUNT(1) count FROM journal_comment, catalog_item, django_content_type WHERE journal_comment.owner_id = %s AND journal_comment.item_id = AND = catalog_item.polymorphic_ctype_id AND journal_comment.created_time >= NOW() - INTERVAL '366 days' AND journal_comment.visibility <= %s GROUP BY item_id, dat, typ;", [timezone_offset,, int(max_visiblity)], ), ] for sql, params in queries: with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql, params) data = cursor.fetchall() for line in data: date = line[0] typ = line[1] if date not in calendar_data: calendar_data[date] = {"items": []} if typ[:2] == "tv": typ = "tv" elif typ[:7] == "podcast": typ = "podcast" elif typ == "album": typ = "music" elif typ == "edition": typ = "book" elif typ not in [ "book", "movie", "tv", "music", "game", "podcast", "performance", ]: typ = "other" if typ not in calendar_data[date]["items"]: calendar_data[date]["items"].append(typ) return calendar_data