Development =========== Obviously a working version of local NeoDB instance has to be established first, see [install guide]( Install development related packages ``` python3 -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt ``` Install pre-commit hooks ``` $ pre-commit install pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit ``` Run Test -------- `python3 test` will run the tests Alternative you may create the test database from freshly created database: ``` CREATE DATABASE test_neodb WITH TEMPLATE neodb; ``` and run the test without re-create it every time ``` $ python3 test --keepdb Using existing test database for alias 'default'... System check identified no issues (2 silenced). ........................................................ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 56 tests in 1.100s OK Preserving test database for alias 'default'... ``` Applications ------------ Main django apps for NeoDB: - `users` manages user in typical django fashion - `mastodon` this leverages [Mastodon API]( and [Twitter API]( for user login and data sync - `catalog` manages different types of items user may review, and scrapers to fetch from external resources, see []( for more details - `journal` manages user created content(review/ratings) and lists(collection/shelf/tag), see []( for more details - `social` manages timeline for local users and ActivityStreams for remote servers, see []( for more details - `legacy` this is only used by instances upgraded from 0.4.x and earlier, to provide a link mapping from old urls to new ones. If your journey starts with 0.5 and later, feel free to ignore it.