from datetime import datetime from typing import List from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.utils import timezone from ninja import Field, Schema from ninja.pagination import paginate from import django_auth from oauth2_provider.decorators import protected_resource from catalog.common.models import * from common.api import * from mastodon.api import boost_toot from .models import Mark, Review, ShelfType, TagManager, q_item_in_category class MarkSchema(Schema): shelf_type: ShelfType visibility: int = Field(ge=0, le=2) item: ItemSchema created_time: datetime comment_text: str | None rating_grade: int | None = Field(ge=1, le=10) tags: list[str] class MarkInSchema(Schema): shelf_type: ShelfType visibility: int = Field(ge=0, le=2) comment_text: str | None rating_grade: int | None = Field(ge=1, le=10) tags: list[str] = [] created_time: datetime | None post_to_fediverse: bool = False @api.api_operation( ["GET", "OPTIONS"], "/me/shelf/{type}", response={200: List[MarkSchema], 401: Result, 403: Result}, ) @paginate(PageNumberPagination) def list_marks_on_shelf( request, type: ShelfType, category: AvailableItemCategory | None = None ): """ Get holding marks on current user's shelf Shelf's `type` should be one of `wishlist` / `progress` / `complete`; `category` is optional, marks for all categories will be returned if not specified. """ queryset = request.user.shelf_manager.get_latest_members( type, category ).prefetch_related("item") return queryset @api.api_operation( ["GET", "OPTIONS"], "/me/shelf/item/{item_uuid}", response={200: MarkSchema, 401: Result, 403: Result, 404: Result}, ) def get_mark_by_item(request, item_uuid: str): """ Get holding mark on current user's shelf by item uuid """ item = Item.get_by_url(item_uuid) if not item: return 404, {"message": "Item not found"} shelfmember = request.user.shelf_manager.locate_item(item) if not shelfmember: return 404, {"message": "Mark not found"} return shelfmember @api.api_operation( ["POST", "OPTIONS"], "/me/shelf/item/{item_uuid}", response={200: Result, 401: Result, 403: Result, 404: Result}, ) def mark_item(request, item_uuid: str, mark: MarkInSchema): """ Create or update a holding mark about an item for current user. `shelf_type` and `visibility` are required; `created_time` is optional, default to now. if the item is already marked, this will update the mark. updating mark without `rating_grade`, `comment_text` or `tags` field will clear them. """ item = Item.get_by_url(item_uuid) if not item: return 404, {"message": "Item not found"} m = Mark(request.user.identity, item) try: TagManager.tag_item(item, request.user, mark.tags, mark.visibility) m.update( mark.shelf_type, mark.comment_text, mark.rating_grade, mark.visibility, created_time=mark.created_time, share_to_mastodon=mark.post_to_fediverse, ) except ValueError as e: pass # ignore sharing error return 200, {"message": "OK"} @api.api_operation( ["DELETE", "OPTIONS"], "/me/shelf/item/{item_uuid}", response={200: Result, 401: Result, 403: Result, 404: Result}, ) def delete_mark(request, item_uuid: str): """ Remove a holding mark about an item for current user. """ item = Item.get_by_url(item_uuid) if not item: return 404, {"message": "Item not found"} m = Mark(request.user, item) m.delete() # skip tag deletion for now to be consistent with web behavior # TagManager.tag_item(item, request.user, [], 0) return 200, {"message": "OK"} class ReviewSchema(Schema): url: str visibility: int = Field(ge=0, le=2) item: ItemSchema created_time: datetime title: str body: str html_content: str class ReviewInSchema(Schema): visibility: int = Field(ge=0, le=2) created_time: datetime | None title: str body: str post_to_fediverse: bool = False @api.api_operation( ["GET", "OPTIONS"], "/me/review/", response={200: List[ReviewSchema], 401: Result, 403: Result}, ) @paginate(PageNumberPagination) def list_reviews(request, category: AvailableItemCategory | None = None): """ Get reviews by current user `category` is optional, reviews for all categories will be returned if not specified. """ queryset = Review.objects.filter(owner=request.user.identity) if category: queryset = queryset.filter(q_item_in_category(category)) return queryset.prefetch_related("item") @api.api_operation( ["GET", "OPTIONS"], "/me/review/item/{item_uuid}", response={200: ReviewSchema, 401: Result, 403: Result, 404: Result}, ) def get_review_by_item(request, item_uuid: str): """ Get review on current user's shelf by item uuid """ item = Item.get_by_url(item_uuid) if not item: return 404, {"message": "Item not found"} review = Review.objects.filter(owner=request.user.identity, item=item).first() if not review: return 404, {"message": "Review not found"} return review "/me/review/item/{item_uuid}", response={200: Result, 401: Result, 403: Result, 404: Result}, ) def review_item(request, item_uuid: str, review: ReviewInSchema): """ Create or update a review about an item for current user. `title`, `body` (markdown formatted) and`visibility` are required; `created_time` is optional, default to now. if the item is already reviewed, this will update the review. """ item = Item.get_by_url(item_uuid) if not item: return 404, {"message": "Item not found"} r, p = Review.update_item_review( item, request.user, review.title, review.body, review.visibility, created_time=review.created_time, ) if p and review.post_to_fediverse and request.user.mastodon_username: boost_toot( request.user.mastodon_site, request.user.mastodon_token, p.url, ) return 200, {"message": "OK"} @api.api_operation( ["DELETE", "OPTIONS"], "/me/review/item/{item_uuid}", response={200: Result, 401: Result, 403: Result, 404: Result}, ) def delete_review(request, item_uuid: str): """ Remove a review about an item for current user. """ item = Item.get_by_url(item_uuid) if not item: return 404, {"message": "Item not found"} Review.update_item_review(item, request.user, None, None) return 200, {"message": "OK"} # @api.get("/me/collection/") #"/me/collection/") # @api.get("/me/collection/{uuid}") # @api.put("/me/collection/{uuid}") # @api.delete("/me/collection/{uuid}") # @api.get("/me/collection/{uuid}/item/") #"/me/collection/{uuid}/item/") # @api.get("/me/tag/") #"/me/tag/") # @api.get("/me/tag/{title}") # @api.put("/me/tag/{title}") # @api.delete("/me/tag/{title}")