import re from urllib.parse import urljoin from import BaseCommand from loguru import logger from lxml import html from catalog.common import * class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Crawl content" def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument("start", type=str, help="URL to start with") parser.add_argument("--pattern", help="pattern to navigate", action="store") def handle(self, *args, **options):"Crawl starts.") queue = [str(options["start"])] pattern = options["pattern"] or "" history = [] item_patterns = [] for site in SiteManager.registry.values(): if site.URL_PATTERNS: item_patterns += site.URL_PATTERNS while queue and len(history) < 1000: url = queue.pop(0) history.append(url)"Navigating {url}") try: content = ProxiedDownloader(url).download().html() except Exception: content = html.fromstring("") urls = content.xpath("//a/@href") for _u in urls: # type:ignore u = urljoin(url, _u) if u not in history and u not in queue: if len([p for p in item_patterns if re.match(p, u)]) > 0: site = SiteManager.get_site_by_url(u) if site: u = site.url if u not in history: history.append(u)"Fetching {u}") site.get_resource_ready() else: logger.warning(f"unable to parse {u}") elif pattern and u.find(pattern) >= 0: queue.append(u)"Crawl finished.")