import requests import functools import random import logging from lxml import html import re from boofilsic.settings import LUMINATI_USERNAME, LUMINATI_PASSWORD, DEBUG from movies.models import MovieGenreEnum RE_NUMBERS = re.compile(r"\d+\d*") RE_WHITESPACES = re.compile(r"\s+") # without slash at the end RE_DOUBAN_BOOK_URL = re.compile(r"\d+") RE_DOUBAN_MOVIE_URL = re.compile(r"\d+") DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS = { 'Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0', 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.7,zh-HK;q=0.5,en-US;q=0.3,en;q=0.2', # well, since brotli lib is so bothering, remove `br` 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'DNT': '1', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', } # in seconds TIMEOUT = 10 # luminati account credentials PORT = 22225 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def log_url(func): """ Catch exceptions and log then pass the exceptions. First postion argument of decorated function must be the url. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # log the url logger.error(f"Scrape Failed URL: {args[0]}") logger.error(str(e)) raise e return wrapper def download_page(url, regex, headers): url = regex.findall(url) if not url: raise ValueError("not valid url") else: url = url[0] + '/' session_id = random.random() proxy_url = ('' % (LUMINATI_USERNAME, session_id, LUMINATI_PASSWORD, PORT)) proxies = { 'http': proxy_url, 'https': proxy_url, } # if DEBUG: # proxies = None r = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies, headers=headers, timeout=TIMEOUT) # r = requests.get(url, headers=DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS, timeout=TIMEOUT) return html.fromstring(r.content.decode('utf-8')) def download_image(url): if url is None: return raw_img = None session_id = random.random() proxy_url = ('' % (LUMINATI_USERNAME, session_id, LUMINATI_PASSWORD, PORT)) proxies = { 'http': proxy_url, 'https': proxy_url, } # if DEBUG: # proxies = None if url: img_response = requests.get( url, headers={ 'accept': 'image/webp,image/apng,image/*,*/*;q=0.8', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9,zh-CN;q=0.8,zh;q=0.7,fr-FR;q=0.6,fr;q=0.5,zh-TW;q=0.4', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36 Edg/81.0.416.72', 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'dnt': '1', }, proxies=proxies, timeout=TIMEOUT, ) if img_response.status_code == 200: raw_img = img_response.content return raw_img @log_url def scrape_douban_book(url): regex = RE_DOUBAN_BOOK_URL headers = DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS.copy() headers['Host'] = '' content = download_page(url, regex, headers) # parsing starts here try: title = content.xpath("/html/body//h1/span/text()")[0].strip() except IndexError: raise ValueError("given url contains no book info") subtitle_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='副标题:']/following::text()") subtitle = subtitle_elem[0].strip() if subtitle_elem else None orig_title_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='原作名:']/following::text()") orig_title = orig_title_elem[0].strip() if orig_title_elem else None language_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='语言:']/following::text()") language = language_elem[0].strip() if language_elem else None pub_house_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='出版社:']/following::text()") pub_house = pub_house_elem[0].strip() if pub_house_elem else None pub_date_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='出版年:']/following::text()") pub_date = pub_date_elem[0].strip() if pub_date_elem else '' year_month_day = RE_NUMBERS.findall(pub_date) if len(year_month_day) in (2, 3): pub_year = int(year_month_day[0]) pub_month = int(year_month_day[1]) elif len(year_month_day) == 1: pub_year = int(year_month_day[0]) pub_month = None else: pub_year = None pub_month = None if pub_year and pub_month and pub_year < pub_month: pub_year, pub_month = pub_month, pub_year pub_year = None if pub_year is not None and not pub_year in range(0, 3000) else pub_year pub_month = None if pub_month is not None and not pub_month in range(1, 12) else pub_month binding_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='装帧:']/following::text()") binding = binding_elem[0].strip() if binding_elem else None price_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='定价:']/following::text()") price = price_elem[0].strip() if price_elem else None pages_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='页数:']/following::text()") pages = pages_elem[0].strip() if pages_elem else None if pages is not None: pages = int(RE_NUMBERS.findall(pages)[0]) if RE_NUMBERS.findall(pages) else None isbn_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='ISBN:']/following::text()") isbn = isbn_elem[0].strip() if isbn_elem else None brief_elem = content.xpath("//h2/span[text()='内容简介']/../following-sibling::div[1]//div[@class='intro'][not(ancestor::span[@class='short'])]/p/text()") brief = '\n'.join(p.strip() for p in brief_elem) if brief_elem else None contents = None try: contents_elem = content.xpath("//h2/span[text()='目录']/../following-sibling::div[1]")[0] # if next the id of next sibling contains `dir`, that would be the full contents if "dir" in contents_elem.getnext().xpath("@id")[0]: contents_elem = contents_elem.getnext() contents = '\n'.join(p.strip() for p in contents_elem.xpath("text()")[:-2]) if contents_elem else None else: contents = '\n'.join(p.strip() for p in contents_elem.xpath("text()")) if contents_elem else None except: pass img_url_elem = content.xpath("//*[@id='mainpic']/a/img/@src") img_url = img_url_elem[0].strip() if img_url_elem else None raw_img = download_image(img_url) # there are two html formats for authors and translators authors_elem = content.xpath("""//div[@id='info']//span[text()='作者:']/following-sibling::br[1]/ preceding-sibling::a[preceding-sibling::span[text()='作者:']]/text()""") if not authors_elem: authors_elem = content.xpath("""//div[@id='info']//span[text()=' 作者']/following-sibling::a/text()""") if authors_elem: authors = [] for author in authors_elem: authors.append(RE_WHITESPACES.sub(' ', author.strip())) else: authors = None translators_elem = content.xpath("""//div[@id='info']//span[text()='译者:']/following-sibling::br[1]/ preceding-sibling::a[preceding-sibling::span[text()='译者:']]/text()""") if not translators_elem: translators_elem = content.xpath("""//div[@id='info']//span[text()=' 译者']/following-sibling::a/text()""") if translators_elem: translators = [] for translator in translators_elem: translators.append(RE_WHITESPACES.sub(' ', translator.strip())) else: translators = None other = {} cncode_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='统一书号:']/following::text()") if cncode_elem: other['统一书号'] = cncode_elem[0].strip() series_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='丛书:']/following-sibling::a[1]/text()") if series_elem: other['丛书'] = series_elem[0].strip() imprint_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='出品方:']/following-sibling::a[1]/text()") if imprint_elem: other['出品方'] = imprint_elem[0].strip() data = { 'title' : title, 'subtitle' : subtitle, 'orig_title' : orig_title, 'author' : authors, 'translator' : translators, 'language' : language, 'pub_house' : pub_house, 'pub_year' : pub_year, 'pub_month' : pub_month, 'binding' : binding, 'price' : price, 'pages' : pages, 'isbn' : isbn, 'brief' : brief, 'contents' : contents, 'other_info' : other } return data, raw_img @log_url def scrape_douban_movie(url): regex = RE_DOUBAN_MOVIE_URL headers = DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS.copy() headers['Host'] = '' content = download_page(url, regex, headers) # parsing starts here try: raw_title = content.xpath( "//span[@property='v:itemreviewed']/text()")[0].strip() except IndexError: raise ValueError("given url contains no movie info") orig_title = content.xpath( "//img[@rel='v:image']/@alt")[0].strip() title = raw_title.split(orig_title)[0].strip() # if has no chinese title if title == '': title = orig_title if title == orig_title: orig_title = None # there are two html formats for authors and translators other_title_elem = content.xpath( "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='又名:']/following-sibling::text()[1]") other_title = other_title_elem[0].strip().split(' / ') if other_title_elem else None imdb_elem = content.xpath( "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='IMDb链接:']/following-sibling::a[1]/text()") imdb_code = imdb_elem[0].strip() if imdb_elem else None director_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='导演']/following-sibling::span[1]/a/text()") director = director_elem if director_elem else None playwright_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='编剧']/following-sibling::span[1]/a/text()") playwright = playwright_elem if playwright_elem else None actor_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='主演']/following-sibling::span[1]/a/text()") actor = actor_elem if actor_elem else None # construct genre translator genre_translator = {} attrs = [attr for attr in dir(MovieGenreEnum) if not '__' in attr] for attr in attrs: genre_translator[getattr(MovieGenreEnum, attr).label] = getattr( MovieGenreEnum, attr).value genre_elem = content.xpath("//span[@property='v:genre']/text()") if genre_elem: genre = [] for g in genre_elem: genre.append(genre_translator[g]) else: genre = None showtime_elem = content.xpath("//span[@property='v:initialReleaseDate']/text()") if showtime_elem: showtime = [] for st in showtime_elem: parts = st.split('(') if len(parts) == 1: time = st.split('(')[0] region = '' else: time = st.split('(')[0] region = st.split('(')[1][0:-1] showtime.append({time: region}) else: showtime = None site_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='官方网站:']/following-sibling::a[1]/@href") site = site_elem[0].strip() if site_elem else None area_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='制片国家/地区:']/following-sibling::text()[1]") if area_elem: area = [a.strip() for a in area_elem[0].split(' / ')] else: area = None language_elem = content.xpath("//div[@id='info']//span[text()='语言:']/following-sibling::text()[1]") if language_elem: language = [a.strip() for a in language_elem[0].split(' / ')] else: language = None year_elem = content.xpath("//span[@class='year']/text()") year = int(year_elem[0][1:-1]) if year_elem else None duration_elem = content.xpath("//span[@property='v:runtime']/text()") other_duration_elem = content.xpath("//span[@property='v:runtime']/following-sibling::text()[1]") if duration_elem: duration = duration_elem[0].strip() if other_duration_elem: duration += other_duration_elem[0].rstrip() else: duration = None season_elem = content.xpath("//*[@id='season']/option[@selected='selected']/text()") if not season_elem: season_elem = content.xpath( "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='季数:']/following-sibling::text()[1]") season = int(season_elem[0].strip()) if season_elem else None else: season = int(season_elem[0].strip()) episodes_elem = content.xpath( "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='集数:']/following-sibling::text()[1]") episodes = int(episodes_elem[0].strip()) if episodes_elem else None single_episode_length_elem = content.xpath( "//div[@id='info']//span[text()='单集片长:']/following-sibling::text()[1]") single_episode_length = single_episode_length_elem[0].strip() if single_episode_length_elem else None # if has field `episodes` not none then must be series is_series = True if episodes else False brief_elem = content.xpath("//span[@class='all hidden']") if not brief_elem: brief_elem = content.xpath("//span[@property='v:summary']/text()") brief = '\n'.join([e.strip() for e in brief_elem]) if brief_elem else None img_url_elem = content.xpath("//img[@rel='v:image']/@src") img_url = img_url_elem[0].strip() if img_url_elem else None raw_img = download_image(img_url) data = { 'title': title, 'orig_title': orig_title, 'other_title': other_title, 'imdb_code': imdb_code, 'director': director, 'playwright': playwright, 'actor': actor, 'genre': genre, 'showtime': showtime, 'site': site, 'area': area, 'language': language, 'year': year, 'duration': duration, 'season': season, 'episodes': episodes, 'single_episode_length': single_episode_length, 'brief': brief, 'is_series': is_series, } return data, raw_img