import uuid import django.contrib.postgres.fields as postgres from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django.db import models from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder from django.shortcuts import reverse from common.models import Entity, Mark, Review, Tag from common.utils import GenerateDateUUIDMediaFilePath from django.utils import timezone from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Q def book_cover_path(instance, filename): return GenerateDateUUIDMediaFilePath(instance, filename, settings.BOOK_MEDIA_PATH_ROOT) class Book(Entity): # widely recognized name, usually in Chinese title = models.CharField(_("title"), max_length=200) subtitle = models.CharField(_("subtitle"), blank=True, default='', max_length=200) # original name, for books in foreign language orig_title = models.CharField(_("original title"), blank=True, default='', max_length=200) author = postgres.ArrayField( models.CharField(_("author"), blank=True, default='', max_length=100), null=True, blank=True, default=list, ) translator = postgres.ArrayField( models.CharField(_("translator"), blank=True, default='', max_length=100), null=True, blank=True, default=list, ) language = models.CharField(_("language"), blank=True, default='', max_length=10) pub_house = models.CharField(_("publishing house"), blank=True, default='', max_length=200) pub_year = models.IntegerField(_("published year"), null=True, blank=True) pub_month = models.IntegerField(_("published month"), null=True, blank=True) binding = models.CharField(_("binding"), blank=True, default='', max_length=50) # since data origin is not formatted and might be CNY USD or other currency, use char instead price = models.CharField(_("pricing"), blank=True, default='', max_length=50) pages = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("pages"), null=True, blank=True) isbn = models.CharField(_("ISBN"), blank=True, null=False, max_length=20, db_index=True, default='') # to store previously scrapped data cover = models.ImageField(_("cover picture"), upload_to=book_cover_path, default=settings.DEFAULT_BOOK_IMAGE, blank=True) contents = models.TextField(blank=True, default="") class Meta: # more info: # set managed=False if the model represents an existing table or # a database view that has been created by some other means. # check the link above for further info # managed = True # db_table = 'book' constraints = [ models.CheckConstraint(check=models.Q(pub_year__gte=0), name='pub_year_lowerbound'), models.CheckConstraint(check=models.Q(pub_month__lte=12), name='pub_month_upperbound'), models.CheckConstraint(check=models.Q(pub_month__gte=1), name='pub_month_lowerbound'), ] def __str__(self): return self.title def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse("books:retrieve", args=[]) def get_tags_manager(self): return self.book_tags def get_related_books(self): qs = Q(orig_title = self.title) if self.isbn: qs = qs | Q(isbn = self.isbn) if self.orig_title: qs = qs | Q(title = self.orig_title) qs = qs | Q(orig_title = self.orig_title) qs = qs & ~Q(id = return Book.objects.filter(qs) @property def verbose_category_name(self): return _("书籍") class BookMark(Mark): book = models.ForeignKey(Book, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='book_marks', null=True) class Meta: constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint(fields=['owner', 'book'], name="unique_book_mark") ] class BookReview(Review): book = models.ForeignKey(Book, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='book_reviews', null=True) class Meta: constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint(fields=['owner', 'book'], name="unique_book_review") ] class BookTag(Tag): book = models.ForeignKey(Book, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='book_tags', null=True) mark = models.ForeignKey(BookMark, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='bookmark_tags', null=True) class Meta: constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint(fields=['content', 'mark'], name="unique_bookmark_tag") ]