NiceDB / NeoDB - Getting Start ============================== This is a very basic guide with limited detail, contributions welcomed ## Table of Contents - [Run in Docker](#0-run-in-docker) - [1 Install](#1-manual-install) * [1.1 Database](#11-database) * [1.2 Configuration](#12-configuration) * [1.3 Packages and Build](#13-packages-and-build) - [2 Start services](#2-start-services) - [3 Migrate from an earlier version](#3-migrate-from-an-earlier-version) - [4 Add Cron Jobs (optional)](#4-add-cron-jobs-optional) - [5 Index and Search (optional)](#5-index-and-search-optional) - [6 Other maintenance tasks (optional)](#6-other-maintenance-tasks-optional) - [7 Frequently Asked Questions](#7-frequently-asked-questions) 0 Run in Docker --------------- ``` cp neodb.env.dist neodb.env # update this configuration docker-compose up ``` 1 Manual Install ---------------- Install PostgreSQL, Redis and Python (3.10 or above) if not yet ### 1.1 Database Setup database ``` CREATE DATABASE neodb ENCODING 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE='en_US.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE='en_US.UTF-8' TEMPLATE template0; CREATE ROLE neodb with LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'abadface'; GRANT ALL ON DATABASE neodb TO neodb; ``` ### 1.2 Configuration Create and edit your own configuration file (optional but very much recommended) ``` mkdir mysite && cp boofilsic/ mysite/ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mysite.settings ``` Alternatively you can have a configuration file import `boofilsic/` then override it: ``` from boofilsic.settings import * SECRET_KEY = "my_key" ``` The most important configurations to setup are: - `MASTODON_ALLOW_ANY_SITE` set to `True` so that user can login via any Mastodon API compatible sites (e.g. Mastodon/Pleroma) - `REDIRECT_URIS` should be `SITE_INFO["site_url"] + "/account/login/oauth"`. If you want to run **on local**, `SITE_INFO["site_url"]` should be set to `"http://localhost/"` More details on `` in []( ### 1.3 Packages and Build Create and use `venv` as you normally would, then install packages ``` python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Quick check ``` python3 check ``` Initialize database ``` python3 migrate ``` Build static assets (production only) ``` python3 compilescss python3 collectstatic ``` 2 Start services -------------- Make sure PostgreSQL and Redis are running Start job queue server ``` export OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=YES # required and only for macOS, otherwise it may crash python3 rqworker --with-scheduler import export mastodon fetch crawl ``` Run web server in dev mode ``` python3 runserver ``` It should be ready to serve from here, to run web server for production, consider `gunicorn -w 8 boofilsic.wsgi` in systemd or sth similar 3 Migrate from an earlier version ------------------------------- Update database ``` python3 migrate ``` Rebuild static assets ``` python3 compilescss python3 collectstatic ``` 4 Add Cron Jobs (optional) ------------- add `python refresh_mastodon` to crontab to run hourly, it will refresh cached users' follow/mute/block from mastodon 5 Index and Search (optional) ---------------- Install TypeSense or Meilisearch, change `SEARCH_BACKEND` and coniguration for search server in `` Build initial index, it may take a few minutes or hours ``` python3 index --init python3 index --reindex ``` 6 Other maintenance tasks (optional) ----------------------- Requeue failed import jobs ``` rq requeue --all --queue import ``` Run Tests ``` coverage run --source='.' test coverage report ``` Enable Developer Console ``` python3 createapplication --client-id NEODB_DEVELOPER_CONSOLE --skip-authorization --name 'NeoDB Developer Console' --redirect-uris '' confidential authorization-code ``` 7 Frequently Asked Questions ------ ### I got Error: “无效的登录回调地址”. Check `REDIRECT_URIS` in ``, the final value should be `"http://localhost/account/login/oauth"` or sth similar. If you are specifying a port, add the port to the localhost address. If any change was made to `REDIRECT_URIS`, existing apps registered in Mastodon are no longer valid, so delete the app record in the database: ``` delete from mastodon_mastodonapplication; ```