""" Apple Music. Scraping the website directly. - Why not using Apple Music API? - It requires Apple Developer Membership ($99 per year) to obtain a token. """ import json from datetime import timedelta from django.utils.dateparse import parse_duration from loguru import logger from catalog.common import * from catalog.models import * from common.models.lang import ( SITE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, SITE_PREFERRED_LANGUAGES, ) from common.models.misc import uniq from .douban import * @SiteManager.register class AppleMusic(AbstractSite): SITE_NAME = SiteName.AppleMusic ID_TYPE = IdType.AppleMusic URL_PATTERNS = [ r"https://music\.apple\.com/[a-z]{2}/album/[\w%-]+/(\d+)", r"https://music\.apple\.com/[a-z]{2}/album/(\d+)", r"https://music\.apple\.com/album/(\d+)", ] WIKI_PROPERTY_ID = "?" DEFAULT_MODEL = Album headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:107.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/107.0", "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Connection": "keep-alive", "DNT": "1", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", } @classmethod def id_to_url(cls, id_value): return f"https://music.apple.com/album/{id_value}" def get_locales(self): locales = {} for lang in SITE_PREFERRED_LANGUAGES: match lang: case "zh": locales.update({"zh": ["cn", "tw", "hk", "sg"]}) case "en": locales.update({"en": ["us", "gb", "ca"]}) case "ja": locales.update({"ja": ["jp"]}) case "ko": locales.update({"ko": ["kr"]}) case "fr": locales.update({"fr": ["fr", "ca"]}) if not locales: locales = {"en": ["us"]} return locales def scrape(self): matched_schema_data = None localized_title = [] localized_desc = [] for lang, locales in self.get_locales().items(): for loc in locales: # waterfall thru all locales url = f"https://music.apple.com/{loc}/album/{self.id_value}" try: tl = f"{lang}-{loc}" if lang == "zh" else lang headers = { "Accept-Language": tl, } headers.update(self.headers) content = ( BasicDownloader(url, headers=self.headers).download().html() ) logger.debug(f"got localized content from {url}") txt: str = content.xpath( "//script[@id='schema:music-album']/text()" )[0] # type:ignore schema_data = json.loads(txt) title = schema_data["name"] if title: localized_title.append({"lang": tl, "text": title}) try: txt: str = content.xpath( "//script[@id='serialized-server-data']/text()" )[0] # type:ignore server_data = json.loads(txt) brief = server_data[0]["data"]["sections"][0]["items"][0][ "modalPresentationDescriptor" ]["paragraphText"] if brief: localized_desc.append({"lang": tl, "text": brief}) except Exception: server_data = brief = None if lang == SITE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE or not matched_schema_data: matched_schema_data = schema_data break except Exception: pass if matched_schema_data is None: # no schema data found raise ParseError(self, f"localized content for {self.url}") artist = [a["name"] for a in matched_schema_data.get("byArtist", [])] release_date = matched_schema_data.get("datePublished", None) genre = matched_schema_data.get("genre", []) image_url = matched_schema_data.get("image", None) track_list = [t["name"] for t in matched_schema_data.get("tracks", [])] duration = round( sum( (parse_duration(t["duration"]) or timedelta()).total_seconds() * 1000 for t in matched_schema_data.get("tracks", []) ) ) pd = ResourceContent( metadata={ "localized_title": uniq(localized_title), "localized_description": uniq(localized_desc), "artist": artist, "genre": genre, "release_date": release_date, "track_list": "\n".join(track_list), "duration": duration, "cover_image_url": image_url, } ) return pd