# Boofilsic An application allows you to mark any books, movies and more things you love. Depends on Mastodon. ## Install Please see [doc/GUIDE.md](doc/GUIDE.md) ## Bug Report - to file a bug for NiceDB, please create an issue [here](https://github.com/doubaniux/boofilsic/issues/new) - to file a bug or request new features for NeoDB, please contact NeoDB on [Fediverse](https://mastodon.social/@neodb) or [Twitter](https://twitter.com/NeoDBsocial) ## Contribution The project is based on Django. If you are familiar with this technique and willing to read through the terrible code😝, your contribution would be the most welcome! Currently looking for someone to help with: - Writing instrucations on how to deploy this - Explaining the structure of code - Refactoring (this is something big) ## Sponsor If you like this project, please consider sponsoring NiceDB on [Patreon](https://patreon.com/tertius).