2023-04-21 18:31:59 -04:00

581 lines
9.6 KiB

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& input, & select
width: 100%
// for search result etc
& &__title
// font-size: large
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& &__entities
& &__entity
display: flex
margin-bottom: 36px
@include clear
& &__entity-img
// float: left
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$width: 130px
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max-width: $width
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margin-left: 20px
overflow: hidden
width: 100%
// float: left
& .tag-collection
margin-left: -3px
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font-size: 1.2em
& &__entity-title
display: block
& &__entity-category
color: $color-tertiary
margin-left: 5px
position: relative;
top: -1px;
& &__entity-info
max-width: 73%
white-space: nowrap
overflow: hidden
display: inline-block
text-overflow: ellipsis
position: relative
top: 0.52em
// display: block
max-width: 100%
// margin-bottom: 12px
& &__entity-brief
margin-top: 8px
display: -webkit-box
-webkit-box-orient: vertical
-webkit-line-clamp: 4
overflow: hidden
margin-bottom: 0
$rating-info-gap-width: 5px
& &__rating
display: inline-block
margin: 0
& &__rating--empty
// width: $empty-rating-width
margin-right: $rating-info-gap-width
& &__rating-score
margin-right: $rating-info-gap-width
position: relative
top: 1px
& &__rating-star
display: inline
position: relative
top: 0.3em
left: -0.3em
// detail page
& &__img
height: 210px
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object-fit: contain
max-width: 150px
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& &__img-origin
cursor: zoom-in
& &__info
float: left
margin-left: 20px
overflow: hidden
text-overflow: ellipsis
width: 70%
& &__title
font-weight: bold
& &__title--secondary
color: $color-tertiary
& &__fields
display: inline-block
vertical-align: top
width: 46%
margin-left: 2%
// margin-bottom: 5px
& div, & span
margin: 1px 0
& + .tag-collection
margin-top: 5px
margin-left: 6px
& &__rating
position: relative
top: -5px
& &__rating-star
position: relative
left: -4px
top: 3px
& &__rating-score
font-weight: bold
@include clear
$mark-review-padding: 3px 0
$mark-review-padding-wider: 6px 0
// includes title and description of an entity
// sub section
margin-bottom: $sub-sections-between-margin
& &__title
display: inline-block
margin-bottom: $sub-section-title-margin
& &__content
overflow: hidden
max-height: 202px
& &__unfold-button
display: flex
color: $color-primary
background-color: transparent
justify-content: center
text-align: center
display: none
& &__empty
// includes marks of an entity
// sub section
margin-bottom: $sub-sections-between-margin
& &__title
margin-bottom: $sub-section-title-margin
display: inline-block
& > a
margin-right: 5px
margin-bottom: $section-title-margin
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margin-left: 5px
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& &__mark
margin: 0
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border: none
padding: $mark-review-padding-wider
& &__mark-content
margin-bottom: 0
& &__mark-time
color: $color-light
margin-left: 2px
& &__owner-link
& &__rating-star
position: relative
top: 4px
& &__empty
// includes reviews of an entity
// sub section
// when used alone
margin-bottom: $sub-sections-between-margin
& &__title
display: inline-block
margin-bottom: $sub-section-title-margin
& > a
margin-right: 5px
margin-bottom: $section-title-margin
& &__more-link
margin-left: 5px
& &__review-list
& &__review
margin: 0
padding: $mark-review-padding
border-bottom: 1px dashed $color-quinary
border: none
padding: $mark-review-padding-wider
& &__review-time
color: $color-light
margin-left: 2px
& &__review-title
& &__owner-link
& &__empty
height: 0
width: 100%
margin: 40px 0 24px 0
border-top: solid 1px $color-light
margin: 0
margin-top: 10px
margin-bottom: 2px
border-top: 1px dashed $color-quinary;
// on home page
position: relative
margin-bottom: 30px
& &__label
font-size: large
display: inline-block
margin-bottom: $section-title-margin
& &__more-link
margin-left: 8px
& &__count
// font-size: large
// letter-spacing: -1px
color: $color-tertiary
content: '('
content: ')'
& &__entity-list
display: flex
justify-content: flex-start
// padding-left: 24px
flex-wrap: wrap
& &__entity
padding: 0 10px
flex-basis: 20%
text-align: center
display: inline-block
color: $color-secondary
color: $color-primary
& > a
color: inherit
& &__entity-img
height: 110px
& &__entity-name
text-overflow: ellipsis
overflow: hidden
display: -webkit-box
-webkit-box-orient: vertical
-webkit-line-clamp: 2
& &__empty
// for drag and sort purpose
border: dashed $color-tertiary 4px
padding: 10px
border: dashed $color-primary 2px !important
border-radius: 3px
padding: 10px
margin: 10px 0
border: dashed $color-tertiary 2px
cursor: all-scroll
opacity: 0.4
display: flex
justify-content: flex-end
margin-top: 5px
margin-left: 12px
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color: $color-tertiary
color: $color-primary
& > .icon-save svg, & > .icon-edit svg
fill: $color-primary
position: absolute
top: 4px
right: 10px
// follower/following list page
& &__title
margin-bottom: $section-title-margin
& &__user
display: flex
justify-content: flex-start
margin-bottom: 20px
& &__user-info
margin-left: 15px
overflow: auto
& &__user-name
& &__user-bio
& &__user-avatar
max-height: 72px
min-width: 72px
// review detail page
& &__title
display: inline-block
font-weight: bold
& &__body
margin-bottom: 10px
@include clear
& &__info
float: left
& &__owner-link
color: $color-light
color: $color-primary
& &__time
color: $color-light
& &__rating-star
position: relative
top: 3px
left: -1px
& &__actions
float: right
& &__action-link
margin-left: 5px
// tag list
margin-left: -9px
& &__tag
position: relative;
display: block;
float: left;
color: white;
background: $color-light;
padding: 5px;
// margin: 4px;
border-radius: .3rem;
line-height: 1.2em;
font-size: 80%
margin: 3px
& a
color: white
color: $color-primary
position: relative
margin-top: 5px
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margin: auto
box-sizing: border-box
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height: 3px
// vertical scrollbar width
width: 1px
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background-color: $color-tertiary
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text-overflow: ellipsis
min-width: 18%
max-width: 18%
margin-right: 2.5%
& img
object-fit: contain
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// overflow-wrap: anywhere
white-space: nowrap
display: flex
justify-content: center
align-content: center
background: white
border: none
padding: 8px
border-radius: 50%
outline: 0
cursor: pointer
position: absolute
top: 50%
left: 0
transform: translate(50%, -50%)
right: 0
transform: translate(-50%, -50%)
// Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up)
@media (max-width: $small-devices)
& &__entity
flex-direction: column
margin-bottom: 30px
& &__entity-text
margin-left: 0
& &__entity-img-wrapper
margin-bottom: 8px
& &__entity-info
max-width: unset
& &__rating--empty + &__entity-info
max-width: 70%
& &__entity-brief
-webkit-line-clamp: 5
flex-direction: column
& &__title
margin-bottom: 5px
& &__info
margin-left: 0
float: none
display: flex
flex-direction: column
width: 100%
& &__img
margin-bottom: 24px
float: none
height: unset
max-width: 170px;
& &__fields
width: unset
margin-left: unset
& + .tag-collection
margin-left: -3px
& &__mark-list
& &__mark
& &__rating-star
& &__rating-star + &__mark-time
// display: block
margin-top: 24px
& &__entity
flex-basis: 50%
// margin-left: 10px
// margin-right: 10px
& &__entity-img
height: 130px
& &__info
float: unset
& &__actions
float: unset
padding-bottom: 10px
min-width: 31%
max-width: 31%
margin-right: 4.5%
position: relative
// Medium devices (tablets, 768px and up)
@media (max-width: $medium-devices)
overflow-x: scroll
// Large devices (desktops, 992px and up)
@media (max-width: $large-devices)
padding: $main-section-padding-mobile
display: flex
& &__info
// display: flex
// Extra large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)
@media (max-width: $x-large-devices)