Henri Dickson 14b003a44a add all NeoDB features to NiceDB (#115)
* fix scraping failure with wepb image (merge upstream/fix-webp-scrape)

* add filetype to requirements

* add as fallback for douban scraper

* load 3p js/css from cdn

* add fix-cover task

* fix book/album cover tasks

* scrapestack

* bandcamp scrape and preview ; scrape <url> ;
make ^C work when DEBUG

* use scrapestack when fix cover

* add user agent to improve compatibility

* search BandCamp for music albums

* add missing MovieGenre

* fix search 500 when song has no parent album

* adjust timeout

* individual scrapers

* fix tmdb parser

* export marks via rq; pref to send public toot; move import to data page

* fix spotify import

* fix edge cases

* export: fix dupe tags

* use rq to manage doufen import

* add django command to manage rq jobs

* fix export edge case

* tune rq admin

* fix detail page 502 step 1: async pull mastodon follow/block/mute list

* fix detail page 502 step 2: calculate relationship by local cached data

* manual sync mastodon follow info

* domain_blocks parsing fix

* marks by who i follows

* adjust label

* use username in urls

* add page to list a user\'s review

* review widget on user home page

* fix preview 500

* fix typo

* minor fix

* fix google books parsing

* allow mark/review visible to oneself

* fix auto sync masto for new user

* fix search 500

* add command to restart a sync task

* reset visibility

* delete user data

* fix tag search result pagination

* not upgrade to django 4 yet

* basic doc

* wip: collection

* wip

* wip

* collection use htmx

* show in-collection section for entities

* fix typo

* add su for easier debug

* fix some 500s

* fix login using alternative domain

* hide data from disabled user

* add item to list from detail page

* my tags

* collection: inline comment edit

* show number of ratings

* fix collection delete

* more detail in collection view

* use item template in search result

* fix 500

* write index to meilisearch

* fix search

* reindex in batch

* fix 500

* show search result from meilisearch

* more search commands

* index less fields

* index new items only

* search highlights

* fix 500

* auto set search category

* classic search if no meili server

* fix index stats error

* support typesense backend

* workaround typesense bug

* make external search async

* fix 500, typo

* fix cover scripts

* fix minor issue in douban parser

* supports and customized bandcamp domain

* move account

* reword with gender-friendly and instance-neutral language

* Friendica does not have vapid_key in api response

* enable anonymous search

* tweak book result template

* API v0

API v0

* fix meilisearch reindex

* fix search by url error

* login via

* login via pixelfed

* minor fix

* no refresh on inactive users

* support refresh access token

* get rid of /users/number-id/

* refresh twitter handler automatically

* paste image when review

* support PixelFed (very long token)

* fix django-markdownx version

* ignore single quote for meilisearch for now

* update logo

* show book review/mark from same isbn

* show movie review/mark from same imdb

* fix login with older mastodon servers

* import Goodreads book list and profile

* add timestamp to Goodreads import

* support new google books api

* import goodreads list

* minor goodreads fix

* click corner action icon to add to wishlist

* clean up duplicated code

* fix anonymous search

* fix 500

* minor fix search 500

* show rating only if votes > 5

* Entity.refresh_rating()

* preference to append text when sharing; clean up duplicated code

* fix missing data for user tagged view

* fix page link for tag view

* fix 500 when language field longer than 10

* fix 500 when sharing mark for song

* fix error when reimport goodread profile

* fix minor typo

* fix a rare 500

* error log dump less

* fix tags in marks export

* fix missing param in pagination

* import douban review

* clarify text

* fix missing sheet in review import

* review: show in progress

* scrape douban: ignore unknown genre

* minor fix

* improve review import by guess entity urls

* clear guide text for review import

* improve review import form text

* workaround some 500

* fix mark import error

* fix img in review import

* load external results earlier

* ignore search server errors

* simplify user register flow to avoid inconsistent state

* Add a learn more link on login page

* Update login.html

* show mark created timestamp as mark time

* no 500 for api error

* redirect for expired tokens

* ensure preference object created.

* mark collections

* tag list

* fix tag display

* fix sorting etc

* fix 500

* fix potential export 500; save shared links

* fix share to twittwe

* fix review url

* fix 500

* fix 500

* add timeline, etc

* missing status change in timeline

* missing id in timeline

* timeline view by default

* workaround bug in markdownx...

* fix typo

* option to create new collection when add from detail page

* add missing announcement and tags in timeline home

* add missing announcement

* add missing announcement

* opensearch

* show fediverse shared link

* public review no longer requires login

* fix markdownx bug

* fix 500

* use cloudflare cdn

* validate jquery load and domain input

* fix 500

* tips for goodreads import

* collaborative collection

* show timeline and profile link on nav bar

* minor tweak

* share collection

* fix Goodreads search

* show wish mark in timeline

* resync failed urls with local proxy

* resync failed urls with local proxy: check proxy first

* scraper minor fix

* resync failed urls

* fix fields limit

* fix douban parsing error

* resync

* scraper minor fix

* scraper minor fix

* scraper minor fix

* local proxy

* local proxy

* sync default config from neodb

* configurable site name

* fix 500

* fix 500 for anonymous user

* add sentry

* add git version in log

* add git version in log

* no longer rely on

* move jq/cash to _common_libs template partial

* fix rare js error

* fix 500

* avoid double submission error

* import tag in lower case

* catch some js network errors

* catch some js network errors

* support more goodread urls

* fix unaired tv in tmdb

* support more google book urls

* fix related series

* more goodreads urls

* robust googlebooks search

* robust search

* Update

* Update

* Update requirements.txt

* make nicedb work

* doc update

* simplify permission check

* update doc

* update doc for bug report link

* skip spotify tracks

* fix 500

* improve search api

* blind fix import compatibility

* show years for movie in timeline

* show years for movie in timeline; thinner font

* export reviews

* revert user home to use jquery


* use IGDB for Steam

* use TMDB for IMDb

* steam: igdb then fallback to steam

* keep change history

* keep change history: add django settings

* Steam: keep localized title/brief while merging IGDB

* basic Docker support

* rescrape

* Create codeql-analysis.yml

* Create

* Create pysa.yml

Co-authored-by: doubaniux <>
Co-authored-by: Your Name <>
Co-authored-by: Their Name <>
Co-authored-by: Mt. Front <>
2022-11-09 19:56:50 +01:00

400 lines
8.7 KiB

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