222 lines
9.3 KiB
222 lines
9.3 KiB
from catalog.common import *
from .douban import *
from catalog.movie.models import *
from catalog.tv.models import *
import logging
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from .tmdb import TMDB_TV, search_tmdb_by_imdb_id, query_tmdb_tv_episode
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DoubanMovie(AbstractSite):
SITE_NAME = SiteName.Douban
ID_TYPE = IdType.DoubanMovie
URL_PATTERNS = [r"\w+://movie\.douban\.com/subject/(\d+)/{0,1}", r"\w+://m.douban.com/movie/subject/(\d+)/{0,1}"]
# no DEFAULT_MODEL as it may be either TV Season and Movie
def id_to_url(self, id_value):
return "https://movie.douban.com/subject/" + id_value + "/"
def scrape(self):
content = DoubanDownloader(self.url).download().html()
raw_title = content.xpath(
except IndexError:
raise ParseError(self, 'title')
orig_title = content.xpath(
title = raw_title.split(orig_title)[0].strip()
# if has no chinese title
if title == '':
title = orig_title
if title == orig_title:
orig_title = None
# there are two html formats for authors and translators
other_title_elem = content.xpath(
other_title = other_title_elem[0].strip().split(
' / ') if other_title_elem else None
imdb_elem = content.xpath(
if not imdb_elem:
imdb_elem = content.xpath(
imdb_code = imdb_elem[0].strip() if imdb_elem else None
director_elem = content.xpath(
director = director_elem if director_elem else None
playwright_elem = content.xpath(
playwright = list(map(lambda a: a[:200], playwright_elem)) if playwright_elem else None
actor_elem = content.xpath(
actor = list(map(lambda a: a[:200], actor_elem)) if actor_elem else None
genre_elem = content.xpath("//span[@property='v:genre']/text()")
genre = []
if genre_elem:
for g in genre_elem:
g = g.split(' ')[0]
if g == '紀錄片': # likely some original data on douban was corrupted
g = '纪录片'
elif g == '鬼怪':
g = '惊悚'
showtime_elem = content.xpath(
if showtime_elem:
showtime = []
for st in showtime_elem:
parts = st.split('(')
if len(parts) == 1:
time = st.split('(')[0]
region = ''
time = st.split('(')[0]
region = st.split('(')[1][0:-1]
showtime.append({time: region})
showtime = None
site_elem = content.xpath(
site = site_elem[0].strip()[:200] if site_elem else None
if site and not re.match(r'http.+', site):
site = None
area_elem = content.xpath(
if area_elem:
area = [a.strip()[:100] for a in area_elem[0].split('/')]
area = None
language_elem = content.xpath(
if language_elem:
language = [a.strip() for a in language_elem[0].split(' / ')]
language = None
year_elem = content.xpath("//span[@class='year']/text()")
year = int(re.search(r'\d+', year_elem[0])[0]) if year_elem and re.search(r'\d+', year_elem[0]) else None
duration_elem = content.xpath("//span[@property='v:runtime']/text()")
other_duration_elem = content.xpath(
if duration_elem:
duration = duration_elem[0].strip()
if other_duration_elem:
duration += other_duration_elem[0].rstrip()
duration = duration.split('/')[0].strip()
duration = None
season_elem = content.xpath(
if not season_elem:
season_elem = content.xpath(
season = int(season_elem[0].strip()) if season_elem else None
season = int(season_elem[0].strip())
episodes_elem = content.xpath(
episodes = int(episodes_elem[0].strip()) if episodes_elem and episodes_elem[0].strip().isdigit() else None
single_episode_length_elem = content.xpath(
single_episode_length = single_episode_length_elem[0].strip(
)[:100] if single_episode_length_elem else None
# if has field `episodes` not none then must be series
is_series = True if episodes else False
brief_elem = content.xpath("//span[@class='all hidden']")
if not brief_elem:
brief_elem = content.xpath("//span[@property='v:summary']")
brief = '\n'.join([e.strip() for e in brief_elem[0].xpath(
'./text()')]) if brief_elem else None
img_url_elem = content.xpath("//img[@rel='v:image']/@src")
img_url = img_url_elem[0].strip() if img_url_elem else None
pd = ResourceContent(metadata={
'title': title,
'orig_title': orig_title,
'other_title': other_title,
'imdb_code': imdb_code,
'director': director,
'playwright': playwright,
'actor': actor,
'genre': genre,
'showtime': showtime,
'site': site,
'area': area,
'language': language,
'year': year,
'duration': duration,
'season_number': season,
'episode_count': episodes,
'single_episode_length': single_episode_length,
'brief': brief,
'is_series': is_series,
'cover_image_url': img_url,
pd.metadata['preferred_model'] = ('TVSeason' if season else 'TVShow') if is_series else 'Movie'
if imdb_code:
res_data = search_tmdb_by_imdb_id(imdb_code)
tmdb_show_id = None
if 'movie_results' in res_data and len(res_data['movie_results']) > 0:
pd.metadata['preferred_model'] = 'Movie'
elif 'tv_results' in res_data and len(res_data['tv_results']) > 0:
pd.metadata['preferred_model'] = 'TVShow'
elif 'tv_season_results' in res_data and len(res_data['tv_season_results']) > 0:
pd.metadata['preferred_model'] = 'TVSeason'
tmdb_show_id = res_data['tv_season_results'][0]['show_id']
elif 'tv_episode_results' in res_data and len(res_data['tv_episode_results']) > 0:
pd.metadata['preferred_model'] = 'TVSeason'
tmdb_show_id = res_data['tv_episode_results'][0]['show_id']
if res_data['tv_episode_results'][0]['episode_number'] != 1:
_logger.warning(f'Douban Movie {self.url} mapping to unexpected imdb episode {imdb_code}')
resp = query_tmdb_tv_episode(tmdb_show_id, res_data['tv_episode_results'][0]['season_number'], 1)
imdb_code = resp['external_ids']['imdb_id']
_logger.warning(f'Douban Movie {self.url} re-mapped to imdb episode {imdb_code}')
pd.lookup_ids[IdType.IMDB] = imdb_code
if tmdb_show_id:
pd.metadata['required_resources'] = [{
'model': 'TVShow',
'id_type': IdType.TMDB_TV,
'id_value': tmdb_show_id,
'title': title,
'url': TMDB_TV.id_to_url(tmdb_show_id),
# TODO parse sister seasons
# pd.metadata['related_resources'] = []
if pd.metadata["cover_image_url"]:
imgdl = BasicImageDownloader(pd.metadata["cover_image_url"], self.url)
pd.cover_image = imgdl.download().content
pd.cover_image_extention = imgdl.extention
except Exception:
_logger.debug(f'failed to download cover for {self.url} from {pd.metadata["cover_image_url"]}')
return pd