2022-12-16 01:08:10 -05:00

117 lines
3.5 KiB

{% extends "item_base.html" %}
{% load static %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load l10n %}
{% load humanize %}
{% load admin_url %}
{% load mastodon %}
{% load oauth_token %}
{% load truncate %}
{% load strip_scheme %}
{% load thumb %}
<!-- class specific details -->
{% block details %}
<div class="entity-detail__fields">
<div class="entity-detail__rating">
{% if item.rating and item.rating_number >= 5 %}
<span class="entity-detail__rating-star rating-star" data-rating-score="{{ item.rating | floatformat:"0" }}"></span>
<span class="entity-detail__rating-score"> {{ item.rating }} </span>
<small>({{ item.rating_number }}人评分)</small>
{% else %}
<span> {% trans '评分:评分人数不足' %}</span>
{% endif %}
<div>{% if item.artist %}{% trans '艺术家:' %}
{% for artist in item.artist %}
<span {% if forloop.counter > 5 %}style="display: none;" {% endif %}>
<span class="artist">{{ artist }}</span>
{% if not forloop.last %} / {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if item.artist|length > 5 %}
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="artistMore">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
$("#artistMore").on('click', function (e) {
$("span.artist:not(:visible)").each(function (e) {
{% endif %}
{% endif %}</div>
<div>{% if %}{% trans '发行方:' %}
{% for company in %}
<span {% if forloop.counter > 5 %}style="display: none;" {% endif %}>
<span class="company">{{ company }}</span>
{% if not forloop.last %} / {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if|length > 5 %}
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="companyMore">{% trans '更多' %}</a>
$("#companyMore").on('click', function (e) {
$("").each(function (e) {
{% endif %}
{% endif %}</div>
<div>{% if item.release_date %}
{% trans '发行日期:' %}{{ item.release_date }}
{% endif %}
<div>{% if item.duration %}
{% trans '时长:' %}{{ item.get_duration_display }}
{% endif %}
<div>{% if item.genre %}
{% trans '流派:' %}{{ item.genre }}
{% endif %}
<div>{% if item.barcode %}
{% trans '条形码:' %}{{ item.barcode }}
{% endif %}
<div class="entity-detail__fields">
<div>{% if item.other_title %}
{% trans '又名:' %}{{ item.other_title }}
{% endif %}
<div>{% if item.album_type %}
{% trans '专辑类型:' %}{{ item.album_type }}
{% endif %}
<div>{% if %}
{% trans '介质:' %}{{ }}
{% endif %}
<div>{% if item.disc_count %}
{% trans '碟片数:' %}{{ item.disc_count }}
{% endif %}
{% if item.last_editor and item.last_editor.preference.show_last_edit or user.is_staff %}
<div>{% trans '最近编辑者:' %}<a href="{% url 'users:home' item.last_editor.mastodon_username %}">{{ item.last_editor | default:"" }}</a></div>
{% endif %}
<a href="{% url 'music:update_album' %}">{% trans '编辑这个作品' %}</a>
{% if user.is_staff %}
/<a href="{% url 'music:delete_album' %}"> {% trans '删除' %}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
<!-- class specific sidebar -->
{% block sidebar %}
{% if item.get_embed_link %}
<iframe src="{{ item.get_embed_link }}" height="320" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}