
783 lines
28 KiB

import re
import uuid
from functools import cached_property
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable, Self, Type, cast
from auditlog.context import disable_auditlog
from auditlog.models import AuditlogHistoryField, LogEntry
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile
from django.db import connection, models
from django.db.models import QuerySet, Value
from django.template.defaultfilters import default
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.baseconv import base62
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from loguru import logger
from ninja import Field, Schema
from polymorphic.models import PolymorphicModel
from catalog.common import jsondata
from .utils import DEFAULT_ITEM_COVER, item_cover_path, resource_cover_path
from journal.models import Collection
from users.models import User
from .sites import ResourceContent
class SiteName(models.TextChoices):
Unknown = "unknown", _("Unknown") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Douban = "douban", _("Douban") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Goodreads = "goodreads", _("Goodreads") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
GoogleBooks = "googlebooks", _("Google Books") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
BooksTW = "bookstw", _("BooksTW") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
IMDB = "imdb", _("IMDb") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
TMDB = "tmdb", _("TMDB") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Bandcamp = "bandcamp", _("Bandcamp") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Spotify = "spotify", _("Spotify") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
IGDB = "igdb", _("IGDB") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Steam = "steam", _("Steam") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Bangumi = "bangumi", _("Bangumi") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
BGG = "bgg", _("BGG") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
# ApplePodcast = "apple_podcast", _("Apple Podcast") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
RSS = "rss", _("RSS") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Discogs = "discogs", _("Discogs") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
AppleMusic = "apple_music", _("Apple Music") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Fediverse = "fedi", _("Fediverse") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
class IdType(models.TextChoices):
WikiData = "wikidata", _("WikiData") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
ISBN10 = "isbn10", _("ISBN10") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
ISBN = "isbn", _("ISBN") # ISBN 13 # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
ASIN = "asin", _("ASIN") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
ISSN = "issn", _("ISSN") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
CUBN = "cubn", _("CUBN") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
ISRC = "isrc", _("ISRC") # only for songs # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
GTIN = "gtin", _(
) # GTIN-13, ISBN is separate # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
RSS = "rss", _("RSS Feed URL") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
IMDB = "imdb", _("IMDb") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
TMDB_TV = "tmdb_tv", _("TMDB TV Serie") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
TMDB_TVSeason = "tmdb_tvseason", _("TMDB TV Season") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
TMDB_TVEpisode = "tmdb_tvepisode", _(
"TMDB TV Episode"
) # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
TMDB_Movie = "tmdb_movie", _("TMDB Movie") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Goodreads = "goodreads", _("Goodreads") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Goodreads_Work = "goodreads_work", _(
"Goodreads Work"
) # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
GoogleBooks = "googlebooks", _("Google Books") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
DoubanBook = "doubanbook", _("Douban Book") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
DoubanBook_Work = "doubanbook_work", _(
"Douban Book Work"
) # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
DoubanMovie = "doubanmovie", _("Douban Movie") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
DoubanMusic = "doubanmusic", _("Douban Music") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
DoubanGame = "doubangame", _("Douban Game") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
DoubanDrama = "doubandrama", _("Douban Drama") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
DoubanDramaVersion = "doubandrama_version", _(
"Douban Drama Version"
) # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
BooksTW = "bookstw", _("BooksTW Book") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Bandcamp = "bandcamp", _("Bandcamp") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Spotify_Album = "spotify_album", _("Spotify Album") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Spotify_Show = "spotify_show", _("Spotify Podcast") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Discogs_Release = "discogs_release", _(
"Discogs Release"
) # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Discogs_Master = "discogs_master", _(
"Discogs Master"
) # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
MusicBrainz = "musicbrainz", _("MusicBrainz ID") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
# DoubanBook_Author = "doubanbook_author", _("Douban Book Author") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
# DoubanCelebrity = "doubanmovie_celebrity", _("Douban Movie Celebrity") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
# Goodreads_Author = "goodreads_author", _("Goodreads Author") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
# Spotify_Artist = "spotify_artist", _("Spotify Artist") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
# TMDB_Person = "tmdb_person", _("TMDB Person") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
IGDB = "igdb", _("IGDB Game") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
BGG = "bgg", _("BGG Boardgame") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Steam = "steam", _("Steam Game") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Bangumi = "bangumi", _("Bangumi") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
ApplePodcast = "apple_podcast", _("Apple Podcast") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
AppleMusic = "apple_music", _("Apple Music") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Fediverse = "fedi", _("Fediverse") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
IdealIdTypes = [
class ItemType(models.TextChoices):
Book = "book", _("Book") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
TVShow = "tvshow", _("TV Serie") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
TVSeason = "tvseason", _("TV Season") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
TVEpisode = "tvepisode", _("TV Episode") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Movie = "movie", _("Movie") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Album = "music", _("Album") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Game = "game", _("Game") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Podcast = "podcast", _("Podcast Program") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
PodcastEpisode = "podcastepisode", _(
"Podcast Episode"
) # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Performance = "performance", _("Performance") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
PerformanceProduction = "production", _(
) # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
FanFic = "fanfic", _("Fanfic") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Exhibition = "exhibition", _("Exhibition") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Collection = "collection", _("Collection") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
class ItemCategory(models.TextChoices):
Book = "book", _("Book") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Movie = "movie", _("Movie") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
TV = "tv", _("TV") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Music = "music", _("Music") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Game = "game", _("Game") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Podcast = "podcast", _("Podcast") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Performance = "performance", _("Performance") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
FanFic = "fanfic", _("FanFic") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Exhibition = "exhibition", _("Exhibition") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Collection = "collection", _("Collection") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
class AvailableItemCategory(models.TextChoices):
Book = "book", _("Book") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Movie = "movie", _("Movie") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
TV = "tv", _("TV") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Music = "music", _("Music") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Game = "game", _("Game") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Podcast = "podcast", _("Podcast") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
Performance = "performance", _("Performance") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
# class SubItemType(models.TextChoices):
# Season = "season", _("season") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
# Episode = "episode", _("episode") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
# Version = "production", _("production") # type:ignore[reportCallIssue]
# class CreditType(models.TextChoices):
# Author = 'author', _('author')
# Translater = 'translater', _('translater')
# Producer = 'producer', _('producer')
# Director = 'director', _('director')
# Actor = 'actor', _('actor')
# Playwright = 'playwright', _('playwright')
# VoiceActor = 'voiceactor', _('voiceactor')
# Host = 'host', _('host')
# Developer = 'developer', _('developer')
# Publisher = 'publisher', _('publisher')
class PrimaryLookupIdDescriptor(object): # TODO make it mixin of Field
def __init__(self, id_type: IdType):
self.id_type = id_type
def __get__(
self, instance: "Item | None", cls: type[Any] | None = None
) -> str | Self | None:
if instance is None:
return self
if self.id_type != instance.primary_lookup_id_type:
return None
return instance.primary_lookup_id_value
def __set__(self, instance: "Item", id_value: str | None):
if id_value:
instance.primary_lookup_id_type = self.id_type
instance.primary_lookup_id_value = id_value
instance.primary_lookup_id_type = None
instance.primary_lookup_id_value = None
class LookupIdDescriptor(object): # TODO make it mixin of Field
def __init__(self, id_type: IdType):
self.id_type = id_type
def __get__(self, instance, cls=None):
if instance is None:
return self
return instance.get_lookup_id(self.id_type)
def __set__(self, instance, value):
instance.set_lookup_id(self.id_type, value)
# class ItemId(models.Model):
# item = models.ForeignKey('Item', models.CASCADE)
# id_type = models.CharField(_("Id Type"), blank=False, choices=IdType.choices, max_length=50)
# id_value = models.CharField(_("ID Value"), blank=False, max_length=1000)
# class ItemCredit(models.Model):
# item = models.ForeignKey('Item', models.CASCADE)
# credit_type = models.CharField(_("Credit Type"), choices=CreditType.choices, blank=False, max_length=50)
# name = models.CharField(_("Name"), blank=False, max_length=1000)
# def check_source_id(sid):
# if not sid:
# return True
# s = sid.split(':')
# if len(s) < 2:
# return False
# return sid[0] in IdType.values()
class ExternalResourceSchema(Schema):
url: str
class BaseSchema(Schema):
id: str = Field(alias="absolute_url")
type: str = Field(alias="ap_object_type")
uuid: str
url: str
api_url: str
category: ItemCategory
parent_uuid: str | None
display_title: str
external_resources: list[ExternalResourceSchema] | None
class ItemInSchema(Schema):
title: str
brief: str
cover_image_url: str | None
rating: float | None
rating_count: int | None
class ItemSchema(BaseSchema, ItemInSchema):
class Item(PolymorphicModel):
external_resources: QuerySet["ExternalResource"]
collections: QuerySet["Collection"]
merged_from_items: QuerySet["Item"]
merged_to_item_id: int
category: ItemCategory # subclass must specify this
url_path = "item" # subclass must specify this
child_class = None # subclass may specify this to allow link to parent item
parent_class = None # subclass may specify this to allow create child item
uid = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False, db_index=True)
title = models.CharField(_("title"), max_length=1000, default="")
brief = models.TextField(_("description"), blank=True, default="")
primary_lookup_id_type = models.CharField(
_("Primary ID Type"), blank=False, null=True, max_length=50
primary_lookup_id_value = models.CharField(
_("Primary ID Value"),
help_text="automatically detected, usually no change necessary, left empty if unsure",
metadata = models.JSONField(_("metadata"), blank=True, null=True, default=dict)
cover = models.ImageField(
_("cover"), upload_to=item_cover_path, default=DEFAULT_ITEM_COVER, blank=True
created_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
edited_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
is_deleted = models.BooleanField(default=False, db_index=True)
merged_to_item = models.ForeignKey(
class Meta:
index_together = [
def delete(
using: Any = None,
keep_parents: bool = False,
soft: bool = True,
*args: tuple[Any, ...],
**kwargs: dict[str, Any],
) -> tuple[int, dict[str, int]]:
if soft:
self.is_deleted = True
return 0, {}
return super().delete(
using=using, keep_parents=keep_parents, *args, **kwargs
def history(self):
# can't use AuditlogHistoryField bc it will only return history with current content type
return LogEntry.objects.filter(, content_type_id__in=list(item_content_types().values())
def last_editor(self) -> "User | None":
last_edit = self.history.order_by("-timestamp").first()
return if last_edit else None
def clear(self):
self.primary_lookup_id_value = None
self.primary_lookup_id_type = None
for res in self.external_resources.all():
res.item = None
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}|{}|{self.uuid} {self.primary_lookup_id_type}:{self.primary_lookup_id_value if self.primary_lookup_id_value else ''} ({self.title})"
def lookup_id_type_choices(cls):
return IdType.choices
def lookup_id_cleanup(
cls, lookup_id_type: str | IdType, lookup_id_value: str
) -> tuple[str | IdType, str] | tuple[None, None]:
if not lookup_id_type or not lookup_id_value or not lookup_id_value.strip():
return None, None
return lookup_id_type, lookup_id_value.strip()
def get_best_lookup_id(cls, lookup_ids: dict[str, str]) -> tuple[str, str]:
"""get best available lookup id, ideally commonly used"""
for t in IdealIdTypes:
if lookup_ids.get(t):
return t, lookup_ids[t]
return list(lookup_ids.items())[0]
def parent_item(self):
return None
def child_items(self) -> "QuerySet[Item]":
return Item.objects.none()
def child_item_ids(self) -> list[int]:
return list(self.child_items.values_list("id", flat=True))
def set_parent_item(self, value: "Item | None"):
# raise ValueError("cannot set parent item")
def parent_uuid(self) -> str | None:
return self.parent_item.uuid if self.parent_item else None
def sibling_items(self) -> "QuerySet[Item]":
return Item.objects.none()
def title_deco(self) -> str:
return ""
def sibling_item_ids(self) -> list[int]:
return list(self.sibling_items.values_list("id", flat=True))
def get_ap_object_type(cls) -> str:
return cls.__name__
def ap_object_type(self) -> str:
return self.get_ap_object_type()
def ap_object_ref(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
o = {
"type": self.get_ap_object_type(),
"href": self.absolute_url,
"name": self.title,
if self.has_cover():
o["image"] = self.cover_image_url
return o
def log_action(self, changes: dict[str, Any]):
LogEntry.objects.log_create( # type: ignore
self, action=LogEntry.Action.UPDATE, changes=changes
def merge_to(self, to_item: "Item | None"):
if to_item is None:
if self.merged_to_item is not None:
self.merged_to_item = None
if ==
raise ValueError("cannot merge to self")
if to_item.merged_to_item is not None:
raise ValueError("cannot merge to item which is merged to another item")
if not isinstance(to_item, self.__class__):
raise ValueError("cannot merge to item in a different model")
self.log_action({"!merged": [str(self.merged_to_item), str(to_item)]})
self.merged_to_item = to_item
for res in self.external_resources.all():
res.item = to_item
def recast_to(self, model: "type[Any]") -> "Item":
logger.warning(f"recast item {self} to {model}")
if isinstance(self, model):
return self
if not issubclass(model, Item):
raise ValueError("invalid model to recast to")
ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model)
old_ct = self.polymorphic_ctype
if not old_ct:
raise ValueError("cannot recast item without polymorphic_ctype")
tbl = self.__class__._meta.db_table
with disable_auditlog():
# disable audit as serialization won't work here
obj = model(, polymorphic_ctype=ct)
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute(f"DELETE FROM {tbl} WHERE item_ptr_id = %s", [])
obj = model.objects.get(
obj.log_action({"!recast": [old_ct.model, ct.model]})
return obj
def uuid(self):
return base62.encode(
def url(self):
return f"/{self.url_path}/{self.uuid}"
def absolute_url(self):
return f"{settings.SITE_INFO['site_url']}{self.url}"
def api_url(self):
return f"/api{self.url}"
def class_name(self) -> str:
return self.__class__.__name__.lower()
def display_title(self) -> str:
return self.title
def get_by_url(cls, url_or_b62: str) -> "Self | None":
b62 = url_or_b62.strip().split("/")[-1]
if len(b62) not in [21, 22]:
r ="[A-Za-z0-9]{21,22}", url_or_b62)
if r:
b62 = r[0]
item = cls.objects.get(uid=uuid.UUID(int=base62.decode(b62)))
except Exception:
item = None
return item
# def get_lookup_id(self, id_type: str) -> str:
# prefix = id_type.strip().lower() + ':'
# return next((x[len(prefix):] for x in self.lookup_ids if x.startswith(prefix)), None)
def update_lookup_ids(self, lookup_ids: list[tuple[str, str]]):
for t, v in lookup_ids:
if t in IdealIdTypes and self.primary_lookup_id_type not in IdealIdTypes:
self.primary_lookup_id_type = t
self.primary_lookup_id_value = v
if t == self.primary_lookup_id_type:
self.primary_lookup_id_value = v
] # list of metadata keys to copy from resource to item
def copy_metadata(cls, metadata: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
return dict(
(k, v)
for k, v in metadata.items()
if k in cls.METADATA_COPY_LIST and v is not None
def has_cover(self) -> bool:
return bool(self.cover) and self.cover != DEFAULT_ITEM_COVER
def cover_image_url(self) -> str | None:
return (
f"{settings.SITE_INFO['site_url']}{self.cover.url}" # type:ignore
if self.cover and self.cover != DEFAULT_ITEM_COVER
else None
def merge_data_from_external_resources(self, ignore_existing_content: bool = False):
"""Subclass may override this"""
lookup_ids = []
for p in self.external_resources.all():
lookup_ids.append((p.id_type, p.id_value))
lookup_ids += p.other_lookup_ids.items()
for k in self.METADATA_COPY_LIST:
if p.metadata.get(k) and (
not getattr(self, k) or ignore_existing_content
setattr(self, k, p.metadata.get(k))
if p.cover and (not self.has_cover() or ignore_existing_content):
self.cover = p.cover
def update_linked_items_from_external_resource(self, resource: "ExternalResource"):
"""Subclass should override this"""
def skip_index(self):
return False
def editable(self):
return not self.is_deleted and self.merged_to_item is None
def rating(self):
from journal.models import Rating
return Rating.get_rating_for_item(self)
def rating_count(self):
from journal.models import Rating
return Rating.get_rating_count_for_item(self)
def rating_dist(self):
from journal.models import Rating
return Rating.get_rating_distribution_for_item(self)
def tags(self):
from journal.models import TagManager
return TagManager.indexable_tags_for_item(self)
def journal_exists(self):
from journal.models import journal_exists_for_item
return journal_exists_for_item(self)
class ItemLookupId(models.Model):
item = models.ForeignKey(
Item, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name="lookup_ids"
id_type = models.CharField(
_("source site"), blank=True, choices=IdType.choices, max_length=50
id_value = models.CharField(_("ID on source site"), blank=True, max_length=1000)
raw_url = models.CharField(
_("source url"), blank=True, max_length=1000, unique=True
class Meta:
unique_together = [["id_type", "id_value"]]
class ExternalResource(models.Model):
required_resources: list[dict[str, str]]
related_resources: list[dict[str, str]]
item = models.ForeignKey(
Item, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name="external_resources"
id_type = models.CharField(
_("IdType of the source site"),
id_value = models.CharField(
_("Primary Id on the source site"), blank=False, max_length=1000
url = models.CharField(
_("url to the resource"), blank=False, max_length=1000, unique=True
cover = models.ImageField(
upload_to=resource_cover_path, default=DEFAULT_ITEM_COVER, blank=True
other_lookup_ids = models.JSONField(default=dict)
metadata = models.JSONField(default=dict)
scraped_time = models.DateTimeField(null=True)
created_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
edited_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
required_resources = jsondata.ArrayField(
models.CharField(), null=False, blank=False, default=list
) # type: ignore
""" links required to generate Item from this resource, e.g. parent TVShow of TVSeason """
related_resources = jsondata.ArrayField(
models.CharField(), null=False, blank=False, default=list
) # type: ignore
"""links related to this resource which may be fetched later, e.g. sub TVSeason of TVShow"""
prematched_resources = jsondata.ArrayField(
models.CharField(), null=False, blank=False, default=list
"""links to help match an existing Item from this resource"""
class Meta:
unique_together = [["id_type", "id_value"]]
def __str__(self):
return f"{}:{self.id_type}:{self.id_value or ''} ({self.url})"
def unlink_from_item(self):
if not self.item:
self.item.log_action({"!unlink": [str(self), None]})
self.item = None
def get_site(self):
from .sites import SiteManager
return SiteManager.get_site_cls_by_id_type(self.id_type)
def site_name(self) -> SiteName:
site = self.get_site()
return site.SITE_NAME if site else SiteName.Unknown
except Exception:
logger.warning(f"Unknown site for {self}")
return SiteName.Unknown
def site_label(self) -> str:
if self.id_type == IdType.Fediverse:
from takahe.utils import Takahe
domain = self.id_value.split("://")[1].split("/")[0]
n = Takahe.get_node_name_for_domain(domain)
return n or domain
return self.site_name.label
def update_content(self, resource_content: "ResourceContent"):
self.other_lookup_ids = resource_content.lookup_ids
self.metadata = resource_content.metadata
if resource_content.cover_image and resource_content.cover_image_extention:
self.cover = SimpleUploadedFile(
"temp." + resource_content.cover_image_extention,
self.cover = resource_content.metadata.get("cover_image_path")
self.scraped_time =
def ready(self):
return bool(self.metadata and self.scraped_time)
def get_all_lookup_ids(self) -> dict[str, str]:
d = self.other_lookup_ids.copy()
d[self.id_type] = self.id_value
d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if bool(v)}
return d
def get_lookup_ids(
self, default_model: type[Item] | None = None
) -> list[tuple[str, str]]:
lookup_ids = self.get_all_lookup_ids()
model = self.get_item_model(default_model)
bt, bv = model.get_best_lookup_id(lookup_ids)
ids = [(t, v) for t, v in lookup_ids.items() if t and v and t != bt]
if bt and bv:
ids = [(bt, bv)] + ids
return ids
def get_item_model(self, default_model: type[Item] | None) -> type[Item]:
model = self.metadata.get("preferred_model")
if model:
m = ContentType.objects.filter(
app_label="catalog", model=model.lower()
if m:
mc: type[Item] | None = m.model_class() # type: ignore
if not mc:
raise ValueError(
f"preferred model {model} does not exist in ContentType"
return mc
raise ValueError(f"preferred model {model} does not exist")
if not default_model:
raise ValueError("no default preferred model specified")
return default_model
def item_content_types() -> dict[type[Item], int]:
for cls in Item.__subclasses__():
_CONTENT_TYPE_LIST[cls] = ContentType.objects.get(
app_label="catalog", model=cls.__name__.lower()
def item_categories() -> dict[ItemCategory, list[type[Item]]]:
if _CATEGORY_LIST is None:
for cls in Item.__subclasses__():
c = getattr(cls, "category", None)
if c not in _CATEGORY_LIST:
_CATEGORY_LIST[c] = [cls]