2022-08-20 00:14:18 -04:00

146 lines
7.5 KiB

from django.shortcuts import reverse, redirect, render, get_object_or_404
from django.http import HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponse
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.contrib import auth
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
from django.core.paginator import Paginator
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.db.models import Count
from .models import User, Report, Preference
from .forms import ReportForm
from mastodon.api import *
from mastodon import mastodon_request_included
from common.config import *
from common.models import MarkStatusEnum
from common.utils import PageLinksGenerator
from management.models import Announcement
from books.models import *
from movies.models import *
from music.models import *
from games.models import *
from books.forms import BookMarkStatusTranslator
from movies.forms import MovieMarkStatusTranslator
from music.forms import MusicMarkStatusTranslator
from games.forms import GameMarkStatusTranslator
from mastodon.models import MastodonApplication
from django.conf import settings
from urllib.parse import quote
from openpyxl import Workbook
from common.utils import GenerateDateUUIDMediaFilePath
from datetime import datetime
import os
def refresh_mastodon_data_task(user, token=None):
if token:
user.mastodon_token = token
if user.refresh_mastodon_data():
print(f"{user} mastodon data refreshed")
print(f"{user} mastodon data refresh failed")
def export_marks_task(user):
user.preference.export_status['marks_pending'] = True['export_status'])
filename = GenerateDateUUIDMediaFilePath(None, 'f.xlsx', settings.MEDIA_ROOT + settings.EXPORT_FILE_PATH_ROOT)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)):
heading = ['标题', '简介', '豆瓣评分', '链接', '创建时间', '我的评分', '标签', '评论', 'NeoDB链接', '其它ID']
wb = Workbook() # adding write_only=True will speed up but corrupt the xlsx and won't be importable
for status, label in [('collect', '看过'), ('do', '在看'), ('wish', '想看')]:
ws = wb.create_sheet(title=label)
marks = MovieMark.objects.filter(owner=user, status=status).order_by("-edited_time")
for mark in marks:
movie =
title = movie.title
summary = str(movie.year) + ' / ' + ','.join(movie.area) + ' / ' + ','.join(map(lambda x: str(MovieGenreTranslator[x]), movie.genre)) + ' / ' + ','.join(movie.director) + ' / ' + ','.join(
tags = ','.join(list(map(lambda m: m.content, mark.tags)))
world_rating = (movie.rating / 2) if movie.rating else None
timestamp = mark.edited_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
my_rating = (mark.rating / 2) if mark.rating else None
text = mark.text
source_url = movie.source_url
url = settings.APP_WEBSITE + movie.get_absolute_url()
line = [title, summary, world_rating, source_url, timestamp, my_rating, tags, text, url, movie.imdb_code]
for status, label in [('collect', '听过'), ('do', '在听'), ('wish', '想听')]:
ws = wb.create_sheet(title=label)
marks = AlbumMark.objects.filter(owner=user, status=status).order_by("-edited_time")
for mark in marks:
album = mark.album
title = album.title
summary = ','.join(album.artist) + ' / ' + (album.release_date.strftime('%Y') if album.release_date else '')
tags = ','.join(list(map(lambda m: m.content, mark.tags)))
world_rating = (album.rating / 2) if album.rating else None
timestamp = mark.edited_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
my_rating = (mark.rating / 2) if mark.rating else None
text = mark.text
source_url = album.source_url
url = settings.APP_WEBSITE + album.get_absolute_url()
line = [title, summary, world_rating, source_url, timestamp, my_rating, tags, text, url, '']
for status, label in [('collect', '读过'), ('do', '在读'), ('wish', '想读')]:
ws = wb.create_sheet(title=label)
marks = BookMark.objects.filter(owner=user, status=status).order_by("-edited_time")
for mark in marks:
book =
title = book.title
summary = ','.join( + ' / ' + str(book.pub_year) + ' / ' + book.pub_house
tags = ','.join(list(map(lambda m: m.content, mark.tags)))
world_rating = (book.rating / 2) if book.rating else None
timestamp = mark.edited_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
my_rating = (mark.rating / 2) if mark.rating else None
text = mark.text
source_url = book.source_url
url = settings.APP_WEBSITE + book.get_absolute_url()
line = [title, summary, world_rating, source_url, timestamp, my_rating, tags, text, url, book.isbn]
for status, label in [('collect', '玩过'), ('do', '在玩'), ('wish', '想玩')]:
ws = wb.create_sheet(title=label)
marks = GameMark.objects.filter(owner=user, status=status).order_by("-edited_time")
for mark in marks:
game =
title = game.title
summary = ','.join(game.genre) + ' / ' + ','.join(game.platform) + ' / ' + (game.release_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if game.release_date else '')
tags = ','.join(list(map(lambda m: m.content, mark.tags)))
world_rating = (game.rating / 2) if game.rating else None
timestamp = mark.edited_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
my_rating = (mark.rating / 2) if mark.rating else None
text = mark.text
source_url = game.source_url
url = settings.APP_WEBSITE + game.get_absolute_url()
line = [title, summary, world_rating, source_url, timestamp, my_rating, tags, text, url, '']
review_heading = ['标题', '评论对象', '链接', '创建时间', '我的评分', '类型', '内容', '评论对象原始链接', '评论对象NeoDB链接']
for ReviewModel, label in [(MovieReview, '影评'), (BookReview, '书评'), (AlbumReview, '乐评'), (GameReview, '游戏评论')]:
ws = wb.create_sheet(title=label)
reviews = ReviewModel.objects.filter(owner=user).order_by("-edited_time")
for review in reviews:
title = review.title
target = "" + review.item.title + ""
url = review.url
timestamp = review.edited_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
my_rating = None # (mark.rating / 2) if mark.rating else None
content = review.content
target_source_url = review.item.source_url
target_url = review.item.url
line = [title, target, url, timestamp, my_rating, label, content, target_source_url, target_url]
user.preference.export_status['marks_pending'] = False
user.preference.export_status['marks_file'] = filename
user.preference.export_status['marks_date'] ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")['export_status'])