path: root/scraper/yep.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scraper/yep.php')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scraper/yep.php b/scraper/yep.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ff4a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scraper/yep.php
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+class yep{
+ public function __construct(){
+ include "lib/nextpage.php";
+ $this->nextpage = new nextpage("yep");
+ }
+ public function getfilters($page){
+ return [
+ "country" => [
+ "display" => "Country",
+ "option" => [
+ "all" => "All regions",
+ "af" => "Afghanistan",
+ "al" => "Albania",
+ "dz" => "Algeria",
+ "as" => "American Samoa",
+ "ad" => "Andorra",
+ "ao" => "Angola",
+ "ai" => "Anguilla",
+ "ag" => "Antigua and Barbuda",
+ "ar" => "Argentina",
+ "am" => "Armenia",
+ "aw" => "Aruba",
+ "au" => "Australia",
+ "at" => "Austria",
+ "az" => "Azerbaijan",
+ "bs" => "Bahamas",
+ "bh" => "Bahrain",
+ "bd" => "Bangladesh",
+ "bb" => "Barbados",
+ "by" => "Belarus",
+ "be" => "Belgium",
+ "bz" => "Belize",
+ "bj" => "Benin",
+ "bt" => "Bhutan",
+ "bo" => "Bolivia",
+ "ba" => "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
+ "bw" => "Botswana",
+ "br" => "Brazil",
+ "bn" => "Brunei Darussalam",
+ "bg" => "Bulgaria",
+ "bf" => "Burkina Faso",
+ "bi" => "Burundi",
+ "cv" => "Cabo Verde",
+ "kh" => "Cambodia",
+ "cm" => "Cameroon",
+ "ca" => "Canada",
+ "ky" => "Cayman Islands",
+ "cf" => "Central African Republic",
+ "td" => "Chad",
+ "cl" => "Chile",
+ "cn" => "China",
+ "co" => "Colombia",
+ "cg" => "Congo",
+ "cd" => "Congo, Democratic Republic",
+ "ck" => "Cook Islands",
+ "cr" => "Costa Rica",
+ "hr" => "Croatia",
+ "cu" => "Cuba",
+ "cy" => "Cyprus",
+ "cz" => "Czechia",
+ "ci" => "Côte d'Ivoire",
+ "dk" => "Denmark",
+ "dj" => "Djibouti",
+ "dm" => "Dominica",
+ "do" => "Dominican Republic",
+ "ec" => "Ecuador",
+ "eg" => "Egypt",
+ "sv" => "El Salvador",
+ "gq" => "Equatorial Guinea",
+ "ee" => "Estonia",
+ "et" => "Ethiopia",
+ "fo" => "Faroe Islands",
+ "fj" => "Fiji",
+ "fi" => "Finland",
+ "fr" => "France",
+ "gf" => "French Guiana",
+ "pf" => "French Polynesia",
+ "ga" => "Gabon",
+ "gm" => "Gambia",
+ "ge" => "Georgia",
+ "de" => "Germany",
+ "gh" => "Ghana",
+ "gi" => "Gibraltar",
+ "gr" => "Greece",
+ "gl" => "Greenland",
+ "gd" => "Grenada",
+ "gp" => "Guadeloupe",
+ "gu" => "Guam",
+ "gt" => "Guatemala",
+ "gg" => "Guernsey",
+ "gn" => "Guinea",
+ "gy" => "Guyana",
+ "ht" => "Haiti",
+ "hn" => "Honduras",
+ "hk" => "Hong Kong",
+ "hu" => "Hungary",
+ "is" => "Iceland",
+ "in" => "India",
+ "id" => "Indonesia",
+ "iq" => "Iraq",
+ "ie" => "Ireland",
+ "im" => "Isle of Man",
+ "il" => "Israel",
+ "it" => "Italy",
+ "jm" => "Jamaica",
+ "jp" => "Japan",
+ "je" => "Jersey",
+ "jo" => "Jordan",
+ "kz" => "Kazakhstan",
+ "ke" => "Kenya",
+ "ki" => "Kiribati",
+ "kw" => "Kuwait",
+ "kg" => "Kyrgyzstan",
+ "la" => "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
+ "lv" => "Latvia",
+ "lb" => "Lebanon",
+ "ls" => "Lesotho",
+ "ly" => "Libya",
+ "li" => "Liechtenstein",
+ "lt" => "Lithuania",
+ "lu" => "Luxembourg",
+ "mk" => "Macedonia",
+ "mg" => "Madagascar",
+ "mw" => "Malawi",
+ "my" => "Malaysia",
+ "mv" => "Maldives",
+ "ml" => "Mali",
+ "mt" => "Malta",
+ "mq" => "Martinique",
+ "mr" => "Mauritania",
+ "mu" => "Mauritius",
+ "yt" => "Mayotte",
+ "mx" => "Mexico",
+ "fm" => "Micronesia, Federated States of",
+ "md" => "Moldova",
+ "mc" => "Monaco",
+ "mn" => "Mongolia",
+ "me" => "Montenegro",
+ "ms" => "Montserrat",
+ "ma" => "Morocco",
+ "mz" => "Mozambique",
+ "mm" => "Myanmar",
+ "na" => "Namibia",
+ "nr" => "Nauru",
+ "np" => "Nepal",
+ "nl" => "Netherlands",
+ "nc" => "New Caledonia",
+ "nz" => "New Zealand",
+ "ni" => "Nicaragua",
+ "ne" => "Niger",
+ "ng" => "Nigeria",
+ "nu" => "Niue",
+ "no" => "Norway",
+ "om" => "Oman",
+ "pk" => "Pakistan",
+ "ps" => "Palestine, State of",
+ "pa" => "Panama",
+ "pg" => "Papua New Guinea",
+ "py" => "Paraguay",
+ "pe" => "Peru",
+ "ph" => "Philippines",
+ "pn" => "Pitcairn",
+ "pl" => "Poland",
+ "pt" => "Portugal",
+ "pr" => "Puerto Rico",
+ "qa" => "Qatar",
+ "ro" => "Romania",
+ "ru" => "Russian Federation",
+ "rw" => "Rwanda",
+ "re" => "Réunion",
+ "sh" => "Saint Helena",
+ "kn" => "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
+ "lc" => "Saint Lucia",
+ "vc" => "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
+ "ws" => "Samoa",
+ "sm" => "San Marino",
+ "st" => "Sao Tome and Principe",
+ "sa" => "Saudi Arabia",
+ "sn" => "Senegal",
+ "rs" => "Serbia",
+ "sc" => "Seychelles",
+ "sl" => "Sierra Leone",
+ "sg" => "Singapore",
+ "sk" => "Slovakia",
+ "si" => "Slovenia",
+ "sb" => "Solomon Islands",
+ "so" => "Somalia",
+ "kr" => "Sourth Korea",
+ "za" => "South Africa",
+ "es" => "Spain",
+ "lk" => "Sri Lanka",
+ "sr" => "Suriname",
+ "se" => "Sweden",
+ "ch" => "Switzerland",
+ "tw" => "Taiwan",
+ "tj" => "Tajikistan",
+ "tz" => "Tanzania",
+ "th" => "Thailand",
+ "tl" => "Timor-Leste",
+ "tg" => "Togo",
+ "tk" => "Tokelau",
+ "to" => "Tonga",
+ "tt" => "Trinidad and Tobago",
+ "tn" => "Tunisia",
+ "tr" => "Turkey",
+ "tm" => "Turkmenistan",
+ "ug" => "Uganda",
+ "ua" => "Ukraine",
+ "ae" => "United Arab Emirates",
+ "gb" => "United Kingdom",
+ "us" => "United States",
+ "uy" => "Uruguay",
+ "uz" => "Uzbekistan",
+ "vu" => "Vanuatu",
+ "ve" => "Venezuela",
+ "vn" => "Vietnam",
+ "vg" => "Virgin Islands, British",
+ "vi" => "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
+ "ye" => "Yemen",
+ "zm" => "Zambia",
+ "zw" => "Zimbabwe"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "nsfw" => [
+ "display" => "NSFW",
+ "option" => [
+ "yes" => "Yes",
+ "maybe" => "Maybe",
+ "no" => "No"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ }
+ private function get($url, $get = []){
+ $curlproc = curl_init();
+ if($get !== []){
+ $get = http_build_query($get);
+ $url .= "?" . $get;
+ }
+ curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
+ curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ""); // default encoding
+ curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
+ ["User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:107.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0",
+ "Accept: */*",
+ "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5",
+ "Accept-Encoding: gzip",
+ "DNT: 1",
+ "Origin:",
+ "Referer:",
+ "Connection: keep-alive",
+ "Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty",
+ "Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors",
+ "Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site"]
+ );
+ curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
+ curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
+ curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
+ curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);
+ curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
+ $data = curl_exec($curlproc);
+ if(curl_errno($curlproc)){
+ throw new Exception(curl_error($curlproc));
+ }
+ curl_close($curlproc);
+ return $data;
+ }
+ public function image($get){
+ $search = $get["s"];
+ $country = $get["country"];
+ $nsfw = $get["nsfw"];
+ switch($nsfw){
+ case "yes": $nsfw = "off"; break;
+ case "maybe": $nsfw = "moderate"; break;
+ case "no": $nsfw = "strict"; break;
+ }
+ $out = [
+ "status" => "ok",
+ "npt" => null,
+ "image" => []
+ ];
+ try{
+ $json =
+ json_decode(
+ $this->get(
+ "",
+ [
+ "client" => "web",
+ "gl" => $country == "all" ? $country : strtoupper($country),
+ "no_correct" => "false",
+ "q" => $search,
+ "safeSearch" => $nsfw,
+ "type" => "images"
+ ]
+ ),
+ true
+ );
+ }catch(Exception $error){
+ throw new Exception("Failed to fetch JSON");
+ }
+ if($json === null){
+ throw new Exception("Failed to decode JSON");
+ }
+ foreach($json[1]["results"] as $item){
+ if(
+ $item["width"] !== 0 &&
+ $item["height"] !== 0
+ ){
+ $thumb_width = $item["width"] >= 260 ? 260 : $item["width"];
+ $thumb_height = ceil($item["height"] * ($thumb_width / $item["width"]));
+ $width = $item["width"];
+ $height = $item["height"];
+ }else{
+ $thumb_width = null;
+ $thumb_height = null;
+ $width = null;
+ $height = null;
+ }
+ $out["image"][] = [
+ "title" => $item["title"],
+ "source" => [
+ [
+ "url" => $item["image_id"],
+ "width" => $width,
+ "height" => $height
+ ],
+ [
+ "url" => $item["src"],
+ "width" => $thumb_width,
+ "height" => $thumb_height
+ ]
+ ],
+ "url" => $item["host_page"]
+ ];
+ }
+ return $out;
+ }