more i18n fixes
This commit is contained in:
22 changed files with 341 additions and 208 deletions
@ -159,15 +159,16 @@ class Edition(Item):
return [(i.value, i.label) for i in id_types]
def lookup_id_cleanup(cls, lookup_id_type, lookup_id_value):
def lookup_id_cleanup(cls, lookup_id_type: str | IdType, lookup_id_value: str):
if lookup_id_type in [IdType.ASIN.value, IdType.ISBN.value]:
return detect_isbn_asin(lookup_id_value)
return super().lookup_id_cleanup(lookup_id_type, lookup_id_value)
def merge_to(self, to_item):
def merge_to(self, to_item: "Edition | None"):
for work in
if to_item:
for work in
def delete(self, using=None, soft=True, *args, **kwargs):
@ -278,17 +279,18 @@ class Work(Item):
return [(i.value, i.label) for i in id_types]
def merge_to(self, to_item):
def merge_to(self, to_item: "Work | None"):
for edition in self.editions.all():
if to_item:
for edition in self.editions.all():
if (
and self.title != to_item.title
and self.title not in to_item.other_title
to_item.other_title += [self.title]
to_item.other_title += [self.title] # type: ignore
def delete(self, using=None, soft=True, *args, **kwargs):
@ -50,14 +50,15 @@ def is_asin(asin):
return re.match(r"^B[A-Z0-9]{9}$", asin) is not None
def detect_isbn_asin(s):
def detect_isbn_asin(s: str) -> tuple[IdType, str] | tuple[None, None]:
if not s:
return None, None
n = re.sub(r"[^0-9A-Z]", "", s.upper())
if is_isbn_13(n):
return IdType.ISBN, n
if is_isbn_10(n):
return IdType.ISBN, isbn_10_to_13(n)
v = isbn_10_to_13(n)
return (IdType.ISBN, v) if v else (None, None)
if is_asin(n):
return IdType.ASIN, n
return None, None
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import re
import uuid
from functools import cached_property
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable, Type, cast
from auditlog.context import disable_auditlog
from auditlog.models import AuditlogHistoryField, LogEntry
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile
from django.db import connection, models
from django.db.models import QuerySet
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.baseconv import base62
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
@ -145,26 +146,26 @@ class AvailableItemCategory(models.TextChoices):
# class SubItemType(models.TextChoices):
# Season = "season", _("剧集分季")
# Episode = "episode", _("剧集分集")
# Version = "version", _("版本")
# Season = "season", _("season")
# Episode = "episode", _("episode")
# Version = "production", _("production")
# class CreditType(models.TextChoices):
# Author = 'author', _('作者')
# Translater = 'translater', _('译者')
# Producer = 'producer', _('出品人')
# Director = 'director', _('电影')
# Actor = 'actor', _('演员')
# Playwright = 'playwright', _('播客')
# VoiceActor = 'voiceactor', _('配音')
# Host = 'host', _('主持人')
# Developer = 'developer', _('开发者')
# Publisher = 'publisher', _('出版方')
# Author = 'author', _('author')
# Translater = 'translater', _('translater')
# Producer = 'producer', _('producer')
# Director = 'director', _('director')
# Actor = 'actor', _('actor')
# Playwright = 'playwright', _('playwright')
# VoiceActor = 'voiceactor', _('voiceactor')
# Host = 'host', _('host')
# Developer = 'developer', _('developer')
# Publisher = 'publisher', _('publisher')
class PrimaryLookupIdDescriptor(object): # TODO make it mixin of Field
def __init__(self, id_type):
def __init__(self, id_type: IdType):
self.id_type = id_type
def __get__(self, instance, cls=None):
@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ class PrimaryLookupIdDescriptor(object): # TODO make it mixin of Field
class LookupIdDescriptor(object): # TODO make it mixin of Field
def __init__(self, id_type):
def __init__(self, id_type: IdType):
self.id_type = id_type
def __get__(self, instance, cls=None):
@ -198,14 +199,14 @@ class LookupIdDescriptor(object): # TODO make it mixin of Field
# class ItemId(models.Model):
# item = models.ForeignKey('Item', models.CASCADE)
# id_type = models.CharField(_("源网站"), blank=False, choices=IdType.choices, max_length=50)
# id_value = models.CharField(_("源网站ID"), blank=False, max_length=1000)
# id_type = models.CharField(_("Id Type"), blank=False, choices=IdType.choices, max_length=50)
# id_value = models.CharField(_("ID Value"), blank=False, max_length=1000)
# class ItemCredit(models.Model):
# item = models.ForeignKey('Item', models.CASCADE)
# credit_type = models.CharField(_("类型"), choices=CreditType.choices, blank=False, max_length=50)
# name = models.CharField(_("名字"), blank=False, max_length=1000)
# credit_type = models.CharField(_("Credit Type"), choices=CreditType.choices, blank=False, max_length=50)
# name = models.CharField(_("Name"), blank=False, max_length=1000)
# def check_source_id(sid):
@ -241,11 +242,11 @@ class ItemInSchema(Schema):
rating_count: int | None
class ItemSchema(ItemInSchema, BaseSchema):
class ItemSchema(BaseSchema, ItemInSchema):
class Item(SoftDeleteMixin, PolymorphicModel):
class Item(PolymorphicModel, SoftDeleteMixin):
url_path = "item" # subclass must specify this
type = None # subclass must specify this
child_class = None # subclass may specify this to allow link to parent item
@ -315,13 +316,15 @@ class Item(SoftDeleteMixin, PolymorphicModel):
return IdType.choices
def lookup_id_cleanup(cls, lookup_id_type, lookup_id_value):
def lookup_id_cleanup(
cls, lookup_id_type: str | IdType, lookup_id_value: str
) -> tuple[str | IdType, str] | tuple[None, None]:
if not lookup_id_type or not lookup_id_value or not lookup_id_value.strip():
return None, None
return lookup_id_type, lookup_id_value.strip()
def get_best_lookup_id(cls, lookup_ids):
def get_best_lookup_id(cls, lookup_ids: dict[IdType, str]) -> tuple[IdType, str]:
"""get best available lookup id, ideally commonly used"""
for t in IdealIdTypes:
if lookup_ids.get(t):
@ -333,23 +336,23 @@ class Item(SoftDeleteMixin, PolymorphicModel):
return None
def child_items(self):
def child_items(self) -> "QuerySet[Item]":
return Item.objects.none()
def child_item_ids(self):
def child_item_ids(self) -> list[int]:
return list(self.child_items.values_list("id", flat=True))
def set_parent_item(self, value):
def set_parent_item(self, value: "Item | None"):
# raise ValueError("cannot set parent item")
def parent_uuid(self):
def parent_uuid(self) -> str | None:
return self.parent_item.uuid if self.parent_item else None
def sibling_items(self):
def sibling_items(self) -> "QuerySet[Item]":
return Item.objects.none()
@ -357,19 +360,19 @@ class Item(SoftDeleteMixin, PolymorphicModel):
return ""
def sibling_item_ids(self):
def sibling_item_ids(self) -> list[int]:
return list(self.sibling_items.values_list("id", flat=True))
def get_ap_object_type(cls):
def get_ap_object_type(cls) -> str:
return cls.__name__
def ap_object_type(self):
def ap_object_type(self) -> str:
return self.get_ap_object_type()
def ap_object_ref(self):
def ap_object_ref(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
o = {
"type": self.get_ap_object_type(),
"href": self.absolute_url,
@ -379,12 +382,12 @@ class Item(SoftDeleteMixin, PolymorphicModel):
o["image"] = self.cover_image_url
return o
def log_action(self, changes):
def log_action(self, changes: dict[str, Any]):
LogEntry.objects.log_create( # type: ignore
self, action=LogEntry.Action.UPDATE, changes=changes
def merge_to(self, to_item):
def merge_to(self, to_item: "Item | None"):
if to_item is None:
if self.merged_to_item is not None:
self.merged_to_item = None
@ -394,7 +397,7 @@ class Item(SoftDeleteMixin, PolymorphicModel):
raise ValueError("cannot merge to self")
if to_item.merged_to_item is not None:
raise ValueError("cannot merge to item which is merged to another item")
if to_item.__class__ != self.__class__:
if not isinstance(to_item, self.__class__):
raise ValueError("cannot merge to item in a different model")
self.log_action({"!merged": [str(self.merged_to_item), str(to_item)]})
self.merged_to_item = to_item
@ -403,11 +406,11 @@ class Item(SoftDeleteMixin, PolymorphicModel):
res.item = to_item
def recast_to(self, model):
def recast_to(self, model: "type[Item]") -> "Item":
logger.warning(f"recast item {self} to {model}")
if self.__class__ == model:
if isinstance(self, model):
return self
if model not in Item.__subclasses__():
if not issubclass(model, Item):
raise ValueError("invalid model to recast to")
ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model)
old_ct = self.polymorphic_ctype
@ -442,15 +445,15 @@ class Item(SoftDeleteMixin, PolymorphicModel):
return f"/api{self.url}"
def class_name(self):
def class_name(self) -> str:
return self.__class__.__name__.lower()
def display_title(self):
def display_title(self) -> str:
return self.title
def get_by_url(cls, url_or_b62):
def get_by_url(cls, url_or_b62: str) -> "Item | None":
b62 = url_or_b62.strip().split("/")[-1]
if len(b62) not in [21, 22]:
r ="[A-Za-z0-9]{21,22}", url_or_b62)
@ -633,7 +636,7 @@ class ExternalResource(models.Model):
return SiteName.Unknown
def site_label(self):
def site_label(self) -> str:
if self.id_type == IdType.Fediverse:
from takahe.utils import Takahe
@ -704,7 +707,7 @@ def item_content_types():
def item_categories():
def item_categories() -> dict[ItemCategory, list[type[Item]]]:
if _CATEGORY_LIST is None:
@ -114,12 +114,14 @@ class PodcastEpisode(Item):
self.program = value
def display_title(self):
return f"{self.program.title} - {self.title}"
def display_title(self) -> str:
return f"{self.program.title} - {self.title}" if self.program else self.title
def cover_image_url(self):
return self.cover_url or self.program.cover_image_url
def cover_image_url(self) -> str | None:
return self.cover_url or (
self.program.cover_image_url if self.program else None
def get_url_with_position(self, position=None):
return (
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class BooksTW(AbstractSite):
pd = ResourceContent(metadata=data)
t, n = detect_isbn_asin(isbn)
t, n = detect_isbn_asin(str(isbn))
if t:
pd.lookup_ids[t] = n
pd.cover_image, pd.cover_image_extention = BasicImageDownloader.download_image(
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ def list_reviews(request, category: AvailableItemCategory | None = None):
queryset = Review.objects.filter(owner=request.user.identity)
if category:
queryset = queryset.filter(q_item_in_category(category))
queryset = queryset.filter(q_item_in_category(category)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
return queryset.prefetch_related("item")
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ from .common import (
@ -14,6 +13,7 @@ from .common import (
from .like import Like
from .mark import Mark
from .mixins import UserOwnedObjectMixin
from .rating import Rating
from .renderers import render_md
from .review import Review
@ -25,3 +25,37 @@ from .utils import (
__all__ = [
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def q_piece_in_home_feed_of_user(viewing_user: User):
return Q(owner_id__in=viewer.following, visibility__lt=2) | Q(
def q_item_in_category(item_category: ItemCategory | AvailableItemCategory):
def q_item_in_category(item_category: ItemCategory):
classes = item_categories()[item_category]
# q = Q(item__instance_of=classes[0])
# for cls in classes[1:]:
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from users.models import APIdentity, User
from django.db.models import ForeignKey
from users.models import APIdentity, User
from .common import Piece
@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ class UserOwnedObjectMixin:
owner: ForeignKey[APIdentity, Piece]
visibility: int
def is_visible_to(self: "Piece", viewing_user: User) -> bool: # noqa # type: ignore
def is_visible_to(
self: "Piece", viewing_user: "User" # noqa # type: ignore
) -> bool:
owner = self.owner
if not owner or not owner.is_active:
return False
@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ class UserOwnedObjectMixin:
return True
def is_editable_by(self: "Piece", viewing_user: User): # type: ignore
def is_editable_by(self: "Piece", viewing_user: "User"): # type: ignore
return viewing_user.is_authenticated and (
or viewing_user.is_superuser
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
<span class="timestamp">{{|date }}</span>
<div class="tldr">
{% trans "Review" %}
<a href="{% url 'journal:review_retrieve' %}">{{ }}</a>
@ -23,44 +23,44 @@
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<option {% if '/reviews/' in request.path %}selected{% endif %}
value="reviews">{% trans "review" %}</option>
<select name="category" id="category" onchange="filter()">
{% visible_categories as cats %}
{% if 'book' in cats %}
<option {% if '/book/' in request.path %}selected{% endif %} value="book">书籍</option>
<option {% if '/book/' in request.path %}selected{% endif %} value="book">{% trans "Book" %}</option>
{% endif %}
{% if 'movie' in cats %}
<option {% if '/movie/' in request.path %}selected{% endif %} value="movie">电影</option>
<option {% if '/movie/' in request.path %}selected{% endif %} value="movie">{% trans "Movie" %}</option>
{% endif %}
{% if 'tv' in cats %}
<option {% if '/tv/' in request.path %}selected{% endif %} value="tv">剧集</option>
<option {% if '/tv/' in request.path %}selected{% endif %} value="tv">{% trans "TV" %}</option>
{% endif %}
{% if 'podcast' in cats %}
<option {% if '/podcast/' in request.path %}selected{% endif %}
value="podcast">{% trans "Podcast" %}</option>
{% endif %}
{% if 'music' in cats %}
<option {% if '/music/' in request.path %}selected{% endif %} value="music">音乐</option>
<option {% if '/music/' in request.path %}selected{% endif %} value="music">{% trans "Music" %}</option>
{% endif %}
{% if 'game' in cats %}
<option {% if '/game/' in request.path %}selected{% endif %} value="game">游戏</option>
<option {% if '/game/' in request.path %}selected{% endif %} value="game">{% trans "Game" %}</option>
{% endif %}
{% if 'performance' in cats %}
<option {% if '/performance/' in request.path %}selected{% endif %}
value="performance">{% trans "Performance" %}</option>
{% endif %}
<select name="year" id="year" onchange="filter()">
<option value="">全部</option>
<option value="">{% trans "all" %}</option>
{% for y in years %}
<option value="{{ y }}" {% if y == year %}selected{% endif %}>{{ y }}</option>
{% endfor %}
<select name="sort" id="sort" onchange="filter()">
<option value="" disabled>排列顺序</option>
<option value="">时间</option>
<option value="rating" {% if 'rating' == sort %}selected{% endif %}>评分</option>
<option value="" disabled>{% trans "sorting" %}</option>
<option value="">{% trans "date" %}</option>
<option value="rating" {% if 'rating' == sort %}selected{% endif %}>{% trans "rating" %}</option>
@ -70,18 +70,18 @@
padding: var(--pico-form-element-spacing-vertical) calc(var(--pico-form-element-spacing-horizontal)/4) !important
<form role="search" method="get" action="" id="rating_select">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="1">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="2">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="3">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="4">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="5">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="6">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="7">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="8">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="9">
<input type="submit" class="secondary" value="10">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="*">
<form role="search" method="get" action="" id="rating_select">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="1">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="2">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="3">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="4">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="5">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="6">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="7">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="8">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="9">
<input type="submit" class="secondary" value="10">
<input type="submit" class="secondary outline" value="*">
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
data: $("#calendar_data").text(),
start_monday: false,
always_show_tooltip: false,
month_names: ['一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月'],
month_names: ['{% trans "JAN" %}', '{% trans "FEB" %}', '{% trans "MAR" %}', '{% trans "APR" %}', '{% trans "MAY" %}', '{% trans "JUN" %}', '{% trans "JUL" %}', '{% trans "AUG" %}', '{% trans "SEP" %}', '{% trans "OCT" %}', '{% trans "NOV" %}', '{% trans "DEC" %}'],
day_names: ['', '', ''],
colors: {
'default': getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--pico-form-element-background-color'),
@ -89,17 +89,17 @@
<section style="min-width:10vw;">
<div class="donut" style="background: conic-gradient(#7CBDFE 0deg {{ stats.complete_deg }}deg, #B4D2A5 {{ stats.complete_deg }}deg {{ stats.complete_deg|add:stats.progress_deg }}deg, #ccc {{ stats.complete_deg|add:stats.progress_deg }}deg 1deg );"><div class="hole"><div class="text">
{% if stats.progress %}
{{ stats.progress }} 进行中<br>
{{ stats.progress }} in progress<br>
{% endif %}
{% if stats.complete %}
{{ stats.complete }} 已完成
{{ stats.complete }} completed
{% elif not stats.progress %}
not started
{% endif %}
<div style="margin:8px; color:lightgray" class="muted">
开始于{{ featured_since|date }}
<a class="muted" href="#" title="停止" onclick="if (confirm('停止这个目标吗?')) $('#stop-featured').submit();"><i class="fa-solid fa-ban"></i></a>
Started {{ featured_since|date }}
<a class="muted" href="#" title="stop" onclick="if (confirm('Stop this target?')) $('#stop-featured').submit();"><i class="fa-solid fa-ban"></i></a>
<form action="{% url 'journal:collection_remove_featured' collection.uuid %}" method="post" id="stop-featured">
{% csrf_token %}
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<input type="submit" class="button float-right" value="保存">
<input type="submit" class="button float-right" value="{% trans "Save" %}">
<div {% if item.class_name != "podcastepisode" %}style="display:none;"{% endif %}>
<div role="group">
@ -11,8 +11,12 @@
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>{{ site_name }} - {{ identity.display_name }} -
{% if liked %}喜欢的{% endif %}
{% if liked %}
{% trans "Liked Collections" %}
{% else %}
{% trans "Collections" %}
{% endif %}
{% include "common_libs.html" %}
@ -21,8 +25,11 @@
<div class="grid__main">
{{ identity.display_name }} -
{% if liked %}喜欢的{% endif %}
{% if liked %}
{% trans "Liked Collections" %}
{% else %}
{% trans "Collections" %}
{% endif %}
{% for collection in collections %}
@ -41,7 +48,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% empty %}
<div class="empty">暂无</div>
<div class="empty">{% trans "nothing so far." %}</div>
{% endfor %}
{% include "_sidebar.html" with show_profile=1 %}
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
{% if tag.visibility > 0 %}
<i class="fa-solid fa-user" title="{% trans "private tag" %}"></i>
{% endif %}
{{ identity.display_name }} - {% trans 'Tags' %}
{% if identity.user == request.user %}
<form style="display:inline"
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ def collection_append_item(request: AuthedHttpRequest, collection_uuid):
if not collection.is_editable_by(request.user):
raise PermissionDenied(_("Insufficient permission"))
url = request.POST.get("url")
url = request.POST.get("url", "")
note = request.POST.get("note")
item = Item.get_by_url(url)
if item:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-05-25 23:36-0400\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-05-26 22:53-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ msgstr "副标题"
msgid "original title"
msgstr "原名"
#: catalog/book/ catalog/book/
#: catalog/book/ catalog/book/
msgid "author"
msgstr "作者"
@ -85,322 +85,329 @@ msgstr "价格"
msgid "imprint"
msgstr "出品方"
#: catalog/book/ catalog/game/
#: catalog/book/ catalog/game/
#: catalog/movie/ catalog/music/
#: catalog/performance/ catalog/performance/
#: catalog/tv/ catalog/tv/
msgid "other title"
msgstr "其它标题"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "未知"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Douban"
msgstr "豆瓣"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
msgid "Goodreads"
msgstr "Goodreads"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
msgid "Google Books"
msgstr "谷歌图书"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "BooksTW"
msgstr "博客來"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/templates/movie.html:51 catalog/templates/tvseason.html:68
#: catalog/templates/tvshow.html:63
msgid "IMDb"
msgstr "IMDb"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "TMDB"
msgstr "TMDB"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
msgid "Bandcamp"
msgstr "Bandcamp"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Spotify"
msgstr "Spotify"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "IGDB"
msgstr "IGDB"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Steam"
msgstr "Steam"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
msgid "Bangumi"
msgstr "Bangumi"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "BGG"
msgstr "BGG"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "RSS"
msgstr "RSS"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Discogs"
msgstr "Discogs"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
msgid "Apple Music"
msgstr "苹果音乐"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
msgid "Fediverse"
msgstr "联邦宇宙"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "WikiData"
msgstr "维基数据"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "ISBN10"
msgstr "ISBN10"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/templates/edition.html:19
#: catalog/common/ catalog/templates/edition.html:19
msgid "ISBN"
msgstr "ISBN"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "ASIN"
msgstr "ASIN"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "ISSN"
msgstr "ISSN"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "CUBN"
msgstr "统一书号"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "ISRC"
msgstr "ISRC"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "GTIN UPC EAN"
msgstr "条形码"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "RSS Feed URL"
msgstr "RSS网址"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "TMDB TV Serie"
msgstr "TMDB电视剧集"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "TMDB TV Season"
msgstr "TMDB电视分季"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "TMDB TV Episode"
msgstr "TMDB电视单集"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "TMDB Movie"
msgstr "TMDB电影"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Goodreads Work"
msgstr "Goodreads著作"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Douban Book"
msgstr "豆瓣图书"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Douban Book Work"
msgstr "豆瓣图书著作"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Douban Movie"
msgstr "豆瓣电影"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Douban Music"
msgstr "豆瓣音乐"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Douban Game"
msgstr "豆瓣游戏"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Douban Drama"
msgstr "豆瓣舞台剧"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Douban Drama Version"
msgstr "豆瓣舞台剧版本"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "BooksTW Book"
msgstr "博客来图书"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Spotify Album"
msgstr "Spotify专辑"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Spotify Podcast"
msgstr "Spotify播客"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "IGDB Game"
msgstr "IGDB游戏"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "BGG Boardgame"
msgstr "BGG桌游"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Steam Game"
msgstr "Steam游戏"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Apple Podcast"
msgstr "苹果播客"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
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#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/ catalog/jobs/
#: common/templates/_header.html:25
#: journal/templates/_sidebar_user_mark_list.html:31
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msgstr "书"
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msgid "TV Serie"
msgstr "电视剧集"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/templates/_sidebar_edit.html:140
#: catalog/common/ catalog/templates/_sidebar_edit.html:140
msgid "TV Season"
msgstr "电视分季"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "TV Episode"
msgstr "电视单集"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/ catalog/templates/_sidebar_edit.html:133
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/ catalog/templates/_sidebar_edit.html:133
#: journal/templates/_sidebar_user_mark_list.html:34
msgid "Movie"
msgstr "电影"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Album"
msgstr "专辑"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/ common/templates/_header.html:41
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/ common/templates/_header.html:41
#: journal/templates/_sidebar_user_mark_list.html:47
msgid "Game"
msgstr "游戏"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Podcast Program"
msgstr "播客节目"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Podcast Episode"
msgstr "播客单集"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/ common/templates/_header.html:45
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/ common/templates/_header.html:45
#: journal/templates/_sidebar_user_mark_list.html:51
msgid "Performance"
msgstr "演出"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Production"
msgstr "上演"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Fanfic"
msgstr "网文"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
msgid "Exhibition"
msgstr "展览"
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#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
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msgid "Collection"
msgstr "收藏单"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
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#: journal/templates/_sidebar_user_mark_list.html:37
msgid "TV"
msgstr "剧集"
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#: catalog/common/ catalog/common/
#: common/templates/_header.html:37
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msgid "Music"
msgstr "音乐"
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#: journal/templates/_sidebar_user_mark_list.html:41
msgid "Podcast"
msgstr "播客"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "FanFic"
msgstr "网文"
#: catalog/common/ journal/models/
#: catalog/common/ journal/models/
msgid "title"
msgstr "标题"
#: catalog/common/ journal/models/
#: catalog/common/ journal/models/
msgid "description"
msgstr "描述"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/
#: catalog/common/ catalog/
msgid "Primary ID Type"
msgstr "主要标识类型"
#: catalog/common/ catalog/
#: catalog/common/ catalog/
msgid "Primary ID Value"
msgstr "主要标识数据"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "metadata"
msgstr "元数据"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "cover"
msgstr "封面"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "source site"
msgstr "来源站点"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "ID on source site"
msgstr "来源站点标识"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "source url"
msgstr "来源站点网址"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "IdType of the source site"
msgstr "来源站点的主要标识类型"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "Primary Id on the source site"
msgstr "来源站点的主要标识数据"
#: catalog/common/
#: catalog/common/
msgid "url to the resource"
msgstr "指向外部资源的网址"
@ -481,6 +488,7 @@ msgid "release date"
msgstr "发布日期"
#: catalog/movie/ catalog/tv/
#: journal/templates/_sidebar_user_mark_list.html:62
msgid "date"
msgstr "日期"
@ -632,6 +640,7 @@ msgstr "所属"
#: catalog/templates/_item_comments_by_episode.html:13
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#: catalog/templates/search_results.html:30
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msgstr "全部"
@ -669,6 +678,7 @@ msgstr "写该集短评"
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#: journal/models/ journal/models/
#: journal/models/ journal/models/
#: journal/templates/_sidebar_user_mark_list.html:26
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msgstr "评论"
@ -1034,9 +1044,10 @@ msgstr "创建"
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msgid "{season_title} E{episode_number}"
msgstr "{season_title} 第{episode_number}集"
#: catalog/ catalog/
#: catalog/ catalog/
msgid "Item not found"
msgstr "条目不存在"
#: catalog/ catalog/
#: catalog/ catalog/
msgid "Item no longer exists"
msgstr "条目已不存在"
@ -1385,7 +1397,7 @@ msgstr "权限不足"
#: catalog/ journal/views/
#: journal/views/ journal/views/
#: journal/views/ journal/views/ journal/views/
#: journal/views/ journal/views/ journal/views/
#: journal/views/ journal/views/ users/
msgid "Invalid parameter"
msgstr "无效参数"
@ -2111,10 +2123,25 @@ msgstr "添加标记"
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msgstr "更新标记"
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#: journal/templates/user_review_list.html:7
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msgstr "评论"
#: journal/templates/_list_item.html:89
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msgstr "修改备注"
#: journal/templates/_sidebar_user_mark_list.html:61
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msgstr "排序"
#: journal/templates/_sidebar_user_mark_list.html:63
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msgstr "评分"
#: journal/templates/action_boost_post.html:10
#: users/templates/users/preferences.html:111
msgid "boost"
@ -2150,6 +2177,54 @@ msgstr "创建新收藏单"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "备注"
#: journal/templates/calendar_data.html:8
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msgstr "一月"
#: journal/templates/calendar_data.html:8
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msgstr "二月"
#: journal/templates/calendar_data.html:8
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msgstr "三月"
#: journal/templates/calendar_data.html:8
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msgstr "四月"
#: journal/templates/calendar_data.html:8
msgid "MAY"
msgstr "五月"
#: journal/templates/calendar_data.html:8
msgid "JUN"
msgstr "六月"
#: journal/templates/calendar_data.html:8
msgid "JUL"
msgstr "七月"
#: journal/templates/calendar_data.html:8
msgid "AUG"
msgstr "八月"
#: journal/templates/calendar_data.html:8
msgid "SEP"
msgstr "九月"
#: journal/templates/calendar_data.html:8
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msgstr "十月"
#: journal/templates/calendar_data.html:8
msgid "NOV"
msgstr "十一月"
#: journal/templates/calendar_data.html:8
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msgstr "十二月"
#: journal/templates/collection.html:40
#: journal/templates/collection_share.html:12
#: journal/templates/collection_share.html:66
@ -2250,12 +2325,6 @@ msgstr "喜欢的收藏单"
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msgstr "添加回应"
#: journal/templates/review.html:14 journal/templates/review.html:22
#: journal/templates/review.html:52 journal/templates/review_edit.html:10
#: journal/templates/user_review_list.html:7
msgid "Review"
msgstr "评论"
#: journal/templates/review.html:62
msgid "The author has set it to be viewable only by logged-in users."
msgstr "作者已设置仅限已登录用户查看"
@ -2293,6 +2362,16 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Delete this tag"
msgstr "删除这个标签"
#: journal/templates/user_collection_list.html:14
#: journal/templates/user_collection_list.html:24
msgid "Liked Collections"
msgstr "喜欢的收藏单"
#: journal/templates/user_collection_list.html:14
#: journal/templates/user_collection_list.html:24
msgid "Collections"
msgstr "收藏单"
#: journal/templates/user_tag_list.html:12
#: journal/templates/user_tagmember_list.html:4
#: journal/templates/user_tagmember_list.html:14
@ -2386,7 +2465,7 @@ msgstr "找不到条目,请使用本站条目网址。"
msgid "Login required"
msgstr "登录后访问"
#: journal/views/ journal/views/
#: journal/views/ journal/views/
msgid "Data saved but unable to repost to Fediverse instance."
msgstr "数据已保存但未能转发到联邦实例。"
@ -2398,11 +2477,11 @@ msgstr "正在重定向到你的联邦实例以重新认证。"
msgid "List not found."
msgstr "列表未找到"
#: journal/views/
#: journal/views/
msgid "Content too long for your Fediverse instance."
msgstr "内容过长,超出了你的联邦实例的限制。"
#: journal/views/ journal/views/
#: journal/views/ journal/views/
msgid "Content not found"
msgstr "内容未找到"
@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ reportUnusedImport = false
reportUnknownVariableType = false
reportConstantRedefinition = false
reportUnusedCallResult = false
reportUnknownMemberType = false
reportUnknownArgumentType = false
reportAny = false
reportImplicitOverride = false
reportUninitializedInstanceVariable = false
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class Snowflake:
if t > cls.EPOCH:
now: int = int((t - cls.EPOCH) * 1000)
now: int = int(t) if t > 0 else 0
now = int(t) if t > 0 else 0
# Generate random data
rand_seq: int = secrets.randbits(19)
# Compose them together
@ -2,3 +2,5 @@ from .apidentity import APIdentity
from .preference import Preference
from .task import Task
from .user import User
__all__ = ["APIdentity", "Preference", "Task", "User"]
@ -177,7 +177,6 @@
{% if request.user.mastodon_last_refresh %}
{% trans "Last updated" %} {{ request.user.mastodon_last_refresh }}
{% endif %}
@ -185,11 +184,9 @@
<summary>{% trans 'Delete Account' %}</summary>
<form action="{% url 'users:clear_data' %}"
onsubmit="return confirm('{% trans "Once deleted, account data cannot be recovered. Sure to proceed?" %}');">
{% csrf_token %}
{% blocktrans %}Enter full <code></code> or <code></code> to confirm deletion.{% endblocktrans %}
Add table
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