Henri Dickson 14b003a44a add all NeoDB features to NiceDB (#115)
* fix scraping failure with wepb image (merge upstream/fix-webp-scrape)

* add filetype to requirements

* add as fallback for douban scraper

* load 3p js/css from cdn

* add fix-cover task

* fix book/album cover tasks

* scrapestack

* bandcamp scrape and preview ; scrape <url> ;
make ^C work when DEBUG

* use scrapestack when fix cover

* add user agent to improve compatibility

* search BandCamp for music albums

* add missing MovieGenre

* fix search 500 when song has no parent album

* adjust timeout

* individual scrapers

* fix tmdb parser

* export marks via rq; pref to send public toot; move import to data page

* fix spotify import

* fix edge cases

* export: fix dupe tags

* use rq to manage doufen import

* add django command to manage rq jobs

* fix export edge case

* tune rq admin

* fix detail page 502 step 1: async pull mastodon follow/block/mute list

* fix detail page 502 step 2: calculate relationship by local cached data

* manual sync mastodon follow info

* domain_blocks parsing fix

* marks by who i follows

* adjust label

* use username in urls

* add page to list a user\'s review

* review widget on user home page

* fix preview 500

* fix typo

* minor fix

* fix google books parsing

* allow mark/review visible to oneself

* fix auto sync masto for new user

* fix search 500

* add command to restart a sync task

* reset visibility

* delete user data

* fix tag search result pagination

* not upgrade to django 4 yet

* basic doc

* wip: collection

* wip

* wip

* collection use htmx

* show in-collection section for entities

* fix typo

* add su for easier debug

* fix some 500s

* fix login using alternative domain

* hide data from disabled user

* add item to list from detail page

* my tags

* collection: inline comment edit

* show number of ratings

* fix collection delete

* more detail in collection view

* use item template in search result

* fix 500

* write index to meilisearch

* fix search

* reindex in batch

* fix 500

* show search result from meilisearch

* more search commands

* index less fields

* index new items only

* search highlights

* fix 500

* auto set search category

* classic search if no meili server

* fix index stats error

* support typesense backend

* workaround typesense bug

* make external search async

* fix 500, typo

* fix cover scripts

* fix minor issue in douban parser

* supports and customized bandcamp domain

* move account

* reword with gender-friendly and instance-neutral language

* Friendica does not have vapid_key in api response

* enable anonymous search

* tweak book result template

* API v0

API v0

* fix meilisearch reindex

* fix search by url error

* login via

* login via pixelfed

* minor fix

* no refresh on inactive users

* support refresh access token

* get rid of /users/number-id/

* refresh twitter handler automatically

* paste image when review

* support PixelFed (very long token)

* fix django-markdownx version

* ignore single quote for meilisearch for now

* update logo

* show book review/mark from same isbn

* show movie review/mark from same imdb

* fix login with older mastodon servers

* import Goodreads book list and profile

* add timestamp to Goodreads import

* support new google books api

* import goodreads list

* minor goodreads fix

* click corner action icon to add to wishlist

* clean up duplicated code

* fix anonymous search

* fix 500

* minor fix search 500

* show rating only if votes > 5

* Entity.refresh_rating()

* preference to append text when sharing; clean up duplicated code

* fix missing data for user tagged view

* fix page link for tag view

* fix 500 when language field longer than 10

* fix 500 when sharing mark for song

* fix error when reimport goodread profile

* fix minor typo

* fix a rare 500

* error log dump less

* fix tags in marks export

* fix missing param in pagination

* import douban review

* clarify text

* fix missing sheet in review import

* review: show in progress

* scrape douban: ignore unknown genre

* minor fix

* improve review import by guess entity urls

* clear guide text for review import

* improve review import form text

* workaround some 500

* fix mark import error

* fix img in review import

* load external results earlier

* ignore search server errors

* simplify user register flow to avoid inconsistent state

* Add a learn more link on login page

* Update login.html

* show mark created timestamp as mark time

* no 500 for api error

* redirect for expired tokens

* ensure preference object created.

* mark collections

* tag list

* fix tag display

* fix sorting etc

* fix 500

* fix potential export 500; save shared links

* fix share to twittwe

* fix review url

* fix 500

* fix 500

* add timeline, etc

* missing status change in timeline

* missing id in timeline

* timeline view by default

* workaround bug in markdownx...

* fix typo

* option to create new collection when add from detail page

* add missing announcement and tags in timeline home

* add missing announcement

* add missing announcement

* opensearch

* show fediverse shared link

* public review no longer requires login

* fix markdownx bug

* fix 500

* use cloudflare cdn

* validate jquery load and domain input

* fix 500

* tips for goodreads import

* collaborative collection

* show timeline and profile link on nav bar

* minor tweak

* share collection

* fix Goodreads search

* show wish mark in timeline

* resync failed urls with local proxy

* resync failed urls with local proxy: check proxy first

* scraper minor fix

* resync failed urls

* fix fields limit

* fix douban parsing error

* resync

* scraper minor fix

* scraper minor fix

* scraper minor fix

* local proxy

* local proxy

* sync default config from neodb

* configurable site name

* fix 500

* fix 500 for anonymous user

* add sentry

* add git version in log

* add git version in log

* no longer rely on

* move jq/cash to _common_libs template partial

* fix rare js error

* fix 500

* avoid double submission error

* import tag in lower case

* catch some js network errors

* catch some js network errors

* support more goodread urls

* fix unaired tv in tmdb

* support more google book urls

* fix related series

* more goodreads urls

* robust googlebooks search

* robust search

* Update

* Update

* Update requirements.txt

* make nicedb work

* doc update

* simplify permission check

* update doc

* update doc for bug report link

* skip spotify tracks

* fix 500

* improve search api

* blind fix import compatibility

* show years for movie in timeline

* show years for movie in timeline; thinner font

* export reviews

* revert user home to use jquery


* use IGDB for Steam

* use TMDB for IMDb

* steam: igdb then fallback to steam

* keep change history

* keep change history: add django settings

* Steam: keep localized title/brief while merging IGDB

* basic Docker support

* rescrape

* Create codeql-analysis.yml

* Create

* Create pysa.yml

Co-authored-by: doubaniux <>
Co-authored-by: Your Name <>
Co-authored-by: Their Name <>
Co-authored-by: Mt. Front <>
2022-11-09 19:56:50 +01:00

193 lines
49 KiB

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-3.039998,1.333333 -0.16,1.333332 -0.16,2.719998 -0.16,4.053331 v 4.53333 c 0,1.013333 0.106667,1.973332 0.106667,2.933332 0,1.386666 0.16,2.719998 0.16,4.053331 0,0.799999 0.16,1.546666 0.16,2.346665 0,1.333333 0.05333,2.826665 0.266666,4.159998 0.106667,0.533333 0.213333,1.279999 0.213333,1.866665 0,2.399999 -0.266666,4.053331 2.826665,4.053331 0.8,0 3.093332,-0.426666 3.093332,-1.439999 0,-0.48 -0.16,-0.959999 -0.16,-1.493333 0,-2.666665 -0.213333,-5.759996 -0.64,-8.426661 -0.159999,-1.119999 -0.426666,-2.559999 -0.426666,-3.679998 0,-2.559998 -0.693333,-4.746664 -0.693333,-7.413329 1.279999,2.933332 9.599998,20.853321 11.786658,20.853321 0.8,0 3.52,-0.799999 3.52,-1.759999 z M 90.246847,53.573625 c 0.266666,0.106666 0.266666,1.333332 0.266666,1.546666 0,1.119999 -0.16,2.239998 -0.16,3.359998 -0.16,-1.493333 -0.16,-2.986665 -0.16,-4.479998 0,-0.16 0,-0.266666 0.05333,-0.426666 z m 0.266666,18.453322 0.05333,-0.106666 c 0,-0.373334 -0.106666,-0.746667 -0.106666,-1.12 v -0.48 c 0.05333,0.266667 0.106666,0.906667 0.32,1.12 0,-0.64 -0.16,-1.226666 -0.16,-1.866666 0,-0.213333 0,-0.639999 0.213333,-0.799999 0,1.119999 0.05333,2.293332 0.05333,3.413331 l -0.16,-0.16 v 0.106667 h -0.213333 z m -0.266666,-7.199996 c -0.05333,-0.266666 -0.05333,-0.479999 -0.05333,-0.746666 v -0.693333 c 0.213334,-0.266666 0.16,-2.453332 0.16,-2.719998 0.106667,0.426666 0.16,1.813332 0.16,2.346665 0,0.266667 0,1.653333 -0.266666,1.813332 z m -1.28,-15.83999 c 0.106667,-0.64 0.05333,-1.333333 0.05333,-1.973332 0.213333,1.706665 0,3.413331 0.426666,5.066663 l -0.106666,0.05333 -0.213334,-1.066666 c 0,0.533333 0.05333,1.119999 0.05333,1.653332 l -0.05333,-0.05333 v -0.533333 c -0.05333,-0.106667 -0.16,-0.32 -0.16,-0.426667 0,-0.32 0.05333,-0.639999 0.05333,-0.959999 l 0.106666,0.32 c -0.05333,-0.693333 0,-1.386666 -0.16,-2.079999 z m 0.266667,12.373326 c 0.05333,-0.373333 -0.05333,-2.239999 -0.16,-2.559999 0.16,-0.266666 0.16,-1.493332 0.16,-1.813332 0.106667,0.213333 0.106667,1.813332 0.106667,2.133332 0,0.426667 0,1.866666 -0.106667,2.239999 z m 14.613326,-0.373333 c -0.0533,0 -0.10667,-0.693333 -0.10667,-0.746667 -0.0533,0.106667 -0.0533,0.266667 -0.0533,0.373334 0,0.106666 0.0533,0.213333 0.0533,0.319999 l -0.0533,0.05333 h 0.0533 c 0,0.32 0.0533,0.639999 -0.0533,0.959999 0,-0.533333 -0.0533,-1.066666 -0.0533,-1.599999 v -0.64 0.266667 c 0.0533,-0.213333 0.0533,-0.426666 0.0533,-0.64 0.16,0.05333 0.16,1.173333 0.16,1.386666 z m -0.10667,-3.466665 c 0,0.213333 -0.0533,0.373333 0,0.586666 v -0.319999 c 0.0533,0.16 0.10667,0.373333 0.10667,0.586666 0,0.213333 -0.0533,0.48 -0.16,0.693333 0,-0.213333 0,-0.426667 -0.0533,-0.64 v 0.266667 -1.973332 c 0,0.05333 0.10666,0.213333 0.10666,0.266666 z m -13.546657,1.493333 c -0.106666,-0.373334 -0.16,-0.853333 -0.106666,-1.226666 l -0.05333,0.16 c 0.106667,-0.586667 -0.05333,-1.12 -0.05333,-1.706666 0,-0.213333 0,-0.426667 0.106667,-0.64 0.05333,1.12 0.05333,2.293332 0.106666,3.413332 z m 0.16,12.586659 c -0.05333,0.16 -0.05333,0.32 -0.05333,0.479999 l -0.16,-0.05333 c 0,-0.266666 -0.05333,-1.119999 0.16,-1.333332 0,0.159999 -0.05333,0.426666 0.05333,0.533333 0.05333,0.266666 0.106667,0.586666 0.106667,0.853332 v 0.05333 L 90.353513,72.08028 Z M 89.926847,57.733622 c 0,0.16 0,0.266667 0.05333,0.426667 -0.16,0.799999 -0.05333,1.759999 -0.05333,2.506665 -0.106667,-0.48 -0.106667,-0.96 -0.106667,-1.493333 0,-0.479999 0,-0.959999 0.106667,-1.439999 z m 0.05333,4.053331 c 0,-0.426666 0.106667,-0.799999 0,-1.279999 l 0.16,0.16 v 0.959999 c 0,0.373333 0,0.8 -0.05333,1.173333 -0.05333,-0.32 -0.106667,-0.693333 -0.106667,-1.013333 z m 0.586666,-11.093326 c 0,0.266666 -0.05333,0.479999 -0.106666,0.746666 -0.05333,-0.05333 -0.05333,-0.16 -0.05333,-0.266667 V 50.58696 c 0,-0.266667 0,-0.48 0.05333,-0.746666 0.05333,0.213333 0.05333,0.479999 0.05333,0.693333 h 0.05333 z m -0.05333,17.173323 c 0,0.213333 0,0.426666 -0.05333,0.639999 -0.05333,-0.213333 -0.05333,-0.479999 -0.05333,-0.693333 V 67.22695 c 0,-0.106667 0,-0.213333 0.05333,-0.32 0.05333,0.32 0.106666,0.64 0.106666,0.96 z m 13.706657,-3.679998 0.16,0.32 c 0,0.213333 -0.10667,0.373333 -0.21333,0.533333 0,-0.106667 -0.0533,-0.266667 -0.0533,-0.373333 0,-0.16 0,-0.266667 0.0533,-0.426667 z m -0.32,-0.16 c 0,-0.106667 -0.0533,-0.266667 -0.0533,-0.373333 l 0.0533,-0.106667 -0.0533,0.05333 c 0,-0.106666 -0.0533,-0.159999 -0.0533,-0.266666 v -0.64 l 0.10666,-0.05333 c 0,0.48 0,0.906666 0,1.386666 z M 89.180181,54.213624 c -0.05333,-0.16 -0.106667,-0.319999 -0.106667,-0.533333 0,-0.266666 0.05333,-0.586666 0.05333,-0.906666 0.05333,0.16 0.05333,0.373333 0.05333,0.533333 z M 102.78017,51.22696 c -0.0533,0.373333 0.21334,0.853332 0.21334,1.226665 v 0.05333 c -0.16,-0.373333 -0.21334,-0.8 -0.37334,-1.226666 z m -11.359991,8.799994 c -0.05333,-0.32 -0.05333,-0.639999 -0.05333,-0.959999 v -0.373333 c 0.05333,0.213333 0.106667,0.586666 0.106667,0.799999 0,0.16 -0.05333,0.373333 -0.05333,0.533333 z m -2.239998,-4.319997 -0.106667,0.266666 v -0.266666 c 0,-0.213333 0,-0.373333 0.05333,-0.533333 0.05333,0.106666 0.05333,0.213333 0.05333,0.32 l 0.106666,-0.106667 v 0.426666 l -0.05333,-0.05333 -0.05333,0.213333 z m 0.213333,-1.226666 c 0,-0.05333 -0.106667,-0.586666 0,-0.48 -0.05333,-0.266666 0,-0.693333 -0.106667,-0.906666 l 0.106667,0.05333 c 0,0.32 0.05333,0.586667 0.05333,0.906666 0,0.16 0,0.32 -0.05333,0.426667 z m 0.906666,-6.399996 c 0,0.32 0,0.639999 0,0.959999 l -0.106667,-0.48 c 0,-0.106666 0.05333,-0.319999 0.106667,-0.479999 z m 12.74666,5.599996 c 0,0.213334 -0.0533,0.373333 -0.0533,0.586667 -0.0533,-0.213334 -0.0533,-0.48 -0.0533,-0.693333 v -0.32 c 0.0533,0.106667 0.10667,0.266666 0.10667,0.426666 z m 1.06667,8.693329 0.0533,-0.05333 v -0.26667 l 0.10666,0.32 c -0.0533,0.106666 -0.0533,0.266666 -0.0533,0.373333 l -0.10666,-0.213334 v 0.32 c 0,-0.05333 -0.0533,-0.16 -0.0533,-0.213333 0,-0.16 0,-0.373333 0.0533,-0.533333 z m -13.81333,6.613329 c 0,0.266666 -0.05333,0.906666 0.05333,1.226666 l -0.05333,0.106666 c -0.106667,-0.106666 -0.05333,-1.226665 0,-1.333332 z m 0.32,-2.399999 c -0.106667,0 -0.16,0.106667 -0.16,0.213334 0.05333,-0.266667 -0.05333,-0.586667 0,-0.746667 l 0.106666,0.05333 v 0.213333 h 0.05333 z m 12.53333,-8.746661 c 0.0533,0.266666 0.0533,0.586666 0,0.853333 -0.0533,-0.32 -0.0533,-0.533333 0,-0.853333 z m -0.53334,-7.253329 c 0.0533,-0.213333 0.0533,-0.426667 0.0533,-0.64 l 0.0533,0.05333 v 0.693333 z m -13.386656,6.346663 c 0,-0.16 0,-0.373333 -0.106667,-0.533333 l 0.106667,-0.266667 c 0,0.16 0,0.373333 0,0.533333 z m 1.333332,-4.853331 c -0.05333,-0.16 -0.106666,-0.319999 -0.106666,-0.479999 0,0.106666 0.05333,0.16 0.16,0.16 0,0.106666 -0.05333,0.159999 -0.05333,0.319999 0,0 0.05333,-0.05333 0.05333,-0.05333 v 0.05333 z m -0.319999,-4.479997 c -0.106667,-0.32 -0.106667,-0.693333 -0.106667,-1.066666 z m 0.16,11.839993 c 0.159999,0.05333 0.05333,0.373333 0,0.48 z m 0.213333,-6.45333 c 0,0.106667 -0.05333,0.266667 -0.05333,0.373334 v -0.48 z m -0.213333,5.493331 c 0,0.05333 0.159999,0.426666 0,0.426666 z m 0.159999,6.666662 c 0.05333,0.05333 0.05333,0.16 0.05333,0.266667 l -0.05333,0.05333 z m 13.866654,-2.773331 0.0533,0.05333 c 0,0.213333 0,0.426666 -0.0533,0.639999 z M 90.353513,53.200292 c 0,0.106666 0,0.16 -0.05333,0.266666 0,-0.106666 -0.05333,-0.266666 -0.05333,-0.373333 z m 0.16,2.879998 v -0.586666 c 0.05333,0.213333 0.05333,0.373333 0.05333,0.586666 z M 104.9135,70.160282 c 0,0.05333 0.0533,0.106666 0.10667,0.159999 l -0.10667,0.05333 h -0.0533 l -0.0533,-0.05333 z m -0.69333,-9.066662 c 0,0.16 0.10667,0.32 -0.0533,0.48 0,-0.16 0,-0.32 0.0533,-0.48 z m -13.973323,4.159998 c 0,-0.106667 0,-0.213333 0.05333,-0.32 l 0.05333,0.16 c 0,0.106667 -0.05333,0.16 -0.106666,0.16 z m 0.319999,-2.933332 c 0,0.16 0,0.373333 -0.05333,0.533333 v -0.533333 z m 0,-10.18666 v 0.106666 l 0.05333,0.106667 -0.05333,0.05333 v -0.16 l -0.106666,0.05333 v -0.05333 z m 14.079994,11.466659 c 0,-0.106666 0,-0.159999 0.0533,-0.266666 v 0.32 z m -2.13333,-11.893326 c 0,-0.106666 0,-0.16 0.0533,-0.266666 0,0.106666 0,0.16 0.0533,0.266666 z M 90.46018,69.840282 c 0,-0.106667 0,-0.213333 0.05333,-0.32 v 0.213333 z m 0.32,-1.333333 c 0,0.05333 0.05333,0.106667 0.05333,0.106667 0,0.05333 -0.05333,0.106666 -0.05333,0.106666 l -0.05333,-0.05333 c 0,-0.05333 0,-0.106666 0.05333,-0.16 z m -1.386666,-3.466664 c -0.05333,-0.106667 -0.05333,-0.266667 -0.05333,-0.373333 0.05333,0.106666 0.05333,0.266666 0.05333,0.373333 z m 14.933326,0.586666 0.0533,-0.106667 v 0.266667 z m -0.21333,-5.119997 c -0.0533,-0.16 -0.0533,-0.266667 0,-0.373333 z m 0,4.746664 h 0.0533 v 0.16 l -0.0533,-0.05333 z m -13.386664,6.293329 c 0,0.05333 0,0.16 0.05333,0.213334 0,-0.05333 0,-0.16 -0.05333,-0.213334 z m -0.213333,-14.773324 0.05333,0.106666 c 0,0.05333 0,0.05333 -0.05333,0.106667 z m -1.333332,-2.186665 c -0.05333,-0.05333 -0.05333,-0.16 0,-0.266667 z m 15.199989,11.946659 c -0.0533,-0.05333 -0.0533,-0.16 -0.0533,-0.213333 0.0533,0.05333 0.0533,0.16 0.0533,0.213333 z m 0.0533,-2.613332 c 0,0 -0.0533,-0.05333 -0.0533,-0.05333 0,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.05333 z m -0.21333,-3.199998 -0.0533,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.106667 z m 0.16,5.33333 c -0.0533,-0.05333 -0.0533,-0.16 0,-0.213333 z m -1.44,-13.173325 c -0.0533,-0.05333 -0.0533,-0.106667 -0.0533,-0.16 0.0533,0.05333 0.0533,0.106667 0.0533,0.16 z m -13.599989,0 c 0.05333,0.05333 0.05333,0.106666 0.05333,0.16 -0.05333,-0.05333 -0.05333,-0.106667 -0.05333,-0.16 z m 14.773329,8.373328 -0.0533,-0.106666 c 0,0 0.0533,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.05333 z m -13.599997,7.679996 v -0.106667 h 0.05333 z m -1.119999,-4.906664 v -0.106667 z m 1.173332,1.973332 v 0.106667 z m 13.119994,-8.533328 c 0,0 -0.0533,-0.05333 -0.0533,-0.05333 v 0.16 z m -14.613326,-0.16 v -0.05333 h 0.05333 v 0.05333 z m 1.493332,-0.693333 c 0,0 -0.05333,-0.05333 -0.05333,-0.05333 0,0 0.05333,-0.05333 0.05333,-0.05333 z m 13.599994,7.413329 v -0.05333 c 0.0533,0.05333 0.0533,0.05333 0.0533,0.106666 z M 89.446847,63.653619 h -0.05333 v -0.05333 z m 15.253323,-0.533333 h -0.0533 l 0.0533,-0.05333 z m -13.91999,4.959997 0.05333,0.05333 h -0.05333 z m 13.38666,-7.146663 0.0533,-0.05333 v 0.05333 z M 91.366846,71.653614 h 0.05333 l -0.05333,0.05333 z M 104.06017,61.57362 v -0.05333 h 0.0533 z m 0.0533,-1.546666 c 0,-0.05333 0,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.106666 z m -14.719996,-5.33333 0.05333,0.05333 h -0.05333 z m 15.626656,15.626657 v -0.05333 l 0.0533,0.05333 z m -2.02666,-15.306657 c 0,-0.05333 0,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.106667 0,0.05333 0,0.05333 -0.0533,0.106667 z m -12.479997,6.826663 0.05333,-0.05333 v 0.05333 z M 103.63351,60.93362 c 0,0 0.0533,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.05333 0,0 -0.0533,-0.05333 -0.0533,-0.05333 z m 1.33333,8.906662 c 0,-0.05333 0,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.106667 0,0.05333 0,0.05333 -0.0533,0.106667 z"
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id="path920" />
d="m 126.07266,60.666954 c 0,-0.266667 -0.16,-0.586666 -0.48,-0.586666 -0.58667,0 -0.64,0.693332 -0.69333,1.119999 -0.42667,2.506665 -2.77334,7.306662 -5.70667,7.306662 -1.76,0 -1.97333,-0.479999 -3.14666,-1.706665 -0.32,-0.96 -0.96,-1.919999 -0.96,-2.986665 v -0.106667 c 0.37333,-0.106667 0.69333,-0.373333 1.01333,-0.586666 1.97333,-1.12 3.94667,-2.613332 3.94667,-5.119997 0,-1.706666 -1.44,-3.413331 -3.2,-3.413331 -4.16,0 -5.6,2.773331 -6.29333,6.293329 -0.10667,0.533333 -0.32,1.173333 -0.32,1.706666 0,1.706665 0.53333,3.253331 1.01333,4.85333 0.16,0.64 2.08,2.506665 2.66667,2.879998 0.8,0.533333 2.02666,0.8 2.98666,0.8 0.64,0 2.82667,-0.266667 3.30667,-0.746666 3.30666,-1.066666 5.86666,-6.45333 5.86666,-9.706661 z m -9.28,-4.213331 c 0.74667,0 1.33334,0.746666 1.33334,1.439999 0,1.973332 -1.65334,3.306665 -3.25333,4.159998 -0.0533,-0.213333 -0.10667,-0.96 -0.10667,-1.173333 v -0.64 c 0,-1.226665 0.42667,-3.786664 2.02666,-3.786664 z m -3.67999,4.266664 c 0,-0.16 0,-0.32 -0.0533,-0.48 v 0.48 l 0.0533,0.05333 v 0.266667 c -0.0533,-0.106667 -0.0533,-0.213333 -0.0533,-0.32 v 0.586667 l 0.0533,-0.106667 c 0.10666,0.213333 0.16,0.426666 0.16,0.64 0,0.159999 -0.0533,0.319999 -0.0533,0.426666 -0.0533,-0.106667 -0.0533,-0.266667 -0.0533,-0.373333 0,-0.106667 0.0533,-0.426667 -0.10667,-0.48 -0.0533,0.16 -0.0533,0.32 -0.0533,0.48 -0.10667,-0.586666 -0.16,-1.279999 -0.21333,-1.973332 -0.0533,0.426666 -0.0533,0.959999 -0.10667,1.013332 0,-0.16 -0.0533,-0.319999 -0.10667,-0.479999 l 0.0533,-0.106667 c -0.0533,0 -0.10667,-0.05333 -0.10667,-0.16 v -0.05333 h 0.16 v -0.213333 c 0,-0.106667 0,-0.266667 -0.0533,-0.373333 l -0.0533,0.213333 v -0.266667 l -0.0533,-0.106666 v -0.05333 l 0.16,-0.05333 c 0,-0.106667 0,-0.213333 -0.0533,-0.32 l 0.0533,-0.106666 c 0,0 0.0533,0.106666 0.0533,0.213333 0,-0.32 0.0533,-0.64 0.32,-0.906666 v 0.479999 l 0.0533,-0.05333 v 0.213333 l -0.0533,-0.05333 v 0.16 l 0.0533,-0.05333 c 0.0533,0.213333 0.10666,0.426666 0.10666,0.639999 0,0.32 0,0.906666 -0.10666,1.226666 z m 1.54666,7.626662 c -0.0533,0.16 -0.0533,0.32 -0.10666,0.48 l -0.16,-0.16 c 0,-0.373333 0.0533,-0.853333 0.16,-1.173333 0.0533,0.213334 0.10666,0.586667 0.10666,0.8 L 114.766,68.02695 v -0.213334 c 0.16,0.16 0.32,0.32 0.42667,0.48 -0.0533,0.16 -0.0533,0.373333 -0.21334,0.533333 0,0.106667 0.0533,0.213333 0.0533,0.266667 l -0.10667,-0.05333 v -0.479999 c -0.0533,0.159999 -0.0533,0.319999 -0.0533,0.479999 l -0.10666,-0.10667 c 0.0533,-0.106667 0.0533,-0.16 0.0533,-0.266667 l -0.0533,-0.05333 -0.0533,0.16 c 0,-0.16 0,-0.32 -0.0533,-0.426667 z m -1.76,-1.439999 c -0.0533,-0.32 -0.0533,-0.693333 -0.0533,-1.013333 v -1.866665 l -0.0533,0.106666 v -0.106666 l -0.0533,-0.106667 h 0.10667 v -0.639999 l 0.0533,-0.106667 c 0,0.64 0.0533,1.226666 0.0533,1.866666 v 1.013332 c 0,0.266667 0,0.586667 -0.0533,0.853333 z m 1.17334,1.066666 c 0,-0.106666 0,-0.16 0.0533,-0.266666 v -0.48 l -0.0533,0.05333 c 0,-0.266666 0.0533,-0.479999 0.0533,-0.746666 0.0533,0.05333 0.16,0.32 0.16,0.373333 v 0.64 c 0,0.213333 -0.0533,0.48 -0.10667,0.693333 z M 113.006,59.546955 c 0.0533,-0.16 0,-0.32 -0.10667,-0.48 v 0.213333 c 0,0.32 0,0.64 0.0533,0.959999 0.0533,-0.106666 0.10666,-0.159999 0.10666,-0.266666 l 0.0533,0.16 c 0,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.16 0.0533,-0.213333 0,-0.16 -0.10667,-0.373333 -0.10667,-0.533333 z m -0.32,3.519997 c -0.0533,-0.159999 -0.10667,-1.013332 0,-1.173332 z m 0.90667,-5.49333 c 0,0.16 0,0.32 -0.0533,0.426667 l -0.0533,0.05333 v -0.373333 z m -1.49334,6.346663 c 0.0533,0.32 0.0533,0.586667 0.0533,0.906666 l -0.0533,-0.106666 z m 0.69334,-3.999997 c 0,-0.16 0,-0.32 0,-0.426667 0,-0.05333 0,-0.266666 -0.0533,-0.426666 0,0.266666 0,0.533333 0.0533,0.853333 z M 112.206,61.41362 c -0.0533,-0.16 -0.0533,-0.32 -0.0533,-0.48 l 0.0533,-0.106666 z m 0.32,-0.64 c 0.0533,0.106667 0.0533,0.266667 0,0.373334 l -0.0533,-0.213334 z m 0.10667,1.12 c 0,-0.106667 0,-0.266667 0.0533,-0.373333 v 0.32 z m -0.74667,0.426666 c 0,0.106667 0.0533,0.213333 0,0.32 z m 2.08,4.586664 -0.0533,-0.106666 0.0533,-0.05333 z m 0,0.373333 -0.0533,-0.106666 0.0533,-0.05333 z"
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id="path922" />
d="m 134.04765,67.86695 c 1.17334,-0.64 1.92,-1.866666 2.4,-3.093332 1.38667,-0.533333 4.69333,-2.399998 4.69333,-4.106664 0,-0.213333 -0.21333,-0.426667 -0.42666,-0.426667 -0.32,0 -0.58667,0.16 -0.74667,0.426667 -0.8,1.226666 -1.92,2.239999 -3.30667,2.773332 0,-2.079999 -0.63999,-4.159998 -2.13333,-5.65333 -0.48,-0.48 -2.50666,-1.706666 -3.2,-1.706666 -0.26666,0 -0.58666,0 -0.85333,0 -0.96,0 -1.97333,0.05333 -2.77333,0.586666 -0.42667,0.266667 -0.53333,0.586667 -0.85333,0.906666 -1.44,1.599999 -2.18667,2.133332 -2.18667,4.533331 0,3.946664 3.09333,6.45333 6.82666,6.45333 0.32,0 2.24,-0.533333 2.56,-0.693333 z m -4.95999,-9.386661 c 0,-0.373334 0.26666,-1.44 0.8,-1.44 2.29333,0 2.93333,4.906664 3.14666,6.506663 -1.97333,-0.746666 -2.88,-1.706665 -3.52,-3.733331 -0.10666,-0.426666 -0.42666,-0.906666 -0.42666,-1.333332 z m 2.55999,8.159995 c -1.65333,0 -1.91999,-2.826665 -2.34666,-3.946665 1.22667,1.546666 1.86666,1.706666 3.68,2.293332 -0.21334,0.746667 -0.32,1.653333 -1.33334,1.653333 z m 2.98667,-2.986665 c 0,-0.426667 -0.10667,-0.8 -0.10667,-1.226666 v -0.106667 c 0.10667,-0.106666 0.0533,-0.799999 0,-0.906666 h -0.0533 v 0.05333 l -0.0533,0.05333 c 0.0533,-0.16 0.10666,-0.373333 0.16,-0.533333 h 0.10666 c 0.0533,0.373333 0.10667,0.746666 0.10667,1.066666 0,0.213333 -0.0533,0.426666 -0.10667,0.586666 0,0.373333 0.10667,0.693333 -0.0533,1.013333 z m -7.2,0.106666 c 0.21334,0.213334 0.16,0.64 0.16,0.906667 v 0.853332 c -0.10666,-0.373333 -0.16,-0.799999 -0.16,-1.226666 0.10667,-0.106666 -0.0533,-0.319999 -0.0533,-0.426666 0,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.106667 0.0533,-0.106667 z m 7.25333,1.066666 c 0,-0.213333 0.0533,-1.333332 0.10667,-1.439999 0,0.05333 0.0533,0.106667 0.0533,0.16 0,-0.05333 0,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.106666 v 0.213333 c 0,0.373333 -0.0533,0.693333 -0.10667,1.013333 z m 0.26667,-0.693333 c 0,-0.266666 0.0533,-0.533333 -0.0533,-0.799999 0.10666,-0.426666 0.0533,-0.959999 0.0533,-1.386666 0.0533,0.213333 0.10667,0.426667 0.10667,0.64 0,0.373333 0,1.386666 -0.10667,1.546665 z m -0.16,-0.799999 v -0.05333 l 0.0533,0.05333 z m -0.21333,-2.079999 0.0533,0.05333 v -0.05333 z m 0.0533,1.439999 v -0.106666 z m -7.14666,-0.639999 v -0.106667 z"
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id="path924" />
d="m 155.71431,60.400287 c 0,-1.653332 -0.21334,-5.386663 -0.8,-6.879996 -0.16,-0.373333 0,-0.853332 -0.16,-1.226665 -0.26667,-0.8 -0.42667,-1.599999 -0.74667,-2.399999 -1.17333,-2.986665 -3.46666,-8.159995 -7.30666,-8.159995 -1.44,0 -3.30666,0.746666 -4,2.133332 -0.26666,-0.266667 -0.69333,-0.533333 -1.06666,-0.533333 -1.97334,0 -1.86667,0.906666 -1.86667,2.346665 0,0.426667 -0.10667,0.853333 -0.10667,1.279999 v 11.679993 c 0,0.853333 0.16,1.706666 0.21334,2.559999 0.16,2.613332 0.26666,5.119997 0.58666,7.733329 -0.26666,0.16 -0.48,0.426666 -0.48,0.746666 0,0.48 0.37334,0.533333 0.69334,0.799999 0.42666,1.333333 -0.16,1.653333 1.33333,2.239999 0.37333,0.16 0.8,0.32 1.22667,0.32 1.43999,0 2.61333,-0.32 2.61333,-2.026666 6.34666,-0.799999 9.86666,-4.21333 9.86666,-10.613327 z m -9.81333,9.013328 c 0,-2.079998 0.0533,-4.21333 -0.0533,-6.293329 -0.0533,-0.586667 -0.16,-1.12 -0.16,-1.706666 0,-2.933331 -0.64,-5.919996 -0.64,-8.853328 0,-1.546666 -0.21334,-3.093331 -0.21334,-4.639997 0,-1.226666 -0.0533,-4.853331 1.70667,-4.853331 0.64,0 1.12,0.64 1.44,1.173333 2.24,3.679998 3.25333,10.399994 3.30666,14.613325 0,0.426666 0.16,0.906666 0.16,1.333332 0,3.039998 -0.53333,6.45333 -3.14666,8.266662 -0.53333,0.373333 -0.53333,0.586666 -1.17333,0.746666 -0.42667,0.106667 -0.85334,0.05333 -1.22667,0.213333 z m -4.42666,-6.879996 c 0,-1.333332 -0.21334,-2.613331 -0.21334,-3.946664 v -4.85333 c 0.37334,0.639999 0.37334,3.679997 0.37334,4.479997 0,1.226666 -0.0533,2.506665 -0.10667,3.733331 h 0.0533 v 0.48 z m 2.4,-4.266664 v 1.066666 l -0.0533,0.05333 h 0.0533 c 0,0.586666 0,1.173332 0.10666,1.759999 -0.0533,0.106666 -0.10666,0.213333 -0.10666,0.373333 0,0.426666 0.10666,0.799999 0.10666,1.226666 0,0.106666 0,0.319999 -0.16,0.319999 0,-0.266666 -0.0533,-0.533333 -0.0533,-0.799999 0,-0.853333 0.26667,-2.079999 -0.0533,-2.933332 v 0.746667 l -0.0533,-0.106667 v -0.32 c -0.26666,-0.426666 -0.26666,-1.173332 -0.26666,-1.653332 0,-0.693333 0.10666,-1.439999 0.10666,-2.133332 l 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0.0533,0.05333 h -0.0533 z"
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id="path926" />
d="m 171.9068,62.533619 c 0,-3.199998 -2.82667,-4.586663 -5.38667,-5.439996 1.65334,-1.653333 2.82667,-3.999998 2.82667,-6.399996 0,-1.226666 0.0533,-2.719999 -0.58667,-3.839998 -0.90666,-1.546666 -2.08,-3.039998 -4.10666,-3.039998 -1.01333,0 -1.86667,0.319999 -2.61333,0.959999 -0.21334,-1.546666 0.10666,-3.039998 -2.08,-3.039998 -1.81333,0 -1.97333,0.906666 -1.97333,2.453332 0,1.813332 0.16,3.679998 0.16,5.546663 0,3.039998 0.16,6.079996 0.16,9.173328 0,1.919999 0.21333,3.839998 0.21333,5.759997 0,0.586666 0.16,1.119999 0.16,1.706665 0,0.16 -0.0533,0.266667 -0.10667,0.426667 -0.53333,0.159999 -0.74666,0.586666 -0.74666,1.119999 0,0.426666 0.16,1.173333 0.69333,1.226666 l 0.16,-0.05333 v 0.266666 c 0,1.013333 -0.37333,2.773332 0.8,3.253331 0.37333,0.16 0.85333,0.426667 1.22666,0.426667 0.8,0 3.2,-0.106667 3.2,-1.279999 -0.32,-0.693333 0,-1.546666 -0.21333,-2.239999 3.84,0 8.21333,-2.773332 8.21333,-6.986663 z m -7.62667,-4.426664 c 2.24,0 5.06667,1.546666 5.06667,4.053331 0,2.826665 -3.52,4.319998 -5.81333,4.639998 -0.10667,-0.8 -0.26667,-1.653333 -0.26667,-2.453332 0,-1.546666 -0.10666,-4.693331 -0.32,-6.186663 0.16,-0.05333 0.32,-0.05333 0.48,-0.05333 z M 164.8668,45.25363 c 1.33333,0 1.97333,1.173332 1.97333,2.453332 0,3.199998 -1.70666,6.559996 -3.94666,8.799994 -0.21333,-0.426666 -0.53333,-6.719996 -0.53333,-7.413329 0,-1.386665 0.37333,-2.133332 1.33333,-3.093331 0.21333,-0.213333 0.85333,-0.746666 1.17333,-0.746666 z m -3.62666,14.506658 c 0,0.586666 0,1.173332 0.10666,1.759999 -0.0533,0.106666 -0.10666,0.213333 -0.10666,0.373333 0,0.426666 0.10666,0.799999 0.10666,1.226666 0,0.106666 0,0.32 -0.16,0.32 0,-0.266667 -0.0533,-0.533333 -0.0533,-0.8 0,-0.959999 0.26667,-1.973332 -0.0533,-2.933332 v 0.746667 l -0.0533,-0.106667 v -0.32 c -0.26666,-0.426666 -0.26666,-1.173332 -0.26666,-1.653332 0,-0.693333 0.10666,-1.439999 0.10666,-2.133332 l -0.10666,-0.213333 v -0.05333 c 0.21333,-0.373333 0.10666,-0.853332 0.21333,-1.279999 0,0.16 0,0.32 0,0.48 l 0.0533,-0.106667 c 0.0533,0.48 0.0533,0.96 0.0533,1.439999 l 0.0533,0.05333 0.0533,-0.213334 c 0.10667,0.533333 0.16,1.013333 0.16,1.546666 -0.0533,0.213333 0.0533,0.693333 0.0533,0.906666 l -0.0533,-0.05333 c 0.0533,0.106667 0.0533,0.373333 0.0533,0.533333 -0.0533,-0.213333 -0.10667,-0.426666 -0.21334,-0.586666 0.10667,-0.32 0.16,-1.599999 -0.0533,-1.813333 0,0.373334 0,0.693333 -0.0533,1.066667 l 0.0533,-0.213334 c 0.0533,0.213334 0.0533,0.426667 0.0533,0.64 l -0.10666,0.106667 0.0533,-0.16 c -0.0533,0.106666 -0.0533,0.266666 -0.0533,0.373333 h 0.0533 v 0.106666 l -0.0533,-0.05333 v 0.16 l 0.0533,-0.05333 c 0,0.106666 0,0.213333 0.0533,0.319999 0,-0.106666 0,-0.213333 0.0533,-0.319999 v 0.853332 l -0.0533,0.05333 z m -0.32,-8.693328 c -0.0533,0.479999 0.0533,0.906666 0.0533,1.386665 l 0.0533,0.106667 v 0.8 l -0.0533,0.05333 v -0.533333 c -0.0533,0.16 -0.0533,0.32 -0.0533,0.48 l -0.0533,0.05333 c 0,-0.373333 -0.0533,-0.906666 0.0533,-1.279999 h -0.0533 c 0,-0.106667 0,-0.266667 0.0533,-0.373333 l -0.0533,-0.05333 c -0.16,0.16 -0.10666,0.586667 -0.10666,0.8 l -0.0533,-0.213333 v 0.426666 h 0.0533 l -0.0533,0.16 v -0.16 c -0.10666,-0.32 -0.16,-1.493332 -0.16,-1.813332 0,-0.48 0.10667,-0.96 0.10667,-1.439999 l 0.0533,0.106666 0.0533,-0.106666 c 0,0.479999 0.16,0.853332 0.16,1.279999 v 0.266666 l -0.0533,0.05333 z m -0.64,20.159988 c 0,-0.32 -0.0533,-0.586667 -0.0533,-0.906667 v -0.479999 l 0.0533,-0.106667 v 0.213333 l 0.0533,-0.106666 v -0.106667 l 0.0533,0.05333 v 0.853333 c 0.0533,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.16 0.0533,-0.213333 0.0533,0.32 0.0533,0.586666 0.0533,0.906666 z m 1.01333,-5.279997 c 0,0.05333 -0.0533,0.426666 -0.0533,0.426666 0,-0.32 -0.16,-0.639999 -0.16,-0.959999 0,-0.16 0,-0.48 0.10666,-0.586667 0.10667,0.373334 0.10667,0.746667 0.10667,1.12 z m -1.28,1.813332 c 0,0.16 0.26667,1.119999 0.32,1.173333 l -0.0533,0.106666 c 0,-0.213333 -0.10667,-0.533333 -0.21334,-0.693333 v -0.266666 0.266666 c -0.0533,-0.106666 -0.10666,-0.266666 -0.21333,-0.319999 l 0.10667,-0.213334 v -0.05333 z m 0.37333,-17.546656 c 0.10667,0.48 0.10667,0.959999 0,1.386666 z m 0.32,-1.386666 v 0.106667 h -0.0533 c 0,-0.05333 -0.0533,-0.106667 -0.0533,-0.16 0,-0.106667 0.10666,-0.16 0.16,-0.16 v 0.213333 z m -0.0533,4.373331 c 0.0533,-0.106667 0,-0.16 0,-0.266667 h 0.0533 v 0.106667 l 0.10667,-0.05333 -0.0533,0.266667 z m 0.69333,6.559996 c 0,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.16 0.0533,-0.213333 0,0.05333 0.0533,0.159999 0.0533,0.213333 v 0.106666 l -0.10667,0.05333 z m 4.58667,-4.426664 c 0.0533,-0.213333 0.21333,-0.373333 0.32,-0.533333 v 0.106666 z m -4.85333,7.146662 c -0.0533,0.213333 -0.0533,0.48 -0.0533,0.746666 -0.0533,-0.266666 -0.0533,-0.533333 0,-0.799999 z m 0.26666,5.546664 0.0533,-0.106667 c 0,-0.05333 0,-0.106667 0.0533,-0.106667 0,0.106667 0,0.213334 -0.0533,0.32 l -0.0533,-0.05333 z m -0.32,-14.399992 c -0.0533,-0.05333 -0.0533,-0.106667 -0.0533,-0.213333 l 0.0533,0.05333 z m 0.26667,13.066659 c 0,0.05333 0,0.05333 -0.0533,0.106667 0,0 -0.0533,-0.05333 -0.0533,-0.106667 0,0 0.0533,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.106667 z m 0.10667,-6.45333 -0.0533,-0.213333 c 0.0533,0.05333 0.0533,0.106667 0.10667,0.16 z M 161.1335,55.28029 c -0.0533,-0.106666 -0.0533,-0.213333 -0.0533,-0.319999 0.0533,0.106666 0.0533,0.213333 0.0533,0.319999 z m -0.48,-5.919996 c 0,-0.106667 0,-0.16 0.0533,-0.266667 0,0.106667 0,0.16 -0.0533,0.266667 z m 0.48,15.359991 0.0533,0.106666 c -0.0533,0 -0.10666,-0.05333 -0.10666,-0.106666 z m -0.64,-11.14666 c 0,-0.05333 0,-0.16 0.0533,-0.213333 0,0.05333 0,0.159999 -0.0533,0.213333 z m 0.53333,7.093329 -0.0533,-0.106667 c 0,-0.05333 0,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.106666 z m -0.0533,-6.45333 v -0.16 l 0.0533,0.05333 z m -0.26667,15.946658 c 0,0.05333 0,0.106666 -0.0533,0.159999 v -0.106666 z m 0.42667,-10.559994 -0.0533,-0.106667 v 0.16 z m -0.85333,8.639995 c 0,0 -0.0533,0 -0.0533,-0.05333 0,0 0.0533,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.05333 z m 0.26666,-20.319988 c -0.0533,-0.106667 -0.0533,-0.16 0,-0.213333 z m 0,0.586666 c 0,-0.05333 -0.0533,-0.16 -0.0533,-0.213333 0.0533,0.05333 0.0533,0.16 0.0533,0.213333 z m 0.16,22.026654 -0.0533,-0.106667 c 0,0 0.0533,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.05333 z m 0,-21.439988 v -0.106666 l 0.0533,0.16 z m 0.53334,17.866656 0.0533,0.05333 c 0,0.05333 -0.0533,0.106666 -0.0533,0.106666 z m -0.64,-15.946657 0.0533,-0.106666 c 0,0 -0.0533,-0.05333 -0.0533,-0.05333 z m -0.26667,18.07999 c 0.0533,0 0.0533,0.05333 0.0533,0.106666 -0.0533,0 -0.0533,-0.05333 -0.0533,-0.106666 z m 0,0.373333 h -0.0533 v -0.106667 z m 0.53333,-13.333326 c 0.0533,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.05333 0.0533,-0.106666 v 0.05333 z m 0.21334,5.013331 h -0.0533 v -0.05333 z m 0.32,-1.813333 0.0533,0.05333 h -0.0533 z m -1.06667,9.439995 h -0.0533 v -0.05333 z m 0.74667,-7.733329 h -0.0533 l 0.0533,-0.05333 z m -0.10667,10.186661 c -0.0533,-0.05333 -0.0533,-0.05333 -0.0533,-0.106667 z"
style="font-size:53.3333px;font-family:'Wildemount Rough';-inkscape-font-specification:'Wildemount Rough, Normal'"
id="path928" />
d="m 32.766354,166.81331 q 2.856,0 4.248,1.488 1.2,1.272 1.2,3.48 v 6.888 h -1.824 v -7.152 q 0,-1.536 -1.008,-2.376 -0.984,-0.864 -2.616,-0.864 h -4.776 q -1.632,0 -2.664,0.888 -1.008,0.888 -1.008,2.352 v 7.152 h -1.8 v -11.856 h 1.8 v 1.92 q 0.456,-0.96 1.32,-1.44 0.888,-0.48 2.352,-0.48 z"
style="font-size:24px;font-family:Federation;-inkscape-font-specification:'Federation, Normal'"
id="path5924" />
d="m 46.123104,178.66931 q -5.328,0 -5.328,-4.44 v -2.832 q 0,-1.92 1.344,-3.216 1.464,-1.416 3.936,-1.416 h 5.232 q 2.568,0 4.008,1.248 1.344,1.152 1.344,2.928 v 1.728 h -14.04 v 1.344 q 0,1.704 0.984,2.496 0.864,0.696 2.472,0.696 h 5.928 q 1.416,0 2.112,-0.576 0.72,-0.6 0.72,-1.512 v -0.24 h 1.824 v 0.24 q 0,1.368 -0.912,2.328 -1.176,1.224 -3.528,1.224 z m 5.376,-10.416 h -5.712 q -1.392,0 -2.28,0.816 -0.888,0.816 -0.888,2.136 h 12.24 q 0,-1.296 -0.912,-2.112 -0.888,-0.84 -2.448,-0.84 z"
style="font-size:24px;font-family:Federation;-inkscape-font-specification:'Federation, Normal'"
id="path5926" />
d="m 64.309479,166.76531 h 5.016 q 2.88,0 4.248,1.416 1.176,1.2 1.176,3.264 v 2.592 q 0,2.064 -1.2,3.264 -1.392,1.392 -4.224,1.392 h -5.016 q -5.448,0 -5.448,-4.656 v -2.592 q 0,-2.16 1.248,-3.36 1.368,-1.32 4.2,-1.32 z m -3.6,7.272 q 0,3.192 3.768,3.192 h 4.68 q 1.8,0 2.736,-0.72 1.032,-0.792 1.032,-2.472 v -2.616 q 0,-1.536 -0.984,-2.352 -0.96,-0.816 -2.784,-0.816 h -4.68 q -1.92,0 -2.856,0.744 -0.912,0.744 -0.912,2.448 z"
style="font-size:24px;font-family:Federation;-inkscape-font-specification:'Federation, Normal'"
id="path5928" />
d="m 76.910604,174.03731 v -2.592 q 0,-2.136 1.272,-3.36 1.392,-1.32 4.032,-1.32 h 4.896 q 1.776,0 2.616,0.408 0.504,0.24 0.984,0.936 v -6.096 h 1.824 v 16.656 h -1.824 v -1.152 q -0.48,0.6 -1.08,0.84 -0.816,0.336 -2.52,0.336 h -4.896 q -5.304,0 -5.304,-4.656 z m 9.96,-5.784 h -4.032 q -2.136,0 -3.12,0.816 -0.984,0.792 -0.984,2.376 v 2.592 q 0,3.192 4.104,3.192 h 4.032 q 1.92,0 2.904,-0.888 1.008,-0.888 1.008,-2.304 v -2.592 q 0,-1.44 -0.936,-2.28 -1.032,-0.912 -2.976,-0.912 z"
style="font-size:24px;font-family:Federation;-inkscape-font-specification:'Federation, Normal'"
id="path5930" />
d="m 96.877479,177.37331 v 1.296 h -1.8 v -16.656 h 1.8 v 6.096 q 0.432,-0.624 1.152,-0.936 0.936,-0.408 2.472001,-0.408 h 4.896 q 2.592,0 3.936,1.248 1.368,1.248 1.368,3.432 v 2.592 q 0,2.256 -1.296,3.456 -1.296,1.2 -4.008,1.2 h -4.896 q -1.464001,0 -2.328001,-0.384 -0.576,-0.264 -1.296,-0.936 z m 3.864001,-0.144 h 4.032 q 2.16,0 3.12,-0.744 0.984,-0.768 0.984,-2.448 v -2.592 q 0,-1.56 -1.008,-2.376 -1.008,-0.816 -3.096,-0.816 h -4.032 q -1.920001,0 -2.928001,0.888 -0.984,0.864 -0.984,2.304 v 2.592 q 0,1.44 0.96,2.328 0.984,0.864 2.952001,0.864 z"
style="font-size:24px;font-family:Federation;-inkscape-font-specification:'Federation, Normal'"
id="path5932" />
d="m 113.31635,176.79731 h 1.968 v 1.872 h -1.968 z"
style="font-size:24px;font-family:Federation;-inkscape-font-specification:'Federation, Normal'"
id="path5934" />
d="m 117.6221,175.74131 v -0.84 h 1.824 v 0.624 q 0,0.864 0.552,1.296 0.552,0.408 2.04,0.408 h 6.792 q 2.712,0 2.712,-1.632 v -0.504 q 0,-0.768 -0.648,-1.224 -0.624,-0.456 -1.728,-0.456 l -7.224,-0.144 q -2.136,0 -3.144,-0.624 -1.152,-0.72 -1.152,-2.304 v -0.552 q 0,-1.368 1.08,-2.184 1.104,-0.84 3.264,-0.84 h 6.648 q 2.664,0 3.864,0.984 0.912,0.744 0.912,1.968 v 0.816 h -1.824 v -0.6 q 0,-0.792 -0.432,-1.152 -0.624,-0.528 -2.256,-0.528 h -7.08 q -2.376,0 -2.376,1.584 v 0.504 q 0,0.768 0.6,1.128 0.6,0.336 1.776,0.336 l 7.248,0.144 q 2.088,0 3.168,0.768 1.104,0.768 1.104,2.376 v 0.672 q 0,1.344 -1.104,2.136 -1.104,0.768 -3.36,0.768 h -7.08 q -2.328,0 -3.336,-0.888 -0.84,-0.744 -0.84,-2.04 z"
style="font-size:24px;font-family:Federation;-inkscape-font-specification:'Federation, Normal'"
id="path5936" />
d="m 141.09073,166.76531 h 5.016 q 2.88,0 4.248,1.416 1.176,1.2 1.176,3.264 v 2.592 q 0,2.064 -1.2,3.264 -1.392,1.392 -4.224,1.392 h -5.016 q -5.448,0 -5.448,-4.656 v -2.592 q 0,-2.16 1.248,-3.36 1.368,-1.32 4.2,-1.32 z m -3.6,7.272 q 0,3.192 3.768,3.192 h 4.68 q 1.8,0 2.736,-0.72 1.032,-0.792 1.032,-2.472 v -2.616 q 0,-1.536 -0.984,-2.352 -0.96,-0.816 -2.784,-0.816 h -4.68 q -1.92,0 -2.856,0.744 -0.912,0.744 -0.912,2.448 z"
style="font-size:24px;font-family:Federation;-inkscape-font-specification:'Federation, Normal'"
id="path5938" />
d="m 167.63585,174.46931 h 1.824 q 0,1.872 -1.08,2.928 -1.32,1.272 -4.2,1.272 h -5.592 q -2.52,0 -3.768,-1.152 -1.248,-1.152 -1.248,-3.24 v -2.952 q 0,-2.04 1.248,-3.24 1.368,-1.32 3.912,-1.32 h 5.448 q 2.592,0 3.936,1.104 1.344,1.08 1.344,3.096 h -1.824 q 0,-1.296 -0.768,-1.968 -0.84,-0.744 -2.688,-0.744 h -5.448 q -1.608,0 -2.472,0.768 -0.864,0.744 -0.864,2.304 v 2.952 q 0,1.368 0.96,2.184 0.888,0.744 2.232,0.744 h 5.592 q 3.456,0 3.456,-2.736 z"
style="font-size:24px;font-family:Federation;-inkscape-font-specification:'Federation, Normal'"
id="path5940" />
d="m 174.07235,166.81331 v 11.856 h -1.8 v -11.856 z m 0,-4.8 v 1.728 h -1.8 v -1.728 z"
style="font-size:24px;font-family:Federation;-inkscape-font-specification:'Federation, Normal'"
id="path5942" />
d="m 180.75448,171.42131 h 7.752 q 0.984,0 1.56,0.288 0.6,0.264 0.744,0.696 v -1.68 q 0,-1.104 -0.696,-1.728 -0.792,-0.72 -2.376,-0.72 h -5.28 q -1.536,0 -2.328,0.456 -0.768,0.456 -0.768,1.224 v 0.288 h -1.872 v -0.288 q 0,-1.464 1.176,-2.304 1.176,-0.84 3.312,-0.84 h 5.952 q 2.448,0 3.624,1.128 1.08,1.032 1.08,3.048 v 7.68 h -1.8 v -0.936 q -0.384,0.432 -0.912,0.696 -0.528,0.24 -1.344,0.24 h -7.92 q -3.816,0 -3.816,-3.024 v -1.44 q 0,-1.272 0.912,-1.992 1.008,-0.792 3,-0.792 z m 7.272,1.464 h -6.648 q -1.608,0 -2.184,0.408 -0.552,0.408 -0.552,1.32 v 0.864 q 0,0.84 0.6,1.296 0.624,0.432 2.136,0.432 h 6.648 q 1.464,0 2.088,-0.504 0.648,-0.504 0.648,-1.656 0,-2.16 -2.736,-2.16 z"
style="font-size:24px;font-family:Federation;-inkscape-font-specification:'Federation, Normal'"
id="path5944" />
d="m 198.05623,162.01331 v 16.656 h -1.824 v -16.656 z"
style="font-size:24px;font-family:Federation;-inkscape-font-specification:'Federation, Normal'"
id="path5946" />