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Settings you may want to change
most settings resides in settings.py
, a few notable ones:
must use your own, back it up well somewhereSITE_INFO
change by you needMASTODON_ALLOW_ANY_SITE
set toTrue
so that user can login via any Mastodon API compatible sites (e.g. Mastodon/Pleroma)MASTODON_CLIENT_SCOPE
change it later may invalidate app token granted previouslyADMIN_URL
admin page url, keep it privateSEARCH_BACKEND
should beeitherTYPESENSE
orso that search and index can function.MEILISEARCH
will use default database search, which is for development only and may gets deprecated soon.MEILISEARCH
support is removed due to lack of usage, feel free to PR if you want to
Settings for Scrapers
Other maintenance tasks
Add alias to your shell for easier access
alias neodb-manage='docker-compose --profile production run shell neodb-manage'
Enable Developer Console
neodb-manage createapplication --client-id NEODB_DEVELOPER_CONSOLE --skip-authorization --name 'NeoDB Developer Console' --redirect-uris 'https://example.org/lol' confidential authorization-code