100 lines
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100 lines
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Data Modal
User .. Piece
class Piece {
+User owner
+int visibility
User .. Activity
class Activity {
+User owner
+int visibility
+Piece action_object
Activity .. Piece
Activity .. Item
class Item {
+str title
+str brief
-enum type
Activity data may be used for:
1. time line view of user and her friends
2. chronological view of user's action about an item
3. ActivityStreams `OrderedCollection` for ActivityPub
However, 2 is currently implemented separately via `ShelfLogManager` in `journal` app, because users may want to change these records manually.
Local Timeline
| Local Timeline Activities | action object class |
| ------------------------- | ------------------- |
| Add an Item to Shelf | ShelfMember |
| Create a Collection | Collection |
| Like a Collection | Like |
| Create a Review | Review |
Activity Streams
These are list of activities should be either shown in the site or delivered as ActivityStreams or both:
- `Add` / `Remove` an *Item* to / from a *List*:
+ add / remove *Item* to / from a user *Collection*
+ mark *Item* as wishlist / progress / complete, which are essentially add to / remove from user's predefined *Collection*
- `Create` / `Update` / `Delete` a user *Collection*
- `Create` / `Update` / `Delete` a *Content* with an `Object Link` to *Item*
+ `Create` / `Update` / `Delete` a *Comment* or *Review*
+ `Create` / `Update` / `Delete` a *Quote* or *Note*
- `Create` / `Update` / `Delete` a *Reply* to another *Content*
- `Announce` / `Like` a *Content* / *Collection*, or `Undo` that
- Social Graph interaction
+ `Follow`/`Unfo` `Follow`
+ `Accept`/`Reject`
+ `Block`/`Undo` `Block`
Supporting these activities above will be essential to a reasonable ActivityPub server implementation.
There are additional activities not made into ActivityPub MVP but technically possible to support in future:
- `Create` / `Update` / `Delete` a *Content* in different flavors, without link to *Item*
* `Note` or `Article` without link to *Item*
* DM (`Note`)
* `Question`
* `Article`
* `Page`
* `Image`
* `Audio`
* `Video`
* `Event`
- `Add` `Content` to / `Remove` `Content` from a user *Collection*
* *Pin* / *Unpin*
- `Move`/`Delete` account
- https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/
- https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/
- https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/
- https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld/
- https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/feps/fep-e232.md
- https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/guide-for-new-activitypub-implementers/479
- https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/activitypub/
- https://docs.joinbookwyrm.com/activitypub.html
- https://github.com/Podcastindex-org/podcast-namespace/blob/main/proposal-docs/social/social.md#socialinteract-element
- https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/-/tree/develop/docs/developer_documentation/federation
- https://github.com/inventaire/inventaire/issues/187
- https://github.com/inventaire/inventaire/issues/533